CCPH Agenda Request/Staff Report 100907 THE'CITY.OF DEPT: PLANNING October 9 I 2007 AGENDA REQUEST FORM corrELL DATE: ITEM #: 1 8 o WORK SESSION D CONSENT I" , REGULAR ITEM TYPE: PUBLIC HEARING ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of The Villages of Old Coppell, Lots 1-7, Block A. Final Plat and Replat. being a replat of a portion of Lot 1, Block 1. Coppell Service Center and a final plat of the Village at Old Coppell to establish final property boundaries of the Village at Old Coppell, dedicate right-of-way for Coppell Road and establish fire lane and utility easements to allow for service and retail uses, resulting in the relocation of the Service Center Drive, on approximately ten acres of property located along the east side of Coppell Road. GOAL(S): II EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The following P&Z conditions remain outstanding: 1) The 15' utility easement and TXU easement were dedicated by separate instrument; therefore they should be abandoned by separate instrument. (Not by re-plat of Service Center). 2) The vault on the west side of Coppell Road shall be placed on the east side of Coppell Road in a 20'X20' easement outside the paving. 3) Record the revised Cross Parking and Property Owners' Association Agreement when plat is filed. FINANCIAL COMMENTS: RECOMMENDED ACTION: On September 20. 2007. the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of this final plat and replat (6-0). subject to the above-stated conditions. Commissioners Haas, Kittrell, Borchgardt, Fox. Reese and Frnka voted in favor, none opposed. ACTION TAKEN BY COUNCIL: APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON ABOVF; DATE Motion to close Public Hearing & Approve subject to conditions 1, 2 & 3 above Staff recommends APPROVAL. M - Franklin S - Faught Vote - 7-0 · Libby Ball ~' 2007.10.23 . 11:03:11 .05'00' I@06 Th V of Oc. Ll-7, BA, FP, RP, l-AR I CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT The Villaaes of Old CODDell. Lots 1-7. Block A. Final Plat & ReDlat P&Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: September 20, 2007 October 9, 2007 STAFF REP: Matt Steer, City Planner LOCATION: East side of Cappel! Road, approximately 250 feet south of Bethel Road SIZE OF AREA: Ten acres of property CURRENT ZONING: PD-108R8-H (Planned Development-1 08-Revised-8-Historic) REQUEST: Replat and Final plat approval to establish final property boundaries of the Villages of Old Coppell. dedicate right-of-way for Coppell Road and establish fire lane and utility easements to allow service and retail uses, resulting in the relocation of the Service Center Drive. APPLICANT: Applicant: Donna Kolberg D&D LTD. 2400 Dallas Parkway, Suite 560 Piano, Texas 75093 214.704.0808 Fax: 972.462.0895 Engineer/Surveyor: Grant Woodfin C&P Engineering, Ltd. 1801 Gateway Blvd., Suite 101 Richardson, Texas 75080 972.644.2800 Fax: 972.644.281 7 Consultant: Pat Atkins KP A Consulting, Inc. 1801 Gateway Blvd., Suite 101 Richardson, Texas 75080 972.644.2800 Fax: 972.644.281 7 ITEM # 11 PAGE 1 of 3 HISTORY: In 1989, 115 acres were rezoned from PD-Recreation Center to PD-108 (known as the Springs of Coppell) for institutional, office, retail, commercial and light industrial uses. This property was owned by the Baptist Foundation, and their Concept Plan indicated a proposed university site east of Grapevine Creek. To the west of Grapevine Creek was a proposed park. The balance of the PD was envisioned for light industrial/tech uses, with commercial and office buildings proposed along Denton Tap Road. In 1995, this PD was amended to allow for the development of The Summit at the Springs, a 55-lot SF-9 residential subdivision on approximately 21 acres located roughly 500 feet west of Denton Tap Road. south of Bethel Road. In 1998. this PO was amended to allow for The Reserve, a 23-lot residential subdivision on 9.7 acres of land located to the west of The Summit at the Springs. In 1998 a request to rezone a 37-acre tract (which now includes the Service Center site) from PD-L1 and R to PD-SF-9 for 102 single- family lots (to be known as Westchase) was denied by City Council. This 37-acre tract was subsequently sold to the City of Coppell for future use. On December 12. 2000, PD-108-R5 was approved allowing for the development of the Service Center. On January 11, 2005. the base zoning of this area was rezoned to H (Historic), which incorporated specific development standards and use regulations. On July 12, 2005, PD-108R6-H (Planned Development-108 Revision 6-Historic), was approved to allow the development of two medical office buildings totaling 33,108 square-feet on the south side of Bethel Road, approximately 185 feet east of Coppell Road. The first of these two medical office buildings has been constructed and is currently occupied. On July 10, 2007, a residential amendment to the PD was approved for 20 acres adjacent to Denton Tap and east of the Summit at the Springs. On August 14, 2007, a zone change and preliminary plat for the subject property was approved. TRANSPORTATION: Coppell Road is a two-lane unimproved asphalt roadway within a variable width right-of-way. This will eventually be improved to a 34' two-lane concrete street with angled, on-street parking, 17' depth on both sides, 6' green space and a 5' sidewalk. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North - residential; "H" (Historic) South - vacant - future Service Center Drive; "H" (Historic) East - park/open space; "PD-108-H" (Planned Development-108- Historic) West - vacant; "H" (Historic) ITEM # 11 PAGE2of3 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for a use allowed in the Historic District (retail, hotel, convention center and pet bed & breakfast uses are allowed). DISCUSSION: The purpose of this Replat and Final plat is to establish final property boundaries of the Villages of Old Coppell, dedicate right-of-way for Coppell Road and establish easements to allow for the service and retail uses previously approved in PD-108R8-H. The current drive and utilities for the Coppell Service Center are proposed to be relocated, resulting from this development; therefore. Coppell Service Center Lot 1 R, Block 1, is also being replatted at this time. A 24' fire lane & mutual access easement is proposed throughout, and will provide mutual access internal to this development and connect in with a future fire lane on the north side serving the Old Town Medical Center. The proposed lot lines that follow the parking spaces required for each of the uses are not ideal but seem to work. A draft cross parking and property owner's agreement was submitted with the preliminary plat and will need to be finalized and recorded. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: staff is recommending APPROVAL of this final plat and replat. subject to the following conditions: 1) Revise the radii on curve C-7 from 20' to 30' and curve C-17 from 44' to 54'. 2) The 15' utility easement and TXU easement were dedicated by separate instrument, therefore they should be abandoned by separate instrument. (Not by re-plat of Service Center). 3) The vault on the west side of Coppell Rd. shall be placed on the east side of Coppell Rd. in a 20'X20' easement. 4) Revise all signature blocks to reflect only "The Villages of Old Coppell, Lots 1-7, Block A". 5) Change title block and plans to read "Block A" in place of Block "1 A". 6) Revise new service center lot to read Lot 1 R, Block 1 in both places shown on this plat. 7) Remove D&D Ltd. from the owner's dedication. Only the City will need to sign as the current owner. 8) Record the revised Cross Parking and Property Owners' Association Agreement when plat is filed. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Recommend modification of the request 4) Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Plat ITEM # 11 PAGE 3 of 3 , , i~ i '" , ! ~~ i 1..i11 : ~i: : Ii: Ii''"' I ;~ : , ' ...------------------- ,/ : ( (-!~~~~}~\~:)----------~~=~~~~:~~>'1 l : ~!'l ~r- ! 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