RP filed w County 040108 I o ~ 40 ~ I 60 feet SCALE: 1" - 40' VICINI])' MAP ffi BETHEL i J , 5T' L' sw RY AIRLINE ~ g 111 ffii ~I C0W!30Y r LINE TABLE NUMBER LI L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 DIRECTION S 47023'57" E S 47023'571' E N 89041'71" E N 89041'11" [ N 89041'11" [ N 89047'11" E N 00018'49" W N 44052'29" E LOT TABLE DISTANCE 18.16 ' 5.02' 11.00' 7.50' 11. 00' 7.50' 13,12' 14.10' 'NAME SQUARE FEET ACRES Lot 1 , Block 7 '4603 0.106 Lot 2, Block 1 5523 0,127 Lot 3, Block 1 4593 0.105 Lot 4, Block 1 4066 0.093 Lot 5, Block 1 5203 0.119 Lot 6, Block 1 4375 0.100 Lot 7, Block 1 2899 0.067 iLot 8, Block 1 2934 0.067 Lot 9, Block 1 12934 0.067 Lot 10, Block 1 3766 0.086 ( Lot 11 , B10ck 1 3766 0.086 Lot 12, Block 1 2934 0.067 Lot 13, Block 1 2934 0.067 Lot 14, Block 1 2934 0.067 [Lot 15, Block 1 4486 0.103 Lot 16, Block 1 5149 0.118 I Lot 1 7, Block 1 3355 0.077 Lot 18, Block 1 3355 0.077 Lot 19, Block 1 3355 0.077 Lot 20, Block 1 4473 0.103 Lot 21, Block 1 7510 0.172 i ILot 22, Block 1 '4453 0.102 Lot 23, Block 1 4467 0.103 Lot 24, Block 1 4482 0.703 ILot 25, Block 1 7108 0.763 Lot 26, Block 1 14966 0.344 Lot 27, Block 1 130863 0.709 Lot 1 X, Block 7 I 70642 0.244 lot 2X, Block 1 1517 0.035 Lot 3X, Block 1 45296 1. 040 NOTES: .3' E.U.AE. 3 foot Excl u sive Use Access Easem en t for th e lot noted. SUBJECT PROPERTY IS ZONED "H"_ HISTORIC cirs= 1/2 Iron rod with orange plastic cap stomped "P1BURN PARTNERS" set for corner Bearings ore based on the plot of COPPEll RO~D BUSINESS PARK, an addition to the City of Cappel! as recorded In Volume 87106, Page 4393, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas. I I I I I t I I I I I t I~ ~II~ . Cl o ~ 2 - <n U II~ o ~ I .b >-, <( Q) ~llj v c: > 0 I... <n :J "- U; I v -I-g (fJ <( ~ s: ~ II ~ -c E o 0 J J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I POINT ()F BEGINNIN'G I I I I I I I I o < O~ ~~ ~ ~- ~o ~CD ~Cj ~"-/ o U I \ '-' \J 1\'-./") CI TY OF COPPELL () COUN TY OF DALLAS () WHEREAS, HAAS ROSE A T LOST CREEK, LLC and JALAL KHORRAMI ore the owners of 0 5.567 acre tract situated in the JAMES W. ANDERSON SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 78, City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texa:3 and being 011 of Lot 7, Block C of COPPELL ROAD BUSINESS PARK, on oddition to the City of Coppell, 001105 Coun ty, Texas according to the Plot thereo f recorded in Volume 87706, Page 4393, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas and being 011 of 0 tract of land described in Deed to Haas Rose at Lost Creek, LLC, recorded in Instrument Number 20070305310 together with the remainder of :)Qid tract described in Deed to Jalal Khorrami, recorded in Volume 2000139, Page 1167, Deed Records, Dallas Coun ty, Texas; said 5.561 acre tract being more particularly described os follows: I I I __ --...,.-----,------...,.-------,-u---...,.