Replat of Kimbel Addition - Filed Plat DA V1D D. & SHARON E. BAXTER \ LOT 20, BLOCK B WA TERS EDGE ADD'N., PH. 1 \ VOL. 2005103, PG. 12427 I DRDCT ZONED: SF-7 ~ PD-125 - - --I MEDVENE LlV1NG TRUST c/o THE KROGER CO. LEASEE LOT 2R LAKESIDE V1LLAGE PHASE 2 VOL. 97187, PG. 4667 DRDeT ZONED: C ~ ~ L I I \ I I \ I I \ I I \ I I \ I I \ I I \ I I \ I I \ I I \ I I J '" '" ...... ...... '1 - --~----- 1S'NA TFR EASWENT BY THIS PLAT . a >' .-J ',,--. t"t"\ ',' >. U-I' 0 ~ ~,J.. o :)i I ..... I~ ~'C2 ~I~O <( ;:: 0,......, o ~ 15' WATER EA,SE'.~ENT SY :HIS PLAT . . - - -.- :':;':~ "'::'~~-~:__~-~~_ '\~i_ :33':=>57 "(j_ ::2C,'1: \ COPPELL 1.5.0. LOT 1, BLOCK A KIMBEL REPLA T VOL. 91180, PG. 3576 DRDCT I \ L ZONED: MF-2 ___--------- ------ ------- --- --------------- V\LLAGE P AR~WA Y -- ( variable width Right-of-way) BT47'26" F "91.95 139,95' c~ L j1. I r i_...J r _---------"1 ------ , 1-- I I \ c-, c-, OJ n ", G'- L3~ ryOJ/ ( \ \ - - -- .- L ~ ,~ , , REZA ALLEHV1ERD\ LOT 16 KIMBEL ADDITION VOL. 2002205, PG. 4796 ORDCT I I \ 0/ N ,O'i '""80': ~".,~ ~\ ' I f- i;\ I " \ I ---~ ------ \ - - I I \ 1_4 CJ" sTSSl-8YT\-1IS PLA T L I 4: I....J "-- <.D o , Lf)" .q.~ \1)Lf) to N I~ LOT 8R 0.706 AC. 30,778 S.F. \ ' \il~ ---- \ \~ J t;W ICD , =i QI;~ 9\'~1'1 L\ I )4' FIREL.A.NE, .A.CCESS ::... & U TUTY E9.1' T \ \ BY Tc,S PLAT \I~ \1, . I, i~ __oj :g) L - ~I ~ ,>'> \ 30' OSl ff('MGPLAT '10 N RI7"4,'7I"?n" F I 10' UTiL. ESMT I R T TH I S PiA T i' 140.05' I~ ~~ _----- --~;' _/__ LO::>1111.20 ~ ,~- lY- _ '""! _I, A - -r, - IOel./"J ~ ',r) L63 ~, l- F- N87 47 26 E-.? ' 'U.> '.--1 -~ dol 81 ~~ - - - --------- 1 T - I ~ r--- -- \5 }'-t"i "-- . :J, ~ N':a " C 0 3: L12 ~~~ \c; Gl LOT 14R'~~ ~ ~ Dr -- -- -- ---..... I'l I 11'1) ..- I u ~~oroT ~YRcr_s PUT - ~ If \ ~ 1~,35;~ ~~F. -..J ~ 0: 0.361 AC. -,.------....Jt:' \ I ol24' r FEL.A ~E, ACCESS, ''i~ w ex:: \ ~\ 15,708 S.F. ;; I CRA NAGE & UTL ESM'TI \'9 j (l) "0 \ I~ ~ 81-.J.rIS P' .AT I \ "- "11II:::::. I l{') :n N 21'20'08" E i? C - ?O 8.,g. ...J ~ 11) .J!C:. '--' \ ~ 12.36 -:---- ~ '\.. -------- BY -HIS pc:J;'fi _ ~ I k:~1 <:; n;~.~~?" F (os' 1 ,'~ '-- - L8 -! ~:, ~ ~ \ _ . I 's' "'''l3...i PI~\ ~ ' \ C: I ""'" = ~L----'- -- -02'1122' W ,- (1 .{. ") , ,~ 21.84 I ~ -;' \ ~ n /"-Bst$J,t5--si toJR7"~?''''R"~ Q~ n",' r--- ______ "S , L3G ~10_ ~-+r:t y lHS f-lLiA. T I x- "'_ x;:; - 1 :"---, )----r, N--r-- 'J~ L5?i -n' .-,,,' [JT" 'Ty ::' \;....: : \-,~ ~ ~J .xLI..;, ",1 \ _ _ . 1 '3 ~ ,:e'L- - 0 EASE',,1ENT C:l 20' BSL ~ _~ .-:..,- ____J _...-----J "1 I, 'd9 T'rJIS PI_AT \ \~. T'rlISPI.-AT ~/1- -II I \ 20' SAN SNR. ES'XT /1:,1 \: !~~ ~" BY THIS PLAT ~ \ \ G "- I .,. 1 C'l Co '.,: NOi2.i7'n"W r\l ~', \ ~ I 3.75'._~~7:i2.JR"r: 'I G\, ~c] 'J ':'.NsI,a~~ ~:r,~ I,~ _ __ __ I J "S2TQ4'Ol"W IS;' >- >- T L34~9.6~_. .s 1 \1: l~ ~ g ," "" - c~,,,'" ci. ::.;:' \ cio 00 \ o~i 8~- ~~Cl~ I LOT 10R a:ig: ~g: \ aiiB ~iB ....J 1.039 AC. CD - w- \63 45,278 S.F. ~ ~ ( \ ~O~I ~ _ 114' I I -+--~5 . I 0: _cD, .