The Villages of Old Coppell, Lots 1-7, Blk A, ,-,'VT-..J I "l.-_' L.../\I VIL...L...".........L-...,JIV.VULL t rf""\UL l-::::JJLU/LVV/- IV.LJ 50 50 '00 o SCALE: ," = 50' BASIS or B[ARING DEED to CITY or COPPELL VOL. 99203 PG. 3079 OCPR POINT OF COMMENCING FIR 1/2" ! NOO'IO'O!"[ Control 6005 Monumen t POINT OF BEGINNING ! SIR 1/2" \ 1 \ I I I \ I \ I \ I I I \ \ I I V) ILOT lR, CD PLOCK: 1 g ~ I 1-; '-J I I ~ I I o 65 I I OJ '-" \ I l.N ~ o. \ \ I I I en I I '-c I \~"'\ I -'0..,.. 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I \ I \1 , I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I<:::~ 1 '2-t>., 1~:2:l 10:::0 arT'] I;;:;;:: 102: 1(DrT'] rT'] IlJ1:> 1 \Q ~ I-$: 1~rT'] ~2: la-j \ \ \ \ '\ " " ....... /' / I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I <COPPELL SERVICE CENTER : Vol. 2001209 Pg, 1210 1 I I 1 I I 1 1 1 I , \ " " LOT 1 R BLOCK 1 S OO'IO'Oj" W 1:'900' <JM"T'] ):.r-:U lJr- ()~ ~~ J53.55' 576.10' 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 I I<:::~ o -"" I - . / ~:2:l a::tJ / arT'] /' ~r ~1:> 02: (DrT'] ~ :2J I , 1::tJ I I , I, 1~1 I \" I I ~ r01 , I : I , I I, , I I \ I I ~ I I , I, I I I I 'I \ I I ~ I I I I I I 'I- I I I \ I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I fTl \ I I -D 1:> I I I \Ql/) I II " . rT'] I I I " ~ $: ,- M \ ~fTl \ ,~2:~ II a -j / I I I I I I I I \ I I I I I I I ~: : 1 I I I \ I I I I I I 1 ~: : I I I I \ I I 1 ~ I I 1 I: : I ~: : 1 I \ I I I I I I I "I I I I I "- I I ll'-,---------------l I I I I I I I I I I 24' F/RELANE EASEMEN T I ~---~ 1 :::: Vol 2001209 Pg 1210 1 r--1 L---nt----~ :;~_;_---------------J I -l"'" I I ~===========l=====JC~~ : I 1 I I ~ - - - - - - - - - -- t - - - - ~-- - - - - j 1 I I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I 1 , 1 \ I "" I / / /' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I- I N 89.49'5r W 15,00' IS' UTILITY EASEMENT Vol200J209 Pg.12JO rx.u EASEMENT Vol2001209 Pg.121O ----------------l 24' rlRELANE EASEMENT 1 Vol 2001209 Pg. 1210 1 ~--------------------~ / /' '- ~ ------------------- --- SOO'10'03"W LO T1, BLOCK 1 COPPELL SENIOR CEN TER Vol. 99203 Pg. 3079 coiled 46.768 ocres 614.34' NOOiO'OJ"[ -L15 , R 0. W Oed/ca t Ion To The City Ol Coppel/ BLOCK A, LOT 4 (1.14 Ac.) 'II w~ r-- i .? <: I,t; -L.. .;.,. I' " 't. , , OO'I....! I~' be ilL ~ r....... (Jj '.0 ~ ~ ..l-:', -,. ()--<~ h.~- lJ~:::tJ a~ ~~ ~ ~ VJ Co l.O ..,:, l.O vi '-J f"Tl' -;:>.. 01 o o o . s, CI TY or COPPELL, TEXAS VOLUME 200J094, PAGE 797 mACT 1/ CALLED 221806 AC Coppell Rood ( 6 0' P vV. ) , ~' ,. . CURVE r' 1 l/ -. I [-) [-3 (' 4 v - 6 v - 7 v-b ,C 9 C-JO [-II [-12 13 [-14 [-15 C-16 [-17 [-18 DART , '/'; TTON 1460,22' ;..' (~ ...;--i 'f -,." Y'rY/ S 89'49'.5;" t ! 19.5' -r -r ~I 11- I-~I I~ ~ I I 20'x20' Water ~: L -io,;-l Easement Z i I ~I I ~,I IZ ~I I~ "" ~ I ~ 1.- I ..,.. I' I :2J I"" I~~I 1~i::1 I ~~ I 1~Ri>1 1 ~':!:: I I . c:: I 1 21 :l> ~I r-- i~ G< G< ~I I~ 'I I - I I I I 1 I I 1 1 1 t t \ \ \ \{', \ ,,6' \ -{', <& " L 1 I I I I I I ",~,-11 _ ...J. I 5, i ~)f:~'~:~~ i i 20,~88' - [._~..c,. 6;, ~. ~~~r', ',II ~_~, ' : ,; ~ ~,,::: ,::: 15' UTILITY EASEMENT I~ 10. " '.... HI: :-- +-VoI2001209 Pq.121O " ~ "''- ~ ''7 i::: (To Be Abandoned) I, I l \ i ,',J \t~ I I: (By Separote Instrument) J'''' \\,', 'LI =, : I I ' \~ "",~\~ I II I rxu EAS[MFN!' \--,\,"'r~P., :-~'-; Vol/001209 Pg.I!IO c nr,' ro'. ' , ~'\., " '\ \r<' ::: I (To Be Abandoned) .J [/~ lu.C) .t ~,<~_\ ~o : :: 1By Separate !nstrumentf<'::' :~;, ':j..", ~ \ "---.."