Filed Gateway BP No. 3, L1&2, BA, AP OWNEWS CERTIFiCATE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL ME~~ BY THESE PRESENTS: WHEREAS TDC GateNay Business Center, L.P. Is the owner of a tract of land sItuated In the City of Coppell, Da!las County, Texas, and beIng a part of the Cardella Bowen Survey, Abstract Number 56 and the Joel Wilson Survey, Abstract Number 1555 and beIng all of Lots 1 and 2, Block A, Gateway BusIness Park ~jo. 3, an addItion to the City of Coppell, Texas, as recorded in Documenet No. 20070131228, OffIcial PublIc Records of Dallas County, Texas, (O.P.R.D.C.T.), and being part of a tract of land described as Tract A to TDC Gateway BusIness Center, L.P. as recorded In Document No. 200600457351, O.P.R.D.C.T., and being more particularly descrIbed as follows: COMME~KING at a 1/2-inch found Iron rod wIth a yelloN plas+lc cap stamped 'HALFF ASSOC INC' (hereinafter referred to as 'Nlth cap") for the southwest corner of Gateway Business Park No.2, an addition to the Clty of Coppell as recorded In Volume 98043, Page 0001, Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas (D.R.D.C. T .), and beIng on the northerly right-of-way lIne of Interstate Highway 635 (a 400' wide rIght-of-way) as recorded in Volume 79122, Page 1381,D.R.D.C.T.: THENCE South 36 degrees 44 minutes 37 secor,ds East, along said northerly right-of-way line, a distance of 575.13 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING at a 1/2-inch found Iron rod with cap on the south line of a Lone Star Gas Company easement as reCOrded In Volume 71167, Page 1308,D.R.D.C.T.; THENCE South 89 degrees 03 minutes 34 seconds East, along the south lIne of said Lone Star Gas Company Easement and along the south lIne of a Lone Star Gas Company Easement as reCOrded In \/olume 71167, Page 1306, D.R.D.C.T., a distance of 1033.54 to a 1/2-!nch found lron rod wIth cap on the west right-of-way line of FreepOrt Parkway (a varIable wIdth rlght-of-'Nay) as reCOrded In Volume 98067, Page 3324, D.R.D.C. T.; ThE~KE South 35 degrees 16 mInutes 43 seconds East, along said 'Nest right-of-way line, a dIstance of 104.07 feet to a 1/2-inch set Iron rod with cap fOr the point of cUrvature of a tangent cIrcular cUrve to the rIght having a radIus of 770.00 feet and 'Nhose chOrd bearS South 11 degrees 48 mir,utes 27 seconds East, a distance of 613.36 feet, from Nhich a 5/8-lnch found irun rod bearS South 24 degrees 51 mInutes 40 seconds East, a distance of 1.99 feet; THENCE Southeasterly, continuIng along said west right-of-way line and along said curve to the rIght, through a central angle of 46 degrees 56 mInutes 33 seconds, an arc distance of 630.86 feet to a 1/2-lnch set Iron rod with cap fOr the point of tangency; THENCE Sou+h 11 degrees 39 minutes 50 seconds West, continuing along safd Nest right-of-Nay line, a distance of 245.91 feet to the southerly southwest carner of saId rIght-of-way fOr FreepOrt Park "vay; That TDC GA TEW A Y BUSINESS CENTER, L.P., acting herein by and through Its duly authOrized agent, does hereby adopt this plat designatIng the herein above deSCrIbed property as AmendIng Plat of Gateway Business Park No.3, Dallas County, Texas, and does hereby dedicate, In fee sImple to the publ!c use fOrever, the streets and alleys shown thereon. The streets and a,leys Gre dedIcated fOr street pUrposes. The easements and public use areas, as shown, are dedicated fOr the publIc use fOrever far the pUrposes Indicated on this plat. No buIldings, fer,ces, trees, shrubs Or other Improvements Or growths shall be constructed Or placed upon, over Or aOross the easements as shown, except pavement, parkIng lots, and that