Village at Old Coppell, Block 1, Lots 1-8, PP \ I \ \ I \ \ \ \ I \ \ 'I \ : I, ~ \ ~ 1\ \ \ COPPELL COMMERCE CEN TER I I LOTS 2 & 3. BLOCK 4 ~ \ VOLUME 99228. PAGE 79 I I I I I, \ : : , I' I \ \ :: I \ I \ I I \ I ~_=~~-~-=~~-~-_t--=~ \ \ I \ \ \ \ \ ~ \ \ \ I OJ c: ~ .., 0> 0 :J ?J CJ) ~ ~ "---' (J) 1""1- . CI TY or COPPELlo TEXAS VOLUME 2003094, PAGE 797 TRACT /I CALLED 22.1806 AC. LOT 1 BLOCK A 50 0 50 '00 ~-~;~-'1 SCALE: ," = 50' DASIS or BEARING. DEED to C/7Y or COPPELL VOL. 99203 PC. 3079 DCPR CONOBOY ADDITiON Vol. 2004237 Pg. 13 JEWEL J. KIRKLAND Vol. 89082 Pg. 1053 W. T. COZB Vol. Pg. 82 called 7/4 a res ---- L -- - - - - - - - -- - . -- - - -- - - -.. --.... - _._- -., ---- -- -- - -- - ---- - -- ------ -- ---- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - --- -- - - - ~ ~ - - -- s. Coppell (60' R.O.W.) R 0 Q d POINT OF 'EGINNING ------------~---_. CJ o o C/) )> ~ (b o ~ --"::0 00 0~1::> ~a.: 9:;1 ~o . :J '- C/) T I I I~>-:I 12~1 ~V) I~~I I~~l L....J~ I~~I !.LI I ~~ I ~.. BLOCK " ) E t3 ~;: ~ ~ LOT 1 ~ ~ I~ ~" ~ / ~ r- r--. ~ N 00'10'03" E ~ (1.31 Ac,) /' / I ~ 70.56' --,- - -- -;4~/RE LANE -;; MUTUA:-- - -;; 00"(;03" E -- -- - - -- -- -- - - -- - - I _ I ACCESS & unL. ESMT. 29.88' I __________ ______ ________--- :2:-------------------- I I :2 ~ ~~ " I ~ ~ ~ f:;Q \ I~ ~ ~ '0 0 - \ I iJ 6'0, 8 vi :E~ I ~_~ .~ o' . :2 ~ ~ ~ N 0.Q20:QJ" E N 00'10'OJ" E 106.25' ) ~ 92. i7' 111- '-' , '~ N OO'J(fOJ" E 15T17'- 307.50' 238.17" C:l s:(")-.~ ~ g g 1;) 0 'ii~ii ~2.1"T1 ~ .........., o )> ~ ~ N Q) S.T1 C:l Q 0--< pfll::Q ~r- I <:: 0 I - 205.88' 6; ~ I ~ N I '--) :\ ~,~, I I ~\ \ I 25 "", I \ I II I 15' UTILITY EASEMENT I~' ~ I I [----t---Vol.2001209 Pg1210 , · <v 2 ~ I \ I \ \ (To Be Abandoned) Ir" BLOCK 1 ,,,,6;'<)\ ^\~ / - -" -9';~ ~ 5i' \ (By Re-Plot of Service Center) lO ' \>,lxV)')/ ~'\"V~. / "~(<'<,:' ..9L5'0_ \ T X U EASEMENT ~ LOT 4 '-) ~/ "l} <8 / " U" qe -9',*, ~Ss,oJ" . ~I +. . . C:l (1 14 Ac) .:,\,. ~~. / " /. r"- <,<' , ~ \ Vo1.200} 209 Pg.121O S OO'WQJ" Vv . . \,:~' '0'\ / " V'-:?- 'i'" ~(/ (To Be Abandoned) 9:-\" '& / " . <"'< ~ ~ ' ~ \ \ I I \ \ (By Re-Plol of 56.88' . \~ <vSS / " ~/' i' \ '\?,;' ", _ I _ _ Se"ice.s'"'e.1_:: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' Q[(I,ruJ'~ "dl c '1.' ~,,~/ " . \ ~~ '0, ~ . flTI lLOCK 1 :::' 24' FIRE lANE & MUTUAl'--- / ",- ~ ~ ~ ,~. ACCESS & U TlL. fSM r I ;c ./ /' " ~~~ \;~ )~I\ Ii- ~~:-;c.) -- - ~;- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - I,,~ - - - - -- - - - --- C;;l~ ~5~ /11\ I F~' co. -1">, ~ . .- '-0 - '., I {' \~'\\\ ,,1\1: 11I11 I S oo';g'gr It :s 5 O~(;~ ~ ,; 24' F1RELANf EASEMENT 1\ Vol 2001209 Pg. 1210 ~ (To Be AjOndOnedJ \ \ 2 (Bt Re- Pia' of Se,,;ce Cen ler) I i II I _____-------'----- / ;': II I ~I 24' FIRE LANE d' MUTUAL I I~ / \ II \ ~'I ACCESS & UTI/.. ESMT. 0 -< -,., ~ ~ / ~ ~' C3 ---------~~----~ : Q- I U1 0- ~ a "'" . ~ . . "1 16855' '''~ ID2Y!' SOO'O'OJ.W S; ~ ~ 6.36.1 J' r- 0- ~~ . NOO.10'OJ"c 1520.27' FiR 1/2" Control Monument 164.67" '1 I I I I I I ,,-,I ~~I (") ~ ~561 ~r,., R,<>s;:1 c:~1 FRoI I~~I I~~I I ,.... I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ \ \ \ \ " " " '" - 161.00' 0--<-'" prr,- ~r-::Q , O~I ~I\.JI L5'~O: Dedication To The City of Cappel! 