-L L23 - - REZA ALLEH'.;ERD\ LOT 15 KIMBEL ADD1T1m~ VOL. 2004170, PG. 5658 DRDCT _ c, -;(J::S I I \ r N Q) I , \ ~ 25 --c; , ,,- / \ \ , j N87'42'38"E 1,~{~, 30.9f \ N o o 01 "r<l 0'> C' r-- ,r) 7 ~ -q- Li-L5Ll ~ I, ,0; i=i '~rlO) -t . I---L6 ,~- ,,[) 'D L 1') - \~ \ \ \ \ \ L o L54 D U9 ~ _ - ~\~~'_18 i L69 __L5b ~_1 ~~ ,'~-EP_ _ ~1nTI~' L-;O~:;:::2 ,,-ASE""~NT 81 lL66 140,26 " ThiS Pi_AT ~ '),OENALr'\ E'S\1 T BY THIS FLAT 4: U ~ Q... .0 'II ,~ ~ r::-___ ~\ 71 I' ~ I, ~ I, g r 11-:;:) LOT 12R 0.421 AC. 18,333 S.F. :: ~N r......~ r~ 8N Z :;',11 -, W I, """,:= I~ cr N e <Y- ;'J ;:: 0:: f' I '0 :;;1 .:nl 'sl I )4' FIFELA~E,.'"CCESS, I CPANAGE & UTLlTl ES',(T , I.Q:~,}~~~ ..E..LAl.5'( 1"rlIs FLAT -. ~- ~ ...- . N o (J') .--J BY "1iIs pJ wi -6 ,YBS'L N N ~ ~ - M o (f) _ .-116- - r ~j ~c> {'}- 89"20'48" WiS '/(67 135.11' v~. .~qq4'~ --!. i"J~I~L?_8 W '.r N 89"16'04 n W N 02"16'57" 10,21' ; N SANDY, LAKE ROAD ( variable width Right-of-Way) Ol ..., , A H N h 0' 20' 40' ...LI 80' Scale 1M: 40' LEGEND - IRON ROO FOUND - IRON ROO wiRED PLASTIC CAP STAMPED "WAi" SET X-Cut - 'X' cut In cone. IRF IRS CITY OF COPPELL TRACT 26.2, BLOCK A KIMBEL ADDITION VOL. 87241, PG. 2142 DRDCT ZONED: MF-2 FLOOD NOTE According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Flood Insurance Rate Map Community Panel No. 48113C0155 J, dated August 23, 2001, this property is within Flood Zone X. Zone X - Areas determined to be outside the 500-year floodplain. This flood statement does not imply that the property and/or the structure thereon will be free from flooding or flood damage. On rare occasions, greater floods can and will occur and flood heights may be increased by man-made or natural causes. This flood statement sholl not create liability on the part of the surveyor. There ore no floodplains on this site. ~-- , \ \ JAMES B. PREV'HT LOT 30 KIMBEL ADDITION VOL. 92006, PG. 3339 DRDCT ZONED: R I , \ I I \ L___ .N ::: 8~ IO . (/') Z ~o C2r- Ci::z - - - - - ~~ ~~\- - - - - - - - - - -- ~~ ~~ -------- CITY OF COPPELL ~ iB . ~ CITY OF COPPELL SPLIT A J <l: ~ ':;i! SPLIT B WOODRIDGE SECTION 3 WOODRIDGE SECTION 3 VOL. 81180, PG. 3301 VOL. 81180, PG. 3301 DRDCT DRDCT ZONED: PD-97-R3-R CONFORMED COpy ~ ~>- ~{-"~,.. :; ~:.J...,..;;t '~, . ~":;.~/~",,:",, ~ /,:pi;f-; OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS ~~ John F. Warren County Clerk Dallas County TEXAS October 04, 2007 02'2251 PM FEE. $55.00 20070358584 L: ~ SUBJECT PROPERTY ~-- liNE T,ABLE Lli\E LENGTH BEARING L 1 25.CO' N02'l ;'22"'-N L2 25.00' N ST4 7'26"E I I'; ') 53" , S 4 2 . 451 0 2" 'N rt4I ~ 846' 58T42' 38"W r--L5I124.96' 502"17'22"E L6 '03.26' i N 8T42' 38'E !_L~_u__ ~)_~' I ~q2.17'22~'E_ L8 S4.74,t-N8T42'3S"E L9 24.00' 502'17'22"E L1 0 9.3.99' S S T 42' .3 8" \V ~ L1112.22' N02'17'22"vV I L 12 76.54' S8T42' 38"'N '1.1.3 231.80' S02"I7'22"E L14 94.30' 589'20' 48"E LI5 33.42' 570'02'59"E 1 U 6 1 88.43' N8T58'12"E I L17 I 21.50' 502.17'22"E L 1 8 8. 79' S 8 6 '32' 51 " Vi L19 68.91' 5ST,38'21"W I L20 10.73' SGO'43'56"W I L21 30.06' N89"16'04"V/ i L22 1110' NOO'4.3'56"E : L23 129.53' NS9'20'4S"W L24 i 259.70' N02'17'22"'N U5 1 3.49' S8T42' 38"W 1 -+ i L26 i36.CO' I N02'17'22"W I L27 349' NST42'38"E L28 145.12' N 02'17'22"// L29 29.77' N42'45'02"E f---------~ ------- I L30 27.39' NST42'3S"[ IT-- I L 31 . 