CC approval on 5/8/2007 AGENDA REQUEST FORM THE.CITY.OF DEPT: PLANNING May 8, 2007 COP~ELL DATE: ITEM#: 14 o WORK SESSION o CONSENT It{ , REGULAR ITEM TYPE: PUBLIC HEARING ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Shadydale Acres, Lots 4R 1 and 4R2, Block C, Replat, being a replat of Lot 4R, Block C, into two lots to allow the development of two single-family homes on 1.108 acres of property located along the east side of Shadydale Lane, 190' north of Shady Oak Lane. GOAL(S): EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The following P&Z conditions remain outstanding: 1) Waiver of the alley requirement. 2) A Tree Removal Permit being obtained for each lot prior to the issuance of a Building Permit. 3) Impact Fees will be required for the additional water and sewer service to the new Lot 4R2. 4) Contact Larry Redick at (972) 323-8917 to discuss electric easement requirements. FINANCIAL COMMENTS: RECOMMENDED ACTION: ACTION TAKEN BY COUNCIL: On April 19, 2007, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of this zoning change (7-0), subject to the above-stated conditions. Motion to close Public Hearing & Approve subject to conditions 1, 2, 3 & 4 above Staff recommends approval. M - Peters S - Faught Vote - 6-0 Hinojosa-Flores absent . t.6, Ubby Ball 2007.05.21 16:54:39 -05'00' 1(cj)4,hnrlvrl 14Rl !t4R? Rr Rnl l-AR CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT Case: Shadvdale Acres" Lots 4Rl & 4R2" Block C" Reolat P&Z HEARING DATE: c.c. HEARING DATE: STAFF REP.: LOCATION: SIZE OF AREA: CURRENT ZONING: REQUEST: APPLICANT: HISTORY: April 19, 2007 May 8, 2007 Matt Steer, City Planner East side of Shadydale Lane, 190' north of Shady Oak Lane 1.108 acres of property SF-12 (Single Family-12) Replat approval to allow the development of two single- family homes. Steve Payne Steve Payne Custom Homes, Inc. 878 S. Denton Tap Road, Ste. 220 Coppell, TX 75019 (972) 393-1371 Fax: (972) 740-0008 The original plat for Shadydale Acres was established in the 1960's. Homes on the east side of Shadydale Lane were constructed on "half lots", which have 72.5 feet of frontage. In 1993, a replat of Tract 6, Block B, was approved for two lots. In August of 2001, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended denial of a request to replat Tract 6A into two lots. At that time, the applicant desired to retain the existing home on a portion of the lot, which required that the common lot line be an irregular configuration to meet the zoning requirements. In 2002, a replat was approved to subdivide this Tract 6A into two lots, in accordance with the SF-12 standards, subject to: the house being ITEM # 7 Page 1 of3 removed prior to the plat being filed for record, an alley waiver and the Tree Preservation and Retribution Plan being approved prior to the issuance of a building permit. A new home was built on each of these lots that year. In 1998, PD-l72 was established along the west side of Shadydale Lane, north of this property, which allowed for the platting and development of 13 lots ranging in size from 12,320- to 14,720-square- feet. These lots were platted generally in accordance with the