Certificate of Correction 11111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111 CT J 20070240529 2 PGS CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION STATE OF TEXAS s COUNTY OF DALLAS 9 This Certificate of Correction corrects typographic errors on the "Replat. Lots 1 R 1 & 1 R2. Block 1, Freeport North", an addition to the City of Coppell, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Instrument Number 200600303588 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and is filed for the purpose of correcting scriveners errors in the boundary bearings and distances on Sheet 1 of 2 and the Owner's Certificate on Sheet 2 of 2. In particular the following corrections are made: a) The bearing and distance calls along the west property line "N 000 34' 51" W 534.61 '" and "N 000 34' 00" W 460.70" is hereby corrected to read "N 000 34' 51" W 995.31"'. b) The bearing call along the north property line "N 890 51' 22" E" is hereby corrected to read "N 890 50' 31" E". c) The property bearing call at a corner clip at the northeast corner of the site "s 290 04' 29" E" is herby corrected to read "s 290 05' 20" E". d) The chord bearing call at the northern curve along the east property line "s 340 53' 56" W' is hereby corrected to read "s 340 53' 05" W". e) The bearing call along the east property line "s 370 21' 22" W' is hereby corrected to read "s 370 20' 31" W". f) The curve data for the southernmost curve along the east property line is to be replaced in its entirety with the following: 1:1=3r 20' 31", R=1050.00', L=684.33', T=354.81', CB=S 180 40' 16" W. CD=672.28'. g) The bearing and distance call for the common lot line between lots 1R1 and 1R2 "N 890 51' 22" E 747.04'" is hereby corrected to read "N 890 50' 31" E 747.04"'. h) The bearing and distance call for the common lot line between lots 1 R1 and 1 R2 "s 000 08' 38" E 22.43'" is hereby corrected to read "s 000 09' 29" E 22.43'''. i) The bearing and distance call for the common lot line between lots 1 R1 and 1 R2 "N 890 51' 22" E 59.09'" is hereby corrected to read "N 890 50' 31" E 59.09'''. j) The bearing and distance call for the common lot line between lots 1 R1 and 1 R2 "s 000 08' 38" E 3.71'" is hereby corrected to read "s 000 09' 29" E 3.71"'. k) The chord bearing call for the western curve along the common lot line between lots 1 R1 and 1 R2 "N 72053' 56" W' is hereby corrected to read "s 720 54' 47" E". I) The chord bearing call for the eastern curve along the common lot line between lots 1 R1 and 1 R2 "s 6r 54' 06" E" is hereby corrected to read "s 670 54' 57" E". m) The 3rd line of the 12th paragraph of the Owner's Certificate "beginning of a non-tangent curve to the left" is hereby corrected to read "beginning of a non-tangent curve to the right". n) The 1st line of the 14th paragraph of the Owner's Certificate "along the said non-tangent curve to the left" is hereby corrected to read "along the said non-tangent curve to the right". 0) The acreage and square footage of Lot 1, Block 1, Freeport North "27.583 acres (1,213,289 sq. ft.)" is hereby corrected to read "27.855 acres (1,213,384 sq. ft.)". p) The acreage and square footage of Lot 1 R1, Block 1, Freeport North "12.276 acres (534,748 sq. ft.)" is hereby corrected to read "12.278 acres (534,842 sq. ft.)". q) The Line Table and Curve Table are to be replaced in their entirety with the following: LINE TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH LINE BEARING LENGTH L1 S 25027'06" E 40.03 L9 S 25027'06" E 29.23 L2 S 89053'29" W 659.93 L10 S 25027'06" E 29.22 L3 N 74032'58" W 163.11 L11 S 89053'29" W 255.58 L4 N 74032'58" W 163.33 L12 S 25027'06" E 28.98 L5 S 89053'29" W 85.67 L13 N 89050'31 E 746.96 L6 S 25027'06" E 29.52 L14 N 00009'29 W 20.00 L7 S 25027'06" E 29.51 L15 S 89050'31 W 747.11 L8 S 89053'29" W 290.21 CURVE TABLE CURVE DEL TA RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT CHORD BEARING CHORD C1 15033'33" 95.00' 25.80' 12.98' N 82019'44" W 25.72' C2 15033'33" 105.00' 28.51' 14.34' N 82019'44" W 28.43' Certificate of Correction Freeport North Addition Page 2 of 2 No other amendments or corrections are intended by this EXECUTED this the 22nd day of June, 2007. STATE OF TEXAS 9 COUNTY OF DALLAS 9 BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared James A. Koch, Jr., known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and in the capacity therein stated and as the act and deed of said corporation. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this the 22nd day of June, 2007. FEBRUARY 6. 2008 ~vt9 L'~ Notary Public in and for the State of Texas My commission expires: D'2 ( b lP I-ZOU ~ PKCE Job No. 1958-06.106 1958-143 M:\DWG-19\1958-06.106\Correspondence\correction.doc FILED AND RECORDED ()\l~'\'Y Of:> (J _ ~ t OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS ~~ John F. Wa~~en, County Cle~k Dallas County TEXAS July 05, 2007 10:08:26 AM FEE: $20.00 20070240529