P&ZACTION Letter/Staff Report 092007 THE.CITY.OF corrELL :~ September 21 , 2007 ~ ----. . CORRECTION 0 Mr. Robert G. Paul Toll Dallas TX. LLC 2557 SW Grapevine Pkwy., Ste. 100 Grapevine, TX 76051 ~ RE: The Chateaus of Cappel I, Final Plat Dear Mr. Paul: This letter is to inform you that The Chateaus of Coppell. Final Plat to allow the development of 56 single-family homes and common/open space lots on 20 acres of property located at the southwest corner of Bethel and Denton Tap Roads, at the request of Toll Brothers, was recommended for approval by the Coppell Planning and Zoning Commission (6-0) on Thursday, September 20,2007, subject to the following conditions: 1) Note on plat that "no parking" signs will be placed on property before building construction begins. 2) Add note to plat that refers to the DART line being adjacent to the south property line. This Final Plat must be submitted for signatures by City Officials within six months after approval by the City Council (March 19. 2008), or it shall be deemed null and void and resubmittal shall be required. It is recommended that this replat not be prepared for filing, including obtaining the franchise utility signatures. until after receiving Engineering comments on the first review of the civil plans. After City signatures have been procured, it is the applicant's responsibility to file the document with the Dallas County Plat Records Department. Please see the attached checklist for the requirements for filing. If you have any questions, please contact the Planning Department at (972) 304-3678. Enclosure cc: Matt Alexander, P.E., Dowdy, Anderson & Associates, Inc. Building Inspection File 255 PARKWAY * P.D.BOX 9478 * COPPELL TX 75019 * TEL 972/462 0022 * FAX 972/304 3673 P&Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: STAFF REP: LOCATION: SIZE OF AREA: CURRENT ZONING: REQUEST: APPLICANT: HISTORY: CITY OF COPPEll PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT The Chateaus of COQPelL Final Plat, September 20, 2007 None (Planning Commission granted Final Plat approval at September 11, 2007 Council Meeting) Gary L. Sieb, Director of Planning At the southwest corner of Bethel and Denton Tap Roads 19.967 acres of property PD-l08R9-SF-9 (Planned Development-l 08-Revised 9-Single- Family-9 A replat to allow the development of 56 single-family homes and common/open space lots. Applicant: Toll Dallas TX. LLC Robert G. Paul 2557 S.W. Grapevine Pkwy. Suite 1 00 Grapevine. TX. 76051 (817) 329-8770 Fax: (817) 448-2496 Engineer: Dowdy, Anderson and Assoc. Matt Alexander, P.E. 5225 Village Creek Drive Suite 200 Piano, TX. 75093 (972) 931-0694 Fax: (972) 931-9538 This property was approved for a 56 lot residential subdivision by City Council in July of this year. The preliminary plat to allow the development was approved by Council in September and at that meeting Council authorized the Planning Commission to be the approving authority for the Final Plat. ITEM # 6 PAGE 1 of2 TRANSPORTATION: Bethel Road is a two-lane asphalt street contained within a variable width right of way. Construction of a concrete road is scheduled to begin late third quarter, 2008. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North- undeveloped; "PD-220R-SF-12", (Single family residential) South- single family homes and Dickey's restaurant; "PD-198-SF-7" and "C" (Single family residences and Commercial) East - vacant retail nursery. offices; "R" (Retail) West- single family homes (Summit at the Springs); "PD-208R-SF9" (Planned Development for single family homes) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Coppell Comprehensive Master Plan, as amended shows this property as suitable for residential uses. DISCUSSION: This is a straight forward request which follows all the conditions placed on the Preliminary Plat. The only question raised when the Preliminary Plat was being discussed at Council was a requirement to place on the plat a comment to state that "no parking" signs were to be placed on the property before actual building construction began, and an additional note that referred to the fact that the DART line was adjacent on the south property line. The applicant has agreed to place both statements on the Final Plat document. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION: Staff is recommending APROV AL of the Final Plat with the following conditions: 1) Note on plat that "no parking" signs will be placed on property before building construction begins. 2) Add note to plat that refers to the DART line being adjacent to the south property line. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3 Recommend modification of the request ATTACHMENTS: 1) Final Plat Document ITEM #6 PAGE2of2 ")NI 'S'UVOOSSV" NOSl!j(]NV '.uoNtOO TI3oUCD:IO StlVUVl-O ~ !l: '" ~~ -< ~ ~ . -r7iil ~ I i~ !!!!. '" ~1 ~ " ~ ~ ~~ i ~ - ~~i~ i~l~ ~~ ~ ; ; :11 i~~ g~~; . !1~li~~ t i ' ;~~ .~i ~~i.~ ;w~ ia' ~~. ! ~!; ;i; ~~E~; 2~~~1~~ 51 ~ =~ ~.~ ~~~ iili~ ;1;!5!1 i~ ~ ~: II; ~t~ ~;!~~ 2;!II~i si !~ :1 I!~ ii~ !~r~' e" "~.,~ ft~ ~5 . ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~! .~~III~ 9~ ~= :i i~~ ~~; i:~~~~ ~I~ ~is :' ~~ ~I ~I~ ~~i . M S In -l ~ ~ l!! ~,~ S ~ ~ i ': ~ ~ e-I L 8 ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ U -~~ ~~fl !1lr ~ .., ~~~ ~~~ diu i i: ~ ~ ~ 5;l ~ ~..~ ~ g~ is 5 gc~ ~~! ~D Iii ~"In ~ __ Ii! w " ~ a: ~ III iE ., i \; -~ ~~ III %0. 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