- -: -+,- _l _. _ _ n __ __ _ en- -"- J,)L ':!.), W '\.:>>p:!, I I '0 \ "I"p, '> \ ::: BLOCK A, ~ 24' FlR[ LANE & MU TUAL \ '\.: V'> = \ I I I I '-"- ACCESS [SMT. Z '\"V'l""-' '-\ I I' I LOI .5 '';;:~~ \~i ~ ,~/:~ -::- (',04 AcJ- - - - -:;- _Un S :-" w \ ~~ '--'I I I I I O->~ "" :>>,~\ I II I co. 4>-. I ~ I I I I '0 - ~ \ " I I I I ~ \I"\d'ol\ ' I II I 8 \0'\ I I I I S 00'/0'03" W .po-I ,~~!.!! i 3900' \ ~,~ II, ~ I ~~'" :iJ"N i i: 18. "I ~~l II I . / I I I - ~'/ ~,~ :: : < "--- ~- - _S .QO'lil'QX Ji - _ _ _ _ UtQ9'_ -- --.-- / ~ t'" ~<'1 :: : ~ 24' FIRE LANE & MUTUAL ~I~ ~~'~ :: : ~ ACCESS ESMT. ~ ~ /1"'''", '-..j :: : '-J - --&.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ___ - y , r-" ~,,~ I I I ~-IC3 S 00'10'03" W 13~ Og' C"', '" ',l ::: liS f.... ''', ') I I I " " I I I 9" I i I I I ------ ------ - - - - - ---- ., -'I ~ 14 . ~9" ~t % ,v~:, -9'('", (-<l ,,0-~,. ,;, , '/', L<} ~ 'I{~. 0' <f!. / <}~ ~u /' :z. ~ ~ .:. -. / :\j\\) '/ ~ ." '& ~\'1'> ~<v <vS \..'Y' SS (f-<V . e,\:: ,'" >y.'" "Ix V ~. to> ...... ~j ~ C:. fJ' - BLOCK A, LOT 3 (2.78 Ac.) ~) (j' S00"10'03.W 772,51 ' I) CURVE DA TA RADIUS DELTA TANGENT LENGTH CHORD BEARING 113.00' 12'40'49" 12.56' 25.01' 24.96' S 83'49'38" W 3000' 45'00'00" 12.43' 23.56' 22.96' S 67'19'57" [ 3000' 45'00'00" 12.43' 23.56' 22.96' S 22'19'57" E 3000' 45'00'00" 11.43' 23.56' 2296' S 67'40'03" W 30.00' 45'OO'OCJ" 1243' 23.56' 22.96' S 22'40'03" W 30.00' 90'00'00" 30.00' 47.12' 42.43' S 45'10'03" W 3000' 102'40'49" 46.85' 53. 76' 3123' S 51'10'22" E 123.50' 12'40'49" 13.72' 2733' 2728' S 83'49'38" W 9950' 12'40'49" 1106' 22.02' 2198' S 83'49'38" W 3000' 72'27'34" 21.98' 3794' 35.46' 5 41'15'26" W 30.00' 87'33'02" 28.74' 45.84' 4151' S 43'36'28" E 3000' 92'26'58" 31.31' 48.41' 43.32' N 46'23'32" E 54.00' 45'00'00" 22.37' 42.41' 4133' S 22'40'03" W 20.00' 90'00'00" 20.00' 31.42' 28.28' N 00'10'03" E 54.00' 45'00'00" 2237' 42.41' 4133' S 22'19'57" [ 3000' 102'40'41" 3750' 53. 76' 46.85' N 51'10'26" W 5400' 102'40'49" 84.33' 96.77' 68.72' 5 51'10'22" [ 54.00' 90'00'00" 54.00' 84.82' 76.37' 5 45'10'03" W DILLARD J:: . (j a --J BETHEL I I. >-.: ~. ':(: I. Q --J --J Lu Q Q a u BURNS o 2: o , ~ ~ I ..q: J::I f--- D::: O. Q Lu, Lu1t Q::, u..; PROJECT SITE --~ --J --J ~\ {9PPE~_~ t ~ ~ ., .L+ SOUTHWESTERN It ) GRAPEVINE _..------" CREEK r '-- ) // AIRLINE L()('ATION MAP (N T. S. ) 30750' 1- '-', ;: (J - ." 00 '~ ~, ~2.::ga :3 -, 1J <1>2.,.." :J JJ8 1 7' T- vol BLOCK A, LOT 2 (1,15 Ac.) v, ICXl '0 I": '0 ,-,,' ....J ':! I --J ~I "'l:: ~. 2 , / ::J -~I ~ ~ I... ~ ,v) :;'; ~ G'; ;"51 ~ V) II g;/ :5 ~ ,- ILuC,,)1 Ct::"'l::> c: WHEALlCE W WILSON AND WIFTRUBY N WILSON Vol. 2845 Pg. J 93 '""'1 BLOCK A, LOT 1 (1.31 Ac.) 0/ / }u ()). .!O~ C\I" S\I<X:) r--._ ~ I Ire; f ";l- I", :'/ '-" I, 0Q]0.Q3" r _ _ ~ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ _NjJO'lD'Q3".J _C2l'_ _ n__ 70.56' ~ 24' FIRE LANE & MUTUAL N 00'10'03" E ACCESS ESMT. 2988' - - -,- - - - -- - - -- - ,- - - - - - ,- - - - - - - - - - - <:- -- - - - - I < N 00'10'03' E 42057' CXl - - - - - - - -- CXl ~I~ I'-..J~ ",,-l>o. -l>o.-l>o. . '0 Ga~ ~I~ . '-J . , < ~ ~ _ ..!i 00'/0'03" f.... _ C2; ~00'/O'03" [ /O6.25'~": 9217' ~'-"- C:,'J a : -~ N 00'10'03" [ 353 60' -0- ~ I. ,~ lu, / ~ I ,,{' "';.0 \ ,:i\2J r-::O r- o~ ~~ (J ):. 