landscape Improvements may be placed In landscape easements, Or as specified by planned development, if approved by the City of Coppell. In addition, utll!ty easements may also be used far the mutual use and accommodation of ail public utilItIes desIring to use Or usIng the same unless the easement lImits the use to partIcular utilities, sold use by publIc utilitIes beIng subOrdinate to the public's and City of Coppell's use thereof. The City of Coppell and public utility entitles shall have the right to remove and keep removed all Or parts of any buIldIngs, fences, trees, shrubs Or other Improvements Or growths, whIch may in any way endanger Or Interfere with the constructIon, malnter,ance, Or effIciency of their respective systems In said easements. The CIty of Coppell and publIc utIlity entItIes shall at all tImes have the full right of Ingress and egress to or from theIr respective easements fOr the pUrpose of constructIng, reconstructIng, inspectlrg, patrolling, maintaIning, read!ng meters, and addIng to Or removing all Or parts of their respective systems wIthout the necessIty at any time of procuring permissIon from anyone. The DirectOr of Planning has executed this MInOr AmendIng Plat pUrsuant to Section 212.016 of the Local Development Code, whIch provIdes fOr a cOrrection of error & therefOre, no additional sIgnatUres are requIred. APPROVED: /.-- ......., , -----~ r ' I (' , I ' '- I , /a~ /'{-:;JJ.iJ DirectOr of Plan lng' 9'1D'ul Date The undersl~ned, the City Secretary of the City of Coppell, Texas, hereby certifIes that the fOregoIng f~lnor AmendIng Plat of LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK A, GA TEW Y BUSINESS PARK No.3 (A REPLA T OF GA TEW A Y BUSINESS PARK ~ 2) of e CJt 0 Coppell was submitted to the City of the 2-D - day of ~~'Ond apProved fOr fIling as a MInOr Amending Plat by the Dlr'ect r of PlannIng far the CIty of Coppell, Texas, as authOrized by Section X.B of the City of CoppellOrdlnance No. 94643 and Section 212.0016 of the Local Government Code of the s("te O,f Texas. , WITNESS MY HAND, this the 2.~ "-& day o/f ~dA~~A/ 2007. I That the undersigned do hereby covenant and agree tr,at they shall construct upon the fire lane easements, as dedlco-red and shown hereon, a hard SUrface and that they shall maIntaIn the same In a state of good repaIr at all times and keep the same free and clear of any structL.res, fences, trees, shrubs, Or other Improvements Or obstructIon IncludIng, but not lImIted to, the parkIng of motor vehicles, traIlerS, boats Or other ImpedIments to the access of fire apparatus. The maintenance of paving on the fIre lane easements is the responsIbility of the O'lmer, and the owner shall post and maintaIn approprIate sIgns in conspIcuous places along such fIre lanes stating 'Fire Lane, No ParkIng'. The polIce Or hIs duly authOrized representative is hereby authOrIzed to cause such fire lanes and utIlIty easements to be mainta::led free and unobstructed at all tImes fOr fire depcrtment and emergency use. ~~ /dcJ-Z - City Secret y, City of Coppell 9j:M-~ 7 te THENCE South 78 degrees 20 minutes 10 seconds East, along tr,e south lIne of said rIght-of-way, a dlstar,ce of 0.39 feet to a poInt fOr cOrner of a tract of land deSCrIbed to the Texas Department of Transpcrtation (TxDOT) as recorded in Volume 84195, Page 0604, D.R.D.C.T., and being on the northerly rIght-of-way lIne of Interstate Hlghw JY 635, from whIch a TxDOT brass disc monument found bearS NOrth 56 degrees 34 mInutes 39 seconds West, a dIstance of 0.19 feet; ThENCE South 66 degrees 59 mInutes 56 seconds West, departing saId FreepOrt Parkway rlght- of-way lIne ar,d along sold I. H. 