-...,----'C I~ I I I "I ! L- _ _ _ _ - --- + 10' U ~. '--f:;' ~ I I . L. 0 t 16 --J I "I"t '"' I - - - - I ____ -- - - - - - - - - - -1- - - - + - - - -1- -~ - - + - + - - - ~71 I I I I~ ~i I ; I - 1- - - - - 11-15'a:L.- -I, - - - - - - - -1-' - - - - -~-II-- - -- ~I'"~rll~~ i ~U~ 0 l- I-L~ - - - - '. -1: i I I : -0 "1 0 . r:::r- I~ Ilot X7 Open Space ~! ~ I I I Olg COPPEll !OWNHOMES I II III: ~1 ~~ II:: - - 9~1' (98') I I c5 I VOLUME 2004148, PAGE 58 \.Il' I ~ 'I 01 01 ZONEd: H 81 ~ 18 Lot 6 I I ~I ~ ~ ' I :. :?l Lot 2 :?I Lot 3 ~l 1'0 I g I ! ~ < I ~ 11~: i Lot 17 I kJ o ' a- "-/ I ~ J I ~I ....i I I ~____~~~__:_L~t;~C;-~_Lct ~_:_! ~___~~i ~ L~} :~::,k(:) _~~ !::I _ _ _ _ r I I i I I ::it I I Droino9: Esmt, Lo t X8 ~ I - S 8 -'2: 2 ~524"2' E en, "'- 1 "IPF 115' 42' JJ' JJ'...J IS' 50.37' 0 50 298.23 9782' (98') li"i cirs I -- -- - -- -- 589'44'00" E- ~ 179.95"7'- - - - --'- -- -- '; 150.41' 10' 50.00' 10 S 89'32'52" E -- 9782' 1 2000' I -j':>. I - - - - l...:r BLD~ UNE_ - - - - ----; - 'I -j':>. I(j; I ! - _l~BLDG.:-L1NE - ~ l -j':>. I : ~ ~ I Lot 25 : 1 E:: r - ~ I~. I , Lot 15 I I ~ Ilot 21, Block G -- 0 I Haas ROSE~ at Lost Creek, LLC: I OJ'I t 1 ~ 10' utility Easement I I I lOT 2, BLOCK C ~ I Instrume," t #20070305310 : I r. 11 I i By thiS plat I I COPPEll ROAD BUSINESS PARK '-J _________s-=~~.~~~~._~-L~~~~--------:---I-r-4 ( , . q I I Ii E9'41'11:' [ - 97.511~ +- I VOLUME ~~~OE6D:P:GE 4393 ; ~ : nIi"89'4'2~.tE;:;;'4963-;------ :: d ~~O...,'...., <ili:-rT:-3~E~;~:-;~Lotls:r-~ :_ I 1 I 0 '. '." , 11 o. I I I . Billy J. & Ann l. Harrison ~ 0 ,J'EUAE tolot2J : j 1_~2 m': ..'jl 9781' IV; 01 Vol. 93219, Pg. 1770 ~ ~ ----.: ==--~--,~~~~.-:.~;-~~i~~o~o~:m-e~t=----- !:i :13 c; ............ ..,. ..: t=-:-t--:C-J~E~~-~ to-[ot~~t= -~ ~ ! tt 0 - Lot 23 I i 61~ 0 <. ':'116 : I Lot 13 ,:1 g -t:' lot 22 , ..~. I V1" ....1 ~I o. <.0: . '. . 10. I I 121 . c.o 182.74 "" -- ~____r:~__E_U_~~_t~~~!_~2_u_____~--j~l--j'" 25 ~'I F# 9781' m .IBlock C ~ ~,' ,.. " ,: ~~,--II ---::: -5- '8-9-.J4~1.~~1-1u~ ~w~ __t~ -1~4~8t-. 2~0~ ---::: == ~:.~--~I 5:1- ~ll~' ~ - - - - - " :<. 1..-1 ",JT ~-'7"L()f21 - Old La! L~'-l : ~ II ~~ I ~ --I::i -: ~< E~9!f' ;o~ [0 t ~ 1- f - ~ r (:~T:'2~9~P~5~ ~") r+ '.' E:: '1:', .' ':'. '.' .... " ..: ., .. . I I ~ :J I c. 11<;[' -Cb2. BLD~ L~E - -+' J NOv L~~~i ~-7:;;D;lINE-~- _~-'-.J 1 I ':~ I~I I<&?"------t- L t 27 <(j ,I L -5-89'5(;"1';: [~18177'- - - - - --.J 11J' o. f ::tl 1,- _ _ _ 97.~' - - 41 o J.1,~9~__ __ ___ ___ ----or f I I I 75' BLOG. LINE ~. Vol. 2o~a6~~:h~~~:i1167 14611' 1~00'lf300011 3000' Ii 4566'IIL4 U I '::~'Il Lot 10 ~I: ~ -> I I" - - -"1 r T5'Bw""Gl UNr - ~f - -.::-:( E; - - r) b- I -L.....1..- () OJ 20' ACCESS EASEMEN T & FIRE LANE I I I I I I ~Id'f alk & Uh/It.1 f-asemen t I r-I r 1 I ,;e 1- T :z "J (SHADED) I I 2:11 II BYltlsPlat II ;U [IIIVl OIVl ! ___~7~8L-_+-=F o N k VOL. 87106, PC. 4393 : g :1 :-7 :1 8:1 .;-~ -tJ II g --18 j 1 ~ c. -r ! --CJ~~.