Replat filed w/county 021208 '" , , "'-- - -- 20'x20' UTIL. N 84-38' 19" E 12' STREET &\ \ ESMT. BY THIS 6856J \ SIDEWALK ESMT. PLAT HIGHLAND DRIVE · BY THI S PLAT L58 15' UTlL. ESMT. (75' ROW) L62 r118 I J-115 L74/ BY THIS PLAT 1/2 \\ R:> \ ?If ~ L57 / )-120 1175 S 89.39'03" E S46.92' ~35 ~ 1~1 15' UTIL. ESMT....... IRY;- I UTI :-=-___-==-~11~ ~___ \~:r~ ~ L-lO;:) 1--1-1", L~8. LZ5 ~C79 l~r' BY THIS PLAT ---......./ V- t- - - - tliO 6i1.::T~.::.r- --J ~i-J ~ -1:; '. .. --. --- ,- - --- - - - --- --- - - --- --- - --- --- ---""C7. ___ _ _ _ ___ _ ___ ___ _~ _, . --.- ., ;;::v--;= ~-- . - . ---- . v?s--+--:C.L:::r--- . - . - . ~ -. - C,j _ . N 42 11 4;5 E ~ / J*.--l-v L44 c\1 I e'f) '\77 --- L37 . -- c, :> L22 00 89002 L7~'/ <o1:.J l:g + ~ 1/2 I /f C;' . -- ~ ---- 0 IRS / I !b ~S ( r c.,"'J ,~/: L6~ 1 ~I I I ~ -,I I 1 0' STREET & _I: I SIDEWALK ESMT... ) I I BY THIS PLAT ~M I I ~~^: I ~ ~I I ,I : I I __Ll I I c.o I I.. ~ I~ ~ . I ~ (Jl 8 I I 20' SAN. SWR. N I: ' BY TH I S PLAT -l-L. l~':.UTIUILEASEfgN.~.. I I CAB_ W, SL. 271 (Denton County) I CAB. F, SL. 271 ~Denton County) I Val. 2004238, P\.]. 241 (Dallas County) I j I I I I I A 1 : .Jcl O~..> ~ ~"'I L5 -1. -L_ I~ I I - ~C\ , ~42 I '\f (;~ I I I I I I i I I I I I 8 I I CO ! I r-.... I I N I I I 1,1 I (N! N1 I I I I I I I I I I I r--- I I I . I I I ' ~i 1(; I S I C I I W I ,-- prr~? c,V:J0; ---- 3: I I I I o I I 1.0 I I V ~ I I <r-lO I b~ I I. a" I I co , ~ I I~ ~ Z I I I I I I I I 20'x30' UTIL. I ESMT. BY THIS ~ I PLA T 5/8( I ('1.,0 C1~ IRF ,....1 u: ~ Vj. I........ ~~'-........ ........1 ....'........ ~ ,........ ................ ~................ '.............. c'> ~................ ................, /0 AMON ~ ........ ,~~~I ~'......~ ........"'~ .............."'''' ......,'" -............ '" '" :.:y. -............ 15' UTIL. ESMT. BY THIS PLAT 15' UTILITY EASEMENT CAB. W, SL. 271 (Denton-CO'untf--- CAB. f. SL. 271 Denton County VOL 2004238, pg 241 (Dallas ,-,ounty) 24' FIRELANE & ACCESS ESM T. BY THIS PLAT '~~1 LOT 7 2.862 ACRES ,~ ~,~ ~<:- 0':> (;0 c.; ~, r.. o~ *" 0" ~ OG ~x., 0<:-x:.~O <oY<fJ ~~fo '1-' ~ ~'1- ()() ~ ~~ <1,- yO ~"<<(j' <<G' ~, ~~' ~ w' ~Vj ~(j CS <v ~. ~C5 20' DETENTION EASEMFNT CAB. W, SL. 271 (Denton County) CAB. F. SL. 271 (Denton County) VOL. 2004238, PC. 241 (Dallas Coun ty) ~ i o ro ~ -.J LOT 6 6.940 ACRES <r- ,,~ ~.......~ ~ <::- 0':> cp G <:) ~ +- o~ ~o OG c,<V e(;--"';~(:j <QY ~<:j ~ ~'o "':> ' '?- ~ <1,- <J<J ~ 0' ~ yO ~ <<~. <<(j. '*, [:>)tx' C) ~. ~Vj ~(j C> <v ~. ~(j 24' FIRELANE & ACCESS ESMT. L~~ THIS PLAT C73 L29 L47 ~() CJ "':>~ (; ~ r en o <( O~ ~~ ~ L28 0...:5 <C~ I-~ (l) .1i Z .2 O~ 1-'-" Z W o ~ N o d a:> " ,,~ ~'-~ ~ <::- 0':> cp C; <\) ~ oC:> *- ,-0 ~ OG c,<V '?J<:- \S> <ov ~'\) (?~fo ~'~~ ~1.- cP ()~ ~~ . c'\, (j' V <(G <( ~, p.>tx' () ~. ~Vj ~C5 <'),,<:5 ~. ~O ,I 001 24' FIRELANE & Ac :c :1- ss ESM T. BY THIS PLAT LOT 1 1.034 ACRES ,~ ~'-~ ~<:' 0':> cp G <V c., +- 0(;- ~o OG c,<V 0~x:.~O <Qv~<:j ~~~ VJ' ~ ~l'), ()<J ~ ~~ c'\, 'va ~ ~u' Q.(j' ~, P:>~' 50 ~. ~<-j ~a <'),,<:5 ~. ~o I~ I~ LOT 2 1.047 ACRES t---- o o N 33-28'26" W 65.64' c/ 15' SAN. ~E:W(R, ESMT _____.______0, CA~UL. 271 (Denton County) CAB. W, SL. 271 (Denton County) VOL. 2004238, PG. 241 (Dallas County>-___ - -- -- - -.- -- --- ~-- - -- - - -- ---- 'E R=2665.0Q' L=668.71 ' 0= 14-22' 37" C LEN=666096' BRG=N 73-29' 15" W ~ Cl.. co U') 0> '<t N co o o N ;,0 N OJ ::; '0 Ql .is' ~ a.. a:: U') co 0> 0> ..- N C) it) co 0; en <:> LINE L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 111 L12 L13 L14 U5 L16 117 L18 L19 L20 L21 L22 l23 L24 L25 L26 L27 L28 L29 L30 L31 L32 L33 L34 L35 L36 L37 L38 L39 L40 L41 L42 L43 L44 L45 L46 L47 L48 L49 L50 L51 L52 L53 L54 L55 L56 L57 L58 L59 L60 LEGEND IRF I Iron Rod Found IRS Iron Rod Set BEARING S 0012'41" E S 0012'41" E S 89'47'17" W S 00,2'41" E N 89047'19" E S 0012'41" E S 45'38'19" E S OOi 2' 41" E N 00'41'08" W N 89045'09" E N 00'12'41" W N 21.59'07'" E N 00012'41" W N 08'57'52" E N 00'12'38" W N 14"2457" E N 44'47'19" E N 13"53'56" E N 7217'05" W S 89'45'09" W N 89'45'09" E N 89'47'19" E N 33"28'26" W N 33'28'26" W N 00057'50" W S 89039'03" E S 00'1241" E S 89"47'19" W S 89"47"9" W S 0012'41" E S 89"45'09" W N 00.12'41" W NODi 4' 50" W N 00"12'41" W S 00020'57" W S 89'39'03" E N 89047'19" E N 00"20'57" E S 00'20'57" W N 00'20'48" E N 89'47'19" W S 89"47'19" W N 89047'19" E N 89'47'19-E N 00'12'41" W S 89'47'19;0 E N 89'47'19" E S 0012'41" E N 89'45'09" E N 00'41'08'" W N 56'31'34" E S 33028'26" E S 56'31'34" W N 0012'41" W N 89047'19" E S 0012'41" E S 89'39'03" E S 89'39'03" E S 00"27'04" E S 89'32'56- W DISTANCE 126.81' 157.58' 25.00' 311.98' 146.00' 37.41' 65.64' 207.15' 47.67' 158.73' 236.16' 42.65' 175.1 4' 177.90' 190.10' 76.96' 47040' 85.97' 13.31 ' 13.59' 13.64' 27.05' 31.94' 20.00' 563.97' 30.00' 301.50' 211.00' 58.22' 190.41 ' 48.20' 198.46' 24.00' 228.30' 8.90' 36.00' 225.57' 11.81 ' 13.16' 18.91' 13.77' 13.77' 517.75' 144.89' 218.30' 58.22' 211.00' 247.50' 48.25' 58.49' 30. DO' 20.00' 30.00' 43.04' 20.00' 46.81 ' 96.23' 20.00' 20.00' 20.00' ... PC. r PG. LINE L61 L62 L63 L64 L65 L66 L67 L68 L69 L70 L71 L72 L73 L74 L75 L76 L77 L78 L79 L80 L81 L82 L83 L84 L85 L8G L87 L88 L89 L90 L91 L92 L93 L94 L95 L96 197 L98 L99 L100 L101 L102 L103 L104 L105 L106 L107 L108 L109 L110 L111 L112 L113 L1 14 L1 15 L116 L117 L 118 11 19 L120 0' l BEARING N 00"27'04" W N 84.38'19'" E N 84'38'19'" E S 0012'41" E S 89'33'49" W N 0012'41" W S 0012'41" E S 89'33'49" W N 0012'41" W S 89'39'03" E N 4211'/19" E S 09'30'02" W N 0014'50" W S 89'39'03" E S 89.39'03" E S 0012'41" E S 89'33'49" W N 0012'41" W S 74'45'39" E S 78"05'13" E N 00'12'41" W N 73"00'24" E S 45'38'19" E N 73"00'24" E N 60'1 2' 41" W N 0001 2' 41" W S 22'32'23" W N 1742'55" E S 1742'55" W S 11"54'47" W S 00'12'41" E S 60.12'41" E N 00'12'41" W N Ocr12'43" W S 00012'41" E S 16049'22" W S 16"49'22" W S 00"12'41" E N 00"12'41" W N 00'12'41" W N 74'45'39'" W S 74.45'39" E S 78.05'13" E N 78'05'13" W N 78005' 13" W S 74'45'39" E S 16'49'22" W N 1742'55" E N 00'14'50;0 W S 74'45'39" E N 13"53'28" E S 1.3"S3'28" W N 00'1 2' 41" W S 00'12'14" E S 89'39'03" E N 89'39'03" W N 83"40'29" W N 84'38'19" E S 89'39'03" E S 00'27'57" W ~ ,. .. ... .. h N A .. J--" 30' 60' 120' L_r-----i Scale 1"=60' DISTANCE 20.28 2.47' 1S.06' 79.12' 15.00' 77.91' 33.68' 15.00' 33.88' 1S.00' 16.24 68.62' 142.30' 15.68' lS.00' 32.16 ' 15.00' 32.36' 124.09' 101.06' 213.86' 71.02' 22.79' 57.98' 67.27' 248.30' 20.00' 94.89' 95.44' 20.S5' 266.84' 71.59 ' 211.10' 127.00' 117.03' 1 6.07' 1 6. 1 0' , 36.37' 136.37' 43.63' 135.33' 125.08' 137.23' 58. 12' 8.82' 136.16' 23.24' 95.44' 36.00' 133.20' 60.71' 63.85' 78.48' 74.37' 13.50' 100.24' 72.61 ' 44.6.:r 128.04' 128.04' CURVE Cl C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 C21 C28 C29 C30 C31 C32 C33 C34 C35 C36 C37 C38 C39 C40 C41 C42 C43 C44 C47 C50 C51 C52 C53 C54 C55 C56 C57 C58 C59 C50 C61 C62 C63 C64 C65 C66 C67 CB8 C69 C70 C71 C72 C73 C74 C75 C76 C77 C78 C79 RADIUS 2665.00' 2665.00' 2665.00' 2665.00' 2665.00' 2665.00' 2665.00' 2477.77' 120.00' 80.00' 2477.77' 2477.77' 2477.77' 2477.77' 30.00' 30.09' 30.00' 54.00' 20.00' 20.00' 20.00' 2465.77' 124.00' 30.00' 30.00' 688.00' 312.00' 54.00' 30.00' 30.00' 30.00' 712.00' 288.00' 30.00' 100.00' 2489.77' 30.00' 376.00' 30.00' 400.80' 120.00' 80.00' 2489.77' 2509.77' 2665.00' 2509. n' 2489.77' 20.00' 30.00~ 54.00' JO.OO' 30.00' 30.00' 30.00' 30.00' 54.00' 30.00' 2607.50' 2631.50' 2607.50' 2631.50' 30.00 700.00' 10.00' 15.00' 20.00' 30.00' 15.00' 20.00' -... o <( o a::: Q <( I- Z o ~- z w o --- -> o 0:: 0.. a. -< =. == ~ ~Ia-f a : JIIIIIC; ~ .. u ~c == :1 .- -< ~~ ~.~ HIGHLAND DRIVE z o in 5= LaJ IX i==:::::--- DENTON COUNTY LIMIT -~ - DALLA::> c'OtJl'lTr LIMit s~~-:-- ---=:: --- -- LOCAllON MAP ARC lENGTH 42.14' 20.35' 97.06' 150.23' 30.00' 1 63.75' 139.71 ' 204.14' 50.57' 33.72' 24.60' 17.33' 98.68' 63.53' 31.54 ' 26.34 ' 21.89' 84.82' 31.42' 31.42' 31.40' 255.23' 49.45' 47.14' 47.12' 127.76' 57.94' 84.82' 47.12' 47.12' 47.12' 132.22' 53.48' 47.12' 39.88' 187.28' 37.44' 111. 79' 55.21 ' 122.00' 28.74' 15.79' 140.72' 187.52' 20.00' 49.10' 93.46' 31 .42' 47.11' 62.55' 34.81' 26.64' 47.65 ' 47.65' 26.60' 95.96' 53.31 ' 191.75' 199.23' 249.78' 257.78' 40.78' 4.78' 6.75' 12.47' 13.39' 31.75' 7.32' 10.44' CHORD LENGTH 42.14' 20.35' 97.06' 150.21' 30.00' 163.73' 139.70' 204.09' SO.20' 33.47' 24.60' 17.33' 98.68' 63.53' 30. 11' 25.50' 21.41' 76.37' 28.28' 28.28' 28.28' 255.12' 49.12' 42.44' 42.43' 127.58' 57.86' 76.37' 42.43' 42.43' 42.43' 132.03' 53.41 ' 42.43' 39.61' 187.24' 35.05 ' 111 .37' 47.74' 121.53' 28.67' 15.76' 140.70' 187.47' 20.00' 49.10' 93.46' 28.28' 42.41' 59.20' 32.89' 25.78' 42.80' 42.80' 25.73' 83.83' 46.57' 191.71' 199.19' 249.69' 257.67' 37.71' 4.78' 6.62' 12.11 ' 13. 14' 30.29' 7.25' 10.33' CHORD BEARING N scr 13'23" W N 79'33'04" W N 78"17'18" W N 75'37'51" W N 73"10'38" W N 71"03'48" W N 6748'04" W N 69"14'31" W S 11.51'43" W N 11'51'43" E N 6709'58" W N 6739'03" W N 6~59'32" W N 70'52'04" W N 58026'35" E S 6S07'15" E N 68"53'08" E N <<'47'19;0 E S 44'47' 1 9" W S 45' 12' 41" E S 44'46'14" W N 7(1'21 '53" W S 78049'24" E N 45'13'46" W N 44"47'19" E S 84"53'29" E N 84'53'29" W S 44'47'19" W S 45'12'41" E N <<.47'19;0 E N 4S'12'41" W S 84"53'29" E N 84053'29" W S 44'47'19'" W S 78"49'24" E N 69033'16" W S 35'57'37" E S 08'18'20" W N 52"30'50" E S 08'05'27;0 W S 17"04'29" W N 18'16'53" E N 69'04' 46" W S 69"36'03- E N 72'36'30" W S 72'46'56- E N 72'15'42" W S 45'14'51" E N 44"46'14" E N 33"27'00" W N 33"27'00" W S 46'51'30" E S 62.19'22" W N 28'40'39" W N 80'32'58" E S 50"41 '55" W S 50'41'55" W N 76" 1 7'04" W N 76'13'20" W N 69025'58" W N 69'29'41" W S 39008'S7" E S 89"59'03" E N 02"04'49" W N 24"09'57" E S 18.49'44" E S 59'53'24" E N 14020'07" E S 14.36'35" E - "- -- ,- - ---OENTON- cdDN'TV - -- - - --- .- - - - -- - - .- -- - .- -DALLAS COUNTY~:\, - -- - ",,,,\' ~-.....:. ;)~ OV \J cP CJ au*- ,o~ ~{'>c., Q;v ~<v 0<::- ~ ~, ~<::j \S> ~fo ,,<<>..( ~ ~ 1.r ()() ~ r"-...... <')" 'vO ~"~U' <<(1' ~,~~b--' ~. 5:)VJ ~C5 ~C:5 ~. ~(j ,~~."...~: - - ~<:' 0':> ~ ~G o~g TAC~S 10' w Oc,+; f6<:-'<.~~00 J LOT 4 ~ ~ ~ <QV ~<::j (!~<:o 1S' UTILITY EASEMENT co to ~ X>'..(~ ~<'),,()<J L79 ~A8.~PG' 271 (De~ton County 0.861 ACRES ~ ::; 0"\ 6..... ~ c,. Val. 2004238, PG. 241 (Dallas Crunty) U; N v ~ <<~. << ~ :- ~ '~Ojb-- ' )' ~ ~~oo~ _______ ~O C6r -- -- -- ~69 CO ~'\ 20'x30' UTIL. ---. -- ~-- 5 G 'O~ V/ ESMT. 8Y THIS --- ~~__ -- -- -l:-::::-- i.S5 PlA T I -------- ---~~:~- ----'~ljl(Q / jPOINT OF - - -- - - - - ~~ _ _ _ ~ " - ,---;;:~~~~~__ BEGINNING -- 1;~ ;T~EET-'&' -e~ - - ~;'-~-,:::::::--.::: -7 - . -- '. -- . ----.- 15' UTILITY E~EMEtiT S~ET~~~K pC;~'T. - ~ C 11/2 = -=--~'-'::- -- - -- . === ~~ = = _= = =- = = - - - -- -- - - - , CAB. F, SL. 271 (Denton Coun I R F - ___ _ _ __ '- - -. - __ __ _ _ _ CAB. W, SL. 271 (Denton County) ACe _ _ VOL. 2004238, PG. 241 (Dallas County) ESS DENIED - - I - - _ S I A 'E CC#94ROOOOOO~ DENTON COUNTY: CAB. ( VOrjO~~ ~';j/r ~ t 7 2 7 --------------------------------_______________DALLAS CoJNTY: CAB. ~ / ------------------/ PURPOSE STATEMENT: THE PURPOSE OF REPLA T IS TO SUBDIVIDE EXISTING LOT FOR DEVELOPMENT. REPLAT VISTA RIDGE RETAIL LOTS 1-7, BLOCK A BEING A REPLA T OF LOT 1 A, BLOCK D, VISTA RIDGE, AN ADDlllON TO THE CITY OF COPPELL, DENTON AND DALLAS COUNTIES, 140825 ACRES OF LAND IN ll-IE GoCo WOOLSEY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NOo 1402, DENTON COUNTY Goe. WOOLSEY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1792, DALLAS COUNTY CITY OF COPPELL DEVELOPER: COPPELL CROSSING, L.P. 7001 PRESTON RD., STE. 500 DALLAS, TEXAS 75205 (214) 224-4604 (214) 219-2080 FAX JUNE 15, 2007 ENGINEER: WINKELMANN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 6750 HILLCREST PLAZA DRIVE, SUITE 100 DALLAS, TEXAS 75230 (972) 490-7090 (972) 490- 7099 FAX --. I.IJ ~ C DELTA ANGLE 00'54'2f' 00"26'15" 02"05'24" 03" 14'00" 00'3S'42" 03"31 '20" 03"00' 1 6" 04.43'14" 24.08' 49" 24.08' 49" 00'34'08" 00"24'02" 02"16'55" 01'28'09" 60' 1 4'38" 50'09'11" 41' 48'22" 90000'00" 90.00'00" 90'00'00" 89'S7'50" 05'55'51 " 22"50'53" 90'02 '10" 90.00'00" 1 O' 38'23" 10"38'24 .. 90"00'00" 90'00'00" 90'00'00" 9crOO'00. 10'38'23" 1 0"38t24" 90'00'00" 22'50'53- 04.18t35" 71'29'52- '702'03" 1 05'27'02" 1726'24" 13'43'18" 11.18'30" 03014'18" 04'16'51" Ocr25'4B" 01"07'1 S" 02"09'03" 90.00'031l1 89.57'50. 66"28'37" 66'28'37" ScrS3'06" 91'00'Ol " 91.00'01 It 50'47'40" 101'49'13" 101'49'13" 04"12' 49. 04"20'1 6" 05029'19" 05'36'45" 7752'32" 00"23'29- 3~40'1 6" 4738'00" 38.21'22" 60.38'34 .. 2758'19" 29'55'04" NN 00) ~I' . ...-...... o z . 0 (/) 00 -< zz X .... t- ~ UU ~ ~:j~ I- I-WZ U') (/) a.. ::> m mo..O <( <ou . .u >- >- (/) ~~~~ 0::: 0::: >- -I => =>1- < en en_ 0 >- >- u'-. ww z en en 0 -.J -1 .... 00 Z 00 w ~3: 0 UU cici <(-, ~<( 01- OW I- -1 0:::: <(CDW ~ ..0 w'" Q 0::::10::: (f)<( 1-1- O~ -1> ~ I"- "'- en "- co cv ~ cd OJ CD o ~ ~ ~ oaro~~ a <D .. ,,~ :: ~ "0 . . Q) s:1 ~ .~ o cv C'Il~ .. ~ ~~ ~ ~ G) ~ ~ ~ .. ~ l'd 4) Q) 'S M ~ - M AU~p... ~(X]~(g1r 11 @[F ~ CONFORMED COpy c. .-~~:, OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS :;w~ ~~ ~. ~~f ~~"".. John F W . arren County Clerk Dallas County TEXAS February 12 I 2008 12:27:49 FEE: $55.00 20080045890 x -c( (/) t... 0:: 0 0> o mat >- 00 W ",... ~ 66 ;:) ~~ (/) "'..... ~~ . ",... moo '-"'-"0 :Q ~ w w z <5 z w !Il w .... -c( g CI'I ..J ~ :> 0 U ~ ~ <.:l w ~ Z t;: ..c j::: ~ :3 ....I W fA ~ ~ 6 ~~~ (,) ~~,... j:e~ Q. .... t<;",~ ~~~ ~"':.8 Xj ~:i ~o (k: o o ....J a.:u.. -I..cLO ..00 C>,-N Z Lt) - .. ,..... (/)0 en <( . oo~ O:::(k: U .. ...JZ~ ...J~-1 W(/)...J o..w< 0..0:::0 00. o ...... o o I' ~,-. o ~ ~'-"" 0.. N 0::: 0 lO l{) CO ex> (J) ()) O'l (1) o Z OWNER'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON, COUNTY OF DALLAS WHEREAS, COPPELL CROSSING, L.P. is the owner of a tract of land in the G.C. Woolsey Survey, Abstract No. 1402, Denton County and in the G.C. Woosley Survey, Abstract No. 1792, Dallas County, Texas and being all of Lot 1 A, Block 0, Vista Ridge, an addition to the City of Coppell, recorded in Cabinet W, Page 271, Dallas/Denton County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 1/2 inch iron rod found in the northerly right of way line of State Highway 121 (variable width ROW) and being the southwesterly corner of Lot 1 BR, Block D, said Vista Ridge, said iron rod being the beginning of a curve to the right with a radius of 2665.00 feet, a chord bearing of North 73 deg 29 min 15 see West, and a chord length of 666.96 feet; THENCE, along the northerly line of said State Highway 121, continuing along said curve to the right through a central angle of 14 deg 22 min 37 see and an arc length of 668.71 feet to a Aluminum Monument found for corn er; THENCE, departing said State Highway 121, North 33 deg 28 min 26 sec West, a distance of 65.64 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found for corner in the easterly line of Denton Tap Road (variable width ROW); THENCE, along the easterly line of said Denton Tap Road, North 00 deg 14 min 50 see East, a distance of 732.78 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set with a red plastic cap stamped WAI for corner; THENCE, departing the easterly line of said Denton Tap Road, North 42 min 11 deg 45 see East, a distance of 89.02 feet to a point for corner in the southerly right of way line of Highland Drive (75' ROW); THENCE, along the southerly right of way line of said Highland Drive as follows: North 84 deg 38 min 19 sec East, a distance of 68.56 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found for corner; South 84 deg 38 m in 19 sec East, a distance of 546.92 feet to a 1/2 iron rod found for the northwesterly corner said Lot 1 SR, Block D; THENCE, along the westerly line of said Lot 18R, Block D. South 00 deg 45 min 09 sec West, a distance of 1046.12 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; CONTAINING within these metes and bounds is 14.825 acres or 645,794 square feet of land. RIZON Telephone Floodplain Development been file ith the Administrator on _____________ _, 2008. ________________________________ Floodplain Adm in istrato "F\oodplo.in De.\le./oprne.n+ Pe.rtv'it Applica+ion No. 11\ fA- ho.5 bee-Y\ filed w i-f h the C i +y of C oppe 1\ Floodplo. in Adr-nin i s+ra+o r DY\ '1<~ fttt-- Flooolpla.in Adminis+rcdoY" ~.4.6 D~+e E 5 1: ~ <t n. "J Xl ::> ::> :~ >2' :0- o 20DB:' , OWNER'S DEDICATION NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That COPPELL CROSSING, L.P. does hereby adopt this plat, designating the herein described property as VISTA RIDGE RETAIL, LOTS 1- 7p BLOCK A an addition to the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, and do hereby dedicate, in fee simple, to the public use forever any streets, alleys, and floodway management areas shown thereon. The easements shown thereon are hereby reserved for the purposes indicated. The utility and fire lane easements shall be open to the public, fire and police units, garbage and rubbish collection agencies, and all public and private utilities for each particular use. The maintenance of paving on the utility and fire lane easements is the responsibility of the property owner. No buildings, fences, trees shrubs or other improvements or growths shall be constructed, reconstructed or placed upon, over or across the easements as shown. Said easements being hereby reserved for the mutual use and accommodation of all public utilities using or desiring to use same. All, and any public utility shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or parts of any building, fences, trees, shrubs or any other improvements or growths which in any way may endanger or interfere with the construction, maintenance, or efficiency of its respective system on the easements, and all public utilities shall at all times have the full right of ingress and egress to or from the said easements for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining and adding to or removing all or parts of it's respective systems without the necessity at any time of procuring the permission of anyone. (Any public utility shall have the right of ingress and egress to private property for the purpose of reading meters and any maintenance or services required or ordinarily performed with that utility). This plat approved subject to all platting ordinances, rules, regulations, and resolutions of the City of Coppel!. WITNESS OUR HAND AT l21.l(({s.._, TEXAS, THIS _~7!~AY OF ~t1LdJr(1 2008. I :Y~~~ ~~~~~_____________________ Dtao DUNNI~~ENERAl PARTNER STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared DAVID DUNNING, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in the capacity herein stated. GIV~ under my hand and seal of office, this the !.2~ day of d.tLtJ..LL/l.L'*-_________ 2008. --~~-~~~---~~~----------- Not r ublic in and for Dalla~ounty, ~ 3- V Q!L' ... - >,....."""'''''' My Commission expires: ____ =-___ ________ ~ ",\~~yt~z"", """"""............~ ~ S'r::::," \\111", ~(' ~ ~ ~ ff~lyc\1-~ JANE EllftlllNDlfY ~ ,_.~ f -e- , ~ ~ ,~~ ,~~ Notary PuDllC S~arl' 01 r"las ' , , \oI'~'" ,,'" ~ .... -, ~ ~ 'tf;'Ji'~'\." # MV Commission f '-pIres 03,04.09 ~ ~ """""1"\\\\" ~ """"""""""""""~ FRANCHISE UTILITY SIGNATURES THIS PLAT CORRECTLY PRESENTS TI-lE REQUIRED EASEMENTS FOR TI-lIS DEVELOPMENT: 6;~E~1~ae~~:' ~~----------------- ATMOS (GAS) BY:, _gL,-~,~~____________ DA TE: J.::....!.l.::..0...~__ () VERIZON (TEL) BY:. ~_~___________ DATE: L-_{j::~j>__ TIME WAR~E,~ {CABLE) DATE: _.J+L~~~ A<:'( BY' /------ ., - -- ------------------------- L DENTON COUNTY: CAB. DALLAS COUNTY: CAB. SURVEYOR DEDICATION That I, B.J. Elam, do hereby certify that I have prepared this plat and the field notes shown hereon from an on the ground survey of the land, and this plat is a true, correct and accurate representation of the physical evidence found at the time of survey; that the corner monuments shown hereon were found and/or placed under my personal supervision. This plat was prepared in accordance with the plotting rules and regulations of the City of Coppell, Texas. -----------~.;,~;~.~~:" . t- " .' ~'; \ c:, r r-" ,., Registere fessional Land Surveyor L,~~""'~" '~~r'/i ,<:" . Texas R i ration #4581 ,: ....' ~~...,~. Winkelm & Associates, Inc. .... ~~.' L ~,!\< . '~ 6750 Hi crest Plaza Drive, Suite 100 Dallas, Texas 75230 972-490- 7090 ~. '''\ " f ", :(>, ,,:r: _,'\"._: --. / to. -.. , " Ie, . , '.V ~ .. .. : r _ ~;.... ....' ~~ r..#~" ~ r or- ..... ~...... ",,:,'" '..,.r" STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared B.J. Elam, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in the capacity herein stated. GI'!E}IL under ,~l hand and seal of office, this the ~~~ay of d(lJ /1 (/4../:./----------- 2008. __i~~__~~~------------ tory Public in and for D?Jf~ County, Texas ~ M C .. . ,~ / J-O(]' y ommlSSlon expires: -...::-.L_-...z..-___I...:L___________ >"',....,"""""',....,...."'...."~ ~ "\\\\~ylp~"',, i ~ ~'r::::,'~\\\II"'l('l'.\ JANE ElLEN LINDLEY ~ ~ ~~ {~j~~ ~~ Notary Public, Slale 01 Texas i ,... ....':.~_.... :: ~ ~ ~ "'R"III\\'~~i My Commission Expires 03.04-09 i ~ ",,;;:t(6~\\'~ i l",~~~,~,....,',....,""""',....,~ Mmended for, ArPr~val: ~~~--------------------------1t-~~~ Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission Date C~f Coppell, Texas 8 ~ \' Approved and t Lte~: I ,^,-t:( ~ 0/220'8 --~~~- ---------------------------------------- Mayor Date City of Coppell, Texas The undersigned, the City Secretary of the City of Coppell, Texas, hereby certifies that the foregoing plat of VISTA RIDGE RETAIL, LOT 1-7, BLOCK A, an aqqJtip)1 to the Ci ):)f Coppell as submitted \.0 Jhe City Council on the l'l:.J!::Yday of , 200\ 1 and the Council, by formal action, then an e accepted the dedication of streets, alleys, parks, easements, public ces, and water and sewer lines, as shown and set forth in and upon said plat, and said Council further authorized the Mayor to note the acceptance thereof by signing his name as hereinabove subscribed. ~ Witness my hand this\1!/!~day of _ _~____, A,D" 2008. U , ~~~--------------------- City Secretor , City of Coppell, REPLAT VISTA RIDGE RETAIL LOTS 1-7, BLOCK A BEING A REPLA T OF LOT 1 A, BLOCK 0, VISTA RIDGE, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF COPPEll, DENTON AND DALLAS COUNTIES, 14.825 ACRES OF LAND IN THE G.C. WOOLSEY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1402, DENTON COUNTY G.C. WOOLSEY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1792, DALLAS COUNTY CITY OF COPPELL JUNE 15, 2007 , PG. DEVELOPER: COPPELL CROSSING, L.P. 7001 PRESTON RD., STE. 500 DALLAS, TEXAS 75205 (214) 224-4604 (214) 219-2080 FAX ENGINEER: WINKELMANN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 6750 HILLCREST PLAZA DRIVE, SUITE 100 DALLAS, TEXAS 75230 (972) 490-7090 (972) 490-7099 FAX --t PG. CONFORMED COpy '"' \, ",~ ')1 ~'~a~~~" ~~ OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS '.,'~~I' .~" ~~ ';-' " v" ''; 7'" '/J'fof ~O' John F W . arren County Clerk Dallas County TEXAS February 12 20 I 08 12:27:49 FEE: $55.00 >- o IX 0- a.. <( x -<( Vl L>- 0:: om o o. m >- 00 w ,... 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