Lot 2R-1&2R-2X BA Replat filed w/County :r: l__ C:C) cc ---1 .: -' -7 ~_ <-r_ ,~ ~L 'T ~ :(:, , ' c=r::-= I LL c-"" L. PROJ LeI , 'j I.OCArION!1 ~/" I ,., ~ c: ..-.. :rl~,CY _H~L C. ~ ~ -- -- 1>-'<: -; <I~ 4'- :s LL - ,~;:: ~ LOT' ~R Ict~ cr ;--1;::< 0>- i jls:! f 1~2 _~___cr::,,~ u..~ C> , u.. c :,C '00 r--- -. s '>~ 0.""'" ~r....::'" ,,"'- ./ o;~ ,; ':'::- ". ",+ "- ~C;RiHFr,:~r r ....~~.--=-- -.=--",,-" . -.... ( N ~ - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 66.~() K.O.N S'ED;C~A T,Ci.~ SANDY LAKE ROAD SOO.15'341W (/OL~2002027,-PG:Goo71~-------- ---------___ 10.00 , --------------------------- ----- ' r- VARIABLE NDff-< ::UBLIC-::;,.0~i1.~------------------------------- -----------------Q Ih'S.I.P. ;- 56.~0 P.0.8 =Ecc:'Tcrj_, S89-44'26IE\ NICAP -'- I/OL. 2002027, PC. C0071 S89-44'261E JI 1145.07' N (;~~ 265 56' 1 I ~ -- -----------------____ ________________1________ .;r-----f- I z' S.I.P. o 20' x 20' PUBLIC UT LIT T Es'r. , I -------- __--1.________ --r I '" ::AP (C.C. 20C600091369 1 / \ , ./ //2' F.i.R. I /' ~ - - - --- ---""'---2-4- ~ RELAr~E--c~c.-2-:JC50CC9185g---I- --- - - - -- - --- --- ---- --- - - ------- - - --- - - ------tI/ r.';p------ - - - ---- - ----" , ;/ //------------------------------------~t----------------------------------------------------------_______________ " I I II 20 Ij T L T ( U 5 E ,; Gn I ' ~ 1 ; , ~I '""1',"'-",'-"--7 rr.. -"",('''71 I \ ,~_. i'V')LUi'" ru. '~j,~, I I '\ I , ~: ._ T. P.~, _' ::4(::=:',1::!~T '~~ S~^C::,::2~:8.c:r" J' liT L.C. L.Juo.~),.Ju313G9) E 'S ^.~ T . POINT OF BEGINNING I 60' I' ~-to : ~~ I -~ , 01 ~ . I"- o ~ 10' UT LIT y U5E';Ern C.C. 20C600091869 T U ELEC TplC CELl'! ER' CC'..1P M~Y E:'SWE~H C.C.2CC600:;91869) T/U ELECTRIC CE,-- ;EPT CC',1PMj ( EA SE';E'n r-10 T Ij ELEC TRIC DELI; ER T I CCVPAN( E:'SE~E'~T , IC.C. 20C6CC091869' I (CIC. 2CC5CC031869 ..-- FIRE LA~jE (C.C.2CC6C0091869) , 1<~ 22,,) 32,,'J - SC ~~l...E I~'~ ;:EET l , -------------------------------------- 1 - - - - r- r .. . . / - - - - f - - - - - - - - - - - - - -~';'."""~:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - / / " . ---f----~------------------------------------------------------------~--~ / / o LOT 14, BLOCK 4 L.f,1BER~OlijT BUSliE:SS P4RK .6 - COPPEL_ EA.S[,;E~H ~ , 10 UTL T, c.c. 2:2C6CC'C91 .369) r--- , l :2: 1 0 Ij T LI T T EA5 E ',~ ErH (C.C. 2C06C009'869) I...,.,r; Ti U ELECTRIC CELI",ERY CC'PA,'jf DSE',1Ern C .C. 20C6CC091869) 0 I ~ 10 , ',9 .,..., I w. I I~ ( , I l"- I I"- I~ . l::r ~ 01 I r"l "'f' 1;- ..-- I~ -I j- , , I - t- 20 HIKE &. BIKE T~.4 L &. UTILlT' EA5E~,'E~,T iC.C. 2006C.o091869 -L -' (, CL. 2C~03(J77, pc. OC<JI3C<1 >- I- ~ r---~ J CTl -Ii) Sd';::: ~CJl CDO ::JO 0..