Replat filed wCounty 041408 BLOCK 2 LOT 3A GA TEWA Y BUSINESS PARK (VOL. 2001083, PG. 0019) -~--~ PI HT-OF-WAY DEDICATION J_ 30' DRAINAGE & UTILITY J I (\j~)~: i.)()01083, PG. 0019,~ ~ EASEMENT (VOL. 2001083. PC. I)U191 I ':.,8LU SO. FT. OR 0.133b AL. / I ! F"'R.WI;(~r,~~_U,-_j9'( S88'23'4:'E -5Gb.b? _u - ...- - ~~~~ ~~~ - -.-- _uu --- 848.30' -n;,~.8~ l //k~O~~~AF r - - - - - ~--C-~'-::~~;~:;MEN T --------------------i! -r-----I------------------------------------ry~------l1~1 .'.. ~~ ~~~~~,26': ~+ (;~,rH',_FI-\)~~~ ~.'~~_~_~ ~~~~~~~~_ 745.81'uti~r-~~~~~~~"~~~~~"- _.,,__ ~~ _.~~_,__ "0 ~~. ~~_ 19.~J Ji'.1~,Rl0:1 i L= 163.81' I~ t~J \f(5;~_ -.. - ... -------.-- 52~67':_I-t-C~4-F~E~AN[ u_______ . __un - - .. . ~ll i :~ ~ 18.45 ---r~ --~f \. ~I I my THIS PLAT) P=3U' j 1\. I 10"'l I ~ , JI/ ~ F< 'S4' ~ I l I, ~ II (2 35.7 9 T ~ " - I I I It __ I ' l !FN~~~>i: iJ< ~,;j;[Rf'I[:fl[M[NT ~rt-~l' :~~ 02:~I:~:t::~~~'C[~~:~:~N~ASEMENT ~~o'l~~:t:: \~:,c:iis~i,'9~-I~U il I b 1/ l my THIS PLAn '~I~I 1_' I') 1 "'I '" '" f i ''I "-; I INI IU::, , I 1(1' A T..Ml. S E.r~FFI)( -..Jt "-. - l1'1 I I (" F.I.R. (,AS FA(~l~1H~i -I, ~ V I ;:;~ -~ I ~ ", I'L ""f rEI" ~ ~~st~~C\ GA TEWA3~5.~I~:~~~~.S PARK ~ j I' I II : ~, 81 ! S'~. 8.62 ACRES 30.9L) 1-1 _II' I I co I l1'1 I (VOL. 2001083, PG. 0019) I I 1---1 1 ~, ~j I FF= 527.00 11= 11.56'061 I I;:;! ~ i 130 I N' I R= 250.00' C 'I CD I 'u, .J 11-. T= 26.13' i~, ;~ I I;::. I O[ w:~ flY t .\'::,f-,\H ~j' L= 52.08' . J' V' , I' ,BY lHIC) P:.: I~I (') ':or I ' I ' Z ,..- I ' , , ~ I~ , I' I oJ I " I I, W 'I ~~ g~~.~~:1 p- 2C) ~:r} ~: II I I I /' ~: i ~~ ::~r L ~ ~~~(",?'\:'~p/ :tB 1/ :;. I + I I W A ; f f< f:, ') l ME N ] I 24' FIR E LAN E ~ - . -J\ I, P = 1(1 ,t , , ~ '.t i / 'F~! THI') Pi. .\1, R='~L" -- i' / "- O"-~'''. .~./ R-~'4 ,- _________ ~~ TH~PLAT~__~7~8~___________________________-~-=-.--~-,"-, ,.,- \~~:/,~ ., \',/ ---- --- - ~ - - Z I >. / ~. 50 BUILDING SET3ACK /~ ~/ / R-~)4~. ,"- -rt 548.85' -- -- ----~'....~ ): ~~96ii~,.J ~ " " I'" IZ- ~c20~ -~ ~ ~~~.~ 20'~T~~ EAS~MENT- ~~ ~-- ~ L - 30'(i~OT~I~T~~A~~SEME~T - -- -- __~u/ LAP ~ I ! q' \ 1 :--30 1~ ~ 345.57 _ [_(V_OL. 90138, PG. 428_9) _ ~ _ L __-- ---T---~--~~-~ .___1___ -\4r- U-C'cL- __u_. - ---_-- . - - L . - N4Y23' 42'W -d- - ~~R .~,:;G..:......-:..0~-N8~~~2.W - ------1--------437 .69' -------- F.,.R.o./CA;;------------- 50.20' (C .M.) 11= 23.40'301 R= 794.00' T= 166.42' L= 328.09' 11= 66.25'191 R= 40.00' T= 26.19' L= 46.37' I BLOCK 2 LOT 3B GA TEW A Y BUSINESS PARK (VOL. 2001083, PG. 0019) W ...J U 0::- U~ .- Wil "'Z C' l.D oCt :J: U X W -- 10' GAS EASEMENT (INST.20050437004) POINT OF BEGINNING 11= 00.07'321 R= 457.50' T= 0.50' L= 1.00' Chord Chord ~" ~"" F ,I.R. _~ W/CAP -"'" " -- - ---- ---- S58.02'17IW d's. = 1.00' -- ~ , FIRELANf~' "'", /{= 00'07'?2' h \ I ~~ 6~J65)t0 : ).\\' /\ I L= 1.00' // \ \ SET 'X' ,/ I \ IP.R.C.1 SET 'X' ~ (LOT CORNER) \ ~ < DETAIL // ----~./' GATEWAY BOULEVARD (V ARIABLE WIDTH R.O.W') .-------- ------- ------- ------- .......-- .