8C,j' N02'12'38"W I 1..32 I. 24.00' N8T47'26"E :..33 I, 2203' S02'17'22"E L341 20.00' 587"42'35"N I US 52.62' N 02 '17'22"""1 ,L36 20.00' i~ST42'3S.'E 1 L37 82.62' 502'17'22"E L3.3 17.33' ,:)U2'17'22"E L39 20.00' NST42' 38"E 1_40 1 17.33' N02"17'22"'~~J LAl I 20.00' 1 SST42'38"W j i L42 1 20.00' S02'1 7'22"E 1 L43 i 20.00' N,3T42'3S"E! ~__ L44 f ?9.f!0' . _~92."1}~22"Vi_ I L45 1 20.00' S87"42'38"W LOCA TION MAP NOT TO SCALE I UNE TABLE i LINE LENGTH BEARING I L46 26.24' NS7"42' 3S"[ L47 I 15.00' S02'17'22"E L48 26.24' 5S7'42' 3S"W I L49 15.CO' i N02'17'22"'N L50 14.76' i N87'42'38"E L51 I 5. GO' S02'17'22"E ---- 1.52 1476' S8T42'38"W L53 15.00' N02'17'22"Vi 1.54 11 19' NST42' .3a"E L55 1 :',_00' S02'17'22"E I L56 I 11.19' S8T42'38"W L57 15.00' N02'17' 22"W L58 24.99' I ~~S7"42'38"E i L59 15.00' S02"17'22"E I L60 24.99' I S8T42'38"W _~_____ ____ __________u_~__ L61 15.00' N02'17'22"W L62 10 00' S02'17'22"E L63 14007' S87'47'26"IN L64 10.00' N02"17'22"W I L6,] -140C\5' N87"47'26"E ,L66 85.5.3' I N89'16'04"W L67 4.25'! NOO'43'56"E ----- -- ------------t _ ~~~_u_;i~~~,' ~ ~~;:~~::~'.'.~ 17ii 7 "g' 1 C::OC)'17'cJ?"r _ -' .0....; L / "--_ c.... ~_..- - -------- --- . --.-----..----------- cet X N - Core I 2 I / c./ /./ / 25'x25' SIDEiJ UTILITY ES~..1T. BY THIS PLAT N CD \ L46 \ --=: --;', ; ~ L;r5ul~ 20'x20' UTUTY - ~c1-48=:ll..J. E,'1SEMGH BY =:J TH'S PLAT -L43 \ ~ ,-- I I i CUR 'iE ' (;U RVE TABLE I TANGENT LENGTH 20.11' 33.80' 10.31' 46.43' : 6.94' 30.-34' 30.00' 47.1?' 28.81' i 45.91' 1.99' 13.14' '9.GO' -00."9' 1.83' , 2.'::16' 9.96' 15.94' 13.60' 24.91' 20.00' 31.42' --- ~-_.- --- "0.00' 31.42' '9.55' .30.96' I 30.00' 47.12' DELTA I RADIUS 24.80' "0.00' 30.CO' 30.00' 30.00' CH. ERG. S) 7'.3 0 ' 58 ' 'N c::.4 7'5 7'18"E S 31'44'?6"E S4T17'2?"E ~j 48"? 7'04"V/ S4 /'49' .35" 'N , S45'49'05"F 544'05' 40"N I ". < '1 ~'2r "Ill I ::;-+'+ ~ => 'IV i\U1'O?'14"I.,V N4T17'22"\V __ __un _____ ____ _ _ 1~4'l'4'l'38"E 1 01 7S'05'20" 02 i 88'40'08" C'3 58~"i4-'08" I C4 : 90'00'00" C"=' 8/'40'36" C6 89'26'48" C787"03'26" I 08 184'54'22" I C9 86'58'58" i I C'O 51'05'33" .211 iT~6:~6:00'~t- I 01 3 i S 8' 41 ' 0 4" -r 1 014 90'00'00" 201 ' 20.00' 2.COl 10.50' 25.00' 20.00' -- -.- -- - ---- lO.OO' N4.3'22'06"E N 4? ' 4 ? '38" F JO,CO' 30.00' -- CH. LENGTH .31.24 419.3 29.50 4? .4.3 41. '>6 2. S.3 ')/'-""- "- I')') ) 70 14.45 23.89 2828 --- ------ 28 28 ?7.96 42.4.3 REPLAT OF KIMBEL ADDITION LOTS 8R, 9R, 10R, 12R & 14R 2" 907 AC" BEING A REPLAT OF LOTS 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 & 14 OF KIMBEL ADDITION RECORDED IN VOL. 77219, PG. 999 MAP RECORDS, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS B.B,B, & C,R,R. SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO, 199 EDWARD COOK SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 300 CITY OF COPPELL, DALLAS COUNTY. TEXAS FEBRUARY 14, 2007 DEVELOPER: LOTS 8R. 9R, 12R & 14R YORKSHIRE WEST REA,l TY ADV1S0RS. L.P. 12201 MERIT DR., SUITE 170 DALLAS, TEXAS 75251 (972) 720-9300 DEVELOPER: LOT 10R ARMSTRONG DEVELOPMENT, INC. 222 W. LAS COLlNAS BLVD., #1610 IR\IlNG, TEXAS 75039 (972) 869-8055 ENGINEER / SURVEYOR: W1NKELMANN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 6750 HILLCREST PLAZA DRIVE, SUITE 100 DALLAS, TEXAS 75230 (972) 490-7090 (972) 490- 7099 FAX = . = ~' ~~ e ~ ~ ~ ~ :; ~ Z ~ .... I ~ ~ ~ I U = ~ .