-0 , (~ 00 iYJO C'J X . ,U or-.3 0J ~_ M/BER ~OiiH Be.! Sli.ES SPA R K 4 T COPPELL (C,CO 200600091859) , w > - 0:: o - :L o --' 2R-l, BLOCK A 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 35 P.C.N DEDIC:' TIO~, I ('/CL. 2002 J2 7, PC. C 0071): Lo--r I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I~ I ':T' 1.0 I~ T' 294259861 SOa FT a OR 55a69 ACRES (I 2 ny, \~ c::::;,',.;r \:::/ @ :r~ r--- -' ~~ L.. . -0 3:. c:.:::: w crS~ ~aS cr:::J I <( Co- lOUT L1TY uSE',.1drn2: - - (Vo~. 2002027, PC.I 00071) I I~ 1'-;:; . '.... 18 r; 1 0\ \1/ 7 "S' (.; f\MBERPOINT BUSINESS PARK A'I~ COPPELL LO~ 2R, BLOCK A ""'.'~. ,.. 'n 0,8,J G!\~ o r1 t? iNJ 01,1., c::'\ iI ~'~ c1 \f ~,\.:/ U I, cY ,3'~" (;:I ivlAP f- Z - o CL I f- et: o Z ILL I ~_ 10J LOCATION 1.) Be s 1 s of Be 0 r1 n g s 1 s the F 1 n 0 I Plot of Am b e r pol n t Bus 1 n e s s Pork 0 t Coppeli os rGcorded !n Volume 2002027, Poge 00071 of the Deed ReCOrds of Dallos County, Texo.s m.R.D.C.T'). 2,) This proper ty Is sub jec t to OrdInance No. 71-100, A lrport Zonlng Orrjlncnce of the Dci!as-FortNorth Reg10nal Alrport, reCOrded ln Vo ume 82173, Page 178,D.R.D.C.T. /: --2C I~ TI_ TY EA5Ef,E'n ,- < J UT LIT EASEf;E~,T riP - , 'i 0 L. 2 0 0 2 0 27, P G. COO 7 1 ) I .., . (\/;"\'L --,r..n~('~7 P~ ~C071' I'i C.LP , " . r( ""J . "-'J~LjL" 'u"J , , ) \.C._I.). ~~-J------------------------------- ___ .___ ~-~ / ....",. N 8 9 - 44' 0 6 I W - - --- - -- - -- - --- - -- - --- -- - - - -- -- - - - -.- --- -- - - - - --- - - - - -- - --- - -- ---- NOTES: LC)T ie, ~::~CCK ~. Ld.!BERRC ~n BUS r.C:SS PARK "/C'L. 2:803156,. :::G. :J206 ~= 12-02'051 R= 322.76' T= 34.02' L= 67.79' C.B.=N63.10'07IE C.L_=6 7.67' I ~= 08- 46'03. R= 447.80' T= 34.33' L= 68_52' CB=N61-32'06IE CL=68_46' ------ I r------ ~ : , i=" I P \/2 ... \ " ~ . " -- ',-'." '~Ci Te, SC~l_E !0 i(~ I I I _____________ I - -----~ I I ] 1-- I ILL IZ 1<1: 1"-: I-L ,0:: (' ~:I\ ~ (;)\ \.JJ'~ <.::;0' ~@~ o LOT lBR, BLOCr< A M/BERPOliH BLSiiJESS P 4RK ( OL. 20C3156, PC. 00206) i I I I I I 24' FIRELA\E .: --I e.C.20C60C091869) I !=O CR:'lii:.CE A~jlJ IJT LIP EASE~,AE'H I I , r. ~ (' "~I") 7 F' r ,~(' 071 . I I J . \ \_, 1_. L -/ :....,) L ..J L '. 'V. '...; \~ I ) I .- \ I . I f= = = = = = == / . - .. - ~ /-----------.--------- ..= .---=--------.-.------ L_-_-=.-_ =: == ~.-.----.-----------------------==----------/--------------_-_-_-_~-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-=_-_-_-_t- --==---- --- =--.--- = -----= : ~ / / , , ~I 1"-1 ~I 81 - I 01 ~J . IY I . 112, F.I.P. EEAPS T" ~W7'2o'31 E 0.14 , , I I I / I I / I I / I I I I :>- 1<( 13: I~ -; 10::: ~o 1<( .<( 0:::0 I cr: 10... u I -.Jw Q)r--- :J<( f-D- I I~ I~ I- u.. 0 >- O~~ cr: o...ww -.J:2: W Q)er:: ~O W 0::: LL <(~ 0::2: LL , 30' >< 20 PI~BLlC UT,LlT I (C.C.200600091369) 112' S.I.R~ ri63'33'15'E ~ N CAP \ 31.54 . ~------~39.4~c:.8.:L-~71.;3~-------_i 1~~/'<;,p '1 : /~ ['A'P' I ~WO'13'41'N --; I : 357.99" \~ . ! I DPA. r~ME I I I EA5U,E'n 3 I (CETEinor~) W I (VO'-.. 2002021, ~I · I ..-- ' 1 PC. 000(1) ,I q- ;. 1 l' I I I~I 1 LOT 2R-2X, BLOCK A 110 : I 01 ~ IV) ~;OL~T2~1~;oi~,S~~.E~j601~~ 1 "I ~ : ! tl, 1/.. 'FIR.,..., \/ II ,2"~ ~ : \~'/n~'~' 374.804 SO. FT. HAP II :\ i~C30;~~8\5"E -\\ Ii 8. 6 0 4 O~ C RES ! I ~ " B r'r- C I I u; ~ LL! riU L1ik I ,''l 1 I ( II 0 L. 2002027. I [I 30 SM,ITART ! PACE 00071 5ENER D5D!E~n CL.15142, PG. 1352 SOO-31'151W 378.85' Es~r. i I ~= 20.49'271 R= 420.00' T= 77.18' L= 152.65' C.B.=N79-35'53IE C.L.=151.81' ~= 89-57'001 R= 480.00' T= 479.58' L= 753.56' C.B.=N45.02'07IE C.L.=678.53' ./ / / / I I / / / / " " /. / " / " F.I.R. ,/ S89.59'231E 315.43' ! N/CAP _,.....-" ---t.-.---------------Jr------ ",-- 1,//21 F,I.P'. / / I '~ / I. THE ~ ------ " "- ZOIJE "" (U~JSH4DEo) 10 10 - - -~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- '/2' S.I.P. N CAP II I^, F Iii --.. j--'.,- \ 500.00' ~ AMBERPOINT BUSINESS PARK AT COPPEll lOT 2R-1 AND LOT 2R-2X, BLOCK A, REPLA T AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF COPPElL I/Z' F.I.P. N/6FITTAI~~ .:.. CPAI'IFCFD CAP \ \ \ \- ZC'I\~E tJ89'44 C6'N LEGEND: 1/2, F .I.R. W ICAP FLOOCPLA r4 LMT L rES Y (APRRO )..1:' TE LOCA T!CN- :.S SC:'LED FRO~ FEMA ~ CC~ Ir~S....PM;CE MAP ri fy~8EP 4811300135 J o TEe: M":C. 23, 2001) 2,479.88' \ \ \ \ , I , JESSE MOORE SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 968 DALI_AS COUNTY ,TEXAS II '" ICAP . I I. :C.M.I II \ ,'~89'44'05"N 15.00' ~ r '/z' F.!.P. ~: N/6PITTAI~j :.. 1 CRAI'IFCFD CAP lev.) - 30 FT. :'CCESS E:' 5EVErn ~. 2C02027, FG. C,::,C71 > I Y2' FOUND iRON RODNITH PLASTiC CAP ST AMPED 'HALFF ASSOC. INC: 1/2' SET IRON ROD WITH PLASTIC CAP ST AMPED 'HALFF ASSOC. INC: COUNTY CLERK'S DOCUMENT NUMBER FOUND IRON ROD CONTROL MONUMENT Ci\I3()I~ I I -,- ~rXli,OL I~. P. i I i CI-rr CF CCPPELL OL. 96164, PC. 207 1/2, S.I.R. 'N ICAP c/o Ccbor Dropeit!OS Ore Beacon St, 1 H r. Fir.. Boster" ~~!\, 021 Ci3 SOO'31 15"N 22.58 I iJ 8 9 ' 2 8 4 5 "'N I 20.00'-----.1 C.C. F.I.R. (C,M') r':. \ I CT HALFF ASSOCiATES, Ir;c. ENGlr~EERS & SLJf~VETORS 8616 NORTHWEST PLAZA DRIVE - DALLAS TEXAS 75225 SCALE 1'=100' (214)346-6200 AVO 24588 JM;UARY 2007 REF. AVO: 23022. 22540, 19944. ~ ~WTE: S OENALKS 81LL BE CC~~STRIJCTED BY RRCFERTY M-iDj DEEl,~ ED riECESSA R Y BY THE CIT Y ErjGlr,E'.::R. C"\"I''1E~ :\ 2400Cs" 24583'.:: ADD re:;:G+ S88crp.:;' .C:1'1 ONNER'S CERTIFiCATE ST ATE OF TEXAS ) COU~ny OF DALLAS NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: mmlsslon '2.1 <,. 01 Dote of Approval BEGII\~~ ~~G 0 t CJ 1/2-1nch Iron rod '.'II HI ye low pios tic cop stomped 'HALFF ASSOC. INC.' (hereafter referred to as ''.'11th cop') se t fOr the In tersect-Ion of the east Ilr.e of NOrthpolnt Drive (vm-Iable.yi dth rl(]ht-of -'way, 60 feet wide at this poInt) wIth the south right-of-way line of Sandy Loke Rood (variable wIdth right-of-way) os dedicated by sold plot of Amberpolnt Busfness Park; THENCE South 89 degrees 44 minu tes 26 seconds East, along ,sold south right-of-way line, 0 distance of 1145.07 feet to 0 1/2-inch Iron rod with cop found fOr cOrner; THENCE South 00 degrees 15 mInutes 34 seconds West, continuing along sold south right-of-way line, o distance of 10.00 feet to 1/2-lnch Iron rod wIth cop found fOr cOrner; That CABOT 11- TX1L01, L.P., 0 De:aware limited partnership, acting herein by and through Its duly authOrIzed officerS of Its managIng member, Cabot industrial Value Fund II OperatIng Partnership, L.P., 0 Delaware limited par-tnershlp, does hereby adopt this replot desfgnatlng the herein above descr-Ibed pr-oper-ty os AITberPolnt Business Park at Coppell, on addItion to the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, and dces hereby dedicate, In fe(3 simple to the public use fOrever, the streets and alleys shown thereon. The streets and aileys ar-e dedicated fOr street pUrposes. The easements end public use areas, os shown, ore dedicated fOr the public use fOrever fOr the pUrposes Indicated on this replot. No bulidlrlgs, fences, trees, shr-ubs Or other Improvements Or growths sholl be constructed Or piaced upon, over Or ccr-oss the ease~ents as shown, except pavement, parking lots, and that landscape Improvements may be placed In landscape easements, or- as specified by planned development, If appr-oved by trle City of Coppe'l. in addition, utilIty easements may also be used for- the mutual use and accorr,modatlon of a!1 public utIlIties desiring to use Or using the same unless the easement limits H,e use to par-tlcu:ar utIlitIes, sold use by pU[lllc utilities being subOrdInate to the publIc's and City of CoppeWs use thereof. The City of Coppell and public utility entitles shall have the right to rerr:ove and keep r-emoved 011 Or par-ts of any buildings, fences, tr-ees, shrubs Or other Impr-over~ents or- growths, which may In any way endanger or- lnter-fere wIth the constr-uctlon, maIntenance, Or efficiency of their r-espective systems In sold easements. The City of Coppe I and pL..Cllc utility entitIes sholl at all tImes have the full rIght of Ingress and egr-ess to Or from theIr respectIve easerr,ents fOr the pur-pose of constr-uctlng, reconstr-uctlng, Inspecting, patro Ilr,g, maintaining, reading meters, and adding to Or removing 011 Or parts ofnelr r-espectlve systems w~thout the necessity at any time of pr-ocurlng per-mission from anyone. MaYOr City of Coppell, Texas ---~ \ ~\ Q~----- --- Dater of \\ppr-o'/al WHEREAS CABOT 11- TX1L01, L.P. Is the owner of 0 tract of land situated In the Jesse Moor-e SUrvey, AbstrCJct ~~o. 968, In the Cfty of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, safd tract befng deSCrIbed in deed to S(Jk1 CABOT 11- TX1L01, L.P. as reCOrded In Volume 2005185, Page 4371, Deed ReCOrds of Dallas County, Texas (O.R.D.C.T.) (Oallas COLnty Cler-k's Instr-ument No. 200503515024), sold tract also being a part of Lot 2 of Block A of Amber-point BusIness Par-k 0 t Coppell, an addItion to the Cfty of Coppell as recoi(jed In Vo:ume 2002027, Page 00071, D.R.D.C.T.. said tracr beIng mOre partlcular-Iy deSCrIbed by metes and bounds cs fo'lows: THENCE South 89 de(Jrees 44 minutes 26 seconds East, contlnulr,g along sold south rIght-of-way line, o distance of 265.56 feet to a 1/2-lnch Iron r-od with cop set for- the Intersection of sold south r-lght-of-way lIne wIth trle west right-of-way line of FreepOrt Par-kway (varIable width r-Ight-of-way, fonr.er-Iy known as State Road) as dedicated by said plat of Amber-poInt BusIness Par-k; THENCE SOUHl 00 degrees 13 mInutes 41 seconds East, depar-tl~g .sald south right-of-way line and along sold west r-Ic;ht-of-way Ilr,e, a dIstance of 1493.77 feet to a 1/2-lnch Iron rod with cap found fOr COrner: The undersIgned, the CIty Secretory 0 f Hie CIty 0 f Coppell, T ex os, her-oby (;8:- t lfies H'(J-- the fOregoIng replot of the Amber-PoInt Business Par-k at Coppellan Cil-f<. Addltloil'/ 0 the CIty of Coppell was submItted to the CIty Council on tr-,e_L_<:,doy of ~ ("'"<-'~ ~~~, 2007, and the Council, by for-mal action, then Gnd there accepte. the dedlc'?Jlon of streets, alleys, par-ks, easement,s, public piaces, and water (In(j sewer lines, os shown and set for-th In and upon sold plot, ar,d said Council fUrther authOrized the MaYOr to note the acceptance ther-eof sIgnIng hIs name as her-elnabove subSCribed. THENCE South 00 degr-ees 31 mlr,utes 15 seconds Nest, continuIng along sold west r-lght-of-way line, o dIstance of 378.85 feet to 0 1/2-lnch Iron r-od with cop found fOr the Intersection of said west r-Ight-of-way li~e wltrl the nOrth line of that tr-act of :and deSCribed In SpecIal Nar-ranty Deed to Hie City of Coppell as reCOrded In Volume 96164, Page 207,D.R.D.C.T.; THENCE Nor-th 89 degrees 44 minutes 06 seconds Nest, departing sold west right-of-way line and olong said nor-th line, 0 dIstance of 2479.88 feet to a 1/2-lnch Iron rod with cop found fOr the [ntersectlon of sold nOrth lIne with the southeaster-Iy lIne of sold Nor-thpolnt Drive, sold point being on (J clrculer cUrve to the left having a radIus of 447.80 feet, whose chOrd bearS NOrth 61 degrees 32 minutes 06 seconds East 0 distcnce of 68.46 feet; That the uncer-slgned do rereby covenant and agr-ee that tr.ey sholl construct upon the fire lane easements, as cedlcated and shown her-eon, a herd sur-face and that they shall maintaIn the some In a state of good repaIr at all times and keep the same fr-ee and clear of any str-uctures, fences, trees, shrubs, Or otr,er Improvements Or obstructIon IncludIng, but not limited to, the par-king of motor vehlc:es, trailerS, boats Or other Impediments to tr,e access of fIre apparatus. The ~alntenance of paving on the flr-e lane easements Is the responsIbilIty of the owner-, and the owner sholl post and mafntaln appropr-late sIgns In conspicuous places along such fire lar,es statIng 'Flr-e Lane, No Parking'. The pOlice Or hIs duly author-Ized r-epr-esentatlve Is her-eby author-Ized to couse such flr-e lanes and utIlIty easements to be maintaIned free and urobstr-ucted at all times for- flr-e department and emergency use. WITNESS MY HAND, this t~e Z,'llfv day of I)] CU1- ~jc_-</ \.~ . /i ~'/:rJJ1..?-:f u ~./~f.L.- City Secretar-y J ,2007. FLOODPLAIN NOTE: THE~KE Nor-theasterly, depar-tlng sold nor-th line and along sold southeasterly right-of-way lIne and sold CLrve to the :eft, tr,rough 0 central cr,gle of 08 degrees 46 minutes 03 seconds fOr an arc dIstance of 68.52 feet to on 'X' cut In concrete found fOr the point of reverse cur-vaTlxe of a circular cUrve to trle r-ight having 0 radIus of 322.76 feet, whose chor-d bearS Nor-th 63 degrees 10 mInutes 07 seconds East 0 dIstance of 67.67 feet; The ur,der-slgned do covenGnt and agree that publIc access easements may be utilIzed by any person Or the c;enercl publIc for- Ingress and egr-ess to other real proper-ty, and fOr the pLr-pose of gener-el publIc vehicular- and pedestr-lan use and access, and fOr fire department ond emergency use In, alor,g, upon and aCross sold premises wIth the right and prIvilege at a!1 tfmes of the CIty of Coppe I, Its (Jgents, employees, WOrkmen and representatIves having Ingress, egress and r-egress In, along, upon and aCross sold premises. 1. By graphIcal plotllng subject tract lIes withIn Zone 'X'(unshaded), Zone 'X' (shaded) and Zor,e 'AE'. Zone 'X' (unsr,aded) Is defIned os 'Areas deter-mIned to be outsfde the 500-year- floodplaIn. Zone 'X' (shaded) Is defined as 'Areas of 500-year flood; areas of 100-year flood wIth aver-age dep ths of less than 1-foot Or with draInage areas less than 1 square mIle: and ar-eas protected by levees from 100-year floOd'. Zone 'AE' Is defined os 'Bose flood elevations determined'. THENCE Nor-theaster-Iy, continuing a:ong sold sou th right-of-way lIne and along sold cUrve to the r-ight, thrOl...;gh 0 centralanc;le of 12 (jegrees 02 minutes 05 seconds fOr on arc dIstance of 67.79 feet to 0 1/2-inch Iron r-od found fOr the point of compound cUrvoture of a cIrcular cur-ve to the r-Ight having a radius of 420.00 fee t ,Nhose cnord bearS Nor-th 79 degrees 35 mInutes 53 seconds East 0 dlsiance of 151.81 feet; THENCE NOrtheaster-ly, continuIng along sold south r-Ight-of-way line and along sold cUrve to the r r g h t, Hir- 0 ugh 0 central angle 0 f 2 0 degrees 4 9 minutes 27 s e con d s fOr an arc dIstance of 1 52.65 feet to a 1/2-lnch Iron rod found fOr the point of tangency; THENCE South 8'j degrees 59 mInutes 23 seconds East, contInuing along sold south rIght-of-way line, a (jlstance of 315.43 feet to 0 1/2-lnch Iron rod with cop found fOr the poInt of cUrvature of a clrculer cur-ve to the left having a radius of 480.00 feet, whose chor-d bearS NOrth 45 degrees 02 minutes 07 seconds East 0 distance of 678.53 feet: THENCE ~~ortheasterly, continuing along the southeasterly rIght-of-way line of saId NOrthpolnt Drive and along sold cUrve to the left, through a centralang:e of 89 degrees 57 mInutes 00 seconds fOr an arc distance of 753.56 feet to the poInt of tangency, from which poInt a 1/2-1nch Iron rod found bearS Nor-trl 07 degrees 26 minutes 31 seconds East a distance of 0.14 feet; Tf"'ENCE INor-th 00 degrees 03 mInutes 37 seconds East, along the east rIght-of-way lIne of sold I\or-thpolnt DrIve, a distance of 1307.49 feet to the POINT OF BEG'.NNING AND CONTAINING 2,800,665 squar-e feet Or 64.29 aCres of land, mOre or- less. ThIs replot approved subject to all replotting OrdInances, rules, regulations and resolutions of the CIty of Coppe I, Texas. mTNESS OUR HANDS, this tee 31 <~~ day of . ;:S:""ufY-.'-\ ' 2007. 2. Floocplaln InfOrmation Is based on FEMA Flood InSLrGrice r~ate ~.Aep ~,o. 48113C0135 J, dated August 23,2001 fOr Doila.s County, Texas ar"d :nco"'-por-oted Areas. CABOT 11- TX1LOl, L.P., a Delaware limIted partnership FLOODPLAIN ORDiNANCE NOTE: FloodplaIn Development Per-mlt Appllcot1on ~~:). -'1..L~----- . u has been filed wIth the City of Coppell Floodplain Adllllnlstr-ator- on_____uu____,__, 2::07. Floodplain ~;:;;n~ _~2~~r-r____ Dote BY: Cebot II - TX GP, LLC, a Delawar-e Ilmfted 1\ abilIty company, Its general partner By: Cabot :ndustrlal Value Fund II OperatIng Pertnershlp, L.P., o Delaware 11m/te partnership, Its sole member i i By: 4' Nome: \ TItle: STATE OF COU~HY OF ~i\r~ -1 ~Jffc(-y~ SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned, a Notc["y Public lp anp fOr, ~C?ld Ccunty, In the State afOresaid, DO HEREBY CERTIFY ng\ T -<>;'G'~ Vl.t:;'^{,,' . \;A\./\.J~c L.-lf:-- personally known to me to be the ;,-cNil.;.1_ V llLc J' L(U'" {)c<,/~ of Cabot Industr-lal Value FL..nd II Operating PartnershIp, L.P., a Delaware Ifmlted partnershIp and managing member of Cabot 11- TX GP,LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, and personally known to me to be the same person whose nome Is subscr-Ibed to the fOregoIng Instrument, appeared befOre me this day In person, and severally acknowledged that as such offIcer signed and delivered the sold Instrument, pur-suant to authOrity gIven by the Boar-d of DirectOrs of saId par-trier-shlp, as their free and voluntar-y act, and os the fr-ee and voluntary act and deed of sold pOrtner-ship, as managIng member of and fOr and on behalf of Cabot 11- TX1L01, L.P., fOr the uses and pUrpose trereln set fOrth. I, Gar-y N. Mat thews, Regl ster-ed ProfessIonal Land SUrveyor, do hereby certIfy that the replot shown hereon eccur-ately r-epresents the property as determIned by an on the ground sUrvey made under my dlr-ectlon ond supervIsIon on November- 21,2006, and that the locations of all monuments shown are cor-recto /I",p [J /&~;;.~ /-((-;?tJ(/1 /'4~~~t\ g~~~ fl;~gf~ S S ~o N A L- L A N~~~ R~ E Y OR - .\~<~~'Vj:~i-':~'::)~':')' ~."\). TEXAS ~W. 5534 ....~.'.O......~~534......:::,:~..;' \."9:) '?"~.; 1,1 ..0,:- 0''\,'' (! \ <' "'" i2 S S \ ..... <' \6. ''''to .........~ a'<-- t. '~"\",.. s ~ R ~ ~ ". S TATE OF TEXAS "~, . COUNTY OF DALLAS GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE on thIs ~, ,~, ,I ,j' i ~ \. ' f '- day of '-~(< ' ,.( ,', , c' j 1 A ~;{dvr7' /l/~~)>l ,L) NOT ARY PUBt.IC ,2007. CONFORMED COpy ~ ,;/*~' ~;d. '. ,~ ".';: ",",_r .;,... ,.". " .,~.t~'" Ii,. .. OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS /:?/ ;/J:t-_ f'"\' John F W arren Cownty Clerk Dallas County TEXAS AprIl 04 2~~7 ~9 56 ,n!" 34 AM FEE $55 00 20070118394 o (J lu . J l:u7 ~--~-~- BEFORE ME, the I~nderslgrled, 0 Notar-y Public In and fOr sold county and state on thIs day personally appeared Gary N. Matthews, known to me to be the person whose name Is subSCribed to the fOrgoing Instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same fOr the pur-pose and consideratIon therein expressed, and the capacity tr,ereln stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE on this the J l tl \ day of C.di\ ILU"-'l~_ . 2007. C. f.{(illllfL j]U-tc,c'i'-..J NOT A PUBL,C In and fOr the 5T A TE OF TEXAS '. ~~ :.. (!TATE Cf TOOS . ~ ., Itt~~ce.~ " ,. . 4'!"fi~:''i'"~~I!"" My commissIon expIres: 7 'y i." ,.' / ,'--'1 , if( .J-''(' /.- <. /:'; ( .... i.' t , ~-- -~ My commIssion explr-es: TXU ELECTRIC DELIVERY COMPANY i 0.... t ~ (~(..r t'}___ (Pr-lnt Name) I - :J./q / 0 1 Date of Appr-oval AMBERPOINT BUSINESS PARK AT COPPEll lOT 2R-1 AND lOT 2R-2X, BLOCK A, REPlA T AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF COPPEll APPROVED AND ACCEPTED BY: A TMOS E~~ERGY -K IJ " tl-~y s (Pr-lnt Nome) I ;;../1 /07 Cote of Appr-oval I ~~ ThE JESSE MOORE SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 968 DALLAS COUNTY , TEXAS FeR VERIZON ~-t01~\\J\1() ~(~\~~ (Pr-lnt Name) ,211\ l 01 CABorl~ II --- TX1L.Ol,L.P_ Cate of Approval c/o C'Jbo t proDerlle.s i)no Beacon St,17Th Fr., Bas rO,-I, \~A, 02108 TIME WARNER CABLE Mltf/AfilLEmrt (Pr-lnt Name) HA,LFF ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGJ;EERS& :: U~V;::j CRS 8616 ~~ORTHWEST PL,,\ZA SPIVF: - DALLAS TE;<&,S'S,?2'5 SCALE 1'=100' (21{~)3'i6-62()CJ AV8 ;~4588 ,);\',JAPY 2CU' ~ E. F ~ ;\ \j C: 2':, 0 ,2 ~2, 22 5 ,~ Q, i 39 '1 A . /:;-u/_^\ I(V{~ }I ~J ......--..", A 'C 2c;:3J . D~i,. :23C~~-'=<='.j,~c,. ;::[,~-:: _. _..__...-...___~~._~....~_'~___.___'&...s<.olo~..~~.L..~....~.~._""""'-Qoll,C'''-''''' :: 2-4CC'':'5 2~:"je, r~~,='=-; r- .jr (:1' 5: :.C ~ C:-"-"2. -_:,~r