635 rIght-of-way :Ine, a distance of 80.88 feet to a point fOr cOrner, from which a 5/8-lnch found Iron rod bearS South 28 degrees 04 mInutes 11 seconds East, a dIstance of 1.75 feet: THENCE NOrtn 80 degrees 50 mInutes 21 secondslVest, continuing along sold I. H. 635 rIght-of-way line, a distance of 68.28 feet to a poInt fOr corner, from whIch a found TxDOT monument bearS NOrth 34 degrees 52 minutes 11 seconds West, a dIstance of 0.30 feet; THENCE NOrth 78 degrees 19 mInutes 41 seconds West, continuing along saId I. H. 635 rIght-of-way lIne, a distance of 275.97 feet to a TxDOT brass dIsc monument found fOr cOrner; THENCE NOrth 63 degrees 57 minutes 56 seconds West, continuing along said I. H. 635 rIght-of-way line, a distance of 157.53 feet to a poInt fOr carner, from which a found TxDOT brass disc mor,ument bearS NOrth 01 degree 26 minutes 07 seconds West, a distance of 0.36 teet; THENCE NOrth 42 degrees 29 mInutes 08 seconds West, contInuIng along said I. H. 635 rIght-of-way lIne, a dIstance of 141.98 feet to a poInt fOr cOrner, from whIch a found TxDOT brass dIsc monument bearS NOrth 17 degrees 03 mInutes 27 seconds East, a distance of 0.32 feet; THENCE NOrth 59 degrees 21 mInutes 26 seconds West, continLlng along said I. H. 635 rIght-of-way Irne, a dIstance of 28.00 feet to a TxDOT brass disc monument found fOr cOrner on the nOrtheasterly lIne of a tract of land deSCribed to the State of Texas as reCOrded In '/olume 79122, Page 1381, D.R.D.C.T.; THENCE NOrth 34 degrees 23 minutes 31 seconds W-ast, contlnu:ng along saId I. H. 635 rIght-of-way lIne and along sold nOrtheasterly line, a distance of 810.50 feet to a 1/2-lnch found iron rod fOr COrner, from which a 1/2-inch found Iron rod bearS South 23 degrees 36 mInutes 22 seconds East, a distance of 1.95 feet; THENCE NOrth 36 degrees 44 minutes 37 seconds West, contInuing along sold I. H. 635 right-of-way line, a distance of 63.88 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 787,831 square feet Or 18.09 acres of land, mare Or less. The underslgr,ed do coverant ar,d agree that publIc access easements may be utilized by any person Or the general publIc fOr Ingress and egress to other real property, and fOr pUrpose of general pL.bllc vehIcular and pedestrian use and access, and fOr fIre department and emerger.cy use In, along, upon and across sold premIses wIth the rIght and privilege at all times of the CIty of Coppell, Its agents, employees, WOrkmen and representatIves having 'n~ress, egress and regress in, along, upon and aCross said premises. the FLOODPLAIN NOTE: 1. By graphIcal plotting, subject tract lies withIn Zone 'X"(unshaded). Zone 'x' (unshaded) Is defined as 'Areas determIned to be outside the 500-year floodplain'. This plat approved subject to all platting the CIty of Coppell, Texas. NITNESS OUR HANDS, this the R C) day of OrdInances, rules, regulations and resolutions of ~ept ,2007. 2. All flOOdplain fnformation Is based on FEMA Flood InSUrance Rate Map No. 48113C0145 J, dated August 23,2001 fOr Dallas County, Texas and InCOrpOrated Areas. FLOODPLAIN ORDINANCE I\JOTE: Floodplain Development PermIt ApplIcation No. fJ fa.. , has been flied with the City of Coppell FlOOdplain AdministratOr on ,2007. BORROWER: TOC GA TEWA Y BUSINESS CENTER. L.P.. a Delaware limited partrel-shlp ~~A~ ~ Floodplai Adml~ist at Q'2..1'J Date By: TDC Gateway BusIness Center GP, L.L.C., a Delaware lImited lobllity company, Its general partner APPROVED AND ACCEPTED BY: ~\ Ja r, Duly AuthOrized Agent COMPANY 1-/g. 01 Date of Approval STATE OF Te..x.o..s, COUNTY 0r-p0"\. \ \ o..s I, the undersIgned, a Notar y PublIc in arid fOr sold County, in the