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Parking Analysis
FREEPORT II ANALYSIS NO. OF OFFICE WAREHOUSE TOTAL PARKING TENANT EMPLOYEES SF SF SF SPACES MANNATECH 350 100,157 10,000 110,157 450 GE SUPPLY 28 7,000 36,782 43,782 with above GE POL YMERSHAPES 30 5,020 52,214 57,234 with above DERSE EXHIBITS 10 2,962 65,865 68,827 75 TOTALS 418 115,139 164,861 280,000 525 c ry- < -'J t.,,:], e'y,+ <: C'C :::t:> -c -c ., c < OJ AUG-09-2006 12:22 PARkiNG lEASE AGR~EMENt "". . ,. .\..., .. rtll$:.P~rhl~ i.~st?: ~~~nt:{:'Arir~emene:}~?Jf,nUf;1rY 1:, ;2006. ia.bY and between ~" Assoelal~~ Q~IS;'5ll.J.o.. e~~or~k.wlha melJf~9~llcl ~c>>.I!2I!I~add~_Of: '~~4'NOt1h:~ sy~. llAilwa~k~. W~lt1.I!1d ~.n"at~iliJc; (~L~Ji ~:~~hgWid i)plfce.ad~1'e8$ ef.~po S'.Row '~t S1,1ft,,2OQ. :O~~r; Texas.; 750j~i ~y hi!$"Qr ~.j; 8'Qr$d .tQ:~8:oeftJil!1) ~ilrl<jnQspaoes!Pt.:;e,~ arItJ Less..,.. agreed to p~n~nt;tf,1.Les6Q"fut Ihr;!se,parkmj;l spaces under lheJbllow~tQtq'i5 ~nd.i;Jond~: ..;'. 1.. L8S5Df'shaU m,~ 'o\iW-'~i.: i~~~ldhg,.SpaC8$ IOcaJl!ld aloF1!l ~':~oL4b ~O~ ~I' =sitki of Leari faG.iIhClfer/llek08w,Df~ve~iicXRb..valt.line. Cqp'p&ll-, 1:'~s~, The tenn;dfiUiI\iAQ.~'JT~(!1haJr,tye fat ;lWd'(2) )lhrs,co~m~nc.'ng 0(\' 'Jam~ 1, 2*. 2. 4; e, Lfi8$8&.ahail:pa),';'--'or~250.tio ilWlt p,: m'wltl:i{plllS appli9fl" Sill.t~;laxi ~o.r WIlt, Jj~~iJJ :.QOod; taltl! errot1t:ropreil.s"t'il1l,~n;iPl(i.~ :i)f if:lVi<<ies frpn,l ~~!hgirl'l ihe:7$ p~:~ fesser:1:'p)!'~; FUtlherinQrQ~ :tesSee has lfIe r'ooi,,~!Cs ErXD~i'i 10, pEV'nl ~Rftetved t~M~~~.h.":~ Slmjli!lC:la~o.eGll "'Ii ~~tb, ror~~ Or-~17$~PD_tease!\;fbY.' ~~, '. . Rentahell~.g/:!,',,:.QiJ :~, 1~1 (;jf. each month. ~. 'd$~~y ~~. '~8Oi. Ql' .LesHe :of q,~ ~r,m'l.' AAd COIldiflOrli : of. :fhls ~",tt.:~ OO~~;P8i1.Y'strsilJtvefJ)" .if~g: P&!1y ~rtt~ llcitrce of ~~h ~. ~Ulie' ~,~lIdj'_ 'The d~l.Ung:p,arty. ~Ith~ 1ifiJt1:QY bushrls:.da~ifll~t':r:icalQI:Dfme TiOllcaio.,Qu",:~uc:fJ ~Jl. If. (iJ Jt\8:~.al,1h is neil' QUied'~~'I1. t}1Ia; ~ t;1t:(nJ in'the,;ew,iIf ~n~' detaUJf.. .1he dSfaultlnQ P~"-Y ~ :".I:!J,~~ .oIliib":eVld9~ It ls.dJ~~g.,y. .~tiITR. :tQ cute:fhe 1'lO(r.~~t8/Y'~, 'then~I~:hoOr!deJ.aulfjng ~~ ~ !Ie Snl;ifUO .10 all: remedies.' Pro\'r~ by, 1:e;cas. fa,W! ~Ffithertnore; lJpon :~m}'.'d.!!l4 aDd 1he ~~li'8ifDn.ot a~ aP.F.*.~kf~r..;~i)'d. ~ormay'.' in Il.dd !l~~ ,t(),.~.iit/Jer:rrgfjtS and remadles:~~d~s;Sb!;li~fhl8 SSCIkin.