MISC Correspondence Sent By: INVESTMENTS; 972 991 7500; Apr-25-07 9:10AM; Page 2/2 YORKSHIRE WEST REALTY ADVfSORS. LP 1 2201 MERIT DRIVE. SUITE 1 70 OAUAS. TEXAS 75251 972.720-9300 OFFICE 972.991.7500 FAX RECEIVED April 25, 2007 IUDI PLANNING DEPARTMENT Marcie Diamond Planning Department City of Coppell 255 Parkway Blvd Coppell, Texas 75() 19 VIA FAX and E-Mail RE: Notilication of Appeal to City Council Zoning Case - PD.223-C Kimbel Addition Re-Development, Rcplat and PD - N/E ComeT of Sandy Lake/MacArthur Marci.e, Please be advised the applicant in the above case requests a hearing to appeal the Plaruling and Zoning Commission reconunendation before the City Council un May 8,2007. Sincer5!::: (jK) Alen Hinckley Yorkshire W cst Realty 972-HS2.921O cc: Michael Doggett, P.E. - Winkelmann & Associates, Inc. Page 1 0 f 1 Marcie Diamond - CVS Coppell - Zoning Case - PD-223-C Kimbel Addition From: To: Date: Subject: cc: Alen Hinckley - Ext. 107 <Alen@yorkshire-realty.com> Jim Witt <jwitt@ci.coppell.tx.us>, Gary Sieb <gsieb@ci.coppell.tx.us> 5/2/2007 11 :20 AM CVS Coppell - Zoning Case - PD-223-C Kimbel Addition Marcie Diamond <mdiamond@ci.coppell.tx.us> RE: Reschedule Request - PD-223-C Re-Development Zoning Case - CVS/Coppell N/E Corner of Sandy Lake MacAthur Blvd - Kimbel Addition We respectfully request to be removed from the May 8, 2007 City Council Agenda and have the above case rescheduled for the May 22, 2007 Hearing. Thank you for your assistance, I apologize if this causes any inconvenience. Sincerely, Alen Hinckley Alen Hinckley, CCIM Yorkshire West Realty Advisors, LP Real Estate & Investments 972-852-9210 DIRECf MAIN - 972-720-9300 FAX - 972-991-7500 alE:n@yorkshire-reglty,com file:/iC:'J)ocumel1ts and Settings\mdiamond\Local Settings\Temp\GW}OOOOl.HTM 5/2i200 7 THE.CITY.OF COPPELL Ii MEMORANDUM DATE: April 12, 2007 SUBJECT: Gary Sieb, Director Of~... .~nlg Jim Witt, City Manager~\) Northeast Comer of MaCArtt and Sandy Lake TO: FROM: During the past month, there has been an interest in the redevelopment of the northeast comer of MacArthur and Sandy Lake at the Council level. Redevelopment of this blighted commercial area is a new challenge for the city of Coppell, its staff, its Planning Commission, and its elected officials. In the meetings we have had with you and your staff, I have appreciated the openness and frankness that you have shown regarding this situation. I believe I speak for the Mayor and Council when I say that we all realize that planning and development regulations are aimed at achieving quality development for all of Coppell. In the case of the northeast comer of MacArthur and Sandy Lake, redevelopment appears to have one last stumbling block, and that is greenscape vs. parking. As you and I have discussed we have attempted, both through the developer and CVS Pharmacy representatives to try to reach some type of compromise. Unfortunately, we have not been able to avert the showdown of greenscape vs. parking with regard to this development. The present parking provided on the site, as verified by your staff, meets the requirements of the city of Coppell Zoning Ordinance. Conversations with CVS indicate they in no way want to reduce the number of parking spaces that are presently shown on the site plan. Therefore, no compromise appears to be on the horizon regarding the additional greenscape needed or the sacrifice of the parking slots that serve the CVS location. I would say that the super majority of Council feels that in this particular instance, due to the multiple property owner situation, the blighted conditions on the comer, and the longevity that these conditions have persisted, that patience is not a virtue. They, as well as the Deputy City Manager and I, feel that we should make every attempt to secure this proposed development, which in the end would be in the best interest of the community. Gary Sieb April 12, 2007 Page Two This does not include any compromise on issues of public safety, access, or other matters the Planning and Zoning Commission feels are essential to maintaining consistency. We would hope that through negotiation and communication, that some type of compromise could be reached on the greenscape vs. parking issue. We realize that this is on the April 19 Planning Commission agenda, and that this memo constitutes a unique addition to the Planning Commission packet. Please advise the Commission that if they have any