State afOresaid, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT -...,) q \2~\( <::..; .rn e..r personally known to me to be the authorlz ed agent of TDC Gateway BusIness Centel-, L.P. and personally known to me to be tr,e same person whose name Is subSCribed to the fOregoIng Instrument, appeared before me this day In person, and severally acknowledged that as such agentslgned and cel\;ered the said Instrument, on behalf of TDC Gateway BusIness Center, L.P.. fOr the uses and pur pose thereIn set fOrth. ATMOS ENERGY f<(l~ (Print Name Cj- (f-o"/ Date of Approval VERIZON ~~ (Print Name) q~{5"D)- Date of ApProval SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE GIVEN UNDER MY HAND M~D SEAL OF OFFICE on thIs !) 0 day of.5 ~~p -\- >t\ry;(~ NOTARY PUBLIC ,2007. T!ME WA~E ~~ame) 9-16 -07 Date of Approval I, Raull'Jong, c.:r., RegIstered Professlor,al Land SUrveyor, do hereby certIfy that the plat shown hereon aCCUrately represents the property as determIned by an on the ground made under my direction and supervision on August 10,2007, and that the location of all monuments shown hereon is cOrrect. sUrvey My commission expIres: ).O\D \ \ \ \ \ 111/1 //1 \'\,0:;:: C v III .'.",' _ I\.t:--(<_ ',' ':<'\ ." ". ,', '" .:::.....n ,\~.~,.~;' ;~:"~'" "'~ :: ">.J. -- ", -::. -' .- -' "- =: ' ~ = - . . - - ' . - ~ " ~~~.: -;: ~;; ~_;p .... ~ -' ,-.' <:::J .... ........... ',C: " ~ ~ " ""'~ ."" "- "', '\1:>--. '..' r,v "- /1 -<....~f-JT n-', i' <, /'1 .i-I',,\ 1///111\\\\\ AMENDING PLAT ) (h c~ ,/ ),1/O-v 'C- ': ,'v'V ,'\ ~-...v \I RAUL 'NONG; JR. REGISJERE~ PROFESSlm AL LAND TEXAS NO. '2958 SURVEYOR OF LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK A GATEWAY BUSINESS PARK NOm 3 (A REPLA T OF GA TEW A Y BUSINESS P ARK NO.2) .-/ STATE OF TEXAS COU\JTY OF DALLAS BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary PublIc in and far said county and state on this day personaily appeared Raul Wong, Jr., known to me to be the person whose name !s subSCribed to the fOrgoing Instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same fOr the pUrpose In consideratIon therein expressed, and the capacIty thereIn stated. (1 "L- GIVEN U~~DER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE on this the C'\.}k- day of . t.tP {,,yj , 2007. SITUA TED IN THE My commission expires: () {(i ( W z u tI I / l A.. [\ tC{.z. ^- (- UBLlC in and L61..(~ the STATE OF TEXAS JOEL WILSON SURVEY 9 ABSTRACT CORDELIA BOWEN SURVEY 9 ABSTRACT CITY OF COPPELL9 DALLAS NO. 15559 NO. 56 COUNTY9 TEXAS FOR TDC GATEWA-Y BUSINESS CENTER, L.P. 5001 SprIng Valley, SuIte 600 W, Dallas, TX, 75224 Phone: (972) 77 4-2500 FAX: (972) 77 4-2524 BY HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS 1201 NORTH BOWSER ROAD - RICHARDSON, TEXAS 75081 (214)346-6200 AVO 24542 SEPTEf~BER 2007 FAX: (214) 739-0095 @ '.WWRA.fAENDPLA T -P2-24542.dgn \ ~GATEWAY BUSiNESS PA~~1NO. 2 /2'FiR\, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ VOL. 98043. P .G. 0 N/CAP~--- OF D.R.D.C.T. UA.I \ ~POINT \ COMlVIENCING '0 GA TEW A Y BUSINESS PARK NO.3 /\\ LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK A ~ - .~T'r- \ ~ tlPPRO><. LCe,.., , ,uN < ~\\ ~ 7 \ 1- -yr 7_ \ "- ~ 0" J,--:. , "- " ,--:.~~"' (0 \ "- U ,y/ J' "- .~ ~ '''- 'U ~ U<;<; 0",--:.\ "- '0 /) ~ 0" _\ "- '/'~~ '{;, "- . ~ . \;-' \ // ~ \ I JAMES A. SIMMONS SURVEY, // ':i. ~A\ \ I LI 0 1296 / i- "11> \~ \ ~ I ~ ZONE ABSTRACT N . PRIVA TE DRA,NA3E EASE"ENT ~~>/ 9: "'", ;<)0 \ ' . C.C.' 2007C097807 / %> ('" ~ . o / 06'", "0 /\ \ ~ i ; CA TELLUS LAND AND DEVEL OPMEN~2~~RPORA TION r . "io~,o \ ~ ' -or VOLUME 2003257. P AGE I . ~->- "lA\ \ G L 0,E '- f-- D.R.D.C.T, I \ 7 /" ~~ , OF zcr,~, , ~ i ~ STAR GAS CQ",PM,Y cASE'.