Final Plat Check List THE.CITY-OF COPPELL v. <'> Final Plat Check List Submission Reauirements: ./ Completed Application Form, signed by the owner of the property. ./ Filing Fee ./ Transmittal Letter The following sets of prints will be required throughout the review process: ./ Mandatory Pre-Aoolication · One black line print of the plat and the preliminary utility plan to be submitted for Staff's pre-review ./ Filing Deadline · 12 black lines of the plat (24" x 36" FOLDED) for Staff Review, · Three (3) black line prints of the preliminary utility plan ./ DRC Meeting · Two (2) REVISED sets of prints, addressing DRC comments, for discussion at ORC meeting. One set will be submitted to the staff, the other set is to record any additional revisions discussed at the meeting. ~ ALL PRESENTA TIONS TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND THE CITY COUNCIL ARE VIA POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS. ALL PLATS MUST BE PROVIDED TO STAFF IN A SUITABLE ELECTRONIC FORMA T LE. TIF, JPEG OR BMP. COLOR DRAWINGS ARE RECOMMENDED. DOCUMENTS MA Y BE SUBMIrrED ON DISK, CD OR VIA E-MAIL. ./ For Planning and Zoninq Commission Packets · 12 black line prints of the plat (24" x 36" FOLDED) Do not resubmit Utility Plans, unless requested. · Three (3) - 8 112 by 11 paper copies of the plat · Electronic copy of the plat (not a .dwg) ./ City Council · Three (3) black line prints of the plat (24" x 36" FOLDED) · three (3) - 8 112 by 11 paper copies of the plat. · Electronic copy of the plat (not a .dwg) City Council review is entirely paperless- all submitted electronic exhibits will be converted to Adobe, therefore legibility of the exhibits is essential. Page 1 of2 Revised 12/16/02 Final Plat Checklist: AP~cant ~ff ~ ~ r5I ~ ~ JIP. ri d ~ o t ~ g' ~ ~ g' [3" ~ [3" c;( [!( o o o o Title block located in lower right corner with subdivision name, block and lot numbers, survey name and abstract number, number of acres, date of preparation, city, county and state Legend for abbreviations Name, address, phone and FAX numbers for owner, applicant, and surveyor Location/vicinity map North arrow and scale (generally a min. of 1" = 50') The scale of the plat should be the same as the scale of the site and landscape plans, whenever possible. The north arrow should be up or to the right. Adjacent properties - subdivision name, owner name of unplatted property, and recording information Property boundary with dimensions and bearings Legal (metes and bounds) description of the property Monument location, materials and size Lot dimensions in feet and hundredths of feet and with bearings and angles to street and alley lines Lots and blocks with lot and block numbers Building Setback Lines Location of existing water courses, railroads, and other drainage and transportation features Location of existing and proposed streets and alleys with centerline design radii, medians, median openings, left turn lanes with storage and transition dimensions, right-of-way widths, and names of proposed streets Right-of-way dedications Fire lane easements with dimensions and bearings Existing and Proposed Utility Easements - water, sanitary sewer, drainage, electric, telephone, gas, cable television Certified Copy of Home Owner Associations Documents (residential plats only) Location of proposed screening FEMA 100 year floodplain areas Minimum finish floor elevations for all buildings. Proposed densities and lot sizes (residential plats only) Surveyor's certificate (signed and sealed) with notary block City approval signature blocks with notary blocks Certificate of ownership with notary blocks Franchise Utilities signature block Flood Plain Administrators signature block Other information as necessary. PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLANS of proposed water distribution system, including fire hydrants, sewage collection system, on-site and off-site drainage system and street improvements shall be provided. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o NOTE: This checklist is only a supplement to the Subdivision Regulations. It is the applicant's responsibility to review and comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations. Page 2 012 Revised 12/16/02