3C7.50' S 89'49'57" [ 11.93' 30.00"" 5 89'49'57" E 11. 93' U1 c~ \ o :-< '1 ),f'TI- '1J~::Q 0- ~';:s I 60.05\- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ BLOg<: " ~ I LOTI8 ~ dO,39 yk.) ~ ci' ~ I 1 ~ t: I I ;;e Q. \ I ~ I X! "'<:1 N I ?;S ~I f;~' I ~ ~la~ I -IV) I o ~ ';;: ~I c:~ I ~I pR;o \ ~.\ "" e I '" V) --1 ~I ~~ I ~\ r- I 'I I \ I \ I I I 60.0 ' I \ \ 1 I I 1 ~ \ " BLOCK " LOT 2 (1,15 Ac,) V) co <.Q ~ <.Q VI I~ 1f'T1 WHEALlCE W. WILSON AND WIFERUBY N. WILSON Vol. 2845 Pg. 193 V'J c:o '-l ~ N ,-S . ~ BLOCK " LOT 7 (1.03 Ac,) V) Q) '0 ~ <J::) ui' '-' . BLOCK 1, LOT 6 (1.04 Ac,) N 4654.51 73 f 5011.6792 I I ~I ::01 ISI I . I I \ ! I \ \ \ \ \ " " ACCESS & UTlL. ESMT. ....... """------------....... (By Re-Plot of Service Center) "\ I 'I \ 1)355' CJM'l Pr-:D '"Or- 0"" ~~ :2 Q) <.0 ..,,: '0 Vl I"'. ~I~ a I I I ( I I I fJ LOT 1 rr, ...... ,,, c:o S.T1 c.... Q :- S 00'10'0.3" w BLOCK " LOT J (2.78 Ac.) c.... a Q 129.00' ~ "" '------ --------....... ~ N89.49'SrW :D I 15.00' -Z I 1~~_111 I \ "i I ~ ~ I \ LL-15 UTiLlTf [ASi:.ME.NT / ~ ~ I 1\ \ Vol2001209 Pg.1270 0:<: ~~ I II \ up. '-0 VJ I I I I T.X.U EASEMENT I ~~ 1_~..j-VOI2001209 Pg.1210 I 809.30' SOO'O'OJ.W 772.51 ' ~ ::0' I ~I N P. -1>-, / ICJ<J'l o <J :.Dr ()f"1lf"1l ~VJr- I <:::i Vl p. o Z <.,., '''1 f"1l Ul)::. It~~1 o;)fll~ J~ ;~I r-I / ..--- - -- ~ ~ ~ \ \ \ I I I ~-, I I .J "" I ---L 62.96' 151.59' BOUNDARY DESCf(".JTlION - - 24-'-FlRE-ZANE k MUTUA-: - - - - - - - / ..... / -- -- -. -- -- ~~---- A tract or parcel )f land situated in the J. Simmons Survey, Abstract No. 1296. in the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Tex_is, being part of the called 46.768 acres tract described in the deed to the City of Coppell, Texas recorded in Volume 99203 Page 3079 in the Dallas County Deed Records (DCDR), including part of La t 1, Block 1 of the Coppell Service Cen ter, an addition to the City of Coppell recorded in Volume 2001209 Page 1210 in the Dallas Coun ty Plat Records (DCPR). and being more particularly described as follows: CITY OF COPPELL. TEXAS Vol. 9920J Pg. 3079 coiled 46.768 ocres BLOCK 7 HIS TORtC COPPELL PROPER TIES ADDITION 11/2.3/2005 Doc#OOJ594487 LOT 1 BLOCK 1 COPPELL SERVICE eEN TER Vol. 2001209 Pg. 1210 ..----- -- - - - - BEGINNING at a found 1/2 inch iron rod at the intersection of the north right-of-way line of Dallas Area Rapid Transit (100' wide right-of-way), formerly known os the Cotton Belt Railroad, and the east right-of-way line of Coppell Rood (60' wide right-of-way), THENCE North 00'10'OJ" East, 1520,27 feet along the east line of Coppell Rood to 0 found 1 inch iron pipe; I L---- l. L_ / ( \ ----------. ----- - - THENCE South 87"22'59" East, 187.42 feet along the south side of the tract of land described in the deed to Whealice W. Wilson and wife, Ruby N, Wilson recorded in Volume 2845 Page 193. to a found 1/2 inch iron rod; THENCE along the west and