<E,'T : \\ <21?~;J:~)- \\ 1 LO~L STAR GAS CCf~PM~Y EASE~/E~nl 20' Lm,E 'vOL. 71157, PG. 1305 I \ I VOL. 71167. PG. 1308 40' PRIVATE LANDSCAPE BUFFER c c 7 i D.R.D.C.T. I C.C.l* 200700978061 D.R.u... . \ 't I \ _______. L -, _ :,BSTRACT jiO; 12~~___ 1- ------ " --- V,'F);--- ~-~~e:f~o~:~~~~~n . __ __ · ~ --------------- ABS7R,\CT '0, 06 1033.5~' I _ 98,<0' ",-0..2 J' ",O.R (C.C.' 200701312281 ..----- ' APPROX. ABSTRACT L "E=::....___ --------- ___ __ -m~"" '&. ABANDONED 8Y THIS PLAT ____ 't:. ~J---:'-----S89'03'3~'E r --- ~- '. -r----~-----==--====--=--=----- I-I 34-@S-~~ ~?~. '\ U~?~,~~O'E~~~~~NT _____/ \)~\'\J --1. - -- ------ -t -------1---- --- -.~~~--~~~~~~1Z\' 44 -\--\---- --\ 78 \".\p-,~, <BY THIS PLAT, / ~?--{\ -- ----=rr --- -- ----------------- ----=---=-----===--=--==-==-----=---~- ---- --- 1 1 -\ ---~ e.\; - (" SE~ DETA,L THIS?flEET ..\G'-t- x-'{\~ ..-- - - ---r--- A~ 90'CO'CO' ----~Tr---- ~~----------- _..L-'------ '\ , ~ 30 \,/ f\.\'4 "\;() ___ \ '\ I, R~ 54.00'__.. / L0-' I ------------------- --- --------.-=-=_ 7t\- - \ \~ \ ' " / ,'I~r ,<(..\G<I _____.. ~ \ I T= 54.00' " ~ - ~---=-- ==- - - - - @F - --=-60'''0'1'0' ~ \ \ \ 3S \ 29 . , 28 'I, SIR ",CAP _ 'I" \~'> __ c; 6" \ L= 84.82' I -. 'I / - - - - - {,\ A. u, ' i \ ,', %' FIR B,O" _____ 6';. S" \, L.10' BUILDING SETBACK ~ / /---- -- 15 0 79 ~: ;i:~2~ I \ \, 2 I \ 15' PR'VATE WATER \ / '/~ / 524'51'40"".99 __ ~ r ,\ :)4 I " R' 3000' 'O'CO 00' I \\' \ \ 1C C' 200701312281/ \''''- , \ R= 170.00 ~ ~ / '\ I, - , . 0' RY A~ 0 ',_.1 \ '\ .. \ ,/ /\ \' T= 40.55'( '>' " "- ~ I I T~ /0.0 15' TXU ELECTRIC DELlVE R~ 54.0~ \ \ ~ \ / / 7 , L~ 81.02' A~ DI'4709' '\ \ 1 I '---@J L~ 47.'2 COMPANY EASEMENT T~ 31.15 \ h\-. ,/ /~ ~ \ 2 \ R- no 00' I 'j, F R ~' \ A~ 30'00 00' ~ ,/1 I~ (C.C.' 200701312281 LOT I, BLOCK A I.~ 56.55' ~ ^ \ \ -2,. '\./ yo / ~ \ , ~5ET X T; '2.0'0' ~ V"IR Beeco ~. \, R~ 54.CO'~ ~ I I I ~ RENAMED liB-" \ \ \ \ / / \ '. / L' 2' CO' C;2r56'22'E-1.95 -V'i.. \ I \ T~ 1'.47' -, e--+- IS' PRIVATE WATER T'S' PUBLIC UTILITY 37.11,613 Sq. Ft ~ \ \ ,/ ,/,/\ ~ ~3 y\ ~ 0~'38 51' . r. /-^ \ L~ 28.27' --, I 'AND UT.LITY EASEMEN EASEMENT " \ ,/,/ 53 '" 6-, \ (;- \~ '\ . , , 84 ~ I I (C.C,'" 20070131228) (BY TH'S PLAT) Or \ I -1 / \ / q~ 770.?C ~ r 1."'("\, I 6= 30 co CO \ 20 ~ 8.60 Acres 20 \ \ \ \,/ ~ ,,/ Y '" \./' T= 4.35 \ o V;>' \ I \ R~ 30.00' I I I \ ~'. c1 ~ _, L~ 8.70' , '7. ~ A"\ -<1 'i.. , \ T= ~.041" \ 83 '11 ~ ~ \ \\ ~ 6= :!O'?O',CO' .;:::::/" '" /../"",/ y 6= 01'07'0;' \\ 00~~C07<<, '\' \ L~5.7 \ I I~~ ~~~ ~l..~g(Y)' ~2 \ I\\~\~~ ~g:gg, ///~~\'/N// \ \ ~: i75~"00 '._______ ~ ~~. I \ 24' FIRE LA~E - 1\ \~ I 26 Te 3',18' A~ 90'CO CO' \ L' 47 P' // _ /-~ x \ \ L= 1" 01' /:: <::? :;;.-/> 0'0 r>2. , \ 228) ll2}-/ I ::.= 50'CO'CO' = SQ,:': R= 30.00: ~\\\ \ ',,< _ ';;';?,/"',/,/,/ ,/' \\ \ ~../' \ ~ '0 ~ ~v. , I (C.C.l* 20070131 \ R~ '0 00' T~ 30.00 62 1\ \( \ L../' _ // // / / \ ,/ '<2(' "'\io -:;, 7- \1 \ I \l/T= 17:32' ~9 ~5 ~= 47.12' ~ \ \" \ /",/'" /~,/,/ 4 \ 59 \ '\ \ ' /> -'7 ('/\' J("\ '\ \ \ I L ~ 3', ,12' __ 61 \ \ \\ \ , ,/ ,/ \t: ,/ \ \ . -'0 ':" <-!:, \ ________ __ _~ ~ r 1\ x __ -:/ / / \ \ -'76 ~ 1'\ \ I 1--=-=---===--=-____ -----------~. 15'PR,~~~~Ey'~LITY ~ Y\L~"" ;;}A -:J/ // 54, \ \ \ \ I ,\ 1'>----. -~ --------;-~ \ \ 'rc."E200701312~ / /).5<)('\\J~~ 15' PRiVATE SAM~~~~RY \\ \ b I' \ '- I ---==---------07- I \ 'c. ~ \ Y / / /' I" '--- SE^ER EASE 28: \ ' I \ \ " 'O'CO 00' T "~ 50'00 CO' / \ \ .--fi8l 0 /)f"'v--,/ ~'\ \, IC.C.' 200701312 \ \ \ ' \ ~; ~',CO :../ 17 p~ 3C,CO _/ \ \ \( =A~ WCO 00' ~' W-Y~\' v\ \ 3~ 90'CO CO' \ 1 \ , " \ ~~ 3'.18' T~ 17.32' \ \ \ R= 30.CO: ~ ;/ '" '~\t \ 60 \\ \ _ R= 30.00: \ \ \ \ I \ \\ L~ 56,55' L' 31.42 ~:O \ \ ~: ii:,C2~ ~/)."'