Comments 041707 HE.CiTY.OF THE.CITY.OF LCJPPELL ...~. ....*"'. '... ? 0 I: q .t J\ 5 . \ & CITY OF COPPELL ORC REPORT COPPELL 1If~' * '" .'. ,'. ? 0 e q ..t J\.s . \ & Proiect 10 Address RP-07-0030 201 Northpoint Dr Proiect Name Amberpoint Business Park At Coppell, Lot1 ar, Blo Proiect Tvpe Application Date Case Manaaer Proiect Description Replat 4/17/2007 Gary Sieb to revise the location of the fire lane and easements? to allow the previously approved expansion of the existing Staples office/warehouse Agency Building Inspection Electric Engineering Fire Administration Reviewed By Greg Jones Jeff Curry Michael Garza Tim Oates 1 of 1 Review Date Parks and Recreation Planning Department John Elias Gary Sieb 4/23/2007 4/23/2007 Comments 1. No comments No Comments Received No Comment 1. Fire hydrants shall be 3' to 6' from tire lane, unobstructed by landscaping. No comments. 1. Need copy of original plan with revisions overlayed to see revised parking, landscaping, tire lane location, access changes, etc. 4/24/2007 4/26/2007 4/26/2007 4/26/2007