Amberpoint BP L1AR, BA RP - Filed 2007 KELLER TELEPHONE CO. EASE~v~nHl LOT 1, BLOCK 1, COPPELL TRADE CENTER VCl. 5~41, :G, 357 1 WEST SANDY LAKE ROAD ADDITION ICC' 200600078283: IO,R,D.c.T, 5CO'09'52"II IVOL. 2005005. PC. 000701 10.P .R,D.C. T.: 3.60' m.R.D.c. 1.) ~__ . 1,275.11' (~/ecsulea) _ - - - - - - - - - j)-'-R~D['C'T' - - -, -- - ~"- '_", ID.R.D.c, T.,- " .. - - _]-_ _. ...'1' . V ARIAB~E II'OTH _ R.O.N.J. _ _ 10.R.D,C~ T.~ '. ""-',.R. .IVO~G.2t8g~i27, -..'.. ,-- - -, - - ". -~o.O: ' ' '_:~ ~:O~~D~~~t~'I':/ pg~~'5~ifh LO~~~b6~i--:?89.~~'3ji~~i8.8_'t~_ _~89.~~'26~~....L_____ __ 512=-~~~~~~~~.:.D;:.I_ L _., .L__, _.' _ . _ TL ~ 15' UT'IITV" EAC:El;"-T II/z,-s.I.~J4"I- -. - - -- - ----- ..x=.- =",-=L=-=====~S89'59--'-Z3'E~~__615~'71' ~~-~~-~-------F--'-Z- -1ft ~ - -L~/~F-;-R - i __ I - r -- - _..J.=_ . ' -, ~. -" I iI I rAP I F I 3 / t8 9 . 5 5 ' Z 3 ' E 6 1 5. 7 I' " I' ,/ Z ... L Z. 0' U 71 LI TY EA S Ef; F N T (Ij r L 90241 P G ", 0 1 q 6) - / ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ________ \ I .v I r AP _ '-' .~, . '-' ~ 'I / l 'Y' SIR \ I - (VOL. 2C02027, PG. 000711 IO.R.D.C.L ---- r- I ~ FIO I N~Ci? . fVO~L~T;~'6;oii,S~~.E6',i071l FII ~ h: POIN'D.Rr.D.c.T'OI F BEGINNING BCE SPECIAL TIES, INC. I 0 I: -24' FRE LA" EASEMENT ID.R.D.c.T.I . I II , ( 0 N ~~ E R ) I " (B Y T HIS P l AT) ~ 1 I ~ I )(' , I I ;::;1 6Q u:i I"-- I eJ I I IVOI.. 200~062. PC. 97981 I ! :01 "I ~ 9 0 fjl I~ I:: 1 _ m.R.D.C.T.) r., I ~I "'I NkC.t~act o. ~I, II~ UJ.I.I~,. I: OIl I I ,v'-"' ,}.. !:" !:" 0;: I~ LOT 2, FOUR SEASO~JS · 1 e~ 81 18 .... ADDITIO~, I r-I' I wi S"'\t\T 'J' . ~!t '~ I ---I L--IO'UTILlTY EASE~~ENT . ~ v v' (VOL. 2002027, PC. 000711 O 'l (I 0 ,1 2 'l 8 D GOO' ~" N' t I ~ I o~ e ~ I lis I I (Q ROC T ) (V L. c:::.,-, '"i L " . 'It:.i) enl 8! llr..i\O }.. 10'UTILlTY EASEfAENT[ IV) ..... m,R.D.C.T,) '0 :;:'11001' e 1.'\I}.. (VOl.2002027'PC.00071~1 I I. i I R.O.W DEDICATIO~~ -J zl eSS ID.R.D.C.T.) N89'56 23' ~ \,' I , 10' UTILITY EASEf.1Ern -.J I '-- ~i 1 J 52.~9:-r--, ~ J (I/OL. 2002027, PG. 0007i) ~4 t (Q,R.D.C.T.) - ~~ 3'tlli PQ.._COi_9.9)-/T- )" I. !! F4 646.92' / '\ ~ i S89'S6'23'E D.R.D.C. T. I ~I, :r:-9);/ - I \J11 : 22.75' II' FIR , 2400 ,N89'S6'23'W ,Z ... l : ~I/~~ F6 '" F5~ 'F1: I 12.20' 1\ 24' FIRElANE ............./ I I W' I I I \ I ('IOl. 2003077, PC. 00080) 1 I I I (D.R.D.C.T.) I : I TO BE ABANDONED UTILITY EASE'JENT I I > BY THIS PLAT (VOL. 2003077, PC. oe0801 i ---; II I! LOT 1 AR9 BLOCK A ID.PD.CT.I !!~; ! ~! ~! I~ AMBERPOINT BUSINESS PARK ~i I~ 16:1: I "'T" : AT COPPEll II'D] ~ I ~; ! I WAR E P LA T 0 F I I : i ~I ~ g ie ~ I i ~ LOT 1 A OF BLOCK A J 1,< I I ~{': Z I 01 '. A~~BERPOINT BUSII\JESS 1"--1 [I"-- !,' I I ~ I~ PARK AT COPPELL ~ ~, __J i L (VOLe 2003077, PC, 80) ~I !~ 'l:::..: I . 