1J ." ~ SOO.27'20.W 86,20' '-'" o o V) .....Ql f\)Ql QI-l 'f\) f\) f\)- ~o M LOT 1 15517' < CXl '0 .,: '0 ,-,,' '-J I ' ~I~ CJ1 o 6296' V) -, ::tJ, ~I =1 I ,'I LOTI, BLOCK 1 COPPELL SENIOR CENTER Vol. 99203 Pg. 3079 coiled 46.768 ocres I I , I I ~. . ' 1 t:. .: ;-_ -J ' b BLOCK 1 HISTORIC COPPELL PROPER TIES ADDI TlON 11/23/2005 Doc#003594487 I I LOT 2 r' r::"-:':':-:'.'" l . Oct. 1, 2007 Final Plat and Re-Plat ~ Lots 1-7, Block A The Villages of Old Coppell Also Being a Partial Re-Plat of Lot 1 R, Block 1 Coppell Service Center Being a 10,009 Acre Tract out of the 1. Simmons Survey, Abstract No, 1296 City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas ~ $:,~ <<:lrp. 20"" ,)..., . \], r-1evised r & I Owner: Enginccr/S urvcyor: l_._...g_.~.F..E_..n__9.~O_~.~..~..I..~..g__,._.~..I..~:_ _.J Contact: Grant Woodfin 1801 Gateway Blvd., Suite 101 Richardson, Texas 75080 972.644.2800 972.644.2817 fax Consultant: KP A consulting, Inc, Contact: Pat Atkins 1801 Gateway Blvd. Suite 101 Richardson, Texas 75080 972.644.2800 972.644.2817 fax 0&0, Ltd, Contact. Donna Kolberg P.O. Box 176 Coppell, Texas 75019.1076 214.704.0808 972.462.8095 fax Sept. 24, 2007 1 "-'iO' ShCL'! I Dr.2 \)j'/'-L) t-nrr-LMI VILLMUC2l IVIUUr:.L I ,MUC- 1- ::)ILUILUUI - IUU'-+ BOUNDAR Y DESCRIP nON THENCE North 00.10'03" East, 1460.22 feet con tinuing along the east line of Coppell Rood to a found 1 inch iron pipe; NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN [3Y THL;[ ~ L (~[~:~ i That, City of Coppell, does hereby ceJopt t"is ~Iot desig'lcJting the herein described property as The Villages of Old Coppell, cis' - 7, []Iock A, an addition to the City of Coppell, Texas, and does hereby dedicate, in fee simple, to the public use forever the streets shown thereon. The easements shown thereon ore hereby reserved for the purposes indicated. The utilitYJnd fire lane easements shal! be open to the public, fire and police units, garbage and rubbish collect!~n agencies, and all public and private utilities for each particular use. The maintenance of paving on the utility and fire lane easements IS the responsibility of the property owner. No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or growths sha!1 be constructed, reconstructed or placed upon, over or across the easements shown. Said easements being hereby reserved for the mutual use and accommodation of all public utilities using or desiring to use some All and any public utility shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or parts of any ouildings, fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or growths which In any way endanger or interfere with the construction, maintenance or efficiency of its respective right or Ingress or egress. to or from and upon the said easement for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, Inspecting, patrolling, maintaining and adding to or removing all or parts of its respective systems without the necessity at any time of procur ing the permission of anyone. (Any public utility shall have the right to Ingress or egress to private property for the purpose of reading meters and any maintenance or service required or ordinarily performed by the ut,lity) A tract or parcel of land situated in the J. Simmons Survey, Abstract No. 1296, in the City of Coppell, Dallas Coun ty, Texas, being part of the called 46.768 acres