- -<: ~ ~' ~ CJ) CJ) 0 (f) .-o<c nx o w 20 f- f- 2 >-" Uf-f- <c U 2 0:::: <c ::l f-o:::: 0 (j) f- U m(j) <c m (j) <(<c " -1 >- .-! w>- <c >w 0 0::::> ::l 0:::: -! (j)::l -! (j)w 0:::: (l. . ~ (l. 0::::00 ejO U U ~o 6 .0:::: m<c>- a:i 3: f- .ou mw 0'1 '" o >-- u > '" ::J 1./; x :: ~ ?:: ,::: 5; " c<r-----. . :--- i' ~S- u z !-./) W ....J :;;: G ~ g VI co << -<l I'" Ld Z ; r- '.I) ::J.-J ~ ,./l > <( 9 ~ ~ lj ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~r---..i "- r--: V)'.IlO '_d ..:( 0 cr. .-<,-----, G~ ..J r ..Lvi 0:5 1.1"") I " << c>U o Uw z.- - ~ f-" "CJ) 20 n w>O :2-1LO (l.mr--.. o (j) (j) d<c<c >ZX W-1W 00f- e..') U e..') Z (j) 2 0<(5 0::::-10:::: f- ~3: O::::N <CN N 0:::: ~ ~ z~ o - 0::: (fJ ~NW o ~ 0:::: o ..U ~<{ ~<{ ~--.J~f'.. D-W ..0 Wmo::::m fr::~mN - ~ci OC> (fJ ~ o ~ /:'- o .......... N -' .......... CD o (l) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W Q ~ ~ 53 o '<:t' .. >, II en - >. ~ "0 CO .. Ij) (l) ~ ~ -c ,~ ~ cd I'/l cd (,) Ij) l-< rn Q Q ~ ~ -rj +J .eN ~ 0 C':l CD C') If) CD 0') 1O C':l 0:> C':l .. >, CO o Z 'fPOINT OF 1 BEGINNINGS.. ~~~'" c.t N 45"49'07" W 7,26 -rj (l) +J ~ .. ~ Q) Q) '0' ..c:: ........ l-< U ~ 0... ~~~~u ~ rQj[F ~ OWNERS CERTIFICATE 1114 WITNESS, my hand at Dallas, Texas, this the __________ day of_~.fI..ff!!!.~fg_____, 2007. ARMAI/A)(~tf?nAL, LP, Tr --~~~------------------------------ By: M(4 f'~{flC,ul ~ G,( ST ATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS WHERE AS Centurion Trust, Armada Capital, LP, Tr, Mercury Resources Group, LP, Tr, Papa John's U.S.A., Inc., and UEI EMPP, Trustee are the owner of a tract of land situated in the B.B.B. & C.R.R. SURVEY, Abstract No. 199 and EDWARD COOK SURVEY, Abstract No. 300, and being all of LOTS 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 of the KIMBEL ADDITION, an addition to the City of Coppell as recorded in Volume 77219, Page 999 of the Plat Records of Dallas County, Texas (DRDCT), and being more particularly described as follows; STA TE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEGINNING at an "X" cut set at the intersection of a northerly right-of-way line of SANDY LAKE ROAD (a variable width right-of-way) and the easterly right-of-way line of MACARTHUR BOULEVARD (a 100 foot Right-of-Way); THENCE along the easterly right-of-way line of said MACARTHUR BOULEVARD North 02 degrees 17 minutes 22 seconds West a distance of 545.06 feet to an 'X' cut in concrete for corner, said point being at the intersection of the easterly right-of-way line of said MACARTHUR BOULEVARD and the southerly right-of-way line of VILLAGE PARKWAY (a 60 foot right-of-way); THENCE departing the easterly right-of-way line of said MACARTHUR BOULEVARD and along the southerly right-of-way line of said VILLAGE PARKWAY North 87 degrees 47 minutes 