~~~-~o- :o~ ~~I-I- - G. ~ (ABANDON BY THIS PLA T) ~ d : G.. : (N. : G.. ~ i GI. g ~ II I ~ N ~ 1 6 i I I 6 =i l:u I G-J,I,f"Tl Ilr'l 11f"Tl GlIIf"Tl VJ . ><:~. 110: Lot 9 0 :t: 1-.; tLo-t -j':>. LL~ t 4(~ t l.L~ t~~C 1.:: b-: ~t I -j':>. ___>t.~ . -! I I' ~,:>:<::~::>:<'~;;,:0:~.~,~ .~/'~.~:- ~.:}'~::<,~17.:/'j.16. - :I~~ ..[7 '~l ~n :18 ~I:~~' 1~, ~l'\~ '.;0 .: :'l.ill~ .1?il~llnllU;-- - _9J13C- - -I- -i-_.__ )<. ." ,'.., . ~., , ' / /. .,.,. .' " , ' .: ., "..)-" ..., , .r ....,.. 'OJ l r'" co .r;..... t l.-.. . I t 3V' , ,j t~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . '<, <, '~.' / '> < '.',,' , ',' .,). " , . <." ,', ' / . , " ' "~< /',. I.' . f f <) /' . IN Ie) . tA ,r 0 ...... I <;> :'J II ~ f! IlJ L ' I I ~. .', ' ,', ,'," '>,', / ,',' . " '.'.' ., ,.', ,',', "/"'21;::::.'.". ~/' l.f ",} .. "J'1 .-",1 (,.11'. . : ,j IGI I' J E.U.A.E, to lot 9 V.J ~;<'::::'::~::::::<,<;:;f,>~:~>;/--------, t~ -I--~I~---I~=---l~--~I~-- ~!~:%~~. '.,1 gill: Lot 8 I I g ~ > ' , , , . . . . . ., f)" '7 West-20 00 ~. 1 ():) II ~ 11 . II ,..... -II <.0 0 II I 0 :J a'\... . - - I I . ~ --:""', ,,,.'((/,'/./.',' , \.. G.J I ", I .... I \Al I 0 0, '- . .11 IZ , ~ "'-'<<.>>>:-. >1 r-'- I . I. I I I ,III L6 -g'o~ '. ~f"Tl_ _ _9Z.~1- - -I- + · '\/, . ,/. j , I 10 utility ds!ement I I 2 . ." ~----------------,--_.-- '-J \:,:>:::.::~,:~,\ 20 Drainage Easement. ..-, I II By this pia I II I: f"Tl14- L5 ~r;-i LJ' E.UAE to lot 8 i I GI CO :- . ., .' By thiS plot 1 I ~ _ _ -.J L _ -~ L_ - - ~ L - - ~ ~ - - --.-J r- / 1 01 \ \ q .. \. .( '<,.)' '.\ 589'56'14"[-321 95' _ _ _ _ I _ _ I _ _ _ I _ _ _ I _ _ I "'.J V.J ~ I I a - - - -1,>-T-."~""("<''- - - - - - - - - +- - 1- - - h-- t-T- ~ - - t-r N89'41'1T'[=1] 0 . / I.:..... Lot 7 a a ___~~>~'~< ,^:,.149..l.[.._:rth-28o~::-12o.00'-L~~~~1:-J~ 1:_.2L02'_ll...J[Q.O~_16.J1' \.-~ ____/ .1 tJ'~ \ \ 97.81' . i . (<';<'>:.:>>>>~'~'TT';-::-77.Y7:/5"~'$~'JJ7t'<F'':'''''J2Z"OW.7.0'7---,.....,..- ~.,.--.,.-- ...-------,- -.,.-- -...--- ~ I - - -=-=-=-=-_-_=-=--=I-=-1=-N ~~~)~;;",..j,;~t';:~}:r;\;";;':f'~;fB1~:~:l'>r{::/,::: ":Fi<> / . . .. .' ." . . I u:;;; T L J~ E ~~ ~ 16 '01 7:: ~ ~~);'<<<<<,,:<,<.,:':>>",~)2';"':"'" 'Lc"~L..::~,~,,-.::.~~ f}E;A:r~fL--ANtr~.- - - - ~ -'-- - - - -"-..:..J ~ / / S 79'41'08" W _ 41.05' I \ 1>:<..://.: .'> '/ ~ Sidewalk & Utility Easement < -$,-, \ ':':<':',/:...../ o. (c::,O' R'')V/\ By this plat \ ..? /' 15,B~O~,UNE \..._- ["",'.,,',,0( <J v v) n < ,190,5 6J140? W_-./__-..-~ ~ ~<" ..: ':'. Y, ' C t-. /" / I 45 15 ".. .- t ~ (;:::;:>::./ N 89'56'14" W - J4J 77' 18.26 809' '" 5 89.47'jr'vw,...----85.82'1 t~ --~.,.:~r..'.... --~-- ----1---~[-'-r-O oo-'-iLO-O-O'~---J9 72~ C 1"---'500'18'49"'"-845' - -::-~- 60~ ,-- .,,',.,'..,'.......',...,:.,.....'.....'..'... 149.70 46,09 I 30 00 I 3 I I I . J L - - -/" - -,7-"- - - - - ~ - -,-;;- - - - -;- ~ -1- _. ('>,<,",/ N89'S6'14"W-J661O' .-.-l.-.-l ---l _ ~ _512'19'57"W _I _ _I ------/ /" ~ 589'4111 W-1147J / ----r;-.7')>~.'