CC approval on 1/9/2007 AGENDA REQUEST FORM THE-CITY.OF COPPELL DEPT: Planning DATE: January 9,2007 ITEM #: 22 D WORK SESSION D CONSENT 1./ 1 REGULAR ITEM TYPE: PUBLIC HEARING ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Amberpoint Business Park at Coppel!. Lot 2R-l and Lot 2R-2X. Replat, being a replat of 64.29 acres of property into two lots, Lot 2R-2X. containing 8.6 acres (drainage area). and Lot 2R-l. containing 55.69 acres (office/warehouse), located at the southwest corner of Sandy Lake Road and Freeport Parkway. GOAL(S): EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: No outstanding conditions. FINANCIAL COMMENTS: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Recommendation of the P&Z Commission at the December 21.2006. meeting: APPROVAL (7-0) with Commissioners Borchgardt. Frnka. Kittrell. McCaffrey. Haas. Fox and Reese voting in favor. Staff recommends approval. ACTION TAKEN BY COUNCIL: APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON ABOVE DATE Motion to close Public Hearing & Approve M - Peters S - York Vote - 6-0 Tunnell absent . Libby Ball tA.. ... 2007.01.26 . . 17:20:08 -06'00' @ 7 Amberpoint. L2R-l & L2R-2X, R l-AR CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT Case: Ambernoint Business Park at Copnell.. Lot 2R-l and Lot 2R-2X'I ReDlat P&Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: December 21, 2006 January 9, 2007 STAFF REP.: Matt Steer, City Planner LOCATION: Southwest comer of Sandy Lake Road and Freeport Parkway SIZE OF AREA: 64.29 acres CURRENT ZONING: LI (Light Industrial) REQUEST: Replat into two lots, Lot 2R-2X (drainage area) and Lot 2R-1 (office/warehouse). APPLICANT: Engineer: Mark McGraw Halff Associates 8616 Northwest Plaza Drive Dallas, Texas 75225 (214) 346-6244 FAX: (214) 361-5573 HISTORY: In November 2001, City Council approved PD-194 to allow the development of six buildings, totaling approximately 1,775,600-square feet, on 110 acres of property, which would be served by an 8.6-acre detention pond in the southeast comer of the site (adjacent to Wagon Wheel Park and Freeport Parkway, formerly State Road). The following variations to the Zoning Ordinance were approved as part of the Planned Development: . Multiple monument signs, including business park signs at Royal Lane and Sandy Lake Road, . Variances to the Tree Mitigation requirements, ITEM # 10 Page 10f3 . Variances to the Perimeter Landscape Requirements, and . The provision of a living screen in lieu of a wall. A Detail Site Plan and Final Plat for 308,000-square feet of speculative office/warehouse on the southwestern lot was also approved at that time. The building has since been constructed and is occupied by Somera Communications. In October 2002, Council approved PD-194R, to allow a Detail Site Plan and Replat for the Staples 228,250-sq.-ft. office/warehouse facility with future expansion of 161,750-sq. ft. In February 2003, Council approved PD-194R2, which amended the Amberpoint PD to modify the industrial park identification sign location and design and to incorporate an additional 9.102 acres into this PD. In May 2005, Council approved PD-194R3, to allow a Detail Site Plan for the development of three office/warehouse buildings, totaling approximately 714,010- square feet south of Sandy Lake Road between Northpoint Drive and Freeport Parkway, formerly State Road. TRANSPORTATION: Sandy Lake is a C4D/6 six-lane divided thoroughfare in a right-of- way containing approximately 120' feet. Northpoint Drive is a 41' C2U two-lane undivided thoroughfare within 60' right-of-way. Freeport Parkway, located east of the subject property, is an existing two-lane roadway. The Thoroughfare Plan shows it to be improved to a C4D/6 four-lane divided collector street capable of expansion to six lanes. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North - office/warehouse; PD-208-LI (Planned Development-208-Light Industrial) South - Wagon Wheel Park; LI (Light Industrial) East - Coppell Fellowship Bible Church; R (Retail), residential; PD-l 09-SF-9 (Planned Development-109-Single Family-9) and LI (Light Industrial) West - existing office/warehouse facilities; part of this PD COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for light industriaVshowroom uses. DISCUSSION: This is a request to separate out 8.6 acres of detention area from the 64.29- acre lot. The proposed Lot 2R-2X detention area, will not be allowed to be developed, as it was included as part of the previously approved landscape plan. This replat is simply a request from the owner for their taxing purposes and does not modify any previously approved plans. ITEM # 10 Page 2 of3 RECOMMENDA nON TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff is recommending APPROV AL of this request, subject to the following conditions: 1. Remove the "C.C. "from the bottom of both sheets. Dallas County has a label they affix to the plans for recording information. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Recommend modification of the request 4) Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Replat ITEM # 10 Page 3 of3 1------ I -- I I I I ...... ~--=.~ -::rr .. ..... ....PW ., ...... ... .... c...t7.-r_-:nc.~ -=r:r~ IWtl ... ~~......... ....d,:~T~-==~~~ Im"'_ WlL..lI1I4.ro.ZOl L-- f - KlCC1,.. - ---.- ~ I I I I - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I POINT OF BEGINNING SAIl)'( LAICE ROAD _~. -~",.:;;L-.:L'::.. -- ~-- ___ '___ _____ ,.. _ --f -- / ___=:~~a--~~:::"-::-- _ _~-=--=--- ..... a I (I -;..;.;,;.;;;,;'~____===-~ -----:::..-:: - - =.-- I !Sf" ,: ~: i i /i-"':;;;"'-;- m___m_____::::::~:'j . I L ~I : : , I $:-- ""'-= -- ::: c< I "...... : ~----=-m~-~ -- _ ~......ar ! i :,11 ' I i!'\-iT--m-"~= - _m,~__~ -~ ' I I: ~ ill ~ ! ! ~=2.!.:-- t.:~---~~~~-1rII:11 i: I II 511 I ...-...-- I I I II i I I LOT 2R-l, BLOCK A I I 1:1"2 I I ij 1 ~ I I I I I' ~ I l;ii I' : I AMBERPOINT BUSINESS P :: II -, I~II k~ ~I _LOT.....OCI~ AT COPPELL II 1:1f:1~ ...""'" e I _',,",AT_ II Ili:I'~ ....-~...';;tr I cc.C.ZOO6OOO9I1691 ... 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