Application/Payment Recpt May 21 07 12:53p ~a~ 21 2007 8:56AM PlanSolutions Architects 572-373-S001 p,1 p.2 THE-CITY-OF V ~\9 41)1 {)~V Site Plan Application Planning Department 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, Texas 75019 Phonc: 972-304-3678 Fax: 972-304-7092 Filing Date: 5 ~/~7 Filing Fee: 'fob ,CJ'b Name of Applicant: re~ $IIE3(,L. /3 ~ PEf:l/6f!t01'e:p,s~tu; r ,I !,"" Applicanl Address: .33 08 &JIc:JK~ST t:12-. " PAeV~f Telephone Numbcr: :J./'I_ ~s-003D Fax Number: ZlfI- 513-SZz-1 Finn Preparing Site Plan Package: f'14ffI !ZIU/T'fD/rJ /tjtCNl1l!J:;TS Address: 39~ el /,.,K /:lUNA-;( 8Uf1IJre I~f .//tVIN'G TelcphoneNumber: lf13"~7$~f'f' Fax Number: 177,..$7J..qDO/ [.Jr'!"'!,. \.,:L 'It/'~1 -" ,t.) .: \ I :'~ /\ /', > All Corre3pondence relative to (his application should be directed to: Name: $QfJ A1t'~DN' Address: 3(/$. f;",. /"fff ~/NA-S 8/AP ~S/(/11f1/~'JIf2.fIN6 7~1tJ TcJcphoneNwnber: 173- ~J77-rlff1 Fax Number: '112.~7.r-f()ot Name of Subdivision or Plat: TNe6It6W$ General Location of Property: ~A1fO'y ~ 1tP, E?ltST OF a.... 'P9nOII 71J'f' ?resont Zoning: CI;;/IlfJ1'E1fZ.Cl A'f, Proposed Site Plan Contains: (/".~ Note: All applications, documents and dra.wings submitted to the Planning Department are subject to disclosure per the Texas Public Information Act. Agenda items are available at www.cLcoppell.tx.us f~ (4) days prior to Planning aod Zoning Commission and City Council meetings. Aft final disposition, the complete tile will be 8\1ailable on the City's wcbsite liS a pu J docume I ' /' Date: Owner's Signature: i . Applicant Address: 3 6() B' ~ H Of<Ec/'Zt!5iIr PILe.) D~r Rev. 0411 0107 ; ~. ~'. ',' - .,., i ~ i: 0 ~\ iIi ~ <8 N ~ ~ ~ M '" 5 CO f' '0 to I ~~ 0 ~ ~ I..() I\)" .~-}J l.() ~ ~ r- ~J) 0 ~IE; I ~ 0) '0 0 en I- Oa> WlO I-~ -w :I:~ o .0> a: 0 (") c:(~g CO..... en CJ) x Z <(~ Oz. ::iC,!> -oz I-()- ::>> ~ ..J CJ) - O~ enu.i Z~ ~(") D. ~ 0)- .cO ~Q; -'0 >- 00 "- o o t; ~ a: '" ... ~ ~o:b~ ~g;:: ~;::N' rD~~ N'''' !fl ~~ .J -g cl ~ o x: ~ o z <5 ... o UJ ft ~lll ~: JO ;; co ~~OO-~/~L6 6~09L sex91 '1I9ddo:) pJeA9(noa AeM>\led gg~ naddoo 10 Alto f;-l ~ ~ 81::n enl:) M:IlNflOO' ",031IWllNn S'>I:)3H:JO