26 seconds East, a distance of 139.95 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with a red plastic cap stamped "WAi" set for corner, said iron rod being the northwest corner of Lot 16 of the KIMBEL ADDITION, an addition to the City of Coppell, Texas, as recorded in Volume 2002205, Page 4796 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas (DRDCT); BEFORE me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared __A!:::ff~IIL!J!.J;;:::Kt.J:;_!d.______, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in the capacity herein stated. GIVEN under my hand and seal of office, this the 1?!!.. day of _2ifZ~~~______ 2007. ( . '-) /! ,/t l -,!~~-Ll~~~~-~_____________________ Notary Public in and for Dallas County, Texas My Commission expires: -n:j;?-1.~LQ________ THENCE along the westerly line of said Lot 16 South 02 degrees 17 minutes 22 seconds East, passing a 1/2 inch iron rod found a distance of 114.92 feet, said iron rod being the southwest corner of said Lot 16 and the northwest corner of Lot 15 of the KIMBEL ADDITION, an addition to the City of Coppell, Texas, as recorded in Volume 2004170, Page 5658 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas (DRDCT), a total distance of 219.92 feet to a 5/8 iron rod found for corner, said iron rod being the southwest corner of said Lot 15; ,,'~:.,"~i;';>< -'?:~.'n ~~~~:~/( '~I~ \~:~~:~l MELANIE os BaR N "<otary P~tl,c. State of ~e.'as ~v;'y' Ccrr,m,ssion Expires May22.2010 THENCE North 87 degrees 47 minutes 26 seconds East, a distance of 140.05 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with a red plastic cap stamped "WAI" set for corner, said iron rod being in the westerly right-of-way of KIMBEL COURT (a 50 foot right-of-way) and the southeast corner of said Lot 15; WITNESS, my hand at Dallas, Texas, this the __1!!!_____ day of5~I!'_L?(JJ/l{;~__, 2007. MERC'~?SOURCES GROUP, LP, Tr --~~-------------------------------- By: 1b4 tvf/6~ ~l( THENCE along the westerly right-of-way of said KIMBEL COURT South 02 degrees 17 minutes 22 seconds East, a distance of 354.55 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with a red plastic cap stamped "WAI" set for corner, said iron rod being at the intersection of the westerly right-of-way line of said KIMBEL COURT and the northerly right-of-way line of said SANDY LAKE ROAD, said iron rod being the southeast corner of Lot 12 of said KIMBEL ADDITION; THENCE along the northerly right-of-way line of said SANDY LAKE ROAD North 89 degrees 16 minutes 04 seconds West, a distance of 140.26 feet to a 1/2" iron rod with red plastic cap stamped "W.A.I." set for corner; STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS THENCE North 02 degrees 16 minutes 57 seconds West, a distance of 10.21 feet to a 1/2" iron rod with red plastic cap stamped "W.A.I." set for corner; BEFORE me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared _-1l(~#t~~};;"{-_~!:1______, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in the capacity herein stated. THENCE North 89 degrees 20 minutes 48 seconds West, a distance of 135.11 feet to an "x" cut