CC approval on 050807 THE.CITY.OF DEPT: PLANNING May 8, 2007 AGENDA REQUEST FORM COPPELL DATE: ITEM #: 1 6 o WORK SESSION D CONSENT I.; I REGULAR ITEM TYPE: PRESENTATION ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Bellacere Addition, Lots 1-4, Block A Preliminary Plat, to establish lot lines, easements and a fire lane to allow the construction of four single-family homes on 1.961 acres of property located along the north side of Sandy Lake Road, approximately 150-feet east of Summer Place Drive. GOAL(S): EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The following P&Z condition remains outstanding: 1) Drainage issues will be evaluated further during the Engineering plan review process. FINANCIAL COMMENTS: RECOMMENDED ACTION: ACTION TAKEN BY COUNCIL: On April 19, 2007, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of this zoning change (7-0), subject to the above-stated condition. Staff recommends approval. Motion to Approve subject to conditions 1 above and waiving the requirement that all residential lots front on dedicated streets M - Tunnell S - Franklin Vote - 6-0 Hinojosa-Flores absent . Libby Ball t.&. 2007.05.21 . 16:59:53 -05'00' 1(ij)1. Rplln II-A RA PP I-AR CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT Case: Bellacere Addition" Lots 1-4" Block A" Preliminarv Plat P&Z HEARING DATE: c.c. HEARING DATE: STAFF REP.: LOCATION: SIZE OF AREA: CURRENT ZONING: REQUEST: APPLICANT: HISTORY: April 19, 2007 May 8, 2007 Matt Steer, City Planner Along the north side of Sandy Lake Road, approximately 150-feet east of Summer Place Drive. 1.961 acres of property 2F-9 (Two Family-9 Residential) Preliminary Plat request to establish lot lines, easements and a fire lane to allow the construction of four single-family homes on 1. 961 acres of property located along the north side of Sandy Lake Road, approximately 150-feet east of Summer Place Drive. Applicant: Tom Whatley Heritage Development, LP P.O. Box 440 Coppell, TX 75019 (469) 549-0160 Fax: (972) 888-9966 Engineer: Micha Duffy Hamilton Duffy, PC 601 W. Harwood Rd Hurst, TX 76054 (817) 268-0408 Fax: (817) 284-8408 This property was initially constructed in 1953 with a renovation permit approved to allow a one-story, detached garage in July 26, 1999. On February 20, 2000, a building permit was obtained to allow for the new garage to be constructed as a two-story structure. On October 10, 2000, a permit was approved for the main structure renovation to increase the size to a two-story structure and attach the garage, which was under construction at the time. All ITEM #9 Page I of3 construction ceased shortly thereafter. A permit for the demolition of the garage and addition (ordered by the courts) was obtained on September 30, 2004. The property was recently sold to the current developer, who secured a demolition permit on March 29, 2007, and has since removed the residence. TRANSPORTATION: Sandy Lake Road, currently under construction, is a substandard, two- lane asphalt road, which is designated on the Thoroughfare Plan to be a four-lane divided thoroughfare. The adjacent right-of-way is currently 76' (+/-) and 24' right-of-way will be dedicated with the platting of this property. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North- Summer Place (single-family homes on approx. 4,000 sq. ft. lots); PD-148 (Planned Development-148) South - Forest Cove Phase II & Georgian Place (single-family homes on approx. 8,800 sq. ft. average lot size); SF-7 (Single Family - 7) East - Shadydale Acres (single-family homes on approx. 33,400 sq. ft. average lot size); SF-12 (Single Family - 12) West- Summer Place (single-family homes on approx. 4,000 sq. ft. lots); PD-148 (Planned Development-l 48) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Coppel! Comprehensive Plan, as amended, shows the property as suitable for medium-density residential development. DISCUSSION: This request is for preliminary plat approval of a division of one lot into four with a common area (X Lot). Access from the adjacent alleyways will not be required here, as the preceding planned development requests their elimination. The applicant is, however, requesting an exception to the Subdivision Ordinance that mandates each lot have public road frontage. A 24' fire lane, utility and access easement is proposed to serve as an alternative to this requirement. Because this fire lane is serving only the proposed four lots within the subdivision and is not needed for additional access to the existing, surrounding subdivisions, staff is comfortable recommending this exception be granted, as was recommended in a similar case (Petterson Replat) to the west. A Homeowners' Association is being established to maintain the private utilities, the fire lane easement and Lot IX, which is devoted to landscaping and a masonry wall. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff is recommending approval of the Bellacere Addition Preliminary Plat subject to the following conditions: 1) Submit the draft HOA Documents for legal review. 2) Clearly depict the boundaries of Lot 1 X. 3) Provide a 20' x 20' drainage easement on the northwest comer of Lot 4. ITEM #9 Page 2 of3 4) Drainage issues will be evaluated further during the Engineering plan review process. AL TERNA TIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Recommend modification of the request ATTACHMENTS: 1) Preliminary Plat ITEM #9 Page 3 of3 @N ~-1IIi': 50 Scale 1" = 50 ft ,,. , ....-.. .... ... ... ...... GU ~~..ZOIliftg~ -...- ~ ::-...c:....a.T_ ~ l!llDIl BL UE WLE SSE I.R.F P.o.B. D.E. BUILDING LINE UTILITY EASEMENT WATER LINE EASE~ENT SANITARY SEWER EASE~ENT IRON ROD FOUND POINT or BEGINNING DRAINAGE EASE~ENT n.t.s. NOTE: DRIVEWAY ACCESS FROM SANOY lAKE ROAD SHAlL BE L1~ITED TO ONE DRIVEWAY AND SHALL BE LOCATED IN THE PLAnED ACCESS EASEMENT. THE EASEMENT SHAlL BE PAVED WITH 24 FEET OF CONCRill TO FIRE LANE STANDARDS. A TREE RETRIBUTION PLAN ~UST BE PREPARED AND SUBMITTED TO THE CIlY FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE BY THE COUNTY. AND A TREE REMOVAl PERMIT SHALL BE REOUIRED PRIOR TO THE REMOVAl OF ANY TREES. THE UTILITY, ACCESS AND FIRE LANE EASE~ENT SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION A UINIMUM Of THREE OFFSTREET PARKING PLACES MUST BE PROVIDED BY EACH lOT. THESE PARKING SPACES MAY NOT BE LOCATED IN THE FIRE LANE/ACCESS EASE~ENT BUT ~UST BE ACCESSIBLE FlRo~ THE EASE~ENT. THE LOCATION OF THE PARKING SPACES SHALL BE ACCOMMODATED FOR WITHIN A DRIVE AND MUST BE SHOWN WHEN APPLYING FOR A BUILDING PER~AIT. LOT 1 x IS TO BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOA. 1J u 12 Trocl No.2 ~ ~ !Iii ~ ill ~ ww UO <(5i1': ~i~ <(~~,...: j~~~ ~~:I -~ ~ 1/7' lllf..".o.e. -I I ~~ ~ii: =I:l !};"l ;;;! lito!:: SUfNEYQR NfO. SURVEYING. INC, 1 J5 SHEFnELD DRtIIE FORT WORTH. TEXAS 76134 (817)293-56&4 (817)293-5685 Ffo:/. CONTACT: ROGER W. HART OWNER/OCVEI.OPER: HERITAGE OCVEI.OPWENT. loP. THOIIAS F, WHATLEY. II P,O. BOX 440 COPPEll. TEXAS 75019 (972) 304-3678 (972) 304-7092 Ffo:/. GEDRClo'N PLA FOREST COVE """" ..... _'It ~... net of... '- tMco..we w. ............,...,... .......114. Ql;r 01 ~ 0... c..ntr. '-. .... .... -nw:r r .... -..cr ... . ........ ifI . .... to ....... ...., ..... .... ..... .......,. ......... if! 0.... ,.. ......... 2CIOIOO34Z278. o.d ..... 0.. County. '..... .. ..... ....... _ _ (1) l-=t '" ..... ..... ....... . ...-...: ~ ... . 117' _ ... ..... 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TEXAS ENGINEER fHJ~fiWOfL7T@fNJ flJ)(J"J[?f?W, !P@ ~C>__'-'L"'T'"I_c:a QllI.,---,,-._- .........._.......__IT.ttu,s_ _1111)__'''1111)__ APRIl 24. 2007