30' WIDE PERf.1M~E'~T , ::::> I I UT,L1TY EASEf,~E~n D,ReDeCe Te ~ I 'j 0 L. 9 9 1 4 7, P G. 8 0 7 I I 1 rvJ I I I. D.R.D.C. T. I I . I ~ I ~ 20' 1~ICE ONCOR ELECTRIC I ,~ i 1 I I CELi'/ERY CCf~PANY EASEMErH . UTiLITY EASWENT1\' 0 I I I"CL. 2003077, PG. CCC801 IYOL. 2003077. PG. OOceOI I I , t - - -/- - -I D.R.D.C.T. D.R.D.C.T. I I 'I' 5S ' - - -~- (- - - 20' WOE TXU EASEf~ENT I ,'i I ! ' I ~(VOl' 2003077, PG. 00C80) \1 ~ j I, S89':6'23'E \ F7 D.I'1.0.C. T. F8 ) l.f2jjl I I' 12.20' ~,89'55'23'.v 626.26' / ", ' --------~--=-24'FiKELANr_-____:------- 4 r'- I I I F3 ~ _ _ _ _ _ ('vOL. 2003077. PC. 00080) _'_ _ ---r;- _ _ _ _ ~ ~..:..J ~ " I/Z' F.'.R. ___~~~~~~A~\ __ I __ F~~ __ __ __~%lli ~ TI - - - - - - =-=I- - - - - --==- ==-=-- -=-=- -==- ~ -==-=- ~ -l- I ' / ~ :--~-~\- L-~ ~-~-~~ ~-~ ~ ~ ~ ~TI~ ~1'~[Z;V;-00071)~ _ __ _ _ _~. /" __,_~' I / / . u. C\. 0 .'~. I . ., / I' I \ \ --20' DRAI,NAGE EASEMENT \. ' (VOL. 2003077, PG. 00080) . I I \~-____~__~R.D.C.~______~ L I I -I - - - - ~O' UTILITYEASEf.1ENT - - - - - - -,i- (VOL. 2003077, PC. 00080) I I I m.R.D.C. T.J , I 1 I : ~/1LRP 1 00 ROYAL L TOe PS (OWNER) (CCn 200503587532) O,P,R,DeC,Te lOT 2R-l OF BLOCK A AMBERPOINT BUSINESS PARK AT COPPEll (CCn 2007011839<4) (OeP ,ReD,C. T.) LOT 1, TRACT 1 OF FOUR SEASOI"~S ADDITION (VOLe 992<41, PCe 00196) (DeReO.C. T') S23'35'09'E 3.53' \ - '--./ \\FI7 SOO'03'37'8 ""- ri3.55/ \/ \( / t liZ' F.I,R. NICAP I SOO'07'~9'N ~ ,,~I 4 3.31' ~\ / - - ~.- -- -- - -- -- - - -- - - - - '- '/2" F.I.R. LOT 1 C OF BLOCK A ~/1 B E R P 0 II\J T BUS II\J E S S AT COPPEll (VOLe 2003155, PCe 00206) (DeReDeCeT') I t30' DRAINAGE AI\O UTILlT'i EASEVGH I.L - ('/0~20Q~02).t.I~ Q.OQ]ll_ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ m.R.D.C. T.) , I ~ - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - __ _0- _ _ ___ I A PARK "- --j \ LOT 18R OF BLOCK A~/1BERPOINT BUSINESS A -,- COPPELL (VOL, 2003156, PC, 00206) m,R,O,C. T') TRANS\lvESTERN SF PARTNERS I, L,P. ( 0 'tYi'j E R ) (VOL. 200<4195, PG. 7080) (C.R.D.C. T.) I I A PARr< !i I I I I I I I! I __1IfI1"":" -T- ., , ...____ 20' TXU UT:L1TY ..- EASE~~ErH (VCl. 2002027, PG. 00071) m.R.D.C.T.J I i ON~,ERS CERTIFCA TE ST A TE CF TEXAS ) SURVEYOR IS CERTIFICATE I. Gery il. ,~Aatthews, Reglsteied Professional land Surveycr, do hereby certify that the plat ShONl hereon ecc~rately represents the prcperty os determIned by en on the grcund survey ~ode u~der my d'rectlcn and supervlslcn on " rch 29, 2C07, or.d that the locatlcn of ell,'loruments sro.m ere correct. COUinT CF DALLAS NHEREAS COPPEll f/,lL L~,~ITED PARTNERSHIP Is the owner of a tract of lend situated In the Jesse ~/oore Survey, Abstract ria. 968 In the City of Ccppell, Dallas COL.:nty, Te.xas, sol d t r e c t b e i r. 9 a I 0 f Lot 1 A 0 f t n ere p