Paving Plan - ADM. APPRVL. ~ 0.. o a:: I w o o I (J) o CD CO ::J <( o c m 0.. OJ c > m 0.. SEE ANCHOR JOiNT DOWEL DET A.IL ON THIS SHEET FOR DOWELI~~G AT JOINT BETWEEN EXISTING PAVEMENT AND NEW PAVEMENT. ---..----- ------- ------- -------- --------- ------------ -------- -------- LIMIT OF 20' ---. c OJ -0 r-- r-- N "'<t N , 0.. 0.. , ..- o N U [) o <( u -- r-- r-- N "'<t N U; o o o "'<t ~ l.L l.L ...J <( I (J) r-- N ..- L: m ~ <( C") "'<t CD iD ..- ..- CD o o N ?i (3 ..- 4 - I if) N -" ..~. . /L IN~ ~ Al,. -.1~O ILF ./ OF 611 C~tnB / l() ,.... ..- . . - . ....~ .... I ! I ;;In o If) 6E I . r- - r::-_J I ,,,.--- '1'-'1 .. , 0<') I Ir-_ 44' EXPANSION JOiNT (TYP.) r---~" . 722,o()~ r _I 441 r.. r---.-'-l I -", ... ---....--------- --- ------..- --"'.......~""'~ -------1 I I , i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -------- --------- ~-~ -...""-- ~~-.------ - - FL;LL DEPTH SA'Il'CUT LINE ~ r~EW PVMT. CURB RE\lOV AL \ Hili. 10'R -..- SAWCUT 874 LF & REMOVE CURB CONNECT TO EXIST. CONCRETE I / ~ ..a.~- ;> .. .a.~ . . . .1 oj · i,.. . ~ 11lp i~.~ ~lk~F ~r 11,. A;~()' -, I" I , ~ Ph Ot S . .. :> .. . ;- FESTRIRE FIRE LANE r15'R , i -j ," 2PR -L:>\ i_'~v1IT OF CURB RE\lOV AL I ! I L3/{ x 24;/ DOWELS @ 18;/ D.C. EPOXY IN PLACE, DOWELS TO BE DRILLED INTO EXISTING PAVEMENT HORIZONTALLY. "ANCHOR JOINT" DOWEL NO SCALE . .' ~ : INSTALL 372 OF 6" CURB LF~ 340.73' 1" U~SIDE DIA. hOLE. BLmm CLEAN AND COATED WITH EPOXY RESIN BEFORE INSERTING DOWEL~ EXIST. CC~C. PVMT.~ {--L~~ f-iN :"~~~i 12" YAX. STANDARD YETHOD FOR JOINING ~EW REINFORCED CONCRETE PAV~ENT TO EXISTING REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEYENT DE TAIL , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I / I 1 r f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I / / ~ N 1.0 28 3J 4D sC) ~2J 30 SCALE': 1~~()' PAVING NOTES 1. The Contractor Is dIrected to the General Project Notes Included on thIs sheet and r,e shall consIder them as part of the speclffc work notes Included below. 2. Pavement removal and repaIr sr,ail conform to CIty of Coppellrequfrements. All sawcuts requIred to concrete removal shall be made full depth. Contractor shall make every effort to protect exIstIng concrete and/or asphalt edges. Any large spalled or broken edges shall be removed by sawcuttlng pavement prIor to replacement. 3. Contractor shall maintaIn posItive draInage at all tIme durIng construction. Pondlng of water In streets, drIves, truck courts, trenches, etc. wIll not be allowed. 4. Contractor shclllocate and adjust existIng utlllty manhole lIds, cleanouts, water valves end other surface appurtenances as requIred for new construction. Contractor shall coordfnate utilIty adjustments wIth otr,er dIscIplInes and the appropriate utIlIty agencIes and provIde for all fees for permIts. cornectlons, InspectIons, etc. 5. Contractor's work shall include pavement removal and proper legal disposal of debrfs required for new 'Nalks, drfves, curbs, gutters and other pav[ng and concrete features. Contractor shall be responsible for all coordInatIon, fnspection ard testIng requfred by the Owner and/or the City of Coppell 6. All sIdewalks shail meet ADA requirements unless noted specIfically otherwIse on the plans. Maximum cross slope shall be 2% and maximum longftudlnel slope shall be 5%. Contractor shall be responsIble for removel and replacement of any ADA eccesslb',e flatwork that does not meet the mInImum ADA Accessibility requfrements at no addltlonal cost to the Owner. 