Proposed Water & Sewer connections stevepayne customhomes Prooosed Water and Sewer Connections for the Reolat of Lot 4R. Shadvdale Acres. Coooell 136 Shadydale Lane (Lot 4R 1. Block C) - South Lot We intend to utilize the existing water and sewer connections which remain from the previous home. 140 Shadvdale Lane (Lot 4R2. Block C) - North Lot A new water meter and tap will be connected to the existing water main located on the west side of Shadydale Lane. The tap will be made in a location to be determined to minimize interference with existing trees and other as built elements. A new sanitary sewer line will be connected to the existing sewer main located on the east side of Shadydale Lane. The connection will be made a minimum of 10 feet from any new or existing water lines and in a location to be determined to minimize interference with existing trees and other as built elements. 878 S. Denton Tap Road, Suite 220, Coppell, Texas 75019 972.740.0008 0 0 ~ ',' [] 2,~ Gt3 ') r'. I:::. \...... .,' J ,,; ~ .1 ," f , ~ i "I 1 i j 'I ~i " ,) D T1r.(c:.1L ,JU ! . I ~ (~. ~ I' , ,. '" Ii i ~ ~ ~ , r-u--..,:_ .... N~::~. 2 2 \) t1' ; .""' .~ C ". ,':;. I / i /': ~ I r;: (I I -, r, /,' 1 I' l.. I L",' , -' ...' '-_c " " I J - U: I, . \ I i I I.-l.__~ ..,____J ---_._-_._~ Cl"l.~LQ~ ~ 6o.J I.A '-( 8" &" ~ I~' S "f.)~ ~L( .. f':v~~': ,,-, I e" I ___J___ D I I I r , -------.---- / . IX) I -----J '2&1 ~ ~ co ~~)!~~~~O\.r 1 -'\.~.r" ,"'\. '''''. 8" \..}. ~ (J II yAV" o ::l-. 7,' "'F":\ "[ :'/'" , " j l' (T .,,' ,~, I. 0 t\' '." f.: l.. l' ,r \' ,-; E. \ r; E !< .",:'" :; "" if1llUl1UIL., J _L~", ~-'"-"'_.~..~...1:--,1l1lll1il 14 c: ~ (X) 12" l: <D (,) (\/' "'~,.. d. 't:.~ .1-.... ..- '-y. a1;" _J z. hJ C:J rI I ) y, \. \ ,fe \ ~.~- I - 1 I _ -<;'11" Uti. ...~-~~~,'......J\MIllI'lIUilM~, -~''-'''' . V\\ j . j.(:,.. ......~ '.. t -....J..-I'_~ ~ J....., \..... ~...... :Z ""C.:7J ; \ II C 'c. a:/....~ '~~? '-~I~~.,~ 1J.\f\~ wl~ '-livE ED t~E.~ 'f~ aE V~l~l~ -, .__ . .-:> <!) l< I ~4 rB ~ ~ j<SS/~-~ ~EWER. CON~eCT~oNS H'::~i'7~'-; I'F:'..l (j~ r. P- I I ';,\-.., ...1 . '. " /' t. '\ ( ,'-' , , . "'~--/ 8" t 1R,.IL ..,JU . \ I J o o [] o r\ .., L"..... , I ~ ~, .~ I " ; -.\ .- ,--' " I \r;(~ I,." L.. / L." 1,:'_ ~'"1 1 I Yj I ~- ',F: ',f" '. \ ' "1 I i ,.._.L.-.----.. r---"'- .---..- :: e."'''')f~~ 1=" ~ ~ b~ e4/t [~ i __.J.__ ____ - --.--.. ; ..' , i",,_, ,.,., L ~ 8" <X> 8 i i \_,_ i ' 8" ) ,I. ,. .. /'., , t". .) f-.;: ; .:' .2 C t" L 0 ~ . .l:: .. \ !~' ,< " , '. .. \ f r. !1' (, !:: .\ (: .~ 1_' " '. ' " J ' ,. . ~~~~~f(~~{\1~n,~~t.~<~lItI!t;~1i'iI4~~~.?)\~;li'q;,.".,.;:,t"'.1:I&';;l;lt;..','lt,4,1Wilr:'