- ------- ------ -- -- ----- --- APPROVED AND ACCEPTED Bl R"om~~~____________ Chairman Flanning & Zoning Commission City of Coppell. Texas SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE -3.24D~ ONCOR ELECTRIC _ ~.N.D-r"&LL uun - IPt:{l/ ATMOS' ENERGY GAS Date of Approval f - 7 -C3 - -- ~ -- "- -- ApPCC~:Od Ampt A)jkJ\ , / ----- =---~ ' Mayor City of Co~pell, Texas iDa te () f Appr ':lV al j I, ANDREW J. SHAFER. REGISTERlD PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE PLAT SHOWN HEREON ACCURATELY REPRESENTS THE PROPERTY AS DETERMINED BY AN ON THE GROUND SURVEY MADE UNDER MY DIRECTION AND SUPERVISION ON July 13,2007 AND THAT THE LOCATION OF ALL MONUMENTS SHOWN ARE CORRECT, AND THAT THE LOTS, BLOCKS, STREETS, I>VENUES, ALLEYS AND PUBLIC WAYS ARE ACCURATELY STAKED OFF AND MARKED _f2~?_~~_~________ Date of Approval /J. L. H0\. ~I S ---~~--------~--~~---------- (Print Name) L- 7 -0 f -- - -- -- -- - -- - -- --- -lh'/n/ .JJl.. - OU.P"'- /"'_.:2 9~_~/. ANDREW J 1~AFER REGSIS TERED PROFESSlm~AL I. AND SURVE YOR TEXAS NO 5017 mate 0 f Appr 0 v al) {iZ rf.. !fy The undersi<Jned, the City Secretary of the City of Coppell. Texas. hereby certifies that the foregoirg replat of the Lot 3C-R, Block 2 of Gateway Business Park Subdivision or Addition to the City 0,' Coppell was submitted to the City Council on the 9th day of October, 2007, and the Council, by formal action. then and there accepted the dedication of streets, alleys, parks. easements, public places, and water and sewer lines, as shown and set forth in and upon said plat, and said Council further authorized Mayor to ncte the acceptance thereof by signing his name as hereinabove subscribed the BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED, A r,JTARY IN AND FOR SAID COUNTY AND STATE ON THIS DAY PERSONALLy APPEARED, ANDREW J SHAFER. KNOWN TO ME TO BE THE PERSON WHOSE NAME IS SUBSCRIBtCi TO THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT HE EXECUTED THE SAMf FOR THE PURPOSE IN CONSIDERATION THEREIN EXPRESSED, AND IN THE CAPACITY THEREIN ':,TATED VERIZON TELEPHONE Lu, '> (Cv""t\j fj71f1~~ iDate of Approval) (Print Name) ____--- ---7 ------~- ~_. IME WARNER CABLE --At~~~~~-~~-------- (P(~~ Witness my hand this Zl~- day o~, 20{LB GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SE Al J~ OFFICE THE ..d{L~__._ DAY OF il~C~oQ1 __ n _ J)J! Vl!of? ___ _ n _ n IDate oi-APprJVall ;J~u- MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 3/.d7/d,(){ I NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR COLliN COUNTY, TEXAS ,<*:~.~':'>'" ....:,.. '.'.. ...... .,.... - -. .- .: . . :: - . . - -, ,.- ~<:.;.....:,: \\'~:,/ "'I/Id\\' :,':,ldl ,r:~;~,~ ~~d~~;;Te 'oc-l \~, CQrn1l'ISSion f"iJ,re:, J March 27, 2011 FLOOD PLAIN NOTE: 1. SUBJECT TRACT LIES WITHIN ZONE X, AN AREA DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE 500 YEAR FLOODPLAIN AS DEPICTED ON THE FEMA FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP FOR DALLAS COUNTY. TEXAS AND INCORPORATED AREAS. MAP NUMBER 48113C0135 J. DATED AUGUST 23. 2001. NOTES FLOODPLAIN ORDINANCE NOTE: FLOODPLAIN [IEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION NO. uY11tl__u_ HAS BEEN FILED WITH THE CITY OF COPPELL FLOODPLAIN ADMINISTRATOR ON ___uu___, 20u 1. CATELLUS OPERATING LIMITED PARTNERSHIP RESERVE FOR THEMSELVES, THEIR SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, T HE RIGHT TO USE THE SURF ACE OF ALL EASEMENTS, DEDICATED WITH REPLAT, FOR INSTALLING LANDSCAPING AND IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, FOR THE PARKING OF VEHICLES (EXCEP~ THAT PARKING SHALL NOT BE AUTHORIZED IN ANY DESIGNATED FIRE LANES), FOR THE PA~SAGE OF PEDESTRIAN AND VEHICULAR TRAFFIC AND TO CONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN PA"NG ON THE SURF ACE OF SUCH EASEMENTS FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUCH RESERVED USES FlOODPLAIN.AD~~RA~--------- "3' Lit, 0'& _____lL_____________ DATE 2 THE PROPERTY OWNER TO l~jSTALL. SIDEWALK WHEN DEEMED NECESSARY BY CITY ENGINEER 4!i . CATELLUS OPERATING e>r ~.:!9.'