-<1'~~ ro. II 55 ~\ '\ ~: ;~:,c2~ \ ,...\__\ l ' 0- \ \ 0 3 ,\ i s"" --:' y -@ ~ \ ~ ~ \ \ (~ I -/-; ~"\ GATEW A Y BUSINESS PARK NA ' \< ~ L ~ , '" ~/ 22 ~ :\ \ \; 60' BUILDING SETBACK---- \ \ II 00 U'".,'\ \ N D 2 B L 0 C K \ / / /5f;- / ,lo"'!;,,,<.t1.~' I \ \ h1TH FRONT YARD PARKING \ \ \ ' , /0 "'if. \ \ LOT S 1 A · \ / / / ~,/ "G\~S,)\",,~ 90'CO CO'\ 0"9. \\ \\ (C.C.l* 20070131228) \ \ \ ~ I tr. :j' \ /y // / V\s\(,o~ R~ 30.CO' ,L C), \ \, \ " \ \ ~ \5'. /?, \ S F t \,/ '" ),/ I <: ~ GG -:. v T= 30.00' \' '0' '\ '\ \ Q . , UJ ". *- \ \ 787.831 q. , ').:0\/ /\- ';/I~J6 tc.G' L~ 47.12' c:', (' \ \ ~ \ \ ~ I'" 0'-s \ \ or 'O~// ~ \) ~Y"~ \\ \ \ \ \ ~ g ~~, \ 18.09 Acres 10' BLILDING SETBACK\ / / / // / /y\ ::.= 90'00'CO' oo~ \ \\F \ \ \ \ '<i , -~, \ C c.' 20010131228: ),/ '" '" ./,/ r58' / \ R= 30.CO' S. \\ \ \ \ I c:r:: 10 \ \ ~ ( . ('. S;; ,/ \.:5 / / \ \ T= 30.00' t \ \ \ 15' UTLITY EASEMENT\ :;; c2 '\ ./ \ (V ACANTl ,')0"';'/ -- / / (57 \ L~ 47.12' , "~\ \ '\ \ ~(C.C.l* 20070131228) I ~ 1 tn '\ 'y .1;,''>/:/:> / \ \ \ \~7 LOT 2, BLOCK A \ \\ \ \\ \ \ I OJ ./ \ \ '00 / _ / / / \ \ \ \ '\ \ -or , / \ ~/ / / / / \ \...is\ \ ~13 218 Sq. Ft \ ~ ^~ woo'OO'I I I '~ \ \ / -- / / / \ Y" ~ \ ' r ^ \ \ R~ 30.00' \ ~ \ . " I I \ \ \ 1~~~C~~Loi~~7~~~IB2~~~~_::/ ~/ // }\ \ ~ \~r@ 9.~9 oAcres ~ \\ ~\\~~ n:~r \~ \ I ~~ rJ.~.g,~,9 1\ ' , \ -' / / \ / /@-l\\ (\ ~ ~ ~I L= 24.00 I ~ '0 \\ \ / / / -- - / / / , \ \ \ \ \ ___ _ _ 6= 02'03 26'1 o 0 \ ,/ ,/ / '" / ~ @J I R= no.co' I .S'; '00 )./ / - / / / 16 \ A~ "'00'00' ,.) ) --0J r-f7l G T= 13.82' I 1 0_ - \ /\ ,/ ,/'" ,/ / / \ \ R= 78.00' 6= 45"CO,OO I r '-.J -1 L~ I L= 27.55' I \ / / / / 40 38 r- T' '2 31' R~ 30.00 , Z" '"" , ( "\2:/ \ // / / '-.. // / \,/ L; 61:26' T~ 12.43 /1 ~ _~I ~31 6= 01'29'18' : W , \/ / // ') / \\ \ \ L~ 23.55' I 'tl~ ~-t~~ I R~ 770.0,0 I ~ \ ' - / / ), / / - - ~ ~ If T= 10.00 ~ ,~\ /- / / ^ EASEMENT .- 4"CO'OD' /1 I I I 'I ~ ~ 0.9;----. L~ 20.00' to , . -:,\ - \ / / "-- 15' PRIV ATE. ORA 'i~ ~ i'228 I' p; ,g.o D'.../! I I II A~ 75'00'00'1 ~ ~ 20'X 20' PUBLIC , :;; OOCUM '\ 41 L- . I I L~ 39.27' I ~C.C.. 2007013122(3) ~ 1 :'CCESS DENIED \ \ \ I I 15' PRIV ATE WATER _________ I II I 12 32' I I x I /OL. 79122, PG. 1381 / \ \ 60' BUILDING SETBACK I / AND UTILITY EASEMENT "---H If-- I 33 ,~ 06'4051' , ~ D.R.D.C.T. '/z' FIR~ \ KWlTH FRONT YARD PARKING ~O ~ (BY THIS PLAT) / I 1/ ~ R= no.o?' I it ' WlCAP V\ (C.C.' 200701312281 I I / I , T= 44.94, " I ...../"\1; \ I 23 1m--. II I I I L.= 89.78 I I 15' UTILITY EASEMENT '~q'\X \ CORDELIA BOWEN SURVEY, / I~ - "JI II I I/z'SIR;1 I 1C.C.' 200701312281 "". \ ABSTRACT NO. 56 I /1 I~ r H/CAP " \ \.. I / II I ' " ....., Fed.T'OOT 8ro" ClOK (1s)-.., I I, 26 ~/ / I 1/ 8 I I I ~ r I \ ' .... 'Aoe. 'c."'! ~ 'I I / 2 '1./ II / I I 0; , \ \ '-- ........ II/I 6= 94'00,00' / I II'" 13 II II'~ 2 / '-- .... R~ 30.00 I ~ I , I I ,', .... I T~ 32.17', A~ 86'00:00' / I II I I ,::: / ~ ........ .... I r L~ 49.22 R~ 30.00 I I I I I ~ II j 1< '" ........ I (73), M~: ~~:6; / I if A~ 86'0000' ~5 66 I I t? / ' N59'21 '26'W ~;o'\. '........ ........ / I I ~'-JJ --( -r25 /~: ~6:~~ / I" / f:.; , 28.00' ~o', '.... ,_ 94'OO'CO' , '--~\,'C../ \j, 75 I I L~ 81.05' / :... , ' N17 , , , , ',," , ?JG- ~ -----~ H/CAP I' EASEMENT I /.', '\~ ................. L= 88.:J9 22 - --_~~~~~':..-..J 1_ Q---~'~~L 64, (C.C." 200701312281 " 7',l' -, .......... ~ ---:::::::- ......... ......... _ J 0 - -1 S7a 20 19'[ -- ,,,.8'tJ\ ' '.9~', " 14 71 ~-~ '>< _1_ , - _ _ -1- _ ,ii,,,, 67 I ~, .\I'l.... ",----- "_ _ 9 69 ~ ~ ~JRY _ _ ~ _ ~_I _ , I 01 OK Moe.