tract described in the deed to the City of Coppell, Texas recorded in Volume 99203 Page 3079 in the Dallas County Deed Records (DCDR), including part of Lot 1, Block 1 of the Coppell Service Center, an addition to the City of CoppeJl recorded in Volume 2001209 Page 1210 in the Dallas County Plot Records (DCPR), and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a found 1/2 inch iron rod at the intersection of the north right-of-way line of Dallas Area Rapid Transit (100' wide right-of-way), formerly known as the Cotton Belt Railroad, and the east right-of-way line of Coppell Road (60' wide right-of-way); THENCE North 00.10'03" East, 60.05 feet along the east line of Coppell Road to 0 set 1/2 inch Iron pipe, to the POINT Or BEGINNING; THENCE South 87.22'59" East. 187.42 feet along the south side of the tract of land described in the deed to Wheal ice W. Wilson and wife, Ruby N. Wilson recorded in Volume 2845 Page 193, to a found 1/2 inch iron rod; THENCE along the west and south side of Lot 1, Block 1 of the Historic Coppell Properties Addition, and addition to the City of Coppell recorded November 23, 2005 in Dociment Number 003594487 in the DCPR the following: Water main and waste water easements '3holl also incude additional areas of working space for construction and maintenance or the systems. Additional easement area is also conveyed for installation and maintenance of manholes, cleanouts, fire hydrants, water services and waste water services from the main to the curb or pavement line, and description of such additio'lal easements herein granted sholl be determined by their location as installed. This plat approved subject to all platting ordinances, rl~les, regulations, ond resolutions of the City of Coppell, Texas South 00.27'20" West, 86.20 feet to a found 1/2 inch iron rod with yellow cop; WITNESS, my hand this the ____ day of _______ _, 2007 Sou th 88.12'20" East, 128.24 feet to a set 1/2 inch iron rod with C&P cop; THENCE Sou th 00.10'03" West, 772.51 feet to set 1/2 inch rod with C&P ---- ---------- - --- ~~ -- -- - ---~- a Iron cap; NAME TI~~E THENCE North 89.49'57" West, 15.00 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found; S TATE OF TEXAS THENCE Sou th 00.10'03" West, 5 76.10 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found; COUNTY OF DALLAS THENCE South 87"32'21" West, 300.32 feet along the north line of Dallas Area Rapid Transit to the POINT Or BEGINNING and CONTAINING 436,019 square feet or 10.009 acres of land, more or less. BEFORE ME, the undersigned, 0 Net 0 [I r:: I ; r) I J'.~ ' " r S e i .j C 0 u d y:.: [' d S tot e , on this day personally appeared _______~__~___, of _ _ _, krc)wn to me te be the person and officer whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument enn ccv.ncwlecJged to me that he executed the some for the purposes and considerations therein expressed, and in :he ccpocity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this the _____ day of ______, 2007. Notary Public in and for the State of Texas SURVEYOR CERTJrICA TE To: ___(buyer), ___(seller), ___(title co.), ___(lender) I hereby certify that this survey was made on the ground, that this plat correctly represen ts the facts at the time of survey, subject to any and all easements, reservations and restrictions that mayor may not be of record, that this professional service substantially