DRC Comments TH-.CITY-OF COPPELL <\ 5 Proiect ID Address PP-07-0061 THE-CiTY_OF CITY OF COPPELL ORe REPORT COPPELL ..~* ~ ... ~ ~ eJ(, ,.q .. 5 . Prolect Name The Chateaus of Coppell, Preliminary Plat Proiect Tvpe Preliminary Plat Application Date 7/18/2007 Case Manaaer Marcie Diamond Proiect Description to allow the development of 56 single-family homes and common/open space lots on 20 acres of property Agency Building Inspection Electric Engineering Fire Administration Parks and Recreation Planning Department Reviewed By Greg Jones Jeff Curry Michael Garza Tim Oates John Elias Marcie Diamond 1 of 1 Review Date 7/24/2007 7/26/2007 7/25/2007 7/26/2007 7/26/2007 7/26/2007 Comments 1. No comments. No Comments Received 1. Verify R.OW. dedication along Bethel Road. 2. Drainage easements must be abandoned by separate instrument. 3. No parking adjacent to Lots 1,6, 7, 14, 15 Block C and common area 6X. No comment regarding this preliminary plat. No comment. 1. Rectify the inconsistencies in the width proposed for Lot 1X along Denton Tap Road: i) Concept Plan indicated 23' landscape/walk and utility easement (Lot 1X) ii) Detail Plan indicates 15' landscape/walk and utility easement (Lot 1 X) iii) landscape Plan - indicates trees, sidewalk and landscaping within a 24 +/- wide area, and iv) The Preliminary Plat shows a 15' landscape/walk and utility easement (lot 1X), and a 7' R.OW. Dedication- if 7' to be dedicated then it also needs to have a sidewalk and utility easement w/in the 7 feet. 2. Replace Site Data and Notes with corrected notes and site data as included on the detail plan. 3. Indicate the location of proposed screening walls. 4. Signature Blocks, dedication statements, etc. are not necessary on the Preliminary Plat.