questions regarding this memo to direct them to my office and talk to me directly or Deputy City Manager Clay Phillips. JW:kb YORKSHIRE WEST REALTY ADVISORS May 15,2007 Members of the City Council Mayor Doug Stover City of Coppell 255 Parkway Blvd Coppell, Texas 75019 RECEIVED PLANNING DEPARrfvlENr RE: CVS Phannacy & N/E Comer Re-Development Sandy Lake Road & MacArthur Blvd Zoning Case PD-223-C As you prepare for this zoning case, I respectfully ask that you consider a number of key issues as background and clarification in the zoning submittal for your consideration. The site plan and renderings presented are the culmination of years of work to enable the pieces of a complex puzzle to fit together. There are numerous physical lots, ownerships, buildings and businesses all with different goals, objectives and personalities each with corresponding limitations to the project. This case represents an opportunity for dramatic upgrades and positive improvements at an intersection that has struggled with abandoned buildings for years and poorly serves the community both visually and economically. Please consider these facts that are unique and site specific hardships to this Zoning Case: · Physical Limitation of the Papa Johns & Cleaners Existing Building Locations · Existing Buildings and Old platted Lots did not include today's required setbacks · Complexity of the Re-Plat across 7 Lots and 6 different Ownerships . Partial Demolition of an Existing Retail Building & Site work around Papa Johns . Combination of Abandoned and Ongoing Businesses · Significant Grade, Design & Engineering Issues between properties that are unique to the site · Widening of MacArthur and Sandy Lake reduced available Landscape areas & setbacks Following the Planning and Zoning Commission hearing a number of modifications were made: · Significant reduction in the size of monument signs and removal of two multi-tenant signs -- as presented today the signs are appropriately sized and follows the Single Tenant & Muti-Tenant Guidance of the Ordinance · Addition of Car Park Screening in front of the CVS on both the MacArthur and Sandy Lake Side. In a collaborative effort working with the City Engineering Department, we have moved the Sidewalk to the back of curb along Sandy Lake Road (to match Kroger's sidewalk alignment) and combined green space areas to allow for larger plant material and landscaping impact at the intersection. In addition we upgraded size of plant material on both the MacArthur and Sandy Lake side to accelerate the growth of the screening hedge. · Clarification of the upgrades of the Existing Retail, include color elevations of all four sides to match the color scheme of the balance of the project. We believe that we are presenting a comprehensive, cohesive development that addresses the needs of the City of Coppell and balances the physical limitations of the site with the economic development that is proposed. We have endeavored to respond to Staff comments and Planning & Zoning Commission concerns within the boundaries of issues that we can influence; however, some issues cannot be modified further due to the limitations and fragile alliances described above. We trust that you will find our fmal modifications acceptable and we respectfully request your approval of this revised project as presented. Sincerely, ~ Alen Hinckley "1 Winkelmann \" &Associates, Inc. CONSULTING CIVil ENGINEERS . SURVEYORS March 9, 2007 Marcie Diamond City of Coppell 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, TX 75019 (972) 304-3676 (972) 304-7092 fax RE: Re-Development of In-Fill Tract PD-223-C Kimbel Addition and Replat NEC Sandy Lake Rd. & MacArthur Blvd. Ms. Diamond, We offer the following response to your March 1, 2007 DRC comments. ENGINEERING: Landscape Plan L1 1. No trees should be placed within the sewer easement. It appears that two trees on Lot 9R and one tree on Lot 14R are being proposed within the sewer easement. Response: The tree in the easement conflict has been resolved. FIRE ADMIN.: 1. Show existing and proposed fire hydrants. Respollse: Allfire hydrants are labeled on the site plan. 2. Fire lane, as shown, does not adequately serve the property. Extend fire lane along west side (parallel to MacArthur) to the front of the CVS (south side) to Kimbel Court. Response: Fire lane has been added in specified location. 