CCPH Agenda Request AGENDA REQUEST FORM THE.CITY,OF COPPELL .~ " ." ~ * DEPT: PLANNING DATE: July 10, 2007 ITEM #: 1 3 o WORK SESSION D CONSENT ~ .f I REGULAR ITEM TYPE: PRESENTATION ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Arbor Manors, Preliminary Plat, to allow the development of 73 single-family homes and 9 common area lots on approximately 25.15 acres of property located south of Sandy Lake Road; west of Denton Tap Road. GOAL(S): EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: 1) Park development fees of $1285 per lot. 2) Tree removal permit required prior to start of construction/dirt work. 3) Need formal, written street easement agreement with GTE. 4) Provide access drive to Wynnpage retail tract. 5) Tract A-I is "R", Retail, not "C", Commercial. 6) Add note that lots 5-8, Block D will not have alley access. 7) Collect run-off before reaching Sandy Lake Road. 8) Drainage will be evaluated further during the Engineering review process, 9) Place stamped concrete at subdivision entrances. 10)Typical pavement section follows City design standard 2035. FINANCIAL COMMENTS: RECOMMENDED ACTION: On June 21,2007, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of this preliminary plat (6-0), subject to the above-stated conditions. Commissioners Frnka, Kittrell, McCaffrey, Haas, Fox, and Reese voted in favor, none opposed. Staff recommends approval. ACTION TAKEN BY COUNCIL: Motion to Approve, subject to conditions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7,8,9& 10 above M - Franklin S - Peters Vote - 5-0 Hinojosa-Flores & York absent . Libby Ball ~. 2007.07.18 12:10:14 -05'00' lla) .dArhnr M"nnr~ PP I-A h' CITY OF COPPEll PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT Arbor Manors, Preliminary Plat P&Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: June 21. 2007 July 10, 2007 STAFF REP: Gary L. Sieb, Director of Planning LOCATION: South of Sandy lake Road; west of Denton Tap Road SIZE OF AREA: 25.148 acres of property CURRENT ZONING: PD-214R2-SF-9 & C (Planned Development-214 Revised-Single- Family-9 & Commercial) REQUEST: Preliminary Plat approval to allow the development of 73 single- family homes and 9 common area lots. APPLICANT: Priority One Dev. David Hale 111 N. Post Oak Rd. Houston, TX. 77093 (71 3) 31 6-31 20 Fax: (713) 931-9538 Engineer: Dowdy, Anderson Matt Alexander, P.E. 5225 Village Creek Dr. Suite 200 Piano, TX. 75093 (972) 931-0694 Fax: (972) 931-9538 HISTORY: This property was recently rezoned to allow low density residential use and the Comprehensive Master Plan was amended to accommodate this use also. TRANSPORTATION: Denton Tap Road is a P6D, six-lane, concrete divided thoroughfare contained with a 1 00-120-foot right-of-way and built to standard. Sandy lake Road is proposed to be a C4D, four-lane concrete, divided thoroughfare contained within a 90-foot right- of-way. It is currently a two lane asphalt road. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North -Retail development; "C", Commercial South - single-family homes; PD-115-SF-7, Planned Development East - Retail/commercial development; "C", Commercial West - single-family housing/commercial; "R", Retail and SF-12 ITEM #7 PAGE 1 of2 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Coppell Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for low density residential use. DISCUSSION: This is a preliminary plat to allow 73 single-family lots. The proposal follows the circulation, use, open space, and density parameters outlined when the zoning case was approved by Council. There are corrections needing to be made to the plat including "X" lot designations, access drive provision, zoning corrections and others outlined in the conditions for approval portion of this staff report. With the numerated corrections to the plat, staff can support this request. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff is recommending APPROVAL of this request subject to the following conditions: 1) Park development fees of $1285 per lot. 2) Tree removal permit required prior to start of construction/dirt work. 3) Need formal, written street easement agreement with GTE. 4) Provide access drive to Wynnpage retail tract. 5) All common areas need to be indicated by "X" lots, do not duplicate numbers. 6) Tract A-1 is "R", Retail, not "C", Commercial. 7) Add note that lots 5-8, Block D will not have alley access. 8) Collect run-off before reaching Sandy Lake Road. 9) Drainage will be evaluated further during the Engineering review process. 10) Place stamped concrete at subdivision entrances 11) Typical pavement section follows City design standard 2035. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Recommend modification of the request ATTACHMENTS: 1) Preliminary plat document ITEM # 7 PAGE2of2 >NI 'iU"'OO:;S.... 'i ,....()S"~CN... ,1:K1!I.'\UC F i. ~-/ "-1 18-:. L_~---,.-B( ..--:, )1 r.---I ~.I .~----aj'~ijiIHl~..... .~-~"~ I , ---~--~I-~,";"~.1.Xl~ j"~;--1 , ~I vf1JJJ'J r.E~m9 "'''~L:''- T't1.."('"lff-) - I ~ i~~n__]--4 ._ I,!__L I """'L_ ' ''''J'' '--;!~I'~ -..~ '~'~;;;'I ~\ ' ! I ' ""'';:;;;~-''-' , ,,~- ,. '" ~~s /.-=.::- (. I I. i ";1 :;!' --------; .- - -. .i 1- I ~~, I H i ~~' I !~ ~~::; il:~ J li j Y.-' -- !~-~ ~.. jl I ~<.~ . " I I , ;~~ I ! i I i ,1----.--- ~i . ;1!;~ , , , , i , h~~ L-----2~_. I ! '" ~ ull '" ~ ~~j 0: 0 ~ u ~ ~~o << ~ !~I '" ~ 0 l~ ~ (/) ;i ; 0 <<. . , ~JI u- ~Cl: ~ .; 2\#;: t2 '-on :So :> ~~- e ~ 'I ~~ r:7!. ~'" ~ "Ii! ~ . ~ ~ a. Z ,~ i: 1l >- < , ~ :~ ~ < i ~i~ i ~" gi? ;, ~~ ~ ~ .~~ ~ ,,' I x oz 5 o Cl..... >of ~-o~1 .. 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