set in concrete for the beginning of a corner-clip; said point being in the northerly right-of-way line of said SANDY LAKE ROAD; THENCE departing the northerly right-of-way line of said SANDY LAKE ROAD and along said corner-clip North 45 degrees 49 minutes 07 seconds West, a distance of 7.26 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; 117+ GIVEN1under my hand and seal of office, this the ____ day of ( ;;f . ~\l ~-~-L1J~~___________________ Notary Public in and for Dallas County, Texas My Commission expires: -_5.!2-_~-..l~J2J.J)______ __~L1k!!~f..~_____ 2007. CONTAINING within these metes and bounds 2.907 acres or 126,610 square feet of land more or less. Bearings contained within this field note description are based upon an on the ground survey performed in the field on the 11 th day of November, 2006 utilizing the bearings as found on the Plat of said KIMBEL ADDITION, an addition to the City of Coppell as recorded in Volume 77219, Page 999 of the Plat Records of Dallas County, Texas (DRDCT). "'::'*::\'~;';>" , ~ . ,,/ .., ,'~: '.~-:' \?;/; : i ,.;~) "1111,\1 MELANIE OS80RN f. "a~l p.t',r 5"'8 'f T"xas " _~l'o..j/ C:~'T1';;SS'~~ E"y,p;;es May 22,2010 OWNER'S DEDICA TlON ~ I /.. /1-~ J.. . WITNESS, my hand at Dallas, Texas, this the ___-..-bl~_ day of_~__, 2007. PAPA J HN'S U.S.A., INC. NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Centurion Trust, Armada Capital, LP, Tr, Mercury Resources Group, LP, Tr, Papa John's U.S.A., Inc., and UEI EMPP, Trustee do hereby adopt this Replot, designating the herein described property as Kimbel Addition, Lots 8R, 9R, 10R, 12R & 14R, an addition to the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, and do hereby dedicate to the public use forever any streets and alleys shown thereon. The easements shown thereon are hereby reserved for the purposes indicated. I 01.l.1' S{,Jj...c.Jt l~o1Ih"C, ~J\IU(l\ i . ~ I 'Au;. JJn.C Z.xC,lfdl. I ~ tj" "'O(..){'\ PuNIC I I (. '.I, com", "'00 '-'p,.~, "~II' I L_ J - - ~Q --~7op-;.nmt-~-(h~tLF;.m--------- By: The utility and fire lane easements shall be open to the public, fire and police units, garbage and rubbish collection agencies, and all public and private utilities for each particular use. The maintenance of paving on the utility and fire lane easements is the responsibility of the property owner(s). STATE OF COUNTY OF BEFORE me, t ndersign ed au thority, a Notary Publ ie in and for said Cau n ty and Sta te, on th is day personally appeared __0&~_____, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in the capacity herein stated. No buildings, fences, trees shrubs or other improvements or growths shall be constructed, reconstructed or placed upon, over or across the utility easements as shown. Said easements being hereby reserved for the mutual use and accommodation of all public utilities using or desiring to use same. All, and any public utility shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or parts of any building, fences, trees, shrubs or any other improvements or growths which in any way may endanger or interfere with