3. Fire lane shall be a minimum of 1 1/2 times the height of the building, away from the building (showing 35ft b~dg., fire lane must be 52ft from bldg). Response: CVS is 28' in height which would require the fire lane to be located 42' away from the building. This requirement cannot physically be achieved. 4. CVS will be required to be equipped with an approved automatic fire sprinkler system. Response: The building will have a sprinkler system. 5. Show fire department connection (pDC) location for CYSt Must be within 50 ft of a fire hydrant and on the same side of the fire lane. Response: The FDC will be located at least 42' from the building and adjacent to a fire hydrant and the fire lane. G:\ot':f\ffi~~~Hrfa:}i8~~~1qrt?,\yai conomiP.-1r~~&.doC(972) 490-7090 Fax (972) 490-7099 PARKS 1. Tree Removal Permit required prior to start of construction. Response: The comment is understood. 2. Based on Tree Survey L-3 (2/14/07), project is 85.5 inches short for tree mitigation. $8550.00 will due at time Tree Removal PeImit is pulled. Response: The calculations have been corrected and the comment is understood. PLANNlNG Site Plan - Sheet CSP 1. Revise the Lot #'s so that they are sequential. In other words, change Lot l4R to 11R. Response: Our request is to leave the lot numbers as shown. 2. Include dimensions of the boundaries of each 10t. Response: Dimensions are now provided. 3. Include dimensions of all proposed buildings. Response: Dimensions are now provided. 4. Add the following rows to the Site Data Table, as part of the requested PD Conditions (requested variances for each lot): Setbacks: Front -required. 60' provided Side yard-required 30' Provided Provided Rear yard - required 20' Provided Response: Information has been added to the Site Data Table 5. Standard parking spaces are 19' in depth, but can be reduced to 17' if2' additional width in landscaping is provided adjacent to the perimeter buffer area - neither condition is being met. Response: Due to site constraints, the parking stall size provided is the maximum size that can physically be achieved. 6. Parking 10t landscaped islands are required, at a minimum, every 15 parking spaces, and need to be a minimum of 150 square feet per island, several are missing and many are substandard in size. Response: This site plan incorporates the maximum possible amount oflandscaping while providing minimum required parking for consumers. 7. There appears to be a potential contlict with the new drive-thru for Papa J obn's, the loading dock, the dumpsters, and the drive-thru for CVS. Response: CVS loading is very infrequent (once per month) and can occur during off- peak hours so as not to impede traffic flow. 8. Monument signs are required to be setback 15' from property lines adjacent to streets and 75 feet from other property lines. - It appears that NONE of the signs are complaint with these setback regulations. Response: Monument signs are in the .safest location for this development. G:\office data\work\395\63\OA\pd comment response.doc 9 . Need to include elevations of proposed monument signs, including dimensions, total square footage, materials, colors, font, and extemallight source, if any. Response: The sign package has been provided with our Resubmittal. 10. The drive-tbru for the bank adjacent and parallel to MacArthur Road is not acceptable. Drive tbru-facilities need to be sited so that the visibility is obscured from the MacArthur, being a Primary Image Zone. The configuration of the bank site plan is inconsistent with banks approved in Coppell. Response: Given site constraints, this is the only possible layout for a bank on this site. 11. There are concerns with the functionality of the various 10' wide drive tbru lanes. Response: The bank and CVS drive-thru lanes are larger than 10' wide. Landscape Plan - Sheet L-l 1. Delete information on the "not a part" lots Response: Comment has been completed. 2. Revise the symbols for the various plant types; it is very difficult to differentiate them on the plan. Response: Comment has been completed. 3. Dimension landscape buffers, where provided. Response: Comment has been completed. 4. Parking lot landscaped islands are required, at a minimum, every 15 parking spaces, and need to be a minimum of 150 square feet per island, several are missing and many are substandard in size. Response: This site plan incorporates the maximum possible amount of landscaping while providing minimum required parking for code and customers. 