south side of Lot I, Block 1 of the Historic Coppell Properties Addition, and addition to the City of Coppell recorded November 23, 2005 in Dociment Number 003594487 in the DCPR the following: ~ \ / ( LOT 2 South 00'27'20" West. 86.20 feet to a found 1/2 inch iron rod with yellow cop; South 88'12'20" East, 128.24 feet to a set 1/2 inch iron rod with C&P cap; THENCE South 00'10'03" West, 772.51 feet to a set 1/2 inch iron rod with C&P cop; THENCE North 89'49'57" West. 15.00 feet to a set 1/2 inch iron rod with C&P cap; ~ S ::-.::: 0.. \- Cr:: o 0.. Lu Lu Cl:: k DILLARD THENCE South 87"32'08" West, 30032 feet along the north line of Dallas Area Rapid Transit to the POINT OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING 454,069 square feet or 10.424 acres of land, more or less. ATTACHED --fa \ C.C. PACKET \ I /\ . t,1 . d- \ I \~L{ S', f " .!.~~ -\ THENCE South 00'10'03" West. 636.13 feet to 0 set 1/2 inch iron rod with C&P cap; J:: U o -.J ~ BETHEL DART + _~R~. According the Federal Emergency Managemen t Agency's Flood Insurance Rote Mop titled "Dallas Coun ty, Texas and Incorporated Areas" Map Number 48113C0135 J. Effective Dote August 23, 2001. the subject property is within a Zone "X" (unshaded) which is defined on that mop as "Areas determined to be au tside 500- year floodplain." Preliminary Plat The Villages of Old Coppell Block 1, Lots 1-8 Being a 10.424 Acre Tract out of the J. Simmons Survey, Abstract No. 1296 City ofCoppell, Dallas County, Texas SURVEYOR crR TlFlCA TE a -I :z L;j o Q ~ 0.. ~ 0 q: U I: _~L}l<N-~. -.J -.J ~ o COPPELL J:: CURVE OA TA CURVE RADIUS DEL T A TANGENT LENGTH CHORD BEARING C-l 113. 00' 12'40'49" 12.56' 25.01' 24.96' S 8J'49'38"W C-2 JO.OO' 45'00'00" 12. 43" 23.56' 22,96' S 6 7 '19 ' 5 7" E C-J JO.OO' 45'00'00" 12.4J' 23.56' 22.96' S 22'19'57"E C-4 JO.OO' 45'00'00" 12.4J' 23. 56' 22.96' S 67'40'OJ"W C-5 JO.OO' 45'00'00" 12.43" 23. 56' 22.96' S 22'40'OJ"W To: ___(buyer), ___(seller), ___(title co), ___(lender) I hereby certify that this survey was made on the ground, that this plat correctly represen ts the facts at the time of survey, subject to any and 0/1 easements. reservations and restrictions that mayor may not be of record, that this professional service substantially conforms to the current Texas Society of Professional Surveyors Standards and Specifications for 0 Category 1A, Condition /I Survey. There are no encroachments, conflicts or protrusions, except os shown. CQ]TQN. AiRL{NJ, ---------------- Owner: D&D, Ltd. Contact: Donna Kolberg P.O, Box 176 Coppell, Texas 75019-1076 214.704,0808 972.462.8095 fax Engineer/Surveyor: C & PEn gin e e r i n 9 I ltd. Contact: Grant Woodfin 1801 Gateway Blvd., Suite 101 Richardson, Texas 75080 972.644.2800 972.644.2817 fax Consultant: KP A consulting, Inc. Contact: Pat Atkins 1801 Gateway Blvd" Suite 101 Richardson, Texas 75080 972,644,2800 972.644.2817 fax C&P Engineering, Ltd. by / Thomas C Holland dote Registered Professional i_and Surveyor Texas Registration No. 2036 LOCATION MAP ( N. T. S. ) July 31, 2007 1 "=50' Sheet 1 of 1