>J----- ----------- I -- 1 -- I - 11 7B~'~ ,/"" / / I r>:::~'.:.>~;" 10' Utn E t I - - - 2- - 15':lBCOGLINE I I 20' San7t;;~TSewe;:-Ease~nt L _ i L ~Cb, . /~PPROXIMATE LIMITS OF / : 1'.....'.>'<.<,.1 Ii Y asemen I I 1'-1 I r-.. I 1'-1 By thiS Pldt! I \ I -:r + 'J'....~100 YEAR FLOODPLAIN/ [> ;',;'.'."] By thiS plot I' \ I ,0 \ : I \ I I I ... p-- . ,"J// t" /' (':, ",,''., 1 1 G. I c:; G. G. I I I'- 1 I en I I i2-<V / '\ / / 1//....,.'..",,' 21 I . I 10 . I . I \ I G I () ,~/ / Lot 1 X 7' "J," 1 0 f"Tl I G-J f"Tl I f"Tl I G.. I [0 Vl1 'V . "j)\ .' / ~,:>:::~>~;'>mT 1 BLOCK C ~ I t;. Lot C : ~ Lot C : I ~ Lot C : ~ Lotr>l: l~ Lot 2 o~1 ~"J~/:<"'?' BLOCK 1 / ifJ~ ,',,,..',,~\,JI , ::r:: I Po I: ? II 0) ~ II-j':>. C I IN I~' Cllv.1 ~~/ / ()~ /~. CO,Pk,!t,'~,'~,(,','ROAD BUSINESS PARK I: I G 1 :'1 II:~ 2 f"Tl II I;: 3 f"Tl I I;, 4 ~ : ~ 5 I 0'l:11 ~~:II // -'\;: ,,~ V~.tj~j87106, PAGE 4393 ~I 10 ~lll ~I~. ~:I~' 0:10), 1:1 ~// ,Aport/onaf / /,/,:'/,.'7>",,".,", \ . c: 0 1 <.0 0 I 0 I I <.0 / / 22 Utility Easement / ~.,,>,:,,/><,<,,'>',(.I 6 <.0 Z ~ I ~ - I I ~ I , I I I ~ // I Vol 87106, Pg 439.3 ___ '....,' , · . . ... . Lot 2 OJ I f"Tl , I I I 0 H ~ 'l b b d d / ~......'.""..'..,.,:,...;."....:"..:.,.:'.',:.:,',:'...,?'(,.,f.',:.,,:.'.<'.....':lJ I I Kh. -I I r<..J I~ GI HI I .." I I : : I ,:1 /; i b;Othi: ~Ia~n(~;~dea)/' />'>>>,."">>,<<<<'.:<> Q Q orraml I rh :-- -r.-;. -- - - h - ~ - - - - ~ - ~L. - ~ - - - T -..-/ ~:~>:..~>'::::'>~Qt~:';~:~:9E0139, Page 1167 L---It~/:~..: :' '~'t. ~!, f;.t,~",-~ II : , ~ - -"- '>-- '-"'- ,-",-'. t. , , , , I I I < . .' , 0 I I 149.70' 4599' 't. ;:" '~'_ J ,_ _ _ -1:- _ _1!~ _ .L- /" ~.~. ~ EASTj- _6257'_ R/R SPIK[ N 89-S6j14" W 190.67' Clrs ~': : --> II I : I : ,/,/ ~ I ,1/ - , / ,', ,I V1 I I h /.. 1-Q ;r- - - 5 02 . " '."j' I / ! JOY )'J l~sOO'OJ'46"W ':' ~ : : ,I ....:: ()~Sft' I 'J).....~ / /1- / 2358' ,.' 19 II il.....:"\,\fJ: ':';1 Fl!XJOWA>(EASEMEN: Z ...,......' .......1 I t' [?'O ;1' \' ~/J / (BY0HIS PLA T) r- O /.."'. C I /\'..;1 -1..t.r. ..... -1.. ) Ojfo/I,/ / / .,. <: I ,/ I .)......'0.). II ::0 <, -::.: <j f"Tl I I "../" I . \ II'......... ,/ / / '~I ", Eva V~I'. ~~;~s;4f ~~.ro~~96wOII ~ ::::~'::j / '/11:-1l )'~'i ~1" 'll "...z,fl / / / / / / " A portion of ;/'c~' f..t / ":i / 15' UTlllTY EASEMENT ." . ,I..... ':j ,/ ":l/ /;1 / ZONED: H Val. 87106, PC 4393- -" ,I\Y S / ~y / / I " to be abandoned ,'>j ~o/ / I / \ / I by this plot (shaded) " / r...' ..,/ / '\ \/ '- '1 /' 19i;J./ 0~. I --- '- - ,/ ,~/ / 'l' / n <:..:'\ / .' ,. ".. /" '-" ~ :-... ......... - -..... I ~ A'~?-..'/ / 'i-~V '\ / ---......... "........ /61 ':.-,.;:..---' S~() / I ......... ___ ....... 1"..).---"':::" "LO t 3X / / '\i"-~~~' / ~ --- ......... ....... '" --' ---.,.;1' / i"-~ Co'?) / ......... ___ "'--__ I .S~ ..... ..... "5.....89.56 '14"-;, E-- ..... 190.6 r - - - 1 / ( ~a ~o / 1/2" ie' $70, ..... ..... 