I a t 0 f lot 1, B lac k A 0 ~ A,'ll b e r pol n t ,6 L.: s , res s Pari<. at Ccppel, en odcltlon to the Crty of Coppe!1 as recorded in !olL.:me 200~077., Pa~e 00080 of trie Deed Records of Cailas Ccunty, Texas (D.R.D.C.T.), said tract also be,r,g cl! of that traCT of lord described In Special Narrenty Deed to Cappel MI'I LI'lllted Partnership as reccrded In Volur;le 20031CO, Page 11037, D.R.D.C.T.. said tract belr.g :TIore GertlcL.:lariy descr'bed os fOi'O NS: BEG J, ~, , ~j C at ail 2 - ! n c h f 0 L.: r d iron r 0 dd I t hay e I : 0 N plastic cop s t e rr p ed' HAL F F ASSOC. tK.' (nere'nafter referred to es 'Nlth cop') for tr,e northeast corner of sold lot lA, sold poInt bel:-.g tre IntersectIon of tr,e south right-of-way line of Sandy leke Roed (vcr'able width) as dedicated by tr.e p'at of Amberpolnt Business Pork at Coppell, on. addition to the City of Coppel1os recorded In Vo!u,rr,e 2002027, Pege 00071, D.R.D.C.T. Wltn the Nest rlghT-of-day line of :~orthpo'nt Drive (.;orlob:e Nldth right-of-way, 60 feet dlde at this point) os dedicated by said plat of Amberpolnt Buslress Park at Coppell edclt' on recorded In 'Ioume 2002027, Po~e 00071: Tf-iE~~CE South CO de~rees 03rrlnutes 37 seconds I'lesT. along said west rl~ht-of-way Ine, o distcnee of 924.92 feet to a 1/2-lnch "'ound Iron rod Nlth cap for- the eO,mmon southeast eorrer of said lot lA end tre northeest corr,er of lot lBR of B,ock A of Anberpolnt Buslress Pork at Coppe'l. en eddltlon to the City of Coppellos recorded In Volu:1e 2003156, Pa~e 002C6, D.R.D.C. T.; THErKE ~iorTh 89 degrees :6 'lllrutes 23 seconds West, depcrtlr,g sold Nest rlght-of-Nay line end a:or,g the comrr,on line between seld Lot 1A end seld Lot 1BR, a . distance of 842.53 feet to a l/2-lnch found iron rod Nith cep for tne comT,on soutnNesT corner of said lot IA end northwest corner of said Lot :BR, sefd poInt a'so being on tr.e east 'Ine of Lot 1, Tract 1 of Four Seasons AddltTor>, an odaitlon to the City of Coppell as recorded In VolL.Jne 99241, Page COI96, D.R.D.C.T.; THErKE ~orth 00 degrees 07 m'nutes 49 seconds East, ~epartlng seld comenon line be;Neen lots lA or,d IBR ond elor.g tre conrrondest lir.e of sa,d L~T 1A end eo~t Ilr,e of sa,d Lot 1 Trect 10f Four Seasons Addition, at 0 distence of 623.::17 feet passing a 1/2-I'lCh found I~on rod for tr,e eom'llon r,Oitheast ccrr,er of sold lot 1, Trect 1 end the scutheast , corner of Lot 2, Four Seasons Addition, an eddltlon to the City of Coppe'l as recorded n '!oiu:T1e 2004228, Pege 00121, D.R.D.C.T., end continuing along tr,e corrrr,on westlne of seld lot lA and east I'ne of said lot 2, Four Seesons AdditIon for 0 totel distance ,of 927.93 f,eet to a lIZ-inch set Iron rod Nlth cep on the south rlght-of-Nay lire of sod Sandy LaKe Roed as