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Ilnd ~.nl'lst8cf!; Inc:; (~L~ji wftf:r~ ~fn9..WIJ rlpjfce. ad~1'B8S of~DO S..~oyet '~",l S\1ft.,2bQ,"Cdppeilr;Texait: 75D"'f~, ~y k~~r ~II <<Q.r$dtQ-~8: oe~!q ~arl<inQsp.aoestP!:e.~ arid L.ese"'.~ sweed to panfJnt:~ tss8iitfot lhe5e,pal':kin~ spaeEia lInder lhaf'olfOW~(lJf~S 8nd.i;x)M~: ....' 1. e. lessDf'shaU mapnW!IIM' i~ij)J(kJng;.spa* ICcall!ld iilorl!i ~:~ol$~o9 ~f' :!lidci of leori fBGil1t.1~t CI:~kVfew.Di'lve1'liid MyaI't,.M. CElP.P*IJ., t~.~.. The tenn; dtUi"A~~IIJ~r#:$tlab:.lle rtJt ;tw.d .(2) )1NI1'S.t:OmmE1I1.';Ing O{1'Ja!1lrwr 1, 2*. Lils_ .a"'alI:pa),';~C!lto;250..00 tWIt pet ro'O(1tIi(p1ij$ appl;~bIe 8.";1:ai. ~QrwM( Jj~.'_:.QdOd;t.i1th enO,.roW_.sBi'.1i8.~lr;l~~.OI' i~ 1rpn;J. PGr~fi:lgirn the: t$ p~:.~ fessed::~'~~ f:'LJtIhsrinQrIll. :t:;es.leehiil& lJie riOtii,...)ts exp~i.j 10. PEWit .Rentved~M~~~:or Slmjlar.ta~.Qe OIl 1t1. ~~ ror~cm cf-t~I1$jP"'''.a~;fbY.'~~, Rents"""~.<<:f~~:.QI'ffrn1; 1~t Of.eacn madb', ~. 'd$~~r ~~iNlOi Qr . Lessee :of ,,~ ti!~.. ~ condnfQnl :0'.:61ls ~fiIt~,:~ .OP~ubJirg~~Y.I~,gve~.. .if~9:P.il!1y h~~atrce of ~~~. ~t_ ~.~~,. Tha d_l.Ung:~ ~~. ~ 18iI(1:0~ bu~da~..._.:rjctf~:Df;tij;j 'tIOJJca.fo'Qu",:~uefJ ~U. "(jJ #\.:~..lilJ1t it nOt: Qwed'~,~. tfIe: ~ c;It:{liJ In:th&~.~ :nm=:... ...... d:ef8;. '1I'Ie d8fauf'''- -.... ~-1'I1:11 ~~ ""':"~"'''evldelD! It fl; dill,.... u ~-tlr1:. . :tQ CUt;;'~.;t.~~, .~j':~ltirvA~~'~l~" .to alt remedi.~. FO"f1 .. . by. ren.. r8W~ ~Wf18rtnore; upon :anY.'d.~ ~rnI "the ~~ffatfolt.ot an' · .:. .,",cvt8j~gd. LNiormay,. In I!'cidll~ .tQ.""Dfhdr:rrgfif5 and remtldles: .. ...."'.~ssor,l4*'fhfe S8'cfbn.'OI"byl'ex~.llW, t8fc1il;lUIYofthe rOl~9. .~m:-~. (~J ']f!!m)1Id*.:uiJa AQt~..~ by 9IY1ng t-aI!" :wf.fftMoQlfClott titer.",; In.wh~,..,Plt ~.... ~;P'Y;fb.~l.~ me sumr! (.'tf:~H ~~:aQQ1j.d ~iid8rf:hfQu9h 1~.'~I~~~stiOiI anrf(2) 8A amount '.<<IUiI! :to tile tet8f: r'entUfaif l..wOUitl: '-Vt ~''r~~'tQ~fOr fIMl r.~lmfl\lr.q(jf)fJ.t~ di~lf"t~'~Q ~: preserlfi !1.~f1t~__'~~iPi ltitet~.t":... .~ to lttl!!:-p~e: iitte-. piibliaheid -on Uita ~. :tNtf.. A"'pt$htJ$.tet/fl'~8f8d l3Y the: Waf{ $~~t JO(ji'~ s.Oi:l~t'EdillGn, Ip:i~ ijsf/h$lQ(,'1iI~'Rat88.". ~s. shql~ ,P.~'~':~I'SO!i~lJl'Jty ~4'Vv/fh.'fi!'!iOr wnNo' 1.D:'4ays tt'ter. th~ ~~l9t;l ~.- ~~~::Qy:~H of'fht ~p'~i~ PfJ1i.~,'QP.of,'idef8l;1" or the ~ueJAi!nd the.'$llP.lf1ltiOnofany. a;,pbble' ctIT" 'Pf/'r~,:li;ja.Btir:m~.sppfy the secw.lty d~p~lt ~51iifulilt ;~t:&' arriQJills clUe ~Q .I,;QJ$qt' ~~~~J:,. ~Jdea that lessee'ill ,,<</n ~~'~I to~t~rrcurlty,:depo&tt 8~J ~! imgted~tQ}Y 1'8fi:Jmed .10. LB$sGe 'upon~he':E1arlf".~ (Ollie-endf:#. the term ofJf:iiffAor.~~ di'.(lfJthe- early lermi!JaJlpll Qflhi~.AQre~enr fjY teS&88pur~ant to Se.c:tI'o,,2 nere.bf.. .ll!l"'~ wi.' praV;q~L~r. ';i ~ ofiiQQ~1t('cia~ ~liI'allihJ)11ity insl:lrance PalJay:!i1~dmsfP.!!Ir$. Oriiil .inl~ and .properw:~rtfB~ .fli ..~ Wno. .unt {)f.$SOo.oai) fer prop~. darnage arid: 1t.000.;000 .per.oc:c.t!!ret'1~ ,for persONI InjUi'tes ~ 2. 4~ ,5;. .,. 8. 9, ,,;,1. P.02/03 .... _.1 . AUG-I2i9-2ee6 12: 22 P. [()/[l3 ..... deaths. SUOhpo/icy **_11 n~ti",.e:(e&SorandOersl!il.I~~ ~& ad.ditlonal~riRored$; ". 10. lessO/' Wilt provide 1.e86~e~ ~.opy 01.3 cOni mercia' Q8n$tj;l1 Uablllty.;nsur-ance pOllc~,lntlUdin~ personal jnj~~Y.IiI~d pr~ demag~lin ths .8~cUIJ'Cf$5OQ.QOO for PTOP~ dGl'l1.ase ~.Q.1,oao..oQo par occurrence: fdr p.~rsdnal '",Olies OJ' deaths;'5uth fiOllcy shall na~ l$flB as Qnaddlill:lnal mswred. . . 1.1. Lesser shill ber8aflQ~j~e.~ Jl. SofEj'.cos(for. atl P(Qpe~yj~~~,t.nd5Ca~g, suut:turalt1'lalnJena~, :P.1ilrkIfi~ Sj). iliip7R9. .aml~1I ath.. rea$OI'lat.iJe Qperliiir;ge.xpense$ rerOiling ~ tile Perking I..t;ji; IN wrtNESSWHEREOF.. the pilr11e;l" h~ki 'have ehte-l'$d Into ~nd~~lwjedthl'i" t.e8seQ"lIf1~ day snd' year- f1rsUlt'tt loriti aboVCI. , . ., leSSOfit Cerse;A.__ o.~~" L..L;C.. . Texas h!!11~teit . Liability Company B~ QA.AS2-: .:. l\Ian)tPi1~~~(,., L __ ~~^-~Ij.~ . Ti~e; ---....JL1~f/v~ ""..." "'~ .... ~...,~..~...,., L~SSBi:. ~;'1:. .~, .... .... .'. ..~~: . . .. ." ... .... ~.- . :;if::: <:.~: ..', );,.. ...:.: <>.. ."" 6rt' ~.~ 1)., f:~: .... ~.tl~r .,~ "',":';:',;',. " ;' ,..1":'~" ~ '~''''~'' '.. ': '""','.,, ," ,". Name Prif1~; Tlfle:: . ..!!.:H. 'tn. :';t,.' ':i: :' ; ! '. ,'./~ ..., ;'-' ,. ," ..' I' ," .~ .2. TOThL P.03