CC approval on 4/10/2007 DATE: PLANNING April 1 0, 2007 AGENDA REQUEST FORM THE.CITY.OF DEPT: COPPELL ITEM #: 20 o WORK SESSION D CONSENT I.; 1 REGULAR ITEM TYPE: PRESENTATION ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Superior Air Parts (Freeport North, Block A Lot 1), Site Plan Amendment, to allow outside cooling towers and fuel tanks to be enclosed on three sides by a 14' 3" masonry wall to be located within the loading dock area on the west side of the building at 621 S. Royal Lane. GOAL(S): EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The following P&Z condition remains outstanding: 1) City will perform or participate in initial test of the set-up to ensure that it meets the sound requirements. FINANCIAL COMMENTS: RECOMMENDED ACTION: ACTION TAKEN BY COUNCIL: On March 15,2007, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of this Site Plan amendment, subject to the above-stated conditions. Motion to Approve, subject to condition 1 above Staff recommends APPROVAL. M - Brancheau S - Peters Vote - 6-0 York absent . Libby Ball ,U. 2007.04.11 16:40:34 -ll5'OO' 1(ci)7<\llnprinr Air Pnrt~ <\PA l-AR CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT Case: Superior Air Parts (Freeport N orth~ Block A~ Lot 1 )~ Site Plan Amendment P&Z HEARING DATE: c.c. HEARING DATE: March 15,2007 April 10, 2007 STAFF REP.: Gary L. Sieb, Director of Planning LOCATION: 621 S. Royal Lane SIZE OF AREA: I ,081-square-foot outside testing area. CURRENT ZONING: LI (Light Industrial) REQUEST: Site Plan Amendment to allow the construction of an outside testing area enclosed on three sides by a masonry wall and sited within the loading dock area on the west side of a building located at 621 Royal Lane. APPLICANT: Superior Air Parts, Inc. Bill Brogdon 621 Royal Lane Suite 100 Coppell, Texas 75019 (972) 829-4600 Fax: (972) 8219-4692 HISTORY: There has been no recent development history on the subject property . ITEM #18 Page 1 of3 TRANSPORTATION: Royal Lane is a C4D/6, four-lane divided thoroughfare in a six- lane divided 11O-foot right-of-way, built to standard. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North - warehousing; LI (Light Industrial) South - warehousing; LI (Light Industrial) East - warehousing; LI (Light Industrial) West - warehousing; PD-191-LI (Planned Development-l 9 I-Light Industrial) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Coppel! Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for office, showroom and warehouse use. DISCUSSION: This is a case where an existing tenant needs to make improvements to increase business. Basically, Superior Air Parts produces aircraft engines. The engines require a test run before they can be accepted and shipped to the ultimate user. To accommodate the user, the necessary test runs generate considerable noise which, in the past, have been performed totally inside a building. The engines will still remain within the building, but cooling towers, fans for cooling the engines, and fuel tanks (the test cells) need to be added to the back of the existing warehouse to service the test runs. This additional equipment will generate noise. The applicant proposes to build a 14' 3" -high wall to screen this added equipment. The wall is proposed to be 42-feet long and initially 25' 9" deep. The most recent revised plans show a wall 17' deep. We feel the longer wall is more appropriate here as noise generated from the activity would be better controlled. In addition, the original proposal indicated a space of 12' between the end of the screening wall and the face of the building. The most recent submittal shows openings of 20'. Again, we feel a longer wall would more effectively control the noise being generated. At any rate, noise is a concern, and it is our understanding that the applicant will address the noise issue at the public meeting. We have included a condition regarding the noise issue in our staff recommendation. The wall will match the existing warehouse building and cannot be seen from the public right-of-way. Nothing else on site will be changed including parking, lighting, landscaping, color, etc. What will be added are two fuel tanks--one with a capacity of 500 gallons and one of 1000 gallons, three cooling towers and two air blowers. As stated above, of primary concern to staff is the additional noise that would be emitted from the proposed equipment. The applicant has assured us that any noise generated will be within the City's noise guidelines and has stated in his letter of February 14 that a sound insulation contractor will supply us with details on handling sound emission. We did not receive that information prior to the docket going out, but the applicant has advised us that appropriate information will be submitted at the Planning Commission meeting. ITEM #18 Page 2 of3 RECOMMENDA nON TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff is recommending APPROVAL of this request, subject to the following conditions: I) Revise the Plan to reflect the wall dimensions of the initial submittal. 2) Provide noise data, which substantiates this activity will meet noise guidelines. 3) Eliminate Sheet 3, Revision 4. 