!1\tf:\ ~,?:,'~"'R y'..~\ : ~:;;p ;:s: , . ,--' : :OU ~ : CH1 ". ?~"'/1 .~ ". ".ue~..'o .~. ~~ .6''';;;'';,:;'(;0';:;- , . rJ' .' .,. OWNER'S CERTIFICATE AND DEDICATiON STATE OF TEXAS COUNT Y OF DALLAS WHEREAS, Catellus Operating Limited Partners:1ip (succes,or by merger to Catellus Development Corporation) is the sole owner of a tract of land situated in the S.A. & M.G Railroad Survey, Abstract No. 1439. and being all of Lot 3C, Block :), Gateway Business Pork, an addition to the City of Coppell as filed for record in VolLme 2001083 Page 0019 of the Plat Records of Dallas County, Texas, and being in the City of Coppell, Texos, and beinq more [1artlcularly described as follows: . BEGINNING at 0 1/2-inch iron rod with yellow plastic cap stamped "Halff ASSOCiates, Inc " (hereafter referred to as "with cap ") found for corner, said point being the most southeasterly point of a corner clip at the intersection of the north right-of-way line of Gateway Boulevard (70-foot width right-of-way a1 this point) with the east right-of-way line of Exchange Circle (60-foot width right. of-way); THENCE North 43 degrees 23 minutes 42 seconds Wes:, departing said north right-of-way line, a distance of 50.20 feet to a 1I2-inch iron rod with cap stamped "DAVIS" found for corner on said east right-of-way line of Exchange Circle for the northwesterly pOint of said corner clip; THENCE North 01 degree 36 minutes 18 seconds East, along said east right-of-way line, a distar.ce of 276.86 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod with C'Jp found for the point of curvature of a circular curve to the right having a radius of 4000 feet. THENCE Northeasterly, continuing along ~aid east ight-ofway line and said curve to the right, through a central angle of 66 degrees 25 millutes 19 seconds, an arc distance of 46.37 feet to 1/2-inch iron rod found for the point of reverse curvature of a circular curve to the left having a radius of 6000 feet; THENCE Northerly, continuing along said east right-of-wa, line and said curve to the left, through a central allgle of 156 degrees 25 minutes 26 seconds, an arc distance of 163.81 feet to 1/2-inch iron rod with cap found for "'orn-:r, said point being the Ilorthwest corner of said Lot 3C and the southwest corner of Lot 3A of said Gateway Business Park addition; THENCE South 88 degrees 23 minutes 42 se:onds Easl, departing said east right-of-way and along the common line between said Lots 3A and 3C, a distance of 84830 feet to a 1I2-inch iron set for corner on the Wt.st line of Lot 3B of said Gateway BUSiness Park addition; THENCE South 01 degree 49 minutes 46 seconds West, Jlong the common line between said Lots 3B and 3C a distance of 36915 feet to an "X" cut in concrete pavement set for the beginning of 0 non-tangent circular curve to the left having a radius of 45750 feet, and whose chord bears South 58 