------- ;\( ":,--- " - - _ _ _ 70 15' TXU ELECTRIC OELI\E j 1:5 /_ _ _ '5'/ '/,'S'R , FC~'~~~;\5;'i~~no.36 6J's;, ",- '-----" - - - _ _ _ _ _ 'a:~[,~N~06~5i~~81 ";" 68 / 77 I ~ - 'leAP I \ 06'1',......' '--..... - ~ED , ./ I Q \ 'f '.........', '- 15' PU8L1C DT,tH"-. _ _ _ I / ~ I :?:; ! \ ....... --....... - -- EASEMENT :i:r- _./ h:O I \ IS; '-... ----- IBY THIS PLATI ':~ j;}Vl j \ .5J A- -- c," /_ ' r -- - - - - - - ,~',~ I " Fcd. T,OOT B"" Disk Y c. ' N i -.-- - - - - - - - - - iii ~ /, I I ",,' ""34'39"'0." " CA TELLUS DE' ELOPMENT " I 819'41'W ----- ------J ..-~,. '_'" ~ORPORATION BLOCK B ~ / ---- I ---- COMMON AREA'0.28 ACRE . 275.971 --~ft 39.96' ,." . VOL. 89190/3425 , Fnd.TxCDT 2~oss --.J J --3 I DALLAS COUNTY I DI5k 'kc, Fed. hOOT ~oo, B'G" , , , N34'5211'N-0.30' SIg' FIR Bears f \ ; N80'50'2PW S2,8'04'li'E-l.75' ~ \ 68 28' 'h'FH ACCESS DE"ED G- I . W/CA? \Ot... 84'195, PG. 604 _ _______. I D.R.D.C.T. I _ _ ~ I I I I I fr ____ I / __ I '" __________ ~ TELLUS DEVELOPMENT ~~RP:--.. , , I BLOCK C . LOT 1 -DAl'C;SA~~G~TY ~ VOL. 89190/3425 I POINT OF BEGINNING GATEW A Y BUSINESS PARK NO.3 LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK A '12' FIR ,V/CAP RA~lsprRT4TiC~~ DEPARTMENT OF T " I~C'CO~ TEXAS '1olurre 75073, Page r D.R.D.C.T. JOEL WILSON SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1555 Fire Lane casement Di5T ANCE 403.52 195.53 168,40 167.80 252.71 101.85 96.41 236.39 128,33 162,37 313,46 219,05 124.75 19,87 403.51 196.16 127,68 73,68 219.05 124.75 19,87 128,39 255,63 254.19 128,33 164.86 158,24 6 7 8 19 10 11 12 ~ [ill ~ [NJ [IT] om DID ~ W [llJ ~3 24 25 [,6J ~ BEARi~~G OJ 589003'34 'E [1]3 529003'34"E [l] N60056'26"E 4 5600 56'26"VV 529003'34"E 589003'34'E N89003'34'W 5150 56'26"'N N78003'34"W N150 56'26' E ~~290 03'34"\N N89003'34"\\I N29003'34"W NOOo 56'26"E S89003'34"E 529003'34"E 560056'26"\\1 N29003'34'W N89003'34"VI N29003'34"V.,I NOOo 56'26"E N60056'26"E 529003'34"E 5150 56'26"W ~a80 03'34"W N15056'26"E N29003'34"W 5 Water and Utility BEARING 589003'34"E 529003'34"E N60056'26"E 5350 16'43"E 5600 56'26"W S29003'34"E 5150 56'26"W 574003'34"E 5850 18'34"E 5040 41'26"W N85018'34"W N74003'34"W 5150 56'26"W N74003'34"W N15056'26"E N29003'34"W N89003'34"W NOOO 56'26"E 589003'34"E 529003'34"E 515056'26'W N74003'34"W f'J150 56'26"E N29003'34"\\I N89003'34"W ~WOo 56'26' E Easement DI5T ANCE 412,70 159,08 156.80 15,09 158.44 411,07 22.17 98,28 8,06 15.00 9.54 99.73 294.25 231.84 232,39 354.49 278.47 235.41 389,08 570,22 310,25 201,84 223,60 369,36 272,13 205.41 Public Utility F asements BEARi~~G Di5T ANCE 554043'17 'W 20.00 N35016'43"W 20,00 N54043'17"E 20,00 535016'43 'E 20,00 5850 18'34"E 19,95 ~j850 18'34"N 20,11 1\04041' 26"E 20.00 40' PRIV A TE LANDSCAPE BUFFER C.C.'" 20070097806 ZONE He Drainage Easement 8EARi~jG DI5T ANCE 5000 56'26"W 3,85 5090 42'03"E 252,42 546028"19" N 246,59 513031'4'1 'E 85.72 S76028'19"'N 15.00 ~j1Y31'41"N 77,06 546028'19 '1/.,1 200 61 N43031'41"W 15,00 N460 28'19 'E 456,51 ~W90 42'03"W 245,81 NOOo 56'26"E 5,25 S89003'34"E 15.CO Private Utility Easement BEARiNG DI5T ANCE I 5600 56'26"W 15,00 4 N29003'34"W 81,96 4 N60056'26"E 15,00 9 529003'34"E 81.96 Easement Cl5T ANCE 24.00 127.68 24.02 168.40 167.80 23.96 128.39 24.00 84.00 Common Access BEARING N60056'26"E N60056'26"E N59027'00"E N60056'26"E 5600 56'26"W 5590 26'47"W 560056'26"W 560056'26"W 58 N29003'34"W 't Sewer Easement Sanl ary ~ BEARiNG DI5T ANCE 5600 56'26"W 190.50 N74003'34"W 104.12 N15056'26"E 15,00 574003'34"E 97.91 N60056'26"E 184.80 A T& T Easement BEARING DIST ANCE N78020'10"W 20,00 N110 39'50 'E 20.00 578020'10"E 20,00 5110 39'50"W 20.00 ~ ~ Public Utility BEARING N78020'10'''N N6r 16'03"\\1 5W 40'19"W N78019'41"W N11040'19"E 5780 19'41"E 5120 43'07"W 56r 16'03"E 578020'10' E 5W 39'50"W Easement Ol5T MKE 183.63 96,95 2,32 20,00 20,00 20.00 2,39 98,48 182.18 15,00 Public Utility F.:asement 535016'42'E S89002'27"W S45056'26"W 5000 56'26"W N89003'34"W NOOo 56'26"E S89003'34"E NOOo 56'26"E N45056'26"E N89002'27"E NOOo 56'26"E 589003'34"E 48,00 569,35 33,68 84,10 20,00 20.00 5,00 70.31 45.81 525,46 25.38 21,93 \, N I 1~1 'I / I I , / ~11~ii..