4) Dimension area between screening wall and cooling towers/fuel tanks. AL TERNA nVES: I) Recommend approval of the request 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Recommend modification of the request 4) Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date. ATTACHMENTS: I) Applicant's letter of transmittal dated February 14,2007 2) Letter from property owner supporting proposed use 3) Applicants response to review comments (6 pages) 4) Three full-size sheets (Detail Site Plan, Isometric, Partial Overall Plan) ITEM #18 Page 3 of3 SUPERlm~ AIR PARTS, INC Letter of Transmittal 14 February 2007 Mr. Gary L. Sieb Director, Planning and Zoning Commission City of Coppell 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, TX 75019 Dear Mr. Sieb, Please find enclosed our Site Plan Application documents and our $400 check for the filing fee for the installation of two aircraft piston engine Test Cells at Superior Air Parts, Inc. located at 621 S. Royal Lane, Suite 100. Superior Air Parts produces certified aircraft piston engines and component parts for aircraft piston engines. The engines require a test run before acceptance and shipping. The test cells that we propose for our site are to be used for these acceptance test runs. These test cells contain a dynamometer and instrumentation to measure the performance of the engines. The dynamometer requires cooling water and a cooling tower to remove the cooling water heat. These cooling towers, fans for cooling the air cooled aircraft engines, and fuel tanks are proposed to be placed outside our building according to the site plan that we are submitting. This equipment will be surrounded by a masonry wall (exact construction details are to be determined) that matches the appearance of our building. The existing outside building lighting will not need to be changed. The engine test cells themselves will be sound insulated and our contractor will be supplying the details on sound emissions at a later date. The test cells will be equipped with fire suppression equipment and ventilation fans that will run anytime that the valves from the fuel tanks to the test cells are open. Re7~~ Bill Brogdon Vice President Engineering Superior Air Parts, Inc. 621 South Royal Lane, Suite 100 - Coppell, Texas 75019-3805 Phone: (972) 829-4600 www.supenoralrparts.com , Duke REALTY CORPORATION March 1, 2007 Mr. Jim Whitley Superior Air Pm1s 621 So. Royal Lane, Suite 100 Coppell, Texas 75019 Re: Proposed construction of a 3-sided enclosure and installation of cooling towers and fuel tanks Dear Mr. Whitley, We have reviewed the drawings that you have submitted to the City for approval and we approve conceptually with the outside structure and the equipment contained within it. Any structure and equipment will need to meet applicable building codes including any pertinent City ordinances. All parties agree that the wall finish will have to match the existing building. Please contact me at your earliest convenience so that we can discuss further the plans for moving forward with this project and the details that need to be agreed to before construction starts. Sincerely, Duke Realty Corporation I. 4;~ Jeanne S. Coyle Vice President - Asset Management Cc: Jeff Thornton - Vice President - Leasing 5495 Belt Line Road Suite 360 Dallas, TX 75254 972.361.6700 www.dukerealty.com Atlanta Chicago Cincinnati Cleveland Columbus Dallas Indianapolis Minneapolis N ashvi lie Orlando Raleigh St. Louis Tampa Superior Air Parts Response to City of Coppell ORC Report of February 23 2007 o How are CO levels monitored and removed from area? DThe engine test cells are equipped with a commercial CO monitor approximately four feet from the floor. The monitor sounds an alarm when preset levels of CO are exceeded DThe cells are equipped with a ventilation system with an interlock that prevents engine operation (the only time that CO is produced) without test cell ventilation fans operating All requirements of the City of Coppel! will be com lied with. Superior Air Parts Response to City of Cappell ORC Report of February 23 2007 D LI zoning only allows for a nominal amount of odor, noise, etc. Do these operations exceed "nominal". DThe test cells are a commercial test cell enclosure that is sound insulated and provided with a sound insulated ventilation system. Noise levels from the test cell are low. The ventilation fans will produce some noise but these levels are also low. The previous agreement with neighbors were when operating a propeller test stand without complete engine enclosure. The planned test cells are far below the level of this previous test arrangement. Exhaust from the engines is essentially odorless, the odor is approximately the same level and character as that of the exhaust from the cars in the parking lot. All requirements of the City of Coppel! will be com lied with. Superior Air Parts Response to City of Coppell ORC Report of February 23 2007 D Fuel tanks and associated piping shall be installed in accordance with current ordnances adopted by the City of Coppell. Proper "placarding" will be required to be visible from the fire lane. DSuperior confirms and has added to our drawings that all ordnances (including those relating to fuel tanks, piping and placarding) will be complied with. All requirements of the City of Coppel! will be com lied with. Superior Air Parts Response to City of Coppell ORC Report of February 23 2007 DWall materials need to match existing building - need color board DThe enclosing wall material will match the existing building DThe color of the enclosing wall will match the existing building. D Please note on all exhibits that all requirements of the City of Coppell will be complied with. o Done All requirements of the City of Coppell will be com lied with. ;,I~!j 11m.. 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