conforms to the cur,-ent Texas Society of Professional Surveyors Standards and Specifications for a Category 1 A, Condition II Survey. There are no encroachments, conflicts or protrusions, except as shown. According the rederal Emergency Management Agency's rlood Insurance Rote Map titled "Dallas County, Texas and Incorporated Areas" Map Number 48113C0135 J, Effective Date August 23, 2001, the subject property is within 0 Zone "X" (unshaded) which is defined on that map as "Areas determined to be au tside 500- year floodplain." C&P Engineering, Ltd. by Thomas C. Holland date Registered Professional Land Surveyor Texas Registration No. 2036 "PRELIMINARY, THIS PLAT SHALL NOT BE RECORDED FOR ANY PURPOSE" STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF D.I\LLAS UTILITY CERTlFlCA TE BEFORE ME, the undersigned, 0 Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared Thomas C. Holland, known to me to be the person and officer whose name is subscribed to t he foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed, and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this the _____ day of ________, 2007. This plat correctly presents the required easements for this developemen t. On cor: Date: Notary Public In and for the State of Texas SYlVIA B. COHEN Notary Public State of Texas Expires 10-02- 2007 A tmos Energy Date: Time Warner Cable: Date: Verizon: Date: Floodplain Development Permit Application No.___ has been filed with the City of Coppell floodplain administrator on _____________, 2007. ---------------------------------------------- Floodplain Administrator Date r Recommended for Approval: ------------------------- ----------------------- Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission City of Coppell, Texas Date Uc t. '1 I 1007 Mayor City of Coppell, Te)()s Dote Final Plat and Re- Plat ~ Lots 1-7, Block A The Villages of Old Coppell Also Being a Partial Re-Plat of Lot 1 R, Block 1 Coppell Service Center Being a 10.009 Acre Tract out of the 1. Simmons Survey, Abstract No. 1296 City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas ~" Approved and Accepted: ---------------------------------------------- The undersigned, the City Secretary of the City of Coppell, Texas, hereby certifies that the foregoing plot of The Villages of Old Coppell Lots i - 7, Block A , an addition to the City of Coppell was submitted to the City Council on the ______ day of _________, 2007, and the Council, by formal action, then and there accepted the dedication of streets, alleys, parks, easements, public pi aces, and water and sewer lines, as shown and set forth in and upon said plat, and said Council further au thorized the Mayor to note t he acceptance thereof by signing his name as hereinabove subscribed. ~~fP ~'-.:,;7 Ht:iIS(;(1 " i, Witness my hand this ______ day of ___________, A.D., 2007. Owner: Engineer/Surveyor: L_g.~_~._~h~JJ.~h~n~JL~_a:.J_' d, J Contact: Grant Woodfin 1801 Gateway Blvd., Suite 101 Richardson, Texas 75080 972.644.2800 972.644.2817 fax Consultant: KP A consulting, Inc. Contact: Pat Atkins 1801 Gateway Blvd., Suite 101 Richardson, Texas 75080 972.644.2800 972.644.2817 fax -----------------.--------------- City Secretary City of Coppell, Texas D&D, Ltd, Contact: Donna Kolberg P.O. Box 176 Coppell. Texas 75019-1076 214.704.0808 972.462.8095 fax Sept. ")4, 2007 I" ,'iO' Sheel I or 2