dedicated by the plots of se!d Amberpolnt Buslr,ess Pork. ~t Coppe,l addr~lo~ recorded In Volume 2002027, Pege C0071 end seld Four Seasons Adcl+,on recorded In !olurr,e 99241. Poge C0196 for tr.e common rorthNest corr.er of said Lot 1A end northeast cornei of seid Lot 2, Four Seoson,s AdditIon reccrded in Vo'ume 2004228, Page 00121 D.R.D.C.T.; ThE:~CE South 89 degrees 431'Irutes 31 secon:ds East, deporting seld corr,non line ar.d alcng sold scuth rlght-Of-Noy 'r,e, a drsta,~ce of 328.84 feet to a 1/2-lnch set Iron rod Nlth eep for corner; Tf--U,CE South 89 Gegrees 44 ninutes 26 secords East, contlr,u~"g elong ~aid~outh right- of-daylne, a alstance of 5'2.56 feet to +rie pOI~n CF BEG:r,r,I,~G AND CCNTAr"NG 779,993 squar-e feet or 17.91 acres of lard, ccre or less. -<'C OF r~ ~ /1,,- ,,'.........,.. ,-')- , c, ~""0 \ S :- t ;"..':1 c1 ' .' ~ *,,<,..0 ' 'jI .' ~ . . '''''. ' 'Ii:' 'J ". \ 1-'...........,.....,. '.' '., GA"V . .........."..., .. ~I II 'l':,TT;-=,\IS; .,.. \'.., t,.. t,.."....... t..""..,. /'to \~ 5534 "': Ii ... 0 ~\., ~(....,.t'-cs 510.... " t' . '1"" '.,......, a~ ".. ~ SiJRYS" -' ,~ i:r LM~D Su,'l'lETOR r./2'20IJ7 STATE CF TEXAS COLNTY OF DALLAS S TAT MiitiqtS ~~.\~~.f!.~"""'" 6~*VPiii?;\ , .... ~.. -t. ~ FLCCCPl"N NOTE, J 't ~)J 1. By grephlcal plottlr.g, the pereel described hereinies Nltrln ~ore. 'X" (unsheded) ~...\.,.~~~..... .I delineated on the Dolas County, Texes and Ir.corporated Areas Focd inSlIcnce 'laie 4r1!;1" -\\ \,,,, 480170-01"35 J, Gated August 23.2001, as publlsred by the Federel Emergency Monegerrent 111111/ 6-20 \I\\\\''i Agency. Zone ':~' (unshaded) Is defIned os 'Areas deterllired to be outside 500-year flcOC~rdlr'lVI\\\ 2. A.:I floodplein InfcrTiation Is based cn FE~.iA Flcoa Insurance Rote Vep ria. 48113C0135 J, doted A~gust 23.2001, for Dellas County, Texas end ir.ccrporated Areas. FlOOCPlAIN CRDlriM,CE ,'iOTE: F!oodp:aln Developnent Perrrlt Appllca+lon r~o. -lILlet r,as been filed wIth tr.e CIty of Ccppe:1 Floodplain Admin!stiatcr on , 2C07. "k~ ~r- Flcodpleln . dmlnlstrator Dote Dj'}'6'7 NCN THEPEFCRE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PI'1ESENTS: Tr,ot Coppell ,'.n,1 l'mlted Portr,erh'p does nereby ecopt this plat ceslgratlr.g the herein abo'/e desoribed property os ArrberPoint Business Pcrk at Coppell, on addItion to the CIty of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, er,d coes r,ereby cedlcate. in fee simple to the pubic use forever, tre streets and al'eys shown trereor. The streets and al'eys are dedicated for street purposes. The easements end pub'lc use erees, os shown, cre cedlcoted for tre pubilc use forever for the purposes indicated on this plot. No buildlr,gs. fer.ces, trees, srirubs or other l'T'provements or growths shell be constructed