7. Pavement removal and repair shell conform to the CIty of Coppell requirements. All saw cuts shall be full depth cuts. Contractor shall make effort s to protect concrete and/or asphalt edges. Any large spalled or broken edges shall be removed by sawcuttir,g pavement prior to replacement. 8. Refer to City of Coppell Standard Detalls for mInImum subgrade pr6~aratlon (lIme stabIlizatIon) requIrements. Any varIances to the stardards rTiust be requested to the EngIneering DepartfT,ent In .,,-ltlng. 9. Expansion Joints cnd sawed dummy JoInts shall be constructed as per city of Coppell standards. ExpansIon JoInts shall be separated at a maxImum of 3001 intervals. Sawed dummy JoInts shall be spaced at 15' maxImum Intervals each way. JoInts TO be sll1con sealed. 10. Contractor- to Install redwood expansion JoInts at R.O.IV. line at all drive cpproaches per CIty of Cappel! standard constructIon detalls. 11. All work wIthIn publIc R.O.W. shall be lime-stabIlIzed fn accordance wIth CIty of Coppell stander-ds. 12. Dfmensions and coordinates cre to face of curb unless otherwlse r,oted on the drawings. 13. Subgrede (mfn. requlrrr,ents-unless otherwIse approved by clty engIneer). Subgrade ur,cer all pavement shall be InItIally mIxed 8' thick and re-mlxed 6' thIck and shall be s~abillzed with 6% min. by weIght of hydrated lime (Generally + 40 Ibs.l s.y.) and compacted to a densIty not less than 95% standard proctor densIty. AlternatIve subgrades, supported by laboratory tests, may be submItted to the cIty engineer for approval. LEGEND: D [J "* 7" 3000 PSI CONCRETE REINFORCED WINO. 3 BARS 18" O.C.E. W. OVER SUBGRADE COMPACTED TO 95% OF STD. PROCTOR EXISTING CONCRETE FLATWORK "* CONCRETE PAVEMENT THICKNESS AND SUBGRADE BASED ON ORIGINAL PAVEMENT DESIGN. Administretj'J8 ,4pproval ((;fe- / By iJr]j~-{jitcJ; I RECEIVED I'T 52006 c ::'liJI:JG DEPARTi.1EilT . u z z (f) - 0 <! - ... (f) x CJ) z w W <! ~ - 0... ... Z X --.J --.J <t: w W 0... CL ~ 0... ~ Z 0 w U 0 ~ u W LL > 0 <! >- W 0... a: ~ (9 u ::) z ... ~ - . ~ 0 - Z a: > <t --.J 0:: 0... en ::) a: >- LL w <t --.J ~ >- <! w ~ a: ~ I- <t I a:: ~ (9 I w u > 0 :J f""oo. <{ a: f""oo. I ~ 00 ~ O)~ ~~ ro~ IJ) .~ffi f''\Z '-' z O~ (() r.f) G f- CI'l~ <ow IJ)2 . cr IJ) ON ~~~~ f- ....J.n ~Io...~ o f-.no.n a: IJ),,"om ~~WIJ)f2l8 ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ V ffi ~ f- ~r::. woU).~~ ~ ~ z'S~~ c.::l (D....J....J Z Z;;~W~ W CD 0 f- II. ... ... ... c o :g 'C U Ul <ll o -..)" <lJ c ro 9 0 :.n s- Q) . a:: 0 z - r '. ...ik *"'l5'lt "" -'It 1(' , . . , .' ..:', - I ' ,,,",, 1/..............,..........1..:.'./ 'i MARK W. r'/cGRAW ~ ";...,..., Ii II" ........,.. "lIlt ../ · 8'<96 . II ',~... <oJ 7 /q;tfI t~. J 'il{..'~ , .....IiC~N~\)...f-/." t ....H.J C ;:)~..,..\~;p " '?8iOr~A('2.~1' \ ""............ /0-3-00 Project No 24277 -.- Issued: SEPT 2006 Drawn By: CAD .~ Checked By: GL / MM~1 Sheet Title PAVING PLAN ~ C2.01 I Sheet Number I