190 67'" ..... "" / /' V / / _2!!......59.'c_ ......... ......... --- ......... / / 2: __-=-~---- ~______~_______--.J / / o -l --- --- / / ::0 ---......... ---......... / / ~ ~ /1 --- --- ......... ......... --- ___ -../ / / / ~ i .........--- / ~ 18 .........------......... // ~ I ~ .................. / o ,S II ~ /~~ :i ~.~ 0 ~ E:S I 0 (,H O,i"" IVl ~ o..cn 'J _____--1 ....... 5 89'44'56" W - 5168' Lot 1 BEGINNING at 0 7/2" iron rod with orange plastic cop stamped "PIBURN PARTNERS" set for the southwest corner of said Lot 1, and also lying in the east line of Coppel! Rood, (60 foot right of way); THENCE NORTH, along said east right of way line, 0 di~3tance of 136.71 feet to o 1/2" iron rod round for the southwest corner of 0 tract of land described in Deed to Eva 8. Parish, recorded in Volume 2000043, FJage 8096, Deed Records, 001/ 0 s Co un t y, T ex 0 s; THENCE along the common line of said Lot 1 and said Parish tract the following courses and distances: Sou th 89 degrees 56 minutes 14 seconds East, 0 oi stance of 190.67 feet to o 1/2" iron rod with orange plastic cop stamped "PI BURN PARTNERS" set for corner; < o 'n v' 0 o OJ U I --' U OJ N 1'1 ill ti; i= NORTH, 0 distance of 115.65 feet to 0 1/2" Iron rod with orange plastic cop stomped "P/BURN PARTNERS" set for corner; North 89 degrees 56 m inu tes 14 seconds West, 0 di stance of 190.67 feet to o Railroad spike found for corner and lying in said east right of way line of Coppell Rood; cirs U1 -"(J::; '1 Gl i= I . )> ~ --' () G'l 1'1 THENCE, NORTH, 0 distance of 331. 70 feet to a 1/2" iron rod with orange plastic cop stomped "PIBURN PARTNERS" set for the (nost westerly northwest corner of said Lot 1, and also being the southwest COI-ner of Lot 2, Block C of said oddition; "-/ VARIABLE U T/L/TY EASEMEN (SHADED) VOL. 87106, PC. 4393 (ABANDON BY THIS PLA T) THENCE North 85 degrees 32 minutes 31 seconds East, 0 distance of 782.74 feet to 0 1/2" iron rod with orange plastic cop stomp ed "PIBURN PARTNERS" set for the northwesterly corner of said Lot 1 and the southeast corner of said Lot 2; lot 23, Block G THENCE North 07 degrees 13 minutes 27 seconds West, 0 distance of 104.42 feet to 0 1/2" iron rod with orange plastic cop stomp ed "PIBURN PAR TNERS" set for the northeast corner of said Lot 2, said cappe d iron rod also being in the South line of OLD COPPELL TOWNHOMES ADDITION, on addition to the City of Coppell, Texas according to the plot thereof recorded in Volume 2004148, Page 58, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas; I I VARIABLE WIDTH UnL/TY [ASEMENT VOL 87106. PC 4.39.3 VARiABLE WIDTH DRAINAGE EASEMENT By this plot -- THENCE South 89 degrees 32 minutes 52 seconds Eas t, along the South line of said OLD COPPELL TOWNHOMES ADDITION, 0 distance of 298.23 feet to 0 1/2" iron rod with orange plastic cop stomped "PIBURN PAhlTNERS" set for the northeast corner of said Lot 1, and being in the west line of COPPELL VILLAGE, an