the construction, maintenance, or efficiency of its respective system on the easements, and all public utilities shall at all times have the full right of ingress and egress to or from the said easements for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining and adding to or removing all or parts of it's respective systems without the necessity at any time of procuring the permission of anyone. (Any public utility shall have the right of ingress and egress to private property for the purpose of reading meters and any maintenance or services required or ordinarily performed with that utility). This plat approved subject to all platting ordinances, rules, regulations, and resolutions of the City of Coppell. GIVEN under my hand and seal of office, this the j;l,~y of JJ~______ 2007. ~~i~~ or 13,,110, e<JU"IY,-k-;~;:g~-r!iu..~, ~ My Commission expires: ~j!L2!J.J_~_____ WITNESS, my hand at Dallas, Texas, this the _j.Q_~~____ day Of_&t~~~r___, 2007. CENTURION TRUST ---~~--~~---------------------- By: TtUt'..1 ~ ~ STA TE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS VVITNESS, my hand at Dallas, Texas, this the _1~~____ day of-~-f_-b~_~C__, 2007. UEI EMPP, Trustee /11 --~--~-------~-~~------------------------ B y: i.J! \19'. 7 ~1v'7ti2-pvU.S ~ ~ .:t:i\J c ) 'irL BEFORE me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared _J::.:..k_~ttf..C__~________, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in the capacity herein stated. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared -..G-J~n_A~__8~o~.kl~____, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrL-ment and ackrlowledged to me that he executed the same in the capacity herein stated. GIVEN under my hand and seal of office, this the .LQ~:- day of ~-t-.'-X!:Lk...c:_____ 2007. d~~K__~~_________________ Notary Public in and for Dallas County, Texas My Commission expires: _LJ_5!-_l25~_Q,..q,.._________ ~~~._.~,,"-- ..,,~ '." YracieKShaw ,'''''"'",,'5' :-:h'. ,,~Jotary Public ... ~, ~T,'\ TE OF TEXAS I e",yCOCC' c'p M:'.5,2~, ,.---- ~....... ~ ,."", " ,_..."~' ._. ;. GIVEN under my hand and seal of office, this the lQ!':- day of _~::t-~~______ 2007. N~~~~~-;'~~~D~~~-;~;----------rl:~.(j';.'.... :;>.'- ".. ~~.~.~.~~~~~~~~-~~jl . ~ ');T\TE OF TEXAS My Commission expires: _Q2~Os:...=-m_________ I :"~_:...;J.,,y (~';,(nl ;:,x.~,~\la~~~?~9,~ That I, B.J. Elam, do hereby certify that I have prepared this Replat and the field notes shown hereon frof"'Cl an on the gr?und s.urvey of the land, and this Replot is a true, correct and accurate representation of the phYSical eVidence found at the time of survey; that the corner monuments ~hown hereon w~re found an.d/or placed under n:y personal supervision. This Replat was prepared In accordance With the platting rules and regulations of the City of Coppell, Texas. B.J. Reg' Professional Land Surveyor Te' a Registration # W'n elm ann & Associates, Inc. o Hillcrest Plaza Drive, Suite 100 alias, Texas 75230 972-490-7090 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared B.J. Elam, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledge to me that he executed the same in the capacity therein stated and for the purposes and considerations therein expressed. WlTNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this the 0..