SF-12 regulations, with an average lot width of 85 feet. Additional conditions included in the PD increased the minimum dwelling size, defined the minimum roof pitches, increased landscaping, regulated garage placements and granted waivers of the alley, right-of-way and sidewalk requirements. In July 2005, the previous owner of two ~ tracts replatted into two lots to allow the development of two single-family homes. The northern lot (Lot 4R) was platted to contain 48,254-square-feet (1.1 acres), and the southern lot (Lot 3R), 27,237-square-feet (0.62 of an acre). The current request is to divide the northern lot (Lot 4R) into two separate lots. TRANSPORTATION: Both Shadydale and Shadyoak Lanes are substandard, two-lane asphalt streets (each approximately 15' wide), without curb and gutter, built within a 60-foot right-of-way. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North- Residential; SF -12 (Single Family-12) South-Residential; SF-12 (Single Family-12) East - Everybody Fits; C (Commercial) West - Residential; PD-172R-SF-12 (Planned Development-l72 Revised-Single Family-12) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for low density residential, which is defined as one to three dwelling units per acre. DISCUSSION: This is a request to divide Lot 4R into two lots - Lot 4Rl and Lot 4R2. As mentioned in the HISTORY section, Lot 4R was recently platted in July 2005 as part of a two-lot subdivision. The applicant intends to build a 4,500+/- square-foot home on Lot 4R2 and a 5,000+/- square-foot home on Lot 4Rl in accordance with the SF-12 zoning requirements. This is similar in size and scale to the development across the street and the new development on the lot to the south. ITEM # 7 Page 2 of3 The only variance to the Subdivision Ordinance being required is relief from the alley requirements, which is typical in the Shadydale Acres subdivision. As indicated on the Tree Survey, these lots contain many mature trees, and the owner intends to preserve as many as possible to enhance the aesthetics of these new homes. However, the homes have yet to be finalized in design; therefore, a Detailed Tree Preservation Plan will be required prior to the issuance of a Building Permit and Tree Removal Permit. The applicant has indicated that very few trees, if any, will be removed on the northern lot, and that 4-6 trees will be removed on the southern lot. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff is recommending APPROVAL of the Shadydale Acres, Lots 4Rl & 4R2, Block C, Replat, subject to the following conditions: 1) Waiver of the alley requirement. 2) A Tree Removal Permit being obtained for each lot prior to the issuance of a Building Permit. 3) Impact Fees will be required for the additional water and sewer service to the new Lot 4R2. 4) Contact Larry Redick at (972) 323-8917 to discuss electric easement requirements. AL TERNA TIVES 1) Recommend approval of the request 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Recommend modification of the request ATTACHMENTS: 1) Replat 2) Tree Survey ITEM # 7 Page 3 of3 :::c Cl u C l/l- Q) m Ti o l/l l/l <( o/l c o ~ Q) u c <( >; Q) u ~ o Cl it L.. ::J .c u :E c.. t-- LO Lri ~ N ...... t-- o o ~ ~ C"l Q) Q) .c (f) OJ ~ U c:: "'i m a. Q) 0:: t-- C"l o LO o OJ ~ u ;::: C"l o LO o 6 Cl ...J l/l t5 Q) .