addition to the City of Coppell, Dallas Coun ty, Texa 5 according to the plot thereof recorded in Volume 80247, Page 1, Deed Recor'ds, Dallas Coun ty, Texas; -- -- THENCE Sou th 00 degrees 18 minu tes 49 seconds Eas!, a distance of 344.78 feet to 0 1/2" iron rod with orange plastic cop stomp ed "P/BURN PARTNERS" set for the most northerly southeast corner of said Lot 1; THENCE South 39 degrees 41 minutes 35 seconds Wes t, 0 distance of 463.54 feet to 0 1/2" iron rod with orange plastic cop stomp ed "PIBURN PAR TNERS" set for the southerly southeast corner of said Lot 7; '0 Access & Utility Eosemen t THA T I, John R. Piburn, Jr., 0 Registered Professional .L.and Surveyor in the Sto te 0 f Texas, do h ereb y cert ify th 0 t I hove preparecl th is pia t from on actual and accurate ground survey of the land, and that the corner monumen ts shown thereon sholl be properly placed, under my per~)onal supervision, in occorda c Wi~~h.. s . isi<?!2 regulations of the City of Coppell, Texas. / // / / ) ./,/ ,. · &LJ.- Piburn, Jr., R o. .t689 ..,.- ~- THENCE North 89 degrees 38 minutes 27 seconds Wes t, 0 distance of 184.02 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and con tain ing 242,0'<:.3 square feet, or 5.556 acres of land, more or less. SURVEYOR'S CERTlF/CA TE (,H <.H -.. . 'J o .. c.o ~ <.0 OJ '5' UTlllTY fA'3EMENT VOL 87106, PI:; 439J STA TE or TEXAS () COUNTY or DALLAS () BErORE ME, the undersigned authority, 0 Notary Public in and for Dallas Coun ty, Texas, on this day personally appeared Johr r:,:. Piburn Jr. known to be the person whose nome is subscribed to the foregoinc;' instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the some for purposes and considerations therein expressed and in the capacity t herein stated. GI VEN UNDER MYHAND AND SEAL or orrlCE, this the __3.~~__ day of _Q.~~~~~-, 2007. ___&~_I!b__~-- NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND rOR DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS NOW, THEREFORE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THA T HAAS ROSE A T LOST CREEK, LLC and JALAL KHORRAtvll, ore the owners of the herein described property, does hereby adopt this plot os t:!OST CREEK ADDITION, on addition to the City of Coppell, Dallas Coun ty, Texas, and does hereby dedicate to the public use forever the streets and alleys shown hereon. The easements shown hereon ore h ereb y reserved for publ ic u til ities, garbage and rubb ish collec tion agencies, or d 011 public and private utilities for each particular use, The maintenance of paving on the utility access and f:'re land easements is the responsibility of the property owner. No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs, or improvemen ts or growth5.; sholl be constructed or place upon, over or across the eosemen ts os shown, said E?aSemen ts being hereby reserved for the mutual use and accommodation of 011 publ ic utilities