DRC Comments THE.CiTY.OF COPPELL " 5 Proiect 10 MP-07-0037 Address 120 E Bethel School Rd THE.CITY.OF CITY OF COPPELL ORe REPORT COPPELL .~*"" .... ~ Q .!' .t " \ ~ q 5 . Proiect Name Northlake Woodlands Center, Lot 4, Block A Proiect Tvpe Minor Plat Application Date 5/23/2007 Case Manaaer Marcie Diamond Proiect Description to establish a building site, various easements and tire lane to allow for the reuse and renovation of the existing 4,940-square-foot structure for a pet day care/boarding/spa on 0.664 of an acre of property Agency Building Inspection Electric Engineering Fire Administration Parks and Recreation Planning Department Reviewed By Greg Jones Jeff Curry Michael Garza Tim Oates John Elias Marcie Diamond 1 of Review Date 5/31/2007 5/31/2007 5/30/2007 5/29/2007 5/30/2007 5/25/2007 Comments 1. No platting comments. No Comments Received No comments. No comment regarding this minor plat. No comments 1. Rectify the inconsistencies in the ownership of this property, in some places it indicates Edward and William and other places just Edward... 2. Add the's' to Northlake Woodlands in the title block, and correct the name of the plat in the Owner's dedication. 3. Verify the Metes and Bounds description in the Owner's Certificate... 2nd line... I do not think there is a "City Block A" 4. Surveyor's Certificate - remove the words "City Plan Commission" 5. The property to the east was replatted in 2001, as Lot 1 R, Block 1 - (page 1271 of P.RD.C.T.) 6. Revise the franchise utility signature block as follows: Utility Company Receipt Acknowledgement: Oncor Atmos Energy: Time Warner: Verizon: Memorandum ~R Dilte: June 7.2007 To: Marcie Diall\ond Cl;: from: leff Curry Subject. May DRe S-1241-C, Fat Daddy's Burger House - zoning change acceptable, please contact Larry Redick at 972.323.8917 to di~cuss electric service requirements. Northlllke WoodlJlnd~ Center, Lot 4, Block A, Minor Plat - plat unacceptable, please contact Larry Redick at 972.323.8917 to discuss electric easement requirements. PD-228-SF -9, The Chateaus of Coppell - zoning changc acceptable, please contact Jeff Curry at 972.888,1330 to discuf;s electric service requirements. Arbor Manor, Preliminary Plat - plat unal.:ct'ptable, please contact Jeff Curry at 972.888.1330 to discuss electric easement requirements. ,PD-221R2-HC, Duke Lesley Addltion - zoning change acceptable, please contact Jeff Curry at 972.888,1330 to discuss electric service requirements. Duke Lesley Addition, Lot 2R Block C, Replllt - plat unacceptable, please contact Jeff Curry at 972.888.1330 to discuss casement requirements. PD-221R3-HC, Duke Lesley Addition - .....oning change acceptahle, please contact Jeff Curry at 972.888.1330 to discuss electric service requirements. -PD-222R-LI, Duke Lesley Addition - zoning change acceptable, please contaCt Jeff Curry at 972.888.1330 to disl,;uss electric service requirements. Duke Lesley Addition, Lot I, Block A, Final Plat - plat unacceptable, please contact Jeff Curry at 972.888.1330 to discuss electric easement requirements. Bethel Business P~rk, Lot 1, Block A, Site Plan - site plan acceptable, please contact Jeff Curry at 972.888.1330 to discuss electric service requirements. Bethel Business Park Lot 1, Blo~k A, Minor PI~t - plat unacceptable, please contact Jeff Curry at 972.888.1330 to discuss electric easement requirements. CONFIDENTIAL ~>2'd 260.1.. b0[ 2.1..6:01 b0DS882L6 ^~3nIl3a J3l3 nXl:WO~~ 8~:bl L002-L0-Nnr BMl~wood North (The Gables), Lot I, Block A, Site Plan - site plan acceptable, please contact Larry Redick at 972.323.8917 to di.scuss electric service requirements. Braewood North (The Gables) Lot 1, Block A, Minor Plat - plat unacceptable, please contact Larry Redick at 972.323.8917 to diseuss electric easement requirements. Kimbel Addition, Lots 8R, 9R, lOR, 12R and 14 R, Replat - plat unacceptable, please contact Larry Redick nt 972.323.8917 to discuss electric easement requirements. CONFIDENTIAL Pate 2 of 2 ~>['d 2602.. b0r 21..6:01 b0rT8882L6 ^~~Il3a J3l3 nXl:WO~~ 8[:bT 1..002-L0-Nnr