Replat Application 041507 c"oppiri *A' Sub(--)sion Application Planning Department 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, Texas 75019 Phone: 972-304-3678 Fax: 972-304-7092 V '-1 /' , Preliminary Plat ~ Final Plat ~ Minor Plat . . ,-' "--.' ~ --'.." ,- "Replat Amending Plat Minor Amending Filing Date: ApY' ~ I 15", '2 OD 7 Filing Fees: ::A ~o . cro Name of Applicant: ~/f' ,C(,f't" l:>1'v,-+.n t""vT Applicant Address: /207 3~/ w~,.,~ C9tP"'A; T~7rt:J/.9 Telephone Number: ~/~' ~~7,p,r Fax Number: ''72'" ~~Y'-/~rt:::' Firm Preparing Plat: ~""~ H 0 Address: 7~ fa. ~/~04--h.J-~' ~9//P'- _ T"f ~, , Telephone Number: .J 1"\ '32./- / ~2 $ Fax Number: All Correspondence relative to this application should be directed to: Name: ~.so.., 1<ore Address: 1"'07 g~~pl ~o~..,o) Ll.. J Telephone Number: (ZIq.) +)"4--789) G PY'R JlJ 1.1 '7$"0' c:y Fax Number: (91t)>14--18)"() Los-I- c.., t"'.r' /( General Location of Property: SG, b Sot.C~~ Copt'''' II Name of Subdivision: RoaJ ,\ Present Zoning: osed Subdivision Contains: ~o;,QfI,ot~ or . 'Units": .N (}oofL()lo.t., .>Acr~f()r, , . ',;.Uilif:":{';.eacb>IJse,.. Mobile Home Office Owner's Signature: Date: 1/-1(;) - 07 U/Central/P&ZsrflSubmission Forms App and Checklists/Sub App