Agenda Request/Staff Report 061207 DATE: PLANNING June 12,2007 AGENDA REQUEST FORM THE'CITY.OF DEPT: COPPELL ITEM #: 1 1 D WORK SESSION D CONSENT 1./ I REGULAR ITEM TYPE: PUBLIC HEARING ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Amberpoint Business Park at Coppell, Lotl AR, Block A, Replot to revise the location of the fire lane to allow the previously approved expansion of the existing Staples office/warehouse on 17.91 acres of property located at the southwest corner of Sandy Lake Road and Northpoint Drive. GOAL(S): EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: There are no outstanding P&Z conditions base upon the applicant's agreement to the fire hydrant placement. FINANCIAL COMMENTS: RECOMMENDED ACTION: ACTION TAKEN BY COUNCIL: On May 17,2007, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of this Replat (5-0), subject to the above-stated agreement. Commissioners Haas, Kittrell, Borchgardt Reese and Frnka voted in favor, none opposed. Motion to close Public Hearing & Approve Staff recommends approval. M - Franklin S - York Vote - 6-0 Faught absent . Libby Ball itA. 2007.06.21 16:04:43 -05'00' <a>?Amhprnr"\;nt RP 11 Ak' RA k'P 1_Ak' ...."..................___.....................~ 4.-L..~ _~~I___...___ _.L- _ _______1____ _.1..' 1-": __ 1_ _ L'[--_ _.L _ ..J 1._ CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT Case: Amberpoint Business Park at Coppell'l LotlAR'l Block A'l Replat P&Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: May 17,2007 June 12,2007 STAFF REP.: Gary L. Sieb, Director of Planning LOCATION: Southwest comer of Sandy Lake Road and Northpoint Drive SIZE OF AREA: 17.91 acres of property CURRENT ZONING: LI (Light Industrial) REQUEST: Replat request to revise the location of the fire lane to allow the previously approved expansion of the existing Staples office/warehouse. APPLICANT: Owner: Staples, Inc. John Whitney 500 Staples Dr. Framingham MA. 01702 (508) 253-8437 Fax: (508) 253-8961 Engineer: Halff Assoc. Mark McGraw 8616 NW Plaza Dallas, TX. 75225 (214) 346-6244 Fax: (214) 361-5573 HISTORY: This property was platted as Lot lA, Block A of the Amberpoint Business Park at Coppell subdivision in 2002. In October of 2002, a PD Site Plan was approved to allow development in two phases. Phase One is currently operating as a 228,250-square-foot warehouse. Phase Two allowed a 161,750-square-foot addition, for a total building size of 390,000-square-feet. This replat would accommodate the relocation of a number of fire lanes affected by the expansion. ITEM #5 Page 1 of 3 TRANSPORTATION: Sandy Lake Road is a C4D, new, concrete, four-lane divided thoroughfare built to standard, and contained within a 120-foot right-of-way. Northpoint is a two-lane undivided concrete street built to standard in a 60-foot right-of-way. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North -warehousing; LI (Light Industrial) South -warehousing; PD-LI (Planned Development-Lt. Ind.) East - warehousing; PD-LI (Planned Development-Lt. Ind.) West - warehousing; LI (Light Industrial) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan of May 1996, as amended, shows this property being utilized for office/showroom/warehouse use. DISCUSSION: As stated in the HISTORY section of this report, the Staples development was divided into two phases. Phase One consists of the existing building occupied by 10,OOO-square-feet of office space and 218,000-square-feet of warehouse. Phase Two was approved for a 162,000 square foot addition at the same time Phase One was approved in 2002. Staples is now ready to begin Phase Two construction and has reduced the size of the overall building from the approved 390,000- to 376,250-square-feet, a footprint reduction of approximately 14,000-square-feet. In addition to relocating fire lanes, parking has been redesigned. Parking spaces have been added to the southwest comer of the site, and parking on the north side of the building has been relocated to be adjacent to the building. The required 40 I parking spaces have been increased to 417. The northernmost driveway entrance to the site has been closed, and landscaping meets and exceeds our requirements. With regard to exterior elevations, the warehouse addition will continue the same building materials and appearance as the existing structure. Finally, the major change necessitating this submission is relocation of fire lanes. When the building was larger, fire lanes needed to be in a certain location, which was reflected on an earlier plat. Now that building size has been reduced, the fire lanes need to reflect relocation more conducive to the smaller building. Fire hydrants need to be placed 3- to 6-feet from these relocated fire lanes unobstructed by landscaping. RECOMMENDA nON TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff is recommending APPROVAL of this request to replat the property. No conditions are proposed, based upon the applicant's agreement to the fire hydrant placement. ITEM #5 Page 2 of 3 AL TERN A TIVES: I) Recommend approval of the request 2) Recommend disapproval of the request A TT ACHMENTS: I) Replat document 2) Proposed Site Plan ITEM #5 Page 3 of 3 ~ ..;;;;;[$ ~!! i t . nlll '1,111 J ,E' l , ;1 ,~ II 11' , '" ,,'. '1.. , ifii! 9Idml.iiillfl~l ~,~~ ~ ! fin !! II,ff, "1 h'~~E. 1 fIJ~~ ':!~lilflli,lhi! 'ffll~ .1, blP} I . t ~f II fl!iy~it!lfl 'i! iRlj: lUll. I 1111); !t!i~r;;m;tlllllii!fnl~ fgat f , ! "fIll 1:1'!iI(t~~flfl, !!f!,:lj! fiJp'1 ! J' : l:il:flll~l~ftl!ll~l!eif f.l!dl!IH Iltlif I', 11111i!Jlfm~i~lllfm Iltlif'II=. f'~!I'f'f U f J "Jill. lI,h,1 , II I Ii I I IUlllft~ !1iHI ,1 n IJI:nltilf "dl f II I I).~'I! : . I pi II 11U~ I". .1 I gg: i mUfi!]' I Ift~1 : ".lg11(1 I : !I II I. I z .' I · ~ In". Ii I" I. I I Ilf"e Iili:j! I .' r. 'I!Zi I m I!': :HiJ, I . ) ! ! I Ind,~I~ ; Si iI ~ Ii .. 4~ ~I Iji c ~ c i II ~ I .~! l:SrsSrs;~e31lli31;; tc i~ ~ I "~~~~. 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