PRESENTATION Agenda Request/Staff Rept THE.CiTY.OF DEPT: PLANNING October 9 I 2007 AGENDA REQUEST FORM COPPELL DATE: ITEM #: 1 3 o WORK SESSION o CONSENT o REGULAR ITEM TYPE: PRESENTATION ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Grapevine Springs Community Center, Lots 1 & 2, Block A Minor Plat, to establish a building site, various easements and fire lane to allow for the development of a 13,560-square-foot Recreation/Community Center on 22.4 acres of property located south of Bethel Road and west of Park Road. GOAL(S): IIII II EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The following P&Z conditions remain outstanding: 1) Provide screening for any contemplated outside storage on Service Center property. 2) Label the 10 foot sidewalk/utility easement on the north boundary of the property. FINANCIAL COMMENTS: RECOMMENDED ACTION: On September 20, 2007, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of this minor plat (6-0), subject to the above-stated conditions. Commissioners Haas, Kittrell. Borchgardt, Fox, Reese and Frnka voted in favor, none opposed. ACTION TAKEN BY COUNCIL: APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON ABOVE DATE Motion to Approve subject to conditions 1 & 2 above Staff recommends APPROVAL. M - Franklin S - Peters Vote - 7-0 . Libby Ball ~. 2007.10.15 17:15:42 -05'00' I@Ol GS Com Ctr, L 1 &2, BA. MP, l-AR CITY OF COPPEll PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT Grapevine Sprinas Community Center. Lot 1 and Lot 2 of Block A. Minor Plat P&Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: September 20, 2007 October 9, 2007 STAFF REP: Gary L. Sieb, Director of Planning LOCATION: located on the south side of Bethel Road west and south of Park Road SIZE OF AREA: 22.3714 acres of property CURRENT ZONING: PD-108-H (Planned Development -1 08-Historic) REQUEST: A minor plat to establish a building site, various easements and fire lane to allow development of a 13,560-square-foot Community Center. APPLICANT: Owner: City of Coppell Brad Reid, Parks Dir. 816 S. Coppell Rd. Coppell, TX. 75019 (972) 462-5100 Fax: (072) 462-5149 Surveyor: BW 2 Engineers, Inc. 1919 S. Shiloh Road Suite 500 Garland, TX. 75042 (972) 864-8200 Fax: (972) 864-8220 HISTORY: Overall, this property has had a long history of development proposals. Prior to 1973 the majority of land between Denton Tap and Coppell Roads, north of the Cotton belt Railroad (now DART right of way) and south of Bethel Road, was zoned SF-7 and SF-1 O. In March of 1973 approximately 100 acres was zoned for Commercial and Planned Development for a Family ITEM # 5 PAGE 1 of 3 Entertainment Center, similar to Sandy Lake Park, at the request of the owner shown to be Coppell Historical Corporation. That proposal was never constructed. In January of 1991 115 acres including the 100 acres just mentioned was reclassified to Planned Development-Light Industrial at the request of Centre Development Co., representing the Baptist Foundation of Texas, as owner. That plan showed commercial, office and light industrial uses surrounding park land and an extension branch of Texas A&M University. That plan never materialized, and in January of 1997, the Baptist Foundation sold 21 acres of this property for residential development-Summit at the Springs-a 55 lot single family subdivision. In August of 1998, Council approved ala acre, 23 lot residential subdivision on part of the remaining Baptist Foundation property known as The Reserve. In June of 1999, City Council denied a zoning request for 102 single- family residential lots on 37 acres on the western portion of the remaining Foundation property adjacent to Coppell Road. Some time later, the city purchased the land for future city uses, including park, open space and public facility possibilities. At about that same time, First Baptist Church of Coppell purchased 20 acres of Baptist Foundation property at the corner of Denton Tap and Bethel Roads. That property has since been sold to Toll Brothers for a 53 lot residential subdivision. In December of 2000 Council approved a plan for the Coppell Service Center on 7.5 acres, which has subsequently been constructed, and in June of 2005 approved a two phase medical complex on 3.2 acres of property along Bethel Road. Phase one of the medical complex has been constructed and occupied. The city is currently in process of selling approximately 11 acres for mixed use along Coppell Road, including a conference center, retail/office/boutique hotel use and a pet care facility. The most recent proposal-the one being considered tonight-is for a 13,500 square foot facility to be known as the Grapevine Springs Community Center, and plat approval. TRANSPORTATION: Bethel Road is a two-lane asphalt street contained within a 50 foot right-of-way, proposed to be a C2U collector street when improved. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North- Old Coppell Estates residential subdivision; "SF-9", (Single Family 9) South- Grapevine Springs Park; "PD-108-HI!, (Planned Development- Historic) East- park, single family residences; "HI! (Historic) I and "PD-SF-9", (Planned Development, Single Family 9) ITEM #5 PAGE2of3 West- park land; "PD-1 08-H", (planned Development 1 08-Historic) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Coppell Comprehensive Master Plan, as amended, and the Old Coppell Master Plan show this property as suitable for a Community Center use. DISCUSSION: Provided the zoning request to allow a Community Center is recommended for approval, this Minor Plat warrants positive consideration. There are conditions that need to be attached to any approval action, and they are elaborated on in the Staff Recommendation, below. The plat boundaries have been adjusted to create more land for the existing Service Center, and on the eastern end of the proposed Service Center expansion, the property line comes within 100 feet of the park. As the Service Center expands, it would be prudent to provide appropriate screening for any outside storage that might be contemplated on Service Center property as required by the Zoning Ordinance. In addition, we are proposing a Lot 2 at the northeast corner of this plat to accommodate future land acquisition in the area. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION: Staff is recommending APPROVAL of this minor plat subject to the following conditions: 1) Change Lot 1 Block 1 to Lot 1 Block A in title and on plat drawing 2) Add Lot 2, Block A at northeast section of property, and in title block. 3) Change the plat title to Grapevine Springs Community Center 4) Provide screening for any contemplated outside storage on Service Center property 5) Label the 10 foot sidewalk/utility easement on the north boundary of the property ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3 Recommend modification of the request ATTACHMENTS: 1) Minor Plat Document (2 pages) ITEM #5 PAGE3of3 .. ... Cf.l ~ ... e,:, ~ < ...d ~ ZE-t j!:% il iia z ~ ~t; ~ Eo< ll.. ~ g !;~ ~ j CI.l U III 0<( ~ Q., >- c-i ~~ ~ ~ ~ E-t ~~ ~ o Z - ~ .iil ~ 2S :; Z < ~~ fi ::II ~~ ~:::jj!!l ll.. ""'" ~ ~~ ~ <""'" 0 Cl. ~ 0 ...J m<C i e,:,u ~ ! w ~~5 3~ i~ 3! "y~~~:~ ~..~.:!, i\ !~Ii ~~ . 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