Agenda Request/071007 AGE~DA REQUEST FORM THE.CITY.OF DEPT: PLANNING DATE: July 10, 2007 ITEM #: 1 9 COf~ELL D WORK SESSION D CONSENT l.f I REGULAR ITEM TYPE: PRESENTATION ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Bethel Business Park, Lot 1, Block A Site Plan, to allow the development of two office warehouse buildings, Building A containing 80,000-square-feet and Building B containing 82,650-square-feet on 10.675 acres of property located along the north side of Bethel Road, east of the proposed extension of Creekview Road. GOAL(S): r EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The following P&Z conditions remain outstanding: 1) Work with staff to indicate sidewalks internal to site, adjacent to each building. 2) A Tree Removal Permit is required prior to start of construction/dirt work. 3) Show stamped concrete on driveway entrances along Creekview Road. FINANCIAL COMMENTS: RECOMMENDED ACTION: ACTION TAKEN BY COUNCIL: On June 21,2007, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of this site plan (6-0), subject to the above-stated conditions. Commissioners Frnka, Kittrell, McCaffrey, Haas, Fox, and Reese voted in favor, none opposed. Motion to Approve subject to conditions 1, 2 and 3 above Staff recommends approval. M - Faught S - Peters Vote - 5-0 . Libby Ball Hinojosa-Flores and York absent 11 " . ~~(),r4~ci418 ~ -05'00' Ira)]nRpthpl RP 11 RA <:P l-Ah' CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT ST AFF REPORT Bethel Business Park, Lot 1, Block A, Site Plan P&Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: June 21, 2007 July 10, 2007 STAFF REP: Matt steer, City Planner LOCATION: Along the north side of Bethel Road, east of the proposed extension of Creekview Road. SIZE OF AREA: 10.675 acres of property CURRENT ZONING: LI (Light Industrial) REQUEST: Site Plan approval to allow the development of two office/warehouse buildings, Building A containing 80,00o-square- feet and Building B containing 82,650-square-feet. APPLICANT: Applicant: Pritchard Associates, Inc. Jim Pritchard 2500 Routh street Dallas, TX 75201 214-849-0022 Fax: 214-849-0024 Engineer: Goodwin and Marshall, Inc. Matt Goodwin 2405 Mustang Drive Grapevine, TX 76051 817-329-4373 Fax: 81 7-329-4453 HISTORY: There has been no development activity on the subject tract. TRANSPORTATION: Bethel Road is a two-lane asphalt street proposed to be a C4D, four-lane-divided thoroughfare in 90 feet of right-of-way currently under construction. Creekview Drive is a C2U two-lane undivided collector proposed to be extended south along the western boundary of this project. Right-of-way will be dedicated with this proposal and a timeline for design and construction has yet to be determined. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North - Office/Warehouse; PD-191-L1 (Planned Development-191- Light Industrial) South - Vacant DFW Airport property; LI (Light Industrial) East - Office/Warehouse; LI (Light Industrial) West - Vacant Fellowship Church property; LI (Light Industrial) ITEM #13 PAGE 1 of 3 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: DISCUSSION: The Coppell Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for light industrial/showroom uses. The proposed 10.7-acre site, located on the north side of Bethel Road approximately 600 feet away from the western City Limit line, needs to be treated with care, as this is considered a secondary image zone & entry point into Coppell. Site Plan: There are two buildings planned, Building 'A' - 80,000 square-feet and Building IB' - 82,650 square-feet. both to be setback approximately 100 feet from the Bethel Road right-of-way and 80 feet from the proposed Creekview Drive right-of-way. There are two access points off both Bethel Road and the proposed Creekview Drive. The first, or southernmost, drive off Creekview is designed for passenger traffic and the second, or northernmost drive, is for truck traffic. Both drives on Bethel will be designed for truck traffic, but only the drive between the buildings will have a median opening. There are 253 parking