Application 03/12/2007 12:12 2148913203 JOHN T EVANS CO PAGE 02/El2 p" 1 Mal"' 12 2007 ell ~2 HP LASERJET FA)( . Zoning App lication Planning Department 255 Parkway Blvd. :Cappell. Texas 7S019 Phon; 972-304.3678 Fa.x: 912.304.7092 Filing DatEl: -3 - i (0- O:t -. FiJil1g J."ec: 1\ UoS. O~ Name()fAPPlicanl:~ (Uo?f(Wt\1n~l+ttlln#!la~ lAl~~.~Ll) Appliean'~ .~ddress: Bo1 -8>, rnac;Br:l:h~( B\ vd -# I ~S, eO~0{ I, TK-1:pIQ Telephonlll"umber. Z\4-3\5-S65'S Fax Number:- Zi4~65:J-'-2; IlwT. .: kns Ah ') ....!..2!-.!._. c: , T ..,. . o' ~ CC'lPPELL ...~d& .. ~.. -7'~j~~. .t .\ a ' \' Zoning R(tluested: 1:1:11. Property t.x:ation: Reason(s) :OT Zonins OLange: .JuJruld ~KeJQ-tlMltl-hD i teD~ _Cl'Yh)eni~~q( ~tv(€, ~)el\It1j. 6eet J' W;(lL. 'NOTE: Applicant is responsible for erecting, maintaining and removing a s~$fl nl)tifyins the pub lie of the pending :~.:'njng application. Tbe sign &halt be posted ten (10) days prior to. the Plmning Commissi,:n meeting and shall be removed af\erthe Cily Council's approval or disapproval of the app!i{:;,tLon. Failure 10 creet the sign at least (10) days prior 10 the Planning Commission hearing n'lll y result in postponement of the zoning case untU this condition is mot. Deposit ill ':he amount of one hundred and fifty dollars (5150.00) for the metal, full-frame ~Of\ing chanae si~1\, and one-hundred dollars (S 100) for window signs will be required. - The deposit will be rr:.Olnded by mail a.fterthe sign is returned in lood colidition to the Plann,ng Departmenl. rtul WVERNON ~o.~ t" Jr '& L-. MA, Lfd Address of Property Owner: ~3'S1 rJ. tn frIA 1.l5c $5IIJa I .... ~ Name of]~I~presentativc: Name ofP'operty Owner: Si~ature (lfPropet1y Owner: .nd Cllec:lcli$l$IZ(1l\1: App 1 "d X8.::l 13r~3S81 dH Ll:v L002 21 ~~W