DRC Comments THE-CITY-OF THE-CITY.Of" CITY OF COPPELL ORC REPORT COPPELL ..~,' *:. ... l' ~ . . l,) ~ q ..t 1\ oS . \ '0 COPPELL .; 6 Proiect ID Address SPA-07-0045 Proiect Name Bethel Business Park, Lot 1, Block A Proiect Type Site Plan Approval Application Date 5/23/2007 Case Manaaer Matt Steer Proiect Description To allow the development of two office warehouse buildings, Building A containing 80,OOO-square-feet and Building B containing 82,650-square-feet on 10.675 acres of property 1 of 2 Agency Building Inspection Electric Engineering Fire Administration Reviewed By Greg Jones Jeff Curry Michael Garza Tim Oates Review Date 5/31/2007 5/31/2007 5/30/2007 5/31/2007 Parks and Recreation John Elias 5/30/2007 Comments 1. Site plan looks acceptable. No Comments Received No comments. Site Plan 1. Indicate fire hydrant and fire department connection locations. 2. Indicate 'louver' locations on Elevations, if mechanical smoke removal system is required. 1. Tree Mitigation calculations are incorrect. 2. Tree Removal Permit required prior to start of construction/dirt work. THE.CITY.OF COPPELL .; 6 Agency Planning Department Reviewed By Matt Steer THE.CITY.OF COPPELL CITY OF COPPELL ORC REPORT Review Date 5/31/2007 .; 6 Comments Site Plan: 1. Include dimension from front of buildings to parking areas. 2. Change "15' front yard setback" note to a "15' landscape buffer". 3. Show dumpster, mechanical equipment and monument sign locations, if proposed. 4. Depict all existing and proposed fire hydrants on Site Plan. 5. Show all proposed sidewalks. Recommend adding sidewalks adjacent to building. 6. Show new property lines in bold. Tree Survey: 1. Change title above scale bar to read "Tree Survey". 2. Indicate trees "To Be Removed" and "To Remain" within chart. Landscape Plan: 1. Move proposed trees shown west of east property line to the east, and move the water line into the r.o.w. 2. Correct percentage within the interior landscape provided calculation. 3. Include "existing trees to remain" within legend. 4. Consider including labels on Sheet L 1.00, eliminating the need to provide sheets L 1.01 and L.1 02. Elevations: 1. Include color and material type on black and white elevations. 2. Submit a color board with materials and a color elevation at DRC. A color rendering would be helpful in the presentation. 3. Indicate proposed sign areas with a dashed box above entries. 4. Show dimensions between building articulations. Memorandum ~R Date: June 7. 2007 To: Marcie Diamond cc: From: Jeff Curry Subject: May DRe S-1241-C, Fat Daddy's Burger House - zoning changc acceptable. please contact Larry Redick at 972.323.8917 to discuss electric service requiremcnts. Northlllke Woodlands Center, Lot 4, 8lock A, Minor Plat - plat W1acceptable, please contact Larry Redick at 972.323.8917 to discuss electric easement requirements. PD-228-SF-9, The Chateaus of Coppell- zoning changc acccptable. please contact Jeff Curry at 972.888,1330 to diSCUl\S electric service requirements, Arbor Manor, Preliminary Plat - plat unal.:ct:ptable, please contact .IeffCurry at 972.888.1330 to discuss electric easement requirements. ,PD-2211U-HC, Duke Lesley Addition - zoning change acceptable, please contact Jeff Curry at 972.888.1330 to discuss electric service requirements. Duke Lesley Addition, Lot 2R 8lo~k C, Replllt - plat unacceptable, please contact Jeff Curry at 972.888.1330 to discuss casement requirements. PD-221R3-HC, Duke Lesley Addition - :t...oning change acceptable, please contact .Jeff Curry at 972.888.13 30 to discuss electric s~rvke requiremenrs. -PD-222R-LI, Duke Le:iley Addition - zoning change acceptable, please contact Jeff Curry at 972.888.1330 to dis\.:uss electric service requirements. Duke Lesley Addition, Lot I, 8lock A, Final Plat - plat WlacceptabIe, please contact Jeff Curry at 972.888.1330 to discuss electric easement requirements. Bethel Business Park, Lot 1, Block A, Site Plan - site plan acceptable, please contact Jeff Curry at 972.888.1330 to discuss electric service requirements Bethel Business Park Lot 1, Blof.:k A, Minor PI~t - plat unacceptable, please contact Jeff Curry at 972.888.1330 to discuss electric easement requirements. CONFIDENTIAL ~>2.d 260L t>m: 2L6: 01 t>0n8882L6 ^~3nIl3a J3l3 nXl:WO~j 8~:t>l L002-L0-Nnr Bracwood North (The Gables), Lot I, Block A, Site Plan - sire plan acceptable, please contact Larry Redick at 912.323,8917 to discuss electric service requirements. Braewood North (The Gables) Lot 1, Block A, Minor Plat - plat Wlucceptable, please contact Larry Redick at 972.323.8917 to discuss electric easement requirements. Kimbel Addition, Lots 8R, 9R, 10R, 12R and 14 R, Rephlt - plat unacceptable. please contact Larry Redick at 972.323.8917 to discuss electric easement requirements. CONFIDENTIAL Pate 2 of 2 ~>('d 2602.. b0( 2L6:01 b0(t8882L6 ^~~Il3a J3l3 nX1:WO~~ 8(:bl L002-L0-Nnr