Application/Paymt Recpt TRRNSWESTERN LERSING Fax:9727742S88 ,'a>, fro'" : G11-rts.,.,b'::ll,j May 21 2QQ7 _) ~ :3~_ P.03 'THS.CITV' Site Plan Application Planning Department 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, Texas 75019 Phone: 972-304.3678 Fax: 972-304-7092 Filing Date: tilihi 'fee: ~ IV Name of Appl;cant; ~~_E-' Applicant Address:. ~ ~~ ~ Telephone Number: . Fax Nomber: ffl1) Jzq. &~ Firm Prepari?4;an PaokaS" ~IN ~ ~~ I 1>>.-. Address: 0( ~\I.E.. ~loJe- ;vc..!l~S" I Fax Number: o ~ v1 ~ft\~ O~ 1ft COPPELL Telephone Number: - - All Corr~sponde"ce relative to this application should bt diruted to: NlllIle:~ ~ ~ -- Address: - Telephone Number: ....- Fax Number: Name of Subdivision or Plat: Note: All applications, documents and drawings submitted tel the Planning Department are 51,lbjeot to disl;losure per the Texas Public Jnfonnation Act. Agenda items are a.vailable at ww\V.ci.cO))DeJl.Jls.~ four (4) days prior to Planning and Zoning Commission and City CO\lllcil meetings. After final disposition, the complete file will be available on the City's website 8S 8. public document. ~.. . ...~9 ...A _ I OW11""SS;g...,,~ D...,~ AppliclUItAddress: ,> _ ~""E 17X 1~j Rev. 04/10/07 C\J <..0 l[) l.() t- o e Z~Z9l'/ZL6 6~OSL stlxa.l 'IIeddo:) pJ'IIh8lnog A1~M)jJBd SS~ lIaddoO jO ~'O dtJ-90Y WI(;~ ~ 1 >- lXl .. o u. C-lll 88~ o w ~ ~~ !;; ~5 ot ill