using or desiring to use the some. All and any public utility sholl hove the right to remove and keep removed 011 or ports of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs, or improvements or growths which in any way endanger or interfere with the construction, maintenance or efficiency of its respective system or the easements and 01' public utilities sholl at 011 times hove the right of ingress and egress to or from and upon the soid easements for th e purpose 0 f con s truc tin g, recon struct ing, p a trollin g, nl ain tain ing, and adding to or removing 011 or ports of its respective systems without the necessity at any time of procuring the permission of anyone, Any public utility sholl hove the right of ingress and egress to private property for the purpose of reading rneters and any main ten once required or ordinarily performed by the utility. This plat approved subject to 011 platting ordinances, rules, regulations, and resolu tions of the City of Coppell, Texas. 1/~ - EXECUTED this, the ~~_ day ofJ.-a~~~~j-' 2008. - ----~~---- JASON RO E, MEMBER HAAS ROS A T LOST CREEK, LLC STA TE OF TEXAS COUNTY or DALLAS BErORE ME, the undersigned au thority, a Notary Public in and for said Coun ty and State, on this day personally appeared Joson Rose, known to be the person whose nome is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknov..'ledged to me that he executed the some for purposes and considerations therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GI VEN UNDER MYHAND AND SEAL OF OFFiCE, this the _~l_L___ day of ~L~'-YJ4~f---' 200~ 1\ ) Nof!if'ruldc'1i:fI;r..9F/it;"'trAAS-COUN TY, TEXAS ~,;,-." ~==;i~"\i ~ \~~l September 6, 2010 i My Commission Expires: ___Y_~L2-~_2[Jj_C____ III~I~ of _______, 2007. this, the L KHORRAMI, OWNER STA TE or TEXAS COUN TY or DALLAS BErORE ME, the undersigned au thority, 0 No tory Public in 0 nd for said Coun ty on d State, on this day personally appeared Jalal Khorromi, known to be the person whose nome is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknov..'ledged to me that he executed the some for purposes and considerations therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL or orrlCE, this the ____5___ day of ~l'DD~i___, 2007. L"'t.F t4 \-1) ~~ laL) N51fR~Y-PUE3LICINANo-rOR-DALLAS-COUN TY, TEXA S M C .. E' \ \ - \ r~ - ~6c.1.) y ommlSSlOn xplres: ____________________ j;' .~ ",.': '~;~. RE~NDED FOR APPROVAL: -~-~-L~------------ CHAIRMAN, PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF COPPEll, TEXAS , __li~~~____ DATE 2J_~~~~----- DATE CITY OF COPPEll, TEXAS The undersigned, the City Secretary of the City of Coppell, Texas, hereby certifies that the foregoing Replot of the LOST CREEK ADDITION to the Cit f Coppell was submitted to the City Council on the Lt..~ day of _______, 2007, and the council, by formal action, then and o c c e p t e d the de d i c a ti 0 n 0 f s t r e e t s, aI/ e ys, par k s:! e a s e men t s, pub I i c pia es, and water and sewer lines, as shown and set forth in and upon said pia t, and said Coun cil further au thorized th e MaYIJr to note th e acceptance thereof by signing their nome os hereinabove subscribed. Witness my hand this g.{L~ day of A.D., 200\.S CONFORMED COpy --jg~~~----------- /A ~ ~ -d~ tory REPLAT Being a replat of Lot 1, 810ck C Coppell Road Business Park LOST CREEK ADDITIO N Lot s 1 27, 1 X - 3 X ; B I () c k 25 Residential Lots, 2 Cammer'cial 3 Common Lots 5.556 acres situated in the JAMES W. ANDERSON SURVEY, ABS1-RACT CI TY OF COPPELL DALLAS COUNTY, TEXA~S OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS My Commission Expires: Robert D. Foster Vol, 75111, Pg. 2579 .,\.-...:~,:v ~#r.J...~\ ~ d~,~l .~. '" ....,. /' .~ ,~. 17'i:'- .:~+ . Of '. John F, Warren County Clerk ~4- Dallas County TEXAS f~f*~~:ft.~:l : . . : - . . - *tfl. . ... .. :.,.t.. ..::' ....,~~f,.,?:F:,~~"" BRANDON LEE MUNDT MY COMMISSION EXPIRES October 2,2010 ZONED: H April 01, 2008 10:40:16 AM FEE: $33.00 20080103717 I Floodplain Oevelopmen t Permit Applicaticn C i t Y 0 f Cop p ell fl 0 0 d P I a in ad m in is t rat 0 r 0 n -----~~-~--- Floodp/ai!:Adm in is tra tor 1 ~ ~S- {3 --------------- FLOOOWA Y EASEMENT (BY THIS PLA T) ~ ," ,~'J , ..~ ~) " ~ ~ OC(J v;m C~ On , Veri zon No.n~ has been filed with the __________1 2007. ~~~ -B\ (~~ ~ DI c.. <J) . . C - 0 OUlW .- lD Z o~o nN ~o o .N , Oncor Date ) Atmos Energy The developer, bu ilder, seller, or agen t shall in form in writing, each prospective buyer of subdivision lots of property located within special flood hazard areas of this site that such property is in an identified flood hazard area c.md that all development must conform to the provisions of the City of Coppell Floodplain Management Ordinance, , Tim e Warn t:;r "'- (0 ~ I") ~ Co '> > <( 184.02' N 89-38'27" W 1 Lots, No. 18 llC OWNER Lots 26-27 JAlAl KHORRAMI 335 MARTEL lANE COPPEll, TX 75019 (214) 734-3604 SURVEYOR PIBURN & PARTNERS, l~C 3445 Highland Rood Suite 205 Dollos, Texas 75228 (214) 328:-3500 CURVE TABLE I FLOODPLAIN NOTE: A portion of the subject property lies within an area designated within the 100-year flood according to FEMA's Flood Insurance Rate Map No. 48113C0135J, doted August 23, 2001. Property is in zone A and zone X OWNER Lots 1-25, 1 x-3x ROSE AT LOST CREEK, 141 DICKENS DRIVE COPPEll, TX 75019 (214) 454-7895 City of Coppell Vol. 4296, Pg. 611 ZONED: H :::0 OJo ~'< o 00 CJl. o IJ:J lOUJ . ri- o o~ 11"/PF 21N T I DEL T A ANGLE 65041'21" 52042 '05" 09002' 56" 67047'43" 80022' 35" ! RADIUS ! 43.50 ! 38.50 i 42.50 159.00 153,50 I . ARC lENG Trl 49.87 35.41 6.71 69.81 I i 84.39 CHC9D DIRECTION is 04047'15" W N 63020'08" E N 69024'05" W N 72048'32" E N 19054'16" E CHORD 47.19 34.18 6.71 65.81 75.91 LEN G TH HAAS i NUM5'ER C1 C2 C3 C4 IC5 THIS PLAT FILED IN Cab_______, Slide_________ October 2007 Sht. 1 of 1