DRC Comments THE.CITY.OF - . COPPELL ~.., ~ . l' THI;.CITY.OF CITY OF COPPELL ORC REPORT COPPELL .~~ '* fi~>(.. ?;-~Q 4!' ..t J\ 6 . \ 'b q Proiect 10 PP-07 -0032 Address 689 S Denton Tap Rd Proiect Name Alexander Court Proiect Type Preliminary Plat Application Date 4/17/2007 Case Manaaer Marcie Diamond Proiect Description to allow the subdivision of 29 single-family lots and two common area lots on Agency Building Inspection Electric Engineering of Review Date Reviewed By Greg Jones Jeff Curry Michael Garza 4/25/2007 4/26/2007 4/26/2007 Fire Administration Parks and Recreation Planning Department Tim Oates John Elias Marcie Diamond 4/26/2007 4/23/2007 4/26/2007 Comments 1, No comments on preliminary plat No Comments Received 1. Provide a Drainage Area map; the storm drain system will be evaluated further during Engineering plan review process. 2. Provide a 20' drainage easement. 3. The utility easement between Lots 8 and 9 may need)o be wider based on actual depth of utilities and required separation between the two. 4. The street layout cannot be approved until an official Flood Study has been submitted and approved. 5. The preliminary construction plans for Bethel Road show a grade differential adjacent to Lots 24,25, and 29. Please be advised that prior to the installation of the screening wall and the development of those lots, the correct grade that matches the Bethel Road plans will need to be established. No comments concerning the preliminary plat. No comments. Preliminary Plat: 1) Revise the Preliminary Plat to reflect all applicable revisions as detailed on the Zoning Exhibit/Detail Site Plan. 2) See attached Flood Plain issue summary memo. THE.CITY.OF THe:.CITY.OF CITY OF COPPELL 2nd ORC REPORT COPPELL COPPELL "' ,_ ,c. . " 6 Proiect 10 PP-07-0032 Proiect Name Alexander Court Address 689 S Denton Tap Rd Proiect Type Preliminary Plat Application Date 4/17/2007 Case Manacer Marcie Diamond Proiect Description to allow the subdivision of 29 single-family lots and two common area lots on 1 of Aqency Engineering Comments 1. No fence to be built east of the sanitary sewer manholes on Lot 22. 2. The preliminary construction plans for Bethel Road show a grade differential adjacent to Lots 24, 25, and 29. Please be advised that prior to the installation of the screening wall and the development of those lots, the correct grade that matches the Bethel Road plans will need to be established.