~ 90 >< \... I NBi"55'OO-E 258.10' ~paNTOfIlEGlNfrIfrtG w Z <( -' ~ ~: ~ ,. 8 il ~); ~ ~o I TRACT e-a ... .f!';f>~ I n~ ,f<;~ : ~ ':':J! <(~ 5?- o <( I <fI I II II II II II II II I I I ,IJ..~I I ,l'#': I .IJ' I TRACT 151.2 I _____...1 SHADY OAKS ""- ~t-~~c'-i I WilliIl ROW _ RlQiT Of WAY DROCT .. DEED RECQN)S, DAU.AS CQJNTT, 'TEXAS WROCT .. lIIAP REaR]S, OAl.lAS COUrtTT, 'TEXAS lRf-lRONRm FO.JNO PF.. IAOOl Pf'E FOl.H) . .. lIT IRON ACID F<IUND w/ YELLOW PLASTIC CIP STMMD "OM" (UtrUSS NOTED OlHERWSE) . '" 1/2" IRON RCD SET wi 'I"ElLOW PL\ST\C eN> STAWPED "OM" {UNL.ESS JrrtOlED 01HERWl!iE) LW ""'" , .;;~ ?.IJ' "Jf REWAlNOEft Of TRACT ... Q..ADlNEIIt'IIEEKJHT 10... 2002132, PG. 00\21 llAOCT S8V!J5'OO.W 260.11' ~. ~;- i'~ :~ LOT 4R2 S89'S!0'OO-W 258.11' BLOCK C LOT 4R1 LOT JR REPl.A T SiAO'I'OALE ACRES DOC.2IlO7Oll3309O llAOCT REWAlNDER Of TRACT J DCfoI O. lMlBERT AND WENDY lAlllEIERT YO.. 2OlIl1045, PG. 01127 llAOCT ..,.~ ".IJ'~ TRACT 2 l GRAPHIC SCALE l~~lft. i E\IER'l'8ODY ms, LP. YO.. 2OOO111,PG.0&e14 llAOCT E\'tR'l9ODY FlTS. LP. YO..20ll01114,PG.0.l0ll0 llAOCT o.ERS C<RTlRC.<TE STATE OF lEXAS COJHTY Of DAI.L\S BEINe II troct of land Iocat_ in th. GECRGE .. .IAOI Sl..R'IE:Y, A8S1'RACT NO. 1l1iI4. Qt, of ~, Dala. g::'~~ r~~~i:'~Pl~~;.Dfof~kl~=t== ~~ ~ R_d..DalllICtult" T_and~~pcrtlaaIarly~OlIfollon: ::~~=od~.l~~ ~~ =t!~=.~ c::.:=- ~~"::: ~~Eolt rltht-of-_, ::s.~ ,:.on::, ~ Id: :... m:t~ooQ :0. = ::'~~~~~-:r :'''N~'':ClIcc:. of -'d Lot 4R; lHEHCE Harth 8ll ..... ~ mllluln 00 -.n E...t, 1_'" Dd Ea. rlght-of-wDJ' line ..,d ......, tho NorltI IN of _Id Lot 4R. a ~ of HO.II fMl to 0 1/2 IndI rr., rod afth a )OlIo. plaltlc cap .CI'I'lpOId "'OM" ..I ,. com. In the w.t. line at E_)bod, Flt.I. LP.. -ad In Vlllume 2OOOT1l, PaQII OlI8i".DMcl~DaI..CounI,.T... THENCE Sautll OIl ..._ 13 mllluln 45 ~. Wnt. 1111""'", .u:I Nortn In. and oIanlJi IIIId WIlt ..... . diltonce 01 185.19 felt to a 1/2 Inch hlrI rDd wllt! a )'lIlIo. plaltlc: cap ItomfNd "'OM" lit tar t:Dm8" In the Sauttolin.alIllidLot<4a: THENCE Soutll fKI deOr_ 55 mlnllt.. OIl __ Wnt. I0Io.... IIlIlI .... lln. and a1an9 IIIId Sauth IIn.. a dl.tance of 258.10 felt to the PONT (J' BEGINNING _ _taInrI, 1.104 _ of Iancl, m_ ,. I-.. NOW THEREFORE. KNOW AlL IIlEN BY THESE F'flESENTS: =:~~t~~!~~ct~~~:7'~:=~E=u:S::th. atrwt.. all. and lIl.-n..t...o.n 1\a"8an. TIl. -.-tl"o.n h__ ora Iwm, ~ far the ~ a. Indlcal... No buldlnlll. lwlca, IF-. ItwubI ar atII. itnproo,oIm..11 ,. vowth. ~ 1M _Itrudecl tIT plOCecl upOII, _ tIT __ ttI. "Utllt, Ea-....t.. 01 "o.n. Sald "Utili, Ea-*lll" bIInQ h....' --..I far tho II'IUtuaI 1111 and a<:alrNnCldatlan of all public ullll'" ......... to UIII ... ......, -'I" AI ond _,public IIt1lt,~ ha...1tlI riQhl to _ ond kMp,..,.D'IIICI all ar pert. af on,bu~.. "'ca, trMI, "rub.,.a~~..lI...,.-owth.whldl ma,1n on,_,endonV-arlnttrfwR wlth tIl. _Itruetlan. maln'- ar .ffldlnq of It.,...ctr....,.urn on the "Utllt, E_..lI. ond all public utllUa. ..all at all llInn ha... ttI. I'uI right aI In(r.- and ... to ... from _ upon tile Illid "Utllt, ~=~: ':.::wpuar~a~fC:~ ~~~~~:=.-;:r~~ to ~r"""'afon,aM- WIlTNESS OUR HAHO, thlII tile _...., of _ A.D. 2007. SlE'ot: PA'l'NE CUSTClol HOWES. INC. STATE (J' TEXAS , COJHTY (J' DAI.l.AS , ~IllWE. the u........... a Hotar, Public ~~: ;:~~~dH~ l::'~.:.c:r r:=~~ be the ~ and atRc. whOM nome I. albKl'lbld 10 the fcngoIn, .........1, and .........1dgId to IN tIlol hi IlIICUtIll tho -.,e far tile p&Itpo:.I and _llclIratlon tIl..., ......-L WITNESS WY HAHO AHD SEAl. OF G'Flo:, thltl _ dll, of 20_ Notcr,PublIcIn_'crthlStoleofT_ THE PURPOSE OF THIS REPLAT IS DIVIDE LOT 4R INTO 2 RESIDENTIAl LOTS. "'"" I. Nt .-uEY stW.1 NlJT IE. REQI.IRfD TO SEINE THESE L!ITS. 2. lMSIS OF BrNINOS ARE DERMD. ~ RE't1SED PlAT Of SHAIJYlIML ACRES, RO:lDIlOEO .. VOLUWE 41. PAGE 9!lo lIW" MCCRDS, 0Ill.J.A5 COlMIY, TEXAS. 3. INTERIOR LOr lINE WONJWENT[D WffH ~ 1/2. IRON ROD WITH 'l'Et..LCNr PI.ASTlC eN> STMlPEO "nM.. 4. DI5rI4C ZONN:lIS SF-I2.. SUMlOR' CERTIlCATE KNOW AU. WEN BY 'MS[ PRESENTS: That I. SEAH SItROP!HIIE. 0 ~ Prof...... lancl s..n..,or. dll""" certlI)' that I hoVI pr.-d thl. plot from on octual an tIlI9"lI'I'lCl ~ of thlland: and thell'lClllUlNllts....... '*'-'... fauncI =/: =.~my,.--l ~ in accanIDnoI with the plottlnfJ,... oncl~. of till ~. 8 ~ . Z ~ g ~ 8 .....SHROP5HIlE RegiIlIr-.d Prof...--. Lond s..r..,... No. !loI7'" STATE Of" 1DlAS COUNTY ~ CllWN BEFORE":' tilt undlnllJnlll. a Matory PublIc In one! tcr... StotI ofT_on thll cia)' ~17.,...-.d =" ~:=~":. ~=-=IIII"":'=-~ ~~ar=. =, ~in~~HNCI~-::"Of" ClFFlCE, w. thI--- day 01 2007. NotOl'J'PutIliclnondl.......stGtldT_. ~forAflpnwaI; ChoIrmon, I'lonnIne olld Zanine Conwniaian Clt,deopp.ll.T_ AflpravIll ond AccIrMd: Wo)tcr: 00u9In N. ~ Delta CltyfllOopplll,T_ r:-..=='~ c:r, ~.~Cf'r:~~~ :::::::a'thlthlaty of ~, _ IUOmlttIIlI to till City c-.d on till _ cia)' 01 2007, and the ~ by formal action, tMn c.'ICI u... oc:capt.l the dIllIcolIan of...., oIIJI, parlol,--a, publIc~.oncl..wand _u.... ......,.oncI lIl'ortn in ond UIlOII __pIal,ondIOldCouncll'urtIw'outnoriwdthlllklyal"tonatethl~lhIr-'''' =~'-;:~o:~. Clt,s.cr.tclry RECEPT """"""'" TXUElIctrIc~CompllllJ' ATWOS ENERGY "'FIaadpkoin~.........."",,ic:QllanHo wIlhthlClt)'oICopp11Flooc1f1loinMnlmtnrtor.... l'\oodpIoin~, .... -... 2007.. 2 RESIDENTIAL LOTS ow 1.108 ACRES LOTS 4Rl AND 4R2 BLOCK C REPLA T OF LOT 4R BLOCK C SHADYDALE ACRES AN ADDITION TO THE CITY fS COPPElL GEO. W. JAQ( SUR'o€Y ... ABSTRACT NO. 69" DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS FEBRUARY 2007 SCAlE; 1--50' OWNER STE\IE PAYNE CUSTOW HOWES. INC. 878 s. DENTON TAP ROAD SUITE 220 972-740-0008 COPPEU... TEXAS 75019 ENGINEER .... DOWDfY, ANDERSON . ASSCX:1AlES,. INC. ""'__OIlU.". ......~ .... llO-OJ7 y H,-n ~ II Ll L i ~:-=,- Utp ! ,jlU I' r~~-.~- ~((J i '. ~ L~:J; I 1'f~'0lifCli00i ;;' ,,~ :1 LOlE ~ 3~ 0[1 ~, ~ J~:u~j~\'u.x<~ IcfJ ""'" . SIZE (""'11 '0' '" ~;- --IO~- ". -'j!'>-=-- ,.' ". ". --r--CANoPrnr-CROt't-! ' ~LIYE l~fcflft OAK CO Sui- - Rl"J-lAIN" GAol<:: CO 5(.1~ Ra-l1',lJot 0"""" D ~ ~'" 0,""" CO ~ ~N ON( ___po ~ ~IN ON-: c.o 50tl R&lAlH 0"",," tl ~ AIN OM. 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