degrees 02 minutes 17 seconds West, a distance of 100 feet, said point being on said north right-of-way line of GateV\ay Boulevard (variable Width right-of-way at this point); THENCE Southwesterly, along said north right-of-way line and said curve to the left, through a central angle of 00 degrees 07 minutes 32 s('conds, an arc distance of 1.00 feet to an "X" cut in pavement set for the point af reve'se curvature of a circular curve to the right having a radius of 250.00 feet, THENCE Southwesterly, continuing along said north right-of-way line and said curve to the right, through a central angle of 11 degrees 56 minut?s 06 seconds, an arc distance of 5208 feet to 1/2-inch iron rod with cap fOJnd for the point of reverse curvature of a circular curve to the left having a radiu" of 250.00 feet; THENCE Southwesterly, continuing along said north right-of-way line and said curve to the left, through a central angle of 01 degree 58 minute" 49 seconds, an arc distance of 864 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod with cap found for the point of reverse curvature of 0 circular curve to the rrght having a radius of 794 (:0 feet; THENCE Westerly. continuing along said north right-of-way line and said curve to the right, through a central angle of 23 degrees 40 minutes 30 seconds, an arc distance of 32809 feet to a 1/2-inch Iron rod with cap founJ fN the pOint of tangency: THENCE North 88 degrees 23 minutes 42 seconds West, along said north right-of-way line (70-foot width right-of-way at this point). a distance of 437.69 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 37S,416 s juare feet or 862 acres of land, more or 12ss NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT, CATELLUS OPERATING LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a Deloware limited partnership (successor by merger to Catellus Development Corporation) acting herein by and through the duly authorized officers of its general partner, does hereby adopt this plat designating the herein described property as l.OT 3C-R. BLOCK 2, GIITEWAY BUSINESS PARK, an addition to the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, and does hereby dedicate. in fee simple, the streets and alleys shown thereon The street~; and alleys are dedicated for street purposes. The Easements and public use areas. a> sho..", are dedicated fnr the public use forever, for the purposes indicated on this plat No buildings. fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths shall be constructed or placed upon, over or across the Easements as shown. except that landscape irlprovements may be placed in Landscape Easements, if approved by the City of Coppell In addition, Utility Easements may also be used for the mutual use and accommodation of all public utilities desiring to use or using the same unless the easement limits the use to particular utilities, said use by public utilities being subordinate to the Public's and City of Coppell's use thereof. The City of Coppell and public utility entities shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or ports of any buildings, fences, trees. shrubs. or other improvements or growths which may in any way endanger or interfere with the construction. maintenance, or efficiency of their respective systems in said Easements. The City of