or pia oed upon. over or across tre ease'T',ents os sholin, except pavement. perkIng lots. end tr,at iar,dscepe irrproveTents :nay be placed 'r, landscape eeseT.ents. or os specified DY p'cnned development. If cpproved by tr,e City of Coppe:l. in additIon. utility easements TOY elso be used for tr,e nutual use and accommocat'on of 011 public utilities desiring to use or using the sorr,e unless tr,e easement I'mits the use to pertlculer utilities, sold use by public utilities beir,g subora'nate to tne public's ar,d City of Coppe:I's use tr,ereof. The CIty of Coppell and pubdc utility entitles sr.eil r,ove the right to relTove and keep rerroved ail or parts of eny buildings, fences. trees, srrubs or other 'Clproverrents or growths. Nhlch 'T:ay In any Nay endanger or interfere with tr,e construction, maintenance, or efflolency of trelr respective syste,'lls in said easements. Tr.e City of Coppell and public ut'lity entIties sr.all at ell times hove the fu I right of Ingress and egress to or from tr,e;r respectl'le easements for the purpose of constrL..ctlng, reconstructing, Irspect'ng, patroillr.g, maintclrlng, readilg '-,eters, and eddlr,g to or removing all or parts of their respective syste,ms without the recesslty at eny tllle of prOCuring perrrlsslon from elyor.e. , / I I ,-- ..----- /' PROJECT ~ i L;OCATION 8: /'~ I / / l' , ~" " I , , , ~~'I-r Ijil:-~ -~I:'" -":~ ~ z v/v / Cl I V// //) I C-. I ~ tYZJ/')II~ ~ . .~.~~. "I:: I ~'-_ CL I 23 I-- 1 I Z J~; ~ --_:_- ~ ......._- I i /' T ""----r-- _ _ ~ I ,/ , , // / / ~l'::~TH ~O:,'d =:: ;. I ~ I iM@~ui1J- ';1 I / / / I Trot the undersigned do hereby covenant ar.d agree tnat they shall construct upon tr,e fire iane easec,ents. os dedicated er,d shown r,ereon.a rerd sL..rface ar,d that they sholl rr,aintain tr.e same In a state of gocd repair at all tLlles and keep the scme free and clear of any structures, fences, trees. shrubs, or other Improve!11ents or obstructIon Including. but not limited to, the parking of motor vehlc'es, trailers, boots or other Impeairrents to tr.e access of fire apparatus. The rreintenance of pa'llrg on the fire lane easements Is the resporslbillty of the ollner, and the ONner sr,all post and maintaIn appropriate signs in oonsplcuous places clorg such fire lanes stating 'F're lane, No Parking'. The pOlice or his duly authorized represeltative is r,ereby authorized to cause such fIre lanes and utl'fty easements to be maintaIned free and L:nobstructed at all times for fire cepartment and er;ergency use. /' / -----=.J LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE Tr,e undersigned do covenant and agree tnat public access eoserr,ents may be utllzed by any person or the general public for Ir,gress erd egress to otr,er real property, and for tre purpose of general publla vehicular ard pedestrian use and acoess. and for fire depcrtrrent ard emergency use in, alon,g, upon end aoross said prerr,lses 'Nlth the right and privilege at 011 times of the City of Coppell, Its agents, employees, lIorkmen end representatives having ingress, egress end regress In, along. upon Old across said premises. ThIs plot approved sL..bJect to ell plotting ordlrances, rules, regL..latfons and resolut'ons of tre City of Coppell, Texas. 11t '(IIH~ESS OuR HANDS, this the~day of ~7>7E'1,~ ,2007. N Copped f~'11 Lilllted Pertnersrlp, BY: Staples GP Limited LiabilIty Corrpany It, ,eneral partner f ~:~ed!!!: SCALE: 1'=100' i] 25. 5J 75 ~oo , ',50 2~D 300 , Title: Senior Vice President of Engineering Construction and Support Services SCALE IN FEET LEGEND: STATE CF MA COU~HY OF ~(f'.ol k I/Z' F.I.R. WICAP (C.M.) l/z'S.I.R. WICAP F.I.R. CC** O.P.R.D.C.T. 1/2' FOUND IRON ROD WITH PLASTIC CAP ST AMPED 'HALFF ASSOC INC' CONTROL MONUMENT I/Z' SET IRON ROD WITH PLASTIC CAP STAMPED 'HALFF ASSOC iNC' FOUND 'RON ROD COUNTY CLERK'S DOCUMENT NUMBER OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF DALLAS COUNTY. DALLAS DEED RECORDS OF DALLAS COUNTY, DALLAS I. the urcerslgned,a riotary Pub,lc in and for seid County, 'n tne State aforesaid, 00 HEREBY CERTiFY THAT ::rO H N 1- 'I N <: 14 personally known to ene to be tr,e Ser.lor Vice Pres'dent of Er,glreerlng ConstructIon and Support Services of STAPLES GP L1f~ITED LIABILITY CC~,~PANY, A GE~ERAl PARTNER OF COPPEll ~,'Ill l f,~ITED PARH,ERSHP. and persor,a'ly knoNn to me to be the sene person Nhose name is sL..bscrlbed to tr,e forego'ng Instrument, appeared before me this day In person, er.d severaly ecknoNledged tnat as suoh officer signed and cel:vered sold 'nstrument, pursuant to authorIty gIven by tr,e Boerd of Directors of sold pertr,ersr.1p, as their free and voluntary act, and as the free and voluntary act and deed of said partnersrip. as managing member of and for and on benelf of COPPEll ~tlll Lr~.iITED PARTNERSHIP, for the uses ar,d purpcse therein set forth, D.R.D.C.T. GiVE,'i IJi'WER ~n HM~D AND SEA.l OF OFFiCE on thIs '-l+h ....ri- day of ~ (l' i I of'rt1b-t"~ , 2007. ~~~~ -------- ~iOT ARY PuBLIC NOTES: 1. THE BASIS OF BEARINGS IS DEED RECORDED IN VOLUME 2001173, PAGE 3803,D.R.D.C.T. 2. SIDEWALKS WILL BE CONSTRUCTED BY PROPERTY OWNER WHEN DEEMED NECESSARY BY THE CITY ENGINEER 3. REASON FOR REPLA T: BUILDING EXPANSION REOUIRES EXPANSION OF EXISTING FIRE LANE. LOT LINES HAVE NOT BEEN MODIFIED PER THIS REPLAT. f~y CO,l1l1lsslcn expires: ~. 27. 2Dl3 ~ SANDRA SIMAA WHITE 00 Nolary P\bIic ~ 0IltlA&8ACHUSm1 My Comms~ ExpWes WI Sep<_be< 27, 2<113 APPROVED AND ACCEPTED BY: : 24' FIRELANE CURVE DATA TABLE I CURVE' Ii ' RADIUS I LENGTH :T ANGENT I CB CD , Fl 90'00'00"'1 30.00' 47.12' 30.00' IS45'03'37'W! 42.43" F2 90'00'00' 30.00' 47.12' 30.00' IS44'56/23"E: 42,43' I F3 90'00'00" 54.00' 84.82' 54.00' ,N44'56'23'W 76.37' I F4 I 33.44'56" 54.00' 31.81' 16.38' N73"11'09"E 31.35'1 F5 90'00'00" 30.00' 47.12' 30.00' N'-14'56'23"',^, 42.43'. F6 90.00'00'1 30.00' I 47.12' 30.00' ,S45'03'37I'W, 42.43'. F7 90'00'00"1 30.00' I '-17.12' 30.00' 'N4'-1'56'23'W' 42.43' I F8 90'00'00"1 30.00' I '-17.12' 30.00' IS45'03'37'IWI 42.43' j F9 56'15'04' I 5'-1.00' 53.01' 28.86' iS28'll'09"W I 50.1lj F10 90'00'00" 30.00' 47.12' 30.00' iN'-15'03'37'E 42.43': Fll I 90'00'00". 30.00' 4 7 .12' 30.00' S'-14 '56'23"Ei 42.43' : 1 F12 I 90.00'~ 54.00' 84.82' 5'-1.00' ~.56'23nEI.76.3L-1 I F13 190'00'00'1 54.00'. 84,82' 54.00'. N45.03'37"Ei 76.37' I F1"4j 90'00'00'1 30.00' I 47.12' J 30.00' !S'-1'-1'56'23"EI 42.'-13' I , F15 I 12'08'00" I 54.00' I 11.'-14' I 5.7'-1' 'S06 '00'23"E 11.'-11' I I F16 I 1 "35'55' i 54.00' I 10.93' I 5.48' S17'52'20'E: 10.91' I F17 '23'~.00'.L 22.37' I 11.35' Sll'48'21'E 122.21' CC~,~PANY C(/ l b/o 'I Date of Approvel A pms E,NERGY (P~'t fe'm~+~ 9-18-07 Dote of Approvel VERIZON ~~ (PrInt ~iarre) CONFORMED COpy ~ Dote of Approval 'i' ~;:',.""; 'F~ ' ," ;;*'~:II.. 'e :! .'- ..,' ~.;.... . '~i""~.' 'i!r,,-~, .: OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS -? fY~- T:f;E~a= ~ NOlle) 9- It--t7 Cote of Approval John F Warren County Clerk Dallas County TEXAS October 03, 2007 01.20 17 PM FEE. $33 00 20070356424 R'ikmmp~ L V (el. Cha'rman Planning & Zaring COiClllss10n Da~e 1;; ~frlQI n,f Coppell, xas Ah1 A t91~3 01 BEING A REPLAT OF LOT 1A, BLOCK A OF AMBERPOINT BUSINESS P ARK AT COPPELL I ~~ THE JESSE MOORE SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 968 CITY OF COPPEll, DAllAS COUNTY, TEXAS FOR COPPELL MILL LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Date of Approval The L.ricerslgned, tr,e City Secretary of tr,e City of Coppe:), Texas, rereby certifies that the foregoing final plot of the AlTberPolnt Buslr,ess Park at Cappel! an ~. Additlo ~ tr.e City of Coppell was subr-,Itted to tr,6 City COuncil on tre~aay of ,2007, erd the Council, DY formal cation, then end trere d the dedication of streets, a,leys, perKS, easeT.ents. pL..b,lc plaoes, er,d Nater end sewe ,nes, os shown and set forth In er,d upon seld plot, and sold Council further eutr,orlzed the ~Aayor to note tre acceptance thereof slgnir,g h'S name as hereinabove sL.bsoribed. 500 STAPLES DRIVE, FRAMINGHAM, MA 01702 BY HALFF ASSOCIATES, I~K. ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS BOWSER DRIVE - RICHARDSON, TEXAS 75081 (214)3<46-6200 AVO 25027 AUGUST,2007 1201 I\JORTH SCALE 1"=100' II'-~ S ~ R ';j ~',,-~ ~ 1\ T '\ ,I I~-=~ ~ -----~---_._~----~~~~ :\25COOs\25027\CACD\S: