Preliminary Plat - 2007 CURVE TABLE UNE TABLE CURVE DELTA RADIUS ANGEN LENGT11 CHORD BRG CHORD LINE LENGT11 BEARING C1 89'37'50' 30.00 29.81 46.93 N45'11'04'E 42.29 L1 49.86 NOO'22'09"E C2 90'22'10' 30.00 30.19 47.32 N44'48'56"W 42.56 L2 197.14 NOO'22'09"E C3 32"08'53' 72.65 20.93 40.76 N16'26'35"E 40.23 L3 15.00 N89'37'51"W C4 32"08'53' 96.65 27.85 54.23 N16'26'35"E 53.52 L4 24.00 NOO'22'09"E C5 32"08'53' 96.65 27.85 54,23 516'26'35"W 53.52 L5 15.00 589'37'51"E C6 32"08'53' 72.65 20.93 40.76 S16'26'35"W 40.23 L6 17.50 NOO'22'09"E N C7 35'26'21' 96.65 30.88 59.78 S18"05'19"W 58.83 L7 24.00 S89'37'51"E C8 35'26'21' 73.15 23.37 45.25 N 18"05'19"E 44.53 L8 298.20 SOO'22'09"W C9 90"00'00' 30.00 30.00 47.12 N44'37'51"W 42.43 L9 49.66 SOO'22'09"W C10 90"00'00' .30.00 30.00 47.12 N45'22'09'E 42.43 C11 .35'11'0.3' 98.52 31.24 60.50 N1T57'40"E 59.55 C12 34'55'45' 73.68 23.18 44.92 S18"05'19'W 44.22 50 0 50 1 50 ~..-.r----r--~ Scale 1" 50 ft PREUUINARY PlAT FOR ~EW PURPOSES ONLY lEGEND BL UE WLE SSE I,R,F, P,O.B, D.E. BUILDING LINE UTILITY EASEMENT WATER LINE EASEMENT SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT IRON ROD FOUND POINT CF BEGINNING DRAINAGE EASEMENT VICINITY MAP n.t.s, NOTE: DRIVEWAY ACCESS FROM SANDY LAKE ROAD SHALL BE LIMITED TO ONE DRIVEWAY AND SHALL BE LOCATED IN THE PLATTED ACCESS EASEMENT. THE EASEMENT SHALL BE PAVED WITH 24 FEET OF CONCRETE TO FIRE LANE STAN OAR OS. A TREE RETRIBUTION PLAN MUST BE PREPARED AND SUBMITTED TO THE CITY FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE BY THE COUNTY, AND A TREE REMOVAL PERMIT SHALL BE REQUIRED PRIOR TO THE REMOVAL OF ANY TREES, THE UTILITY, ACCESS AND FIRE LANE EASEMENT SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION, A MINIMUM OF THREE OFFSTREET PARKING PLACES MUST BE PROVIDED BY EACH LOT, THESE PARKING SPACES MAY NOT BE LOCATED IN THE FIRE LANE/ACCESS EASEMENT BUT MUST BE ACCESSIBLE FROM THE EASEMENT, THE LOCATION OF THE PARKING SPACES SHALL BE ACCOMMODATED FOR WITHIN A DRIVE AND MUST BE SHOWN WHEN APPLYING FOR A BUILDING PERMIT, LOT 1 X IS TO BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOA, ~ ~ ~ ~ :::> rJ) N OJ wW uO <( <( . <(....Ja....1--: -bQ:::\Dci .2w:=a:: CD ::?: to . ::?:co::?: :::J U1W :::J ~ o > ct- Tract No, 2 ~~ ~~ ~rJ) ~~ ~~ FOREST COVE PHASE 2 13 9 S 89-31 '08" W 0' o 160,80 ~ w '0 f- - - - - - - ___ = ~ _ I ~ 14'3 ~ . \ - j / ml -+ W 0. If'\' I /'.q- ___~ N I j c'~ t1 .q- I Lfi I :':l //0"1 / ~ I M~N. F.Fj 483.5 / I I' :;: / ;:: I 18,2~1 SF / I b \ ;:: / I 0.429 ACr- L - J c", \ I I I 'j L5 / / , 1, /./ L____L~~ /// X \ /-l \ ' L3 / -r- WEST 161 (33 / I , V / I I / I I 1----;--1---11 v- ! ( I I / I \ I J, I (j I ! I \ 1 j \ i J) \ I ? \I---~ \ \ I /1 MIN. \.F.\ 4:8~.8 4-81 _ / 17i775.Sf 4B2.--l; \ 0/08 Ac. ~B3 ---I I I l.__.--I I I L________~ I WEST 161.8 ~ ~I ~-------~ I W Cl:: c;: "'.ct I-~ 0;;; .-Jt'1 l1J U10J W Q:::W U C) . <(<(<(f- a.... . ..:,::W c--: ()~ .0 0<( N . -O~Q::: CD>- . ow::?: <(::?: I:::J U1~ o > Tract No. 1 1/2' I.R.F., P.O.B. SURVEYOR AREA SURVEYING, INC. 135 SHEFFIELD DRIVE FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76134 (817)293-5684 (817)293-5685 FAX CONTACT: ROGER W. HART ~ \ WEST SANDY LAKE'ROAD 8 ~ 7 \ \ .- a 0 en 0 CO .- . .- or- CO -.;t \ I w / t N -.;t a CO r<) .- - 0 0 0 0 .- Z .- 2 MIN. F.F. 484.8 17,833 SF 0.409 Ac. ~ o Cl:: u.. ~ m Ii1 N ---- .- ..- -- Z CO ~ -l W (f) <( W t 6 o a N N - o o I U - N <( (f) : -l~\ ~ I ~ " ::J I w f= 0 Icq \:J~ I~ \~ /' w~ I ~ I ~ I ./r-- 5 4 3 2 i // I V~ - - - - - - - -I 6' /1 1 / I / I / - / 3 I P w MIN. F,F. 484.8 / ,;:: I ~ ~84 SF / I -' ~9 Ac. / (; I i I ~ I o w ~ '0 N I r--. ~ a o r o o (f) or- ~ WEST 13.46 <0 <:0 o - 4-.l:'57~ - __ GEORGIAN PLA OWNER/DEVELOPER: HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT, THOMAS F. WHATLEY, II P.O. BOX 440 COPPELL, TEXAS 75019 (972) 304-3678 (972) 304-7092 FAX OWNER'S CERTlFlCATE Description for a tract of land in the George W. Jack Survey, Abstract Number 694, City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, and being IRACT ,- and IRACT II- as described in a deed to Thomas Whatley and wife, ~elba Whatley, r~orded in Clerk's File Number 200600342278, Deed R~ords, Dallas County, Texas, and being described as one (1) tract by metes and oounds as follows: BEGINNING at a 1/2- iron pin found in the north line of Sandy Lake Rood for the southwest comer of Tract No.1, Shadydale Acres, according to the revised plat recorded in Volume 42, Page 95, Map Records, Dallas County, Texas, said pin being the southeast comer of Tract I as described in said Whatley deed; THENCE South 89 de<1rees 53 minutes 56 s~onds West a distance of 178.60 feet along the north line of Sandy Lake Road and along the south line of Tracts I and II, to the southwest comer of Tract II; THENCE North 00 degree 38 minutes 42 s~onds East a distance of 481,89 feet. generally along a chain link fence to the northwest comer of Tract II; THENCE North 89 degrees 31 minutes 08 s~onds East a distance of 175.80 feet to the most northerly northeast comer of Tract II; THENCE South 00 de<1ree 22 minutes 09 seconds West at 39.8 feet passing 0.4 of a foot EAST of a 1/2- iron pin found, in all, a total distance of 334.84 feet. generally along a chain link fence to a 1/2- iron pin found for the most southerly, northeast comer of Tract II, and for the northeast comer of Tract I; THENCE South 00 degree 10 minutes 47 seconds West a distance of 148.19 feet along the east line of Tract I to the POINT OF BEGINNING, said described tract containing 1.96 acres of land. NOW, THEREFORE. KNOW AlL ~EN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT, HERITAGE DE.VELOP~ENT, LP. does hereby adopt this final plat designating the herein above described property as BEUACERE ADDmON, an addition to the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas and does hereby dedicate to the City of Coppell and public use forever the streets and easements shown hereon. The easements shown hereon being reserved for the purposes as indicated. HERITAGE DE.VELOP~ENT, LP. - THOMAS F. WHATLEY, II State of Texas BEFORE ~e, the undersigned authority, a notary public, on this day personally appeared THOMAS F. WHATLEY, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same in the capacity therein stated and for the purposes and considerations herein stated, GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OffiCE. this the day of 2007. SURVEYOR'S CERTlFlCATE I, , do hereby certify that the plat shown hereon represents the results of an on the ground survey made under my dir~tion and supervision and that all the comer monuments are as shown hereon. State of Texas BEFORE Me, the undersigned authority, a notary public, on this day personally appeared known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and considerations herein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OffiCE, this the day of 2007. ATTACHED TO C.C. PACKET .1)41 S,:l. DO ~~_:__=-J PRELIMINARY PLAT BELLACERE ADDITION BLOCK A, LOTS 1-4 A SUBDIVISION OF 1.96 ACRES OF LAND OUT OF THE GEORGE W. JACK SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 694 AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF COPPEll, DALLAS COUNTY. TEXAS L.P. ENGINEER [}={} L7iJ IJMJOIL u@/M [jJ) M !?!? fj' p fJJ ~ c:=:: <=> I'.J E; LJ L -r I I'.J C3 CIVIL & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS - PLANNERS - CONSTRUCTION MANAGERS 601 W. HARWOOD ROAD. HURSTj TEXAS 76054 PHONE (817) 268-OMl8 FAX (817) 284-8408 APRIL 24, 2007