~ ------t ' ~ , I I ,V', fUII,r,t ~~ I ' I II '-"'\'-----.8!l1 ~ i \ PARK WEST COMMERCE CE~HC~L:~i~ VOL. 98092/7045 DALLA . ",.ll 1--::- r I ~, i 'I o i 30 90 .- 120 :80 I 60 SCAL':: IN FEET 1"060' - NOT TO SCALE II II ~ '1-".s. !f~- ./\ >) \ "'-\~ ~~ \ ~.'\., ~", ' , \ \ , , \ .t>,? () \ \",<o\()?~/' Ie:; 2 9 \ ~ ,<of:), , A, I /; ~' I -- r \. I o ,...- '\1 'i ! i ". \:.-# 1. I I I , \'J /{" I, ,/5' \:!: I' ! ~~ " " "I ! 1\10" i Ii' ,. I !"": 1";/ J I ,I ,'I , \ ,p "I I" ~ " '...., {.' i<j j i .. .r; . ' r'"~ \ : .: . .", \,', i I ! Y c_t>, ()() ,00 /.,5' , '( , ,I, /\S;J (). .~<:, ~()' '"OJ j. j'//).,/ _ '\ 'l: ",<:,() .<:,::' ,-' : '/'/ c.~ \ \') "" i " / ()o; A 28' \ ~ 5i//~')/~"' '\ ~ \ ~ 27 \ ~,~ ~ '<0'0 ~ C;o() \~?:t.t., \{~ .s. 1?~~~ 9- .,.. :..;, v_ (' , \ a 1::.= 46'56'33U R= 770.00' T= 334.35' L= 630.86' C.L.=613.36/ C.8.=S 11' 48'27"E LEGEND 20'X20' PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT (BY THIS PLAT) [ I I I i 20'X20' PUBliC I UTILITY EASEMENT I DETAIL II ~ns i ZONE LI 20'X20' PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT AND 15' PRIVATE UTiliTY EASEMENT (C C. 20070131228) ABAN'DONED BY THIS PLAT ~~.'I I " I CA TELLUS DEVELOPM~N1T8 j~Rf~~:;ION BLOCK B ,LOT 1 . VOL. 89190/3425 DALLAS COUNTY CONFORMED COPY ",-\ . OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS fY~- John F Warren County Clerk Dallas County TEXAS Septe~ber 27, 2007 12 21 59 FEE. $55.00 . "~.~~~',~ ; "~t",~~ . '~~~'7 , I... _,' __: _~< 20070348367 ~I '" , &, FREEPORT PARKWAY ... I (VAR'ABLEI/IDTH R.O.W.l ~ ... VOL. 98067, PG. 3324 · 0) D.R.D.C. T. --, . U)'~ S78'20'10uE 0...,f 0.39/ *~ >----- (), I ':> ro ,. ,. .':>-,; %, Sroro,.,. ~~ TxDOT y ~O. yOLo 84195, PG. 0604 , D.R.D.C.T. . il S AMENDI~jG PLAT IS TO il THE PURPOSE OO[A ;I~IN OF' A 20'x20' PUBLIC II MODIFY THE L 1 Mm CHANGE II .UTILlTY EASEMENT ON LOT , ASEMENT TO A 15' TXU ELECTRITCy CEO~;tMNEYNTE ON BOTH LOTS. II A 15' PUBLIC UTILI 'I STATE:. OF TEXAS \j olLme 79122, Page 1381 O.R.O.C.T. NO.2) OET AIL A-A NTS PLAT AMENDING OF LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK A GA TEW A Y BUSINESS P ARK NO.3 (A REPLA T OF GA TEW A Y BUSINESS PARK SITUA TED IN THE Y ABSTRACT NOD 15559 JOEL WILSON SURVE 9 STRACT NO. 56 CORDELIA BOWpEENLLSU~:C~AS A~OUNTY, TEXAS CITY OF COP 9 FOR LEGEND: TDC GATEWA"Y BUSINESS CENTER, L.P. ,.. 00 's Dallas, TX, 75224 5001 SprIng 'Jalley, SU5ioto e 0 FAX" /972) 77 4-2524 Phone: (972) 77 4-2 . BY I ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS HALFF ASSOCIATES, ,NC. _ RICHARDSON, TEXAS 75081 1201 NORTH BOWSER ROAD VO 24542 SEPTEMBER 2007 SCALE 1 '=60' (214)346-6200 A ,- FAX: (214) 739-009:) (C.H.) I/Z" F.I.R. N/CAP CO~TROL HONUMENT I/Z" FOU~D ,ROt~ ROD r ' i.iTH CAP STANPED 'HALFF ASSCC. iN_. 1/ "SET .RON ROD '. , N~TH CAP ST Af~PED 'HALFF ASSOC. INC. T~>(AS DEPARH1ENT OF TRANSY004RT A T:,CN V o:ume 84195, Page 00 D.R.D.C.T. S66'59'56t1W 80.8W (';ATEWAY BUSiNESS PARK NO.2 ~ BLOCK A, COMMON AREA 1 VOL. 99014, PG. 00183 D.R.D.C.T. 12,656 Sq. Ft. OR o 290B Acre ABANDONED 'BY C,C. '" 20070131228 @ ~ , ~ '- '- ~ I/Z'SiR iI/CAP ~ns ~,OT TO SCALF COUNTY CLERK RECORD'J~G NU~~BER C.C.il f.'itWRANENDPLA T -P: -24S42.asn _.~~