FILED COPY, (The) Villages of Old Coppell, Lots 1-7, BA, FP-RP BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION A tract or parcel of land situated in the J. Simmons Survey, Abstract No. 1296, in the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, being part of the called 46.768 acres tract described in the deed to the City of Coppell, Texas recorded in Volume 99203 Page 3079 in the Dallas County Deed Records (DCDR), and including part of Lot 1, Block 1 of the Coppell Service Center, an addition to the City of Coppell recorded in Volume 2001209 Page 1210 in the Dallas County Plat Records (DCPR), and being more particularly described as follows: SURVEYOR CERTIFICATE Floodplain Development Permit Application NO}:ll'L has been filed with the City of Coppell floodplain administrator on _____________, 2007. I hereby certify that I prepared this plat ~rom ur. cctuCl. and accurate survey of the land and that the corner monuments shown thereon were properlY p:aced under my personal supervision in accordance with the platting rules and regulations of the City of Coppell, Texas. COMMENCING at a found 1/2 inch iron rod at the intersection of the north right-of-way line of Dallas Area Rapid Transit (100' wide right-of-way), formerly known as the Cotton Belt Railroad, and the east right-of-way line of Coppell Road (60' wide right-of-way); THENCE North 00'10'03" East, 60.05 feet along the east line of Coppell Road to a set 1/2 inch iron rod with C&P cap for the POINT OF BEGINNING; ~~-~~~---------- Thomas C. Holland Registered Professional Land Surveyor Texas Registration No. 2036 -------~~-~-------------~~-~~~~-----~ Floodplain Administrator Date THENCE North 00'10'03" East, 1460.22 feet continuing along the east line of Coppell Road to a found 1 inch iron pipe; STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS CI TY OF COPPELL: Recr7!/:~ rf~r ~pproval: ~-i1~~ -----------------jlJQ~~1_ Chairman, Planning SWO~g Commission Date City of Coppell, Texas THENCE South 87'22'59" East, 187.42 feet along the south side of the tract of land described in the deed to Whealice W. Wilson and wife, Ruby N. Wilson recorded in Volume 2845 Page 193, to a found 1/2 inch iron rod; THENCE along the west and south side of Lot 1, Block 1 of the Historic Coppell Properties Addition, and addition to the City of Coppell recorded November 23, 2005 in Document Number 003594487 in the DCPR the following: South 00'27'20" West, 86.20 feet to a found 1/2 inch iron rod with yellow cap; BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared Thomas C. Holland, known to me to be the person and officer whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed, and in the capacity therein stated. , /;. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this the --'-_~__ day of ________, 2007. Notary Public in and for the State of Texas l Approved and Accepted: , ; I ,~ - ~"~ /7 CJ) , ----~------~--~---------------------------- Mayor J Date City of Coppell, Te>os South 88'12'20" East, 128.24 feet to a set 1/2 inch iron rod with C&P cap; THENCE South 00'10'03" West, 772.51 feet to a set 1/2 inch iron rod with C&P cap; THENCE North 89'49'57" West, 15.00 feet to a found 1/2 inch iron rod with yellow cap; THENCE South 00'10'03" West, 576.10 feet to a found 1/2 inch iron rod with yellow cap; THENCE South 87'32'21" West, 300.32 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING 436,020 square feet or 10.00Cl7 acres of land, more or less. NOTES: 1. Except as noted, all property corners are set 1/2 inch iron rods with C&P cap. 2. All property corners will be set after completion of construction. 3. Basis of Bearing is the deed to the City of Cappel I recorded in Volume 99203 Page 3079 The undersigned, the City Secretory of the City of Coppell, Texas, hereby certifies that the foregoing Final Plat and Replat of THE VILLAGES OF OLD COPPELL LOTS 1-1r{3LOCK A, an addition to the City of Coppell was submitted to the City Council on the _t~~_ day of _w_~__, 2007, and the Council by formal action, then and there accepted the dedication of streets, alleys, parks, easements, public places, and water and sewer lines, as ~hown and set forth in and upon said plat, and said Council further authorized the Mayor to note the acceptance thereof by signing his name as hereinabove subscribed. NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That The City of Coppell, acting through its duly authorized agent, does hereby adopt this plat designating the hereinabove described property as THE VILLAGES OF OLD COPPELL. an addition to the City of Coppell and does hereby dedicate to the public use forever the streets and alleys shown thereon and hereby reserve for the purpose indicated the easements shown on this plat for the mutual use and accomodation of all public utilities desiring to use or using the same. Any public utility shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or part of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or growths which in any way endanger or interfere with construction, maintenance or efficiency of its respective systems on any of these easements and any public utility shall at all times have the right of ingress and egress to and from and upon said easements for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining, and adding to or removing all or part of its respective systems without the necessity at any time of procuring the permission of anyone. This plat approved subject to all platting ordinances, rules, regulations and resolutions of the City of Coppell, Texas. r. j 11'IIv Vn...{} I WIT,NESS. my'! d this the __-= day ofOU~Q1'Y~~_. 2007. Ci~eI11~~,,---------- Witness my hand this j2_~ day of fIJi~A.D., 2007. . ;JtiL!L--~--- CONFORMED COPY . . ....\.. ~~.~_ '}r ::..~'1i' ~\ OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS ./~;*~~. ~~ ,~ . .~~.. . John F. Warren Count.y Clerk Dallas Count.y TEXAS December 12, 2007 03:38:10 PM FEE: $55.00 20070444189 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS Before me, ,we under.signe~,put~~ty, ? ~otary Public in and for said County and State. on this. day personally appeared if~~-[.~~...J-!.~ known to me to be the person whose name IS subscribed to the foregoing ins~~~~nd acknowledged to me that he executed the same in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN under my hand and seal of office, this jJ.-,--~day of ~~~ , 2007. UTILITY CERTlFlCA TE This plat correctly presents the required easements for this developemen t. Time Warner Cable: Date: / 2 ~! !-d/ r , ~~~--------- and for thk State of Texas . -11_1'\f2 expires: __ _~__u..-iJ-___ On cor: A tmos Energy: Date: )'L-!O...Ol Verizon: ~ ~ Date: 1z(P~7 Date: ~ Final Plat and Re-Plat ~ Lots 1-7, Block A The Villages of Old Coppell Also Being a Partial Re- Plat of Lot 1 R, Block 1 Coppell Service Center Being a 10.009 Acre Tract out of the J, Simmons Survey, Abstract No, 1296 City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas Owner: City of Coppell 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, Texas 75019 972.304.3678 972.304.7092 fax Engineer/S urveyor: [----..-......--.-....--.-----..-....---.-.....................--..-.........] _.~_~!....~_.~...g_.i..~~.~.L!..~..i~._~..t~.'....._... Contact: Grant Woodfin 1801 Gateway Blvd., Suite 101 Richardson, Texas 75080 972.644.2800 972.644.2817 fax Consultant: KP A consulting, Inc. Contact: Pat Atkins 1801 Gateway Blvd., Suite 101 Richardson, Texas 75080 972.644.2800 972.644.2817 fax Dec. 2.2007 1"=50' Sh~et 2 of 2 50 0 50 ~ 100 1 SCALE: ," = 50' BASIS OF BEARING DEED to CITY OF COPPELL VOL. 99203 PG. 3079 DCPR 'I , l POINT OF COMMENCING FIR 1/2" f NOO'10'OrE Control 60.05 Monument t: '1 \ I I POINT OF BEGINNING l12' ;1/_ :) l if3! I, \ I '\ \ II \ I ;(1,\ ~ I 1 ij \ ~ ::tIE I, \ I 'I, \ L/1 , CDI C.N I ': 1. I", () I CD OJ I SJ1 :; I Co...! .c-- 10 <I I I. I ~ CN ,,) :u \ " i' '?:: I I ',J . I, :~ I,~' 'I, \ I .~. I , l/) S>- I '10 Z -.... [00'1 <.: ' C')' ;--r-o, I m Uj i (') s: ! (1) :---, ., "I, \ ~~ '. - I 'I \ , ~ ~ FIR 1/2" YELLOW CAP , 60 OJ' 'L CJ o - o (J) ):> -, (l) o ~ ..........:;:0 00 O~\J :;:oQ q::;i <0 . :) '---" (J) I \ \ ''', \ \. r-+- ~ CJ ):> :;:0 -::j (f] LXJ IN "oJ "') " I I' ", C), I" ( ) i 1502' '" CD U, CN Cl 20' Water Line Esmt. COPPfLL COMMfRCE CENT[R lOTS 2 & J, BLOCK 4 VOLUME 99228, I~AC[ 79 164.67' I' I I zl \ ' '\ en c: ,.-"" -, Q) () :3 ;a q (J) ~ ~ (f) ....... FIR 1/2" YELLOW CAP FIR 1/2" YELLOW CAP 1- -~ I~ 1 -iir\ 20'x20' Water Easement By This Plot BLOCK A, LOT 7 (1,03 Ac.) ~I ql I~ =EI ~ I~' 4:>. --j, I :>1- I =E I~~I (J I~~I <.n~ 10j~1 13::::~1 :--ic:: I ~ 'N ~I r- I~ ~I Ig. I CTl I I I l \ lr) CD <.0 ~ 1<.0 u,' '.J 151.59' ~~~+------ 20' Water Line~ Esmt. ./ / / "\ / I ~ I I I I I I I I I [<N ~ -l'>_ IN::':l oAl lof'l ~, N5> loz lDf'l I\J~ I cO If) . f'l I~~ Nf'l ~z 10-1 \ \ \ " ~ .74' net L AN[ iSM r (!ly F?c Plot of Service Center) ./' / I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 1 I \ \ '" BLOCK A, LOT 6 (0,99 Ac.) ':::: S 00'10'03" W 39.00' Cl Cl CN Cl Cl :;0:: ~I ~ ~-I "t S 00'10'03" W ~c?3 u, Cl 153.38' r ~ <.0 luo- '.J ICTl <.0 "" U, Cl 129.00' N 89049'57- W 15,00' --.... FUTURE lOT 1 R BLOCK 1 COPPEll SERVICE CEN TER --.... -----------1 24' ~.IRELANE EASEM[N T 1 Vol. 2001209 Pg 1210 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _._ __ __ _u_ _J ,../ /' ./ --- ----- SOCY1 C;'GYw f)~4.)lt' TY Of ::Ci;PlLI, ;~XN; Vol c)CJ/().~ :Jg .5C /CJ ~cl. l:cI 46 7[iH uC' C'; NOOi O'03"E -CI5, R.O.W. Dedicatio~ To The City of Coppell S 00'10'03" W 66.00' :;0:: ~ ~ o ~ o <.0 - u,- '" ~ FIR 1/2" YELLOW CAP SIR 1/2" . BLOCK A, LOT 4 (1,07 Ac.) c; 00'10 s. 1'/ )[);! ! ;i ,\,;1>} ,.','/1 ~/-,-'-1L ;:',l\ lCJ/ '''/'i, /~l t!/ >;;, 1H()h /1(-,'. Copp ell (60' R. O. w.) R 0 a d 1460,22' / 'r!' l,.- 11081' S 89'49'57" E 11.94' 30.00' 30750' I I I - 1- :;0:: 1- I I I I - - 133.63' I I I I 233.38' -4 ~ ~~ I ~ I I I I 15' UTILITY EASEMENT ~ ~ ~ il~~ i I i i- :- --7/; B~-Ab~"::",d) ~ ~. i,l :: i (By Separate Instrument) () ~~ ~ 1 I I rxu EASEMENT I ~cP\; : I-! ': ! V(~o -B~-Ab~d~~dT--- ~\ .~-\~ II II II (~IY Separate Instrument) .\ ,. S 00'10'03" W ~,...., V', I I I I I 56.88' -' - /0 I, I I I ~\~, "-t ~ -~LOCK ;;:- - - - ~S~"9'5;~~ FIRE 2:::~ &MUTUA-:- - - - z ~'O,-~ I I I I -/GDI.5... J~- ACCESS ESMT. ~\~ ~-~ '" ~!,.- r11 (07 Ac)- - - ~~ - - SOO'09'5~W- - - -- - 345.62" ~. \-<c'- ,,-..,,11 " I ~~. \ '",,~ ,,(jl I I I I '&0,\ ~_ f=. ~ I I I I ~ ~\ I I I I I ~\ I II I , ~.\ -' I I I I I ~ 24' F1RELANf EASEMENT \ -'_I I I 1 I g Vol. 2001209 Pg. 1210 \ ~J :: : I (To Be A~andoned) I ~ I I I \ c I (By This 11al) J"-I I::: VI I c2 II I \ ........... _ _ ~ 0010'03' YL _ _ _ 1W9~ _ _ ~ : I I I ~ ACCESS ESMT. I '.J ~ I I I - - -SOO10'03"W - - -13~,.09'- - - CTl' ~~: :: : I ~~ II I 168.16" , I I I SOO'O'03.W FIR 1/2" 576,10' FIRI'/2" YELLOW I ~ I I II - ~ ~ ~ ----CAP-- ~ ~ I~ r-ti I 1 i I I I I I I 1 I j I I 1 \ I I I I 'I I I I < N ~ I I I ~ -l'>_ I I I I / N::':l ~ 11_- J_ 15' UTILITY EASEMENT / ~~, :: : Vol.2001209 Pg.1210 ~_u_ -2; F;ELAN~ EASEMENT----- ./' 8 ~ I :: : Vol. 2001209 Pg. 1210 f'l ' I I I \J5> \ II I cO ~ , I I I T.X.U. EASEMENT "'\ ~ ~ ~-H I Vol.2001209 Pg.1210 ~z I 0 -1 ~ :: , I I I ~ I I I I I I j I I \ I I I 'I I I ~ I I I I I 1 ~ 1 I , I I I 1\ I I I I I I I \ I I I I I I'- -t-- - - -- - - --1 I I I I I 24' FIRELANE EASEMENT I I I I I I j - ~ _ _ J_ _ _ J : ~ + VOI~0--=_1209 _P~ ~1~ ___ -.J L_______l____61 I r-------l---j-J I I I L_______+___~---J I I I I I I I I I \ I "'--.... / / S 89'49'57" E 11.94' ,,~ ') ~ ~~- ,'><~'-) G... .A\~ / C-14 "'- ,A", ~ ,><'>< n')J / ,~,,\v, '" ~ "" '8'/ S 0) "",' /0 -P')" -1'c ~ ..90' 0- / '& ~'/ct>. ~{;~ ~~ "~,0" ~<yc <yS / 0.~ 0' ~ ~ <'" \,: SJ ~ ~ ~c/ ~%<y \;\.;<\- / "" ?' ~ (\~ If ~ <v ~ 1/ v'" ,/.-.~;J '{;o{9~ N 00'10'03" E /S ~ ~ 70.56' y\3-- 'C:.'J-- _ _ _ _ _ _ <-~ ----.------ Cc '--.JlO ~~ co cc C) lrl . '--.J ~ CURVE C-l C-2 C-3 C-4 C-5 C-6 C-7 C-8 C-9 C-l0 C- 11 C-12 C-13 C-14 C-15 C-16 C-17 C-18 BLOCK A, LOT 3 (2.99 Ac.) 70.9.54' SOO; O'OJ-W 772,51' CURVE DA TA RADIUS on TA TANGENT LENGTH CHORD BEARING 140.50'12'40'49" 15.61' 31.09' 31.03' S 83'49'38" W 30.00' 45'00'00" 12.43' 23.56' 22.96' S 67'19'57" E 30.00' 45'00'00" 12.43' 23.56' 22.96' S 22'19'57" E 30.00' 45'00'00" 12.43' 23.56' 22.96' S 67'40'03" W 30.00' 45'00'00" 12.43' 23.56' 22.96' 5 22'40'03" W 30.00' 90'00'00" 30.00' 47. 12' 42.43' S 45'10'03" W 30.00' 102'40'49" 46.85' 53. 76' 31.23' S 51'10'22" E 123.50' 12'40'49" 13.72' 27.33' 27.28' S 83'49'38" W 99.50' 12'40'49" 11.06' 22.02' 21.98' S 83'49'38" W 30.00' 72'27'34" 21.98' 37.94' 35.46' S 4J'J5'26" W 30.00' 87'33'02" 28.74' 45.84' 41.51' S 43'36'28" E 30.00' 92'26'58" 31.31' 48.41' 43.32' N 46'23'32" E 54.00' 45'00'00" 22.37' 42.41' 41.33' S 22'40'03" W 20.00' 90'00'00" 20.00' 31.42' 28.28' N 00'10'03" E 54.00' 45'00'00" 22.37' 42.41' 41.33' S 22'19'57" E 30.00' 102'40'41" 37.50' 53.76' 46.85' N 5J'JO'26" W 54.00' 102'40'49" 84.33' 96.77' 68.72' S 51'10'22" E 54.00' 90'00'00" 54.00' 84.82' 76.37' S 45'10'03" W 24' FIRE LANE & MUTUAL N 00'10'03" E ACCESS ESMT. 29.88' -; - -N oo10'03'Y - - - - -- 420.57' - CD '.JlO -4~ 0<.0 Cl u,- - '.J BL OCK A, LOT 2 (1.08 Ac.) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lL0010'OU ~ :;0:: CD <.0 ~ CN <.0, - U, 0'.J Cl = '~ N 00.'1 0 'OJ" E 106.5'f' fJ; JRl: .C' 1, fJIClCK 1 C:C)fJf)'11 SE\iICf< Cf N ~U< CI ~y CCi':Ofl,. iTXAS Vu 99203 C'q. .3C;r9 cO'ed 46 168 neres QlLLARQ-, I' I' I, -J -J ~ o :r: LOT 1 BLOCK 1 COPPELL SERVICE CEN TER Vol. 2001209 Pg.1210 :r: Cl! 01 BETHEL ~_.__.~ - ~l--- S\' t al -J ~, ',2:1 d QI t A' Q 1-11 1 ~II Q Q:; ~' 0 01 1<:(1 Cl ~ :__l-~uRNS e: I 1':1 / DA~! dL..-r-+'--i= S OU_T!1VY'~-s. Tff<!L__L.-----~_____~ --I I PROJECT SITE COPPELL tt-- !! , " , I _~QJ[ON.~~ AIRLINE j- LOCATION MAP ( N. 1. S. ) J) T 1 BlOCK A CONDROY ADDi TION Vo. 2004237 f:Jg. 13 ,E W[L J. KiRK~ AND Voi. 89082 Pg. 1 ():).5 N.: C:)/Sr, Vo' "c;. 8; cnllec 1/4 C~'(:S 282.22' o FND u-i 1" PIPE Con trol Monument 353.60' ------------------- 25.02 j; ~I -.J lei ~ 2 ~I ~I~I~ ",./ ~ ~ 1;:3 LU~ I ~IY>I~ ~I :s ~ I'" CD L...J C",) I.aJ 0>.1 ~I"'I ~.. I ~ /'-.!O ~ ~ ~N, . " ,,,..I ___I I ~ ~ ~ '-"/ ~ 1 ~ .../ ~I :::jl '(" ~I "" ~ N - f:::: co :z W!lfAl ,Cl_ W W C)C~'~ ~,(Jd wife RJRY 'J V,l!"~)U~"" VOl ;B4::) f'g 1 CJ\ lr) CD <.0 ~ <.0 I~ CTl I ".) BLOCK A, LOT 1 (1.28 Ac.) u, Cl 20' Water Line Esmt. FIR 1/2" YELLOW CAP FIR 1/2" ~ N 00'10'03" E - - 92.17' N 00'10'03" E 155"]7' (/) ....CD I\) CD CD..l ,I\) I\) .. ~I\) ..0 . I'TJ I / / I I , I r _..J i LO r 1 CN Cl Cl I I :;0:: CD <.0 ~ <.0 I~ CD~ gl \ ---------- -~-------- 62.96' SIR 1/2" ~ -.I '<{ I ,~ ~ f' -d lLJ CXJ .L;'>"7 I ~ b! 3,( <{ LOI W LLl r<J/ Z 0 j<{UJo .I UJ ~ IWwUI Q; U OJ u.. U 01 <{ 7 C'.; // -"\ BLOCK 1 HISTORiC COPPtLL PROPERTIES ADDITICN Doc#003594487 ~: 1 \ \ / LO T 2 Final Plat and Re-Plat "-' Lots 1-7, Block A The Villages of Old Coppell Also Being a Partial Re- Plat of Lot 1 R, Block 1 Coppell Service Center Being a 10,009 Acre Tract out of the j, Simmons Survey, Abstract No, 1296 City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas Owner: City of Coppell 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppel!, Texas 75019 972.304.3678 972.304.7092 fax Engineer/S urveyor: [-C-&P~~~iI n ee-'r i_Q 9 ~l L~=] Contact: Grant Woodfin 1801 Gateway Blvd., Suite 101 Richardson, Texas 75080 972.644.2800 972.644.2817 fax Consultant: KP A consulting, Inc, Contact: Pat Atkins 1801 Gateway Blvd., Su ite 101 Richardson, Texas 75080 972.644.2800 972.644.2817 fax Dec. 2,2007 1"=50' Sheet I of 2