~_ day of cl~__, 2007 _~__~~~_~~_~Aj________ N P bl' St t f T :'..Y/ >....................""""",,"""""', I ry u IC, a e 0 exas ~ """'''''' ~ ~ ,{)\~~:,~,;/;\ JM.r ELLUl W.DLEY ~ ~ E~::"" I ":,""; ~ : :: .;.~:. ; Notarl P'JOi!C S~3~e of rera~ ~ ~ \. J'!;'III\\\,..~..,j M~ CO'rlm~~lon [1 Pi ie' 03-04-09 ~ ~ .....;, "t~ ~ ..,..' ~ ~ "Inn 11\\\\\ ~ ~""""""""""""""~ Floodplain Development Permit Application No. 1-h..._- has been filed with the City of Coppell floodplain administrator on __________________, 2007. ~;~dP~~-Ad~~t~----------------------~J9~~t; Re~ended far ApRraval: "let __v -~t1Ms.---------------____________1I~ 1 V . Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission Date City of Coppell, Texas Appro~\ed andtc~Pted: _ L ~ /. -A1~------------------------~~~~-:__ M~rr~ Dote City of Coppell, Texas The undersigned, the City Secretary of the City of Coppell, Texas, hereby certifies that the foregoing Replat of the KIMBEL ADDITION, Lots 8R, 9R, 10R, 12R & 14~, an additio~O th City of Coppell, was submitted to the City Council on the ft~day of --_ __________, 2007, and the Council, by formal action, then and there c pte the dedication of streets, alleys, parks, easements, public places, and water and sewer lines, as shown and set forth in and upon said plat, and said Council further authorized the Mayor to note the acceptance thereof by signing his name as hereinabove subscribed. ,. Yfv . - ! Witness my hand this &==.... day of f. ~v_______, A.D., 2007. .~~~~------------------------- FRANCHISE UTILI TY SIGNATURES THIS PLAT CORRECTLY PRESENTS THE REQUIRED EASEMENTS FOR THIS DEVELOPMENT: TXU (ElEC) BY, --t1.--~-------------------- DA TE: __'f:.2~2_ ATMOS (GAS) BY, -~-!_~_______________________ DATE: _1.....-2:f?_L___ VERIZON (TEL) BY, -~~_~________________ DATE: _<1-=~=~_T__ TIME WARNER CABLE (TV) BY, _~~!:.~_______ DATE: -.L~~2__ REPLAT OF KIMBEL ADDITION LOTS 8R, 9R, 10R, 12R & 14R 2.907 AC. BEING A REPLAT OF LOTS 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 & 14 OF KIMBEL ADDITION RECORDED IN VOL. 77219, PG. 999 MAP RECORDS, DAllAS COUNTY, TEXAS B.B.B. & C.R.R. SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 199 EDWARD COOK SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 300 CITY OF COPPELL, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS FEBRUARY 14, 2007 DEVELOPER: LOTS 8R, 9R, 12R & 14R YORKSHIRE WEST REALTY AD'IIS0RS, L.P. 12201 MERIT DR., SUITE 170 DALLAS, TEXAS 75251 (972) 720-9300 DEVELOPER: LOT 10R AR"-lSTRONG DEVELOPMENT, INC. 222 W. LAS COLlNAS BLVD., #1610 IRV1NG, TEXAS 75039 (972) 869-8055 ENGINEER / SURVEYOR: WlNKELMANN & ASSOCIATES. INC. 6750 HILLCREST PLAZA DRIVE, SUITE 100 DALLAS, TEXAS 75230 (972) 490-7090 (972) 490- 7099 FAX x '" = Cl . "" '" 0 en CJ >- c = c..J c. = > "" 'J": C'd ~ ::0 .. ,~ N,,- 5 " I . .' "- ('I.l e,c:. ~ '/1 c" .... 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