spaces depicted on the site plan, allowing for 24% of the building area to be devoted to office space (one parking space per 300 square-feet of building) and 76% warehouse space (one parking space per 1,000 square- feet of building). There is a 120-foot wide truck court area on the rear of the buildings. This will be screened from Bethel Road by the proposed buildings and from Creekview Drive with a 10' wall, measured from the finished floor elevation. The only major concern with the site plan is the lack of on-site sidewalks. There only appears to be sidewalks at each entry point; none elsewhere. Staff recommends adding sidewalks along the front and sides of each building, providing a place for people to walk rather than through the grass or within the drive aisles. This is listed as a condition of approval. Landscape Plan/Tree Survey: The streetscape Plan within the Subdivision Ordinance calls for evergreen trees, accent trees and shrubs along industrial property to provide screening as well as beauty from the right-of-way. The applicant is meeting this requirement with the Lacebark Elms, Crape Myrtles and a Burford Holly hedge. There are a few Shumard Red Oaks (although not evergreen) mixed in, and staff believes these will compliment the foliage along the frontage and feel that adequate screening of the parking area and truck courts has been addressed. In total, there are 124 overstory trees and 79 accent trees proposed. The overstory trees are proposed to be 4" cal., one inch above the required size at time of planting, to provide some relief to the tree retribution fees, leaving a total of $27,900 required to be paid at time of permitting. Overall, the landscaping plan meets our requirements in both the area devoted to landscaping, screening and tree count. ITEM #13 PAGE2of3 Architecture: The two proposed buildings will be one-story, 35 feet in height. The primary building material is tilt wall with stone at the entries. There are three paint colors - two shades of taupe, the lighter to be the primary color of the building and darker to be used between the articulation and above the stone entries. A beige band is shown horizontally around the top of the main sections and vertically to frame each section. The architecture of each building is well thought out and the expanse of each building is broken up with the use of horizontal and vertical reveals, windows, materials, colors and most importantly the articulation. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff is recommending APPROVAL of the Site Plan for Bethel Business Park Lot 1, Block A, subject to the following conditions: 1) Add sidewalks adjacent to each building. 2) A Tree Removal Permit is required prior to start of construction/ dirt work. 3) Indicate location of FDC for building B. 4) Move proposed screening wall to edge of truck court to allow room for the Eastern Red Cedars to be planted in front of it. 5) Change the floor area ratio in the Site Data Table to read ".35: 1 ". 6) Depict existing waterline along Bethel Rd as 16", not 12". 7) Coordinate median opening with the Bethel Rd project. 8) Show stamped concrete on driveway entrances. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Recommend modification of the request ATTACHMENTS: 1) Site Plan 2) Tree Survey 3) Landscape Plan 4) Elevations (2 pages) ITEM #13 PAGE3of3 w z*oo ~ ~ ~ ~ Ii -. ~;:J~ ~;~ ~~~ 8>~ ~~. '~i :m ~..~~ 'II j;,! J Ll.~ .,~,~!!I'~,111 ~ I -=~ i::~ I ~~ ~~, s ~I.." ~ ~~ ~ I' I' _,1 , ,I~ ,~~ ~ciQ, ~. ~~ o~ I ~ , __Jl ~r~: ~I ~~ ~ ~' '!' f 11 '~I I' r ~! ~~ ~I :11~"'::~';~J~egr- H ~ -~:;-- ~~lnl'~II: ~. ~J =='.-.'. i ~.y" . Jo'>? ~ ,:.,~"",,~. ~f' , . ~~~ /;j 'IJ . ~J ~ _u1 H I I L- ;J ;;11' ~, " ; ~ ~~~, ~ _ ~~ ,~ If; I t ri ~ ~ ~^~,~. ' ~'----' 1 ' / --I- ~ '- I N r ~ ~~;~ ~ ~.: ~ 0. I II / ( ii, Ih I ~ I) I Q- u' I Ii ~, I r~j II Ilil - ~c=; i~~ i, J: fll...j! ~ 'I,~I: l;~ , ":r ~~i ~ao "n ',~ ',~ m~ L, : I I _ ;; ~ \" ". ~i!; 1'12_ _: I I "__ , ~ L~ Ii ~ \ ~i~; '1(1f-t II i... . I I ; ! I! I{ : ! 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