5. Need to include locations of monument signs to determine potential conflicts with proposed landscaping. Response: Signs are now shown on the landscape plan. 6. Need to include locations of existing and proposed utility easements to determine potential conflicts with proposed landscaping. Response: Utility easements are shown on the landscape plan. Landscape Plan - Sheet L-2 1. Add a column to the Data Tabled labeled "PD Condition" which will specify the actual variance being requested (i.e. 2,908 required, 2,000 provided, 908 deficit). Response: This item has been completed. 2. Correct the non-vehicular landscape calculations to be net of the interior and perimeter landscape areas, as required in the Landscape Ordinance. Response: This item has been completed. 3. Delete last note which states "Parking Lot Screened from public view by min 30" shrubs", this screetiing only exists in very limited areas, and therefore needs to be added to the list of variances as included in #1 above. Response: This item has been completed. G:\office data\work\395\63\OA\pd comment response.doc Elevations : General Statement: The applicant stated that they intend to make all buildings (existing and proposed) architecturally compatible... this is not evident from the various documents submitted. Response: Elevations were revised to be more architecturally compatible and to meet the spirit of the ordinance. CVS Elevations: 1. Proposed Signage exceeds maximum permitted by ordinance. Front elevation 90 square feet allowed - 176 square feet being requested - 95% larger than permitted. Side Elevation 135 square feet permitted - 183 square feet being requested - 35% larger than permitted. Response: The signage shown is being requested as a PD Condition. 2. Proposed signage in not compliant with colors regulated in the sign ordinance. Response: CVS red signage is their trademark. Given the existing red letters for Papa John's and CVS's major competitor around town, we feel the signage shown should be acceptable. 3. The building elevations are not Compliant with Section 12-23-5.3 of the Zoning Ordinance which states: Exterior wall surfaces should consist of no more than three colors-a base color, and/or a trim color, and/or an accent color. The base color may be utilized on up to 100 percent of the surface area of anyone facade of a building. Another color, other than a base color, shall be permitted on up to only 5 percent of the surface area of anyone facade, and an accent color on up to only 1 percent of the surface area of anyone fac;ade... Indicate percentage of masonry materials Response: Elevations have been modified to meet the intent of the ordinance. 4. Submit a color board at the DRC Meeting - The color board shall indicate the name of the proposed project and show a sampling of all proposed materials in the appropriate color and labeled accordingly. Response: A color board has been submitted. Bank - No elevations have been submitted, but will be required if to be incorporated in this Detail Site Plan. Response: All conditions of the PD shall address setbacks, Landscaping and orientation of the Bank Site. The Bank will be required to have its elevation and brick color and signage approved by the Commission and City Council at a later time. New Retail Building: 1. Need to indicate sign areas. - Response: Completed 2. Indicate percentage of masonry materials. Response: Complies with Code 3. Submit a color board at the DRC Meeting - The color board shall indicate the name of the proposed project and show a sampling of all proposed materials in the appropriate color and labeled accordingly. Response: Completed as Requested G:\office data\work\395\63\OA\pd comment response. doc Existing Retail Building: 1. Specify paint colors for exterior of building. - Response: Paint shall match Papa Johns Red Brick 2. Indicate existing signage to remain. - Response: Completed as Requested PLAT COMMENTS ENGINEERING: Replat 1. Right-of-way or a sidewalk easement should be provided at the northwest comer of Lot 8R. Response: The easement has been provided. 2. A common access easement should be provided off the fire lane from Lot 9R to the proposed bank access on the east side of Lot 8R. Response: The easement has been provided. 3. A common access should be provided from Sandy Lake Rd. right-of-way'to Lots lOR and 12R. Response: The easement has been provided. 4. The proposed sanitary sewer easement for the relocated sewer line should be a minimum of20 foot, not 15 foot as shown. Response: The easement has been corrected. 5. Has this entire tract been purchased by one person? Tax records show several different owners for the proposed five lots. If so, all the owners will need signature blocks on the plat? Response: There are multiple owners for this site. Signature blocks have been added. Preliminary Grading Plat 6. All of Lots lOR, 12R and most of 14R should drain south and east to the existing inlets and pipes installed with the Sandy Lake Rd. improvements. Response: Drainage plan has been modified. 7. All drainage should be picked up on site for those areas and discharged to the appropriate 10cations. Response: Drainage plan has been modified. 8. The proposed location of your driveway onto Sandy Lake Rd. conflicts with an existing inlet. Either the inlet or the driveway needs to be relocated. Response: The inlet will be relocated. 9. Information should be provided on how Lots 8R, 9R and the remainder of Lot 14R will drain. Response: Drainage plan has been modified. Preliminary Utility Plan P-3 10. The notes on the plan should be enlarged so that they can be properly read. In particular, the notes associated with the CVS Pharmacy cannot be read. Response: The text size has been increased. 11. No water/sewer services are being shown for Lot 14R. If you are utilizing existing water/sewer services for Lots 9R and l2R, they should still be shown. Response: Water & Sanitary sewer services are now shown. G:\office data\work\395\63\OA\pd comment response.doc FIRE ADMIN: 1. Proposed fire lane does not adequately serve the property. Response: The fire lane layout has been modified. 2. Show utility easements required for the double detector check valve vaults. Response: The easement will be added. PLANNING 1. Revise the Lot #'s so that they are sequential.. in other words, change Lot 14R to l1R. Response: Our request is to leave the lot numbers as shown. 2. Abandon the existing building lines, established by previous plats and establish new building lines reflective of current ordinances. Response: Old building lines will be abandoned by plat. 3. Provide signature blocks for all property owners, that will be owners at the time that rep1at will be filed with the county. Response: Signature blocks have been added. 4. Add a signature block for Time Wamer ( cable). Response: Signature block has been added. If you have any questions, please give me a call. I .t( Michael T. ert, P.E. Winkelmann & Associates (972) 490-7090 (972) 490-7099 fax mdoggett@winkelmann.com cc: David Williams - AGOe Mike Clark - W Al Alen Hinckley - Yorkshire West .3~S-((.:i>. OAr- G:\office data\work\395\63\OA \pd comment response. doc ~-~--"----_._._........ March 6, 2007 Marcie Diamond Planning Department City of Coppell 255 Parkway Blvd Coppell, Texas 75019 RE: Lot 8R- Bank Site Elevations N/E Comer of Sandy Lake / MacArthur - Redevelopment PD-223-C Kimbel Addition - Zoning Case and Replat Marcie, At this time the Bank's Architect has not completed the elevations for review by the City Staff and Commission. It is our understanding that PD-223-C Kimbel Addition and zoning case shall continue to address all necessary site plan approvals (such as setbacks, landscaping, fire lanes, and other items included in the PD) except the Bank will be required to have future approval by the zoning commission and council of the elevations, brick color/material and building signage. sinCab Alen Hinckley Yorkshire West Realty 972-852-9210 SENT BY: INVESTMENTS #2; ,~.. '''-WI 10;4' ~I(U"" 972.991 -7500; FEB-15-07 4:20PM; PAGE 2/2 T-453 P.DOtIODZ F-2~3 February 14.2007 RECEIVED , 1..J )'1n7 PLANNING DEPARTMENT City of Coppell PllllUlins Department 255 Parkway Boulevard Coppell. Tcxas 7S019 1m: Re Development ofNEC of MacArthur and Sandy LGJce - City of Coppell. TX Planned Developmcnt Rc-Zoninl and Rc-P1M of a combined area of2.907 Acres Eight (8) Lots of Kimbel Kourt Addition :R.e-developed into Five (5) Sites Please be advi~d that the following owners acknowledge and support the re-zoning and fe.platting of va do us lots and buildings at the above listed intenection. Alcn I-Ib1ckley is authorized to proceed with the Zoning Application, Subdivision Re-Plat Application and orher necessary procedures for the above listed Zoning Case. , I .1--. '_ J, I c,~~ 2ZC Lot 7 &, 12 C"~ Lot 11 Annada CApital Lm~ UEIEMPP Lot 1 &. 14 Mercury ReSDw'ces Group