-or'by 'Tex~.law; tal<u;'fUIyof the Jbllb.lIVlrlg .dar:-!' (~) i8pn)I1.a.:Uil$, AQi'.ri'iiffit' by. sJ'ii11Jg t;~~ :Wl'!ttMOOfic.a thetjd; "l'wh~cf1,~~ ~~e.~,p*Y;fo.:lNt1:lf. the 8um~ (1):.." ~~:$ei;:hjtid htiOmJert,hrolJQh tl:t~'~I~'(ftelni1natiOi18iid(2} an amount"eq~! iti:l.the totaf: rent -!bait Ln.. W'OUlCf ~~ ~~". ~:t.Q ~y:fOr the rernaJrtc!~ '9f:.f)~ t~. CIi$OIIl\~'~Q ife.: prese~; 11"'~ft~~t);a IJiIt amlim li:iterfi&t,rate .~ to fl}~:.I?~e: iMe- <is pii61iahea -en ~ ~~ :th~. A~~r1$.te.i'ml~aISC by tlio Wall $tt!"6r ,JQ"i'~ SOU~l.'EdiUcm, (P:iJ,~ Ustitl9lif"'A,i'Oml-VRal88.". k\ss~ Sh9I!,P~l':sellSO~lJl'Jty~~'Wlfh,~~~ VOIN.rf i.O;'qays ..i/:1~ ~tlt~r:r ~- ~~~::Q)'~lIt of ' the AApl~l.e Pw.1j,@S;:~{)r.J dafa~ b)' the ~-J~nrjUle..~ratiOO()f.rw a~"bble' ot.IT, ,~/~.~'.lMi'litir:m~sppfy the seClttlty d~p~lt ~g~~ ;e.W amQims dUe ~Q4~$qrli~Jiml~I:~. Pmvldea that lessee'Ie ,,<< 1!1~~.4lf1 t/je'~.carlty,:depos1t 8hsl'belfl1mEK1~t~y rati:lmed .ft), LB8see 'upon ~he.'~!~. ~ (i1the.ehdOf the term '01 t~ii!'Aor~",~ a;;(IIJ :ttJg sarlylarmi!Jai1on ot-thi~.~re.mem Wtes&8splJT~ant to Se.c1!c1f1.2 heribf.. '5~ "t. a. 9. .l9~~ wi,_ j:1I1JV;q~ .L~i: fi Popy ofaQQJ11f.11wroiat '~erm lIability inst:Jrance PaJJqy;ii1d.tidm.lfP.!!r$Oriiil,fiiJfnYandpfoper(y;~m:g~ fn .~. !mo. '. 'I.1nt af:$SO~.O(jb for propertY' darnag.rari'd: . $t .000iooO 'pa"oeo.rnren~ ,fCir persOIUI ltljl1tles pr ~.1 . P.02/03 '!o<' - ) AUG-09-2026 12:22 deaths.SuohpoJiOY ilh~JI n*t)e:LeSS6randOers~., lric~ ~S additiD11aI;~IliuJred$; 10. Lessor- Wilfprovide: less,~e'~ ~.opy ofa commercial fJ8netill Usbllltyoinsut-ance P.J,"~,I"dudi~ paO/1aJ inj~!Y:~?d ~ .8""!ile, In 0,. 'lJ1QU9!, of F.;O'l.'IOO for proP&t1\I damaQe' ~n~ '$l,OO!1J1Qo lSar OCouiTence: fc:Jr P.l!lrSi;inal lftftJries OJ' ,deatli$.'SIiCh ~IIty shall nl!l~ [~&~ as "oeddJilonal mswred. ' , ;. tl,I.e."" shal' be ""Jl\!f!$j~...'tJ 00Je' .tos/'JOt all' "'~'~"""daCap/n~ ~ucturaltfla1n1ena~1 :fJ.afsdfi~~j)S(l$81rlpln9. .amt~n o.tI1.er rea$OflabJe Qr;ieriliiry9expenses. ~l",ting ~ tile Parking lot. 1/<1 wrt~~SSWH_, lile P",,1e!i ~lo ""'" -red 11)/0 81l<l ~:th""l_'''''1hi d'~e"'"",,,,,,,,, forlh ......, , " , , leSSORt OeAiGiAslPC_ P~I5!~. L.,L.c., ~,Texas L.!lli~~if , Usbll/ty Compamc ~QAJl9- ."_ Narl)ePi1nt~(f: ,~f.., L -S'~rt~I.t~~, Ti#~; ---j!:1~pv~ ,_ Name Pri~;._ .' IlfJe:: '" t{t',. 'pi~J: .~ -2. TOTAL P. 03 P. 83."[13 ..:.. f.;"