Special Warranty Deedo ./ ,
DATE: sep~.smbe= 2.4. ,..1992
PllleJitCTIIM).' ~ .....
PJBI~~R: 3?3-0948 .................
~: .The ?.imension Croup, Inc. _. ._
FAX NU411IB4;R: (214) 324-551~8
thl9 p~)
A copy o~ thc conC~cC ~or you.~ £evtev p_et' our _te..le, Dhone
~n~arva~io~ .... - - - _
Thank You
MMiIIA~IATELY AT (21 4) 324-91 95.
- ~- ~,J oF_._=- -..- TO 39]0948 P.02
~~XOM ~l~ TO~ ~n~ee' 8 ~ai21~g Add~&81t ,..
fiir~nx, Vi~iflia 32037-000~ FiigZax, Vig/t~i 22o37-oool
( ~nCs )
o~ ~ sum 0~ Ten Dollars (010. 00), ~ho aV~o~menC, of 0cafltoe
an~ o~ho= goo~ and vs&u~ble oo~ducJ~ion pa&d ~o Ocanto~ bz
aoknowle~ by Orlfl~oz, hag Q~NTBfl, SOLD AND CO~BYED, and by
CO~ORATION, i ~w York ~orporl~ion (. ~r,~n=~, ) havLng
~=~rty IOoiC~ Ln the SINOL~N THOM~80N SUrVeY, ABIT~CT MO,
~493. DIll~o Oounty, Texal, mo~e par~ioula=Ly deaor~ or
~Or all pu~polee, ~ogethor with the appurtlnancee, and all
0738 -..
The oone~fuo~lo~ of a~l ~mp~ovsmen~e on 2he .
2. kLl bu~d~ngl on ~hl Pro~i~y m~lt b~ pe~manen~
nikuc~, ~ul~ have tepidly b~ok ix~e~tot valle (un~ell
o2he~se l~Frovid b~ ~an~O~), mci2 no~ be ~oce ~ha~ one
a~o~ in he~ (no~ exnead~nq 20 ~ee~ ~n heiqh~
~niah ~=ade), an~ m~o~ bo ~o~uo~e~ acoo=~in9 ~o plans
a~ ~o~i~a~o~, a .A~o plan and a~ grade level
a4Jaoen~ ~o ~ho P~ope~ty a~ mo~e pa~ou~a~Xy ~omo=ibe4 on
color, brick cole=, signS, ~ng, drive-~h~ouvh
3. W~th =e~a~ to o=her imp=ovemen~a on ~he
n~ ~u~side s=oraqa will be permi=~e~ no= will
"b=o~n ~Own" automobiles be allowed =o park
po~l~ Of ~l~ ~n ~ha Proport~ (0~ on any common a~ea
=kin9 fao~l~e. Of ~he A~aoen~ P=ope~y)
~te~. and ~he l~ke wA~X be eno~ooe~ b~ a brick enclosure
(vi~h ~e) ct a~ ~ea.~ ~he heAgh~ o~ ~he dumpe~e~ or o~he:
~rolh con~aLnO=j no eChOeS will be pirmit~ed~ all u~llA=lel
artAfAoial lanMoaping)~ all par~n~ an~ ~rivel will be
first-class lkOppL~g oln~or in Dallai ClutCh, Texas.
of ~he to~owA~ pu~oee., ba~, tavern, danes halx or oche~
M~As~n~ (inoludLn~, if applioable, a ~oe~au~an~)
annMl g~o ~ovonueo zrom ~ho sale o~ al~oh~lAc beverages
~rak~nd/i a.
s. AZ~ w~gnav, affixed to ~ho P~ope=ty
conform ~o lacy OCdinanoom and ~he requirements o~ any o~he=
govi~n~n~al authoci~y havinq ~u~edio2ion.
oo~=uotfon Of the Approvi~ F~oility [in a0oor~anoe wi~h
~8065 0739 ..
iI09×'2~/'1'B92 11:2_2 FROH THE DIHEN$ION GRF,JP iNC. TO G~0~8 P. 04
,.undre4 end ~wan~ ~aF~ (120) a~ts~ commenaBment (~he end of
~O~urahmme the ~=operty Eo= an amOUnt equal Co the
~ke~ Value (~ete~ined in accordance w~A paragraph 8
~1~) of the P~ope~ty. Co~efloeme~ of oona~uo~Aofl
be bMd ~0 oeou~ when v~sAble a~ appa~ea~ wo~ ~n being
u~taken on ~he ~ope~y a~ dAlL~en~ efforts a~o
~ tO continue fuOh COMPresSion ~0 oo=pxe~on ~n ·
man~. Ho~ve~, ~n bhe evon~ 9~en~ee ts unable ~o oomplo~o
oone~uo~Aon of the Approved Fao~li~M due ~o saunas
ACe oonc~o~, ~he period of ~mo O~an~ee oonno~ oong~uo~
Ea~IA~M ~,oausi of suoh oausm, sial1 no~ be Lnol~did
oo~u~An~ timO ps,isdn se~ forth ho~ein.
uipty (160) ~on~/nuoUt dams (oxalusive o~ pe~ode ~o~ bona
~Fanto~ ohaXX ~v~ ~hl ~g~ ~o~-a pe~od of n~nu~y
~ w~t~en no~oe Co ~=an~$e. ~ho Fa~ ~a~Mi~ Value of the
6 aaa 7 e~al~ Man ~ue o~ ~ho P~opo~y as
ag~Md be~n ~ran~o~ an~ ~an~ee; p~ovidud, however,
~i even~ O~&~O~ and O~an~oe a~o unable ~o &g~lt on
~aA: ~:ke~ value Of ~e e~opaxt~, such value aBall be
do~e:m~n~ bM two quaA~fAed appraisers, one se~eated by sash
pa~ and A~ ~e app~aisext a~e umable ~o agree, a ~hi~d
pa~y ~aioe~ ohall bo eeleoCed by the t~ appraisers and
constitute c~e Fair Market Value o~ the Property.
for ~ pUEOhMo sE 811 Or · portion of ~hu P=ope==F, or
p~ov~eAono of ~a pa=squash shall no~ apply ~o a benefio~al
in~o~oo~ k~angfe~rud aa oollatu~al ~o a lende~ ~n oonneo~on
wl~h a bona fi~o ~lnanoimg ~aneac~Lon. Q~an~ee shall
~he te~ma of ~ymen~ (who~hl~ ~oz sash SE c~e~ and if on
w~itton oommun~oa~ions =tla~ng ~0 tho bO~B ~i~u
UpOn ruoeipt O~ tu~h no~ioo, O~an~or shall Alva a ~Aod
~hirty (30} ~l An which tO e~eot to pucQhaae tho
(o~ the pozt~en o~ ~nto~eat to which the o~feF ~elateo) upon
OrantM and 9zmn~o~ shall p~oomed ~o ~n~e~ into a contrast
88065 071~0 ---'
09.-"24.-'1'992 11:2_--. ~F'-P~ THE F'~II"llENSIOIq I~ROI_IF' IF-lC. T~-~ :39:30948 P.OS
~i~l&o~ion le~ ~o~h ~n Ch& Of~ No~'o~ h~l no~
d~f~e~n~ person o~ u~on o~nged ~i~m~ ~d oond~O~l
foz~h a~ove, ~ f af~ ~onl~a~ion ~ lUSh pu~ohlee
(~Chiz ~o Q~inCo~ o~ ~o anotho~ ~.onJ, G~sn~oi (o~ any
boundi~y lln~i o~ ~he PzOpe~y,
hand deliverM, or if sen~ bM mall, Cwo business days after
Mi~ An a United 8~a~am mail Eooop~aolo) postage pEo~id,
~l~e~e~ oz oe~citLei mall~ =et~n ~eoeip~ zequoi~ed~
~ho a~NIH sec foxCA above, o~ a~ gush O~he~ a~6~O
~y bo dNllna~od ~om ~ime Co ~lme An wFl~lng by
upon ~he p~opoc~y; (ii) ~un w~h and bind ~he P~ope~y (oxoip~
met foz~h below)) and (iii) inure ~o the benefit of ~he
of · ml~o~i~y of'~hl land I~it of ~hl xdJaoen~ Prop~y (provided
=hat in any oo~veyanoe of all or ~ por~io~ of ~h% A~Ja~ent
Thl fat I ur& O~ OranCo~ or O~ln~ee O~ their lU~eoO0~o or
s~ for=h tn =his Deed, or =o ex&retie any righ~ or option
g~an~ld, or co me,vi any no~ioe or institute any a°~/On shall
· ondltlOn, rel~=iO~lon, right or Op~to~ has ~ermtnlDe~. N(
09/24/1992 11:24 FP..Or'.'I THE DIIqENSION GROUP IH(:. TFI 3930948 P.06
~a~JO~ o~ O~n~ O= ~h~ig ~uOO~esO~ oz assigns.
TO ~V~ A~ ~ HO~D ~h~ Property. ~ub~eo~ as a~o~llLd. '
i~NIO~I e~ l~gal ~0 ~i~in~ an~ forever ~fen~ all
~30u~ or under O~in~o~; bu~ no~ o~hi~wtli.
~ unto ~&n~ · non-exolulive, perpetulL easement
from ~lme ~o t~me on ~h~ A~Jaoent F~O~e~y e~ the ~ollow~ng ~wo
~~ An area 2S ~ee= ~n w~a~h on ~he south
~ ~ne o~ ~he Pr~o~y ~hat la no~ fu~he~ Chart 48 feo~
~he ~n~i~ooet~on of much $ou~h propor~y line and
~ (~i) An l~l 25 feet in wi~h on the e~l~ ~rope~y
__ Of kltLini ~. /-- ............. '-~ ~-'~____/'-~___~
I~=M ~on betwee~ Gcan~or an6 Oran~ee. (i~} for the pu=pol~ of
Pro.rOy to tho d~tvewazm ~n~ m~r~e~m located from ~&me ~o time
purDoiM in~en6e~.
~ ' -'-: '~ENSI '
09..'24 L~9~ LL:~5 -~L; _ Z'i CN :SPZ._'P' - ..£. _ 5950948 P.O?
~[111 ~l'l~llfill IlMIIIIJl ; I,...~' ~ ; ~ ...... ~ ....................
, ~F~ ~, the ..undero~no~ autho=~t~, ~e=sonilly app~r~
~,M~,. c~ ~.~,:.-~c' ~.: / ,, known to me ~o
~ ._ ~ IM-o-~Lk te %he foreqo~ng inltrumen~ as venture man~=
of ~rthur/~l~l~ (8~C) R~Itl Jolnt Venture,
~uro, an~ ackn~wl~ge~ ~o me ~ha= he
~MM, and mi ~h- ao~ and ~eed o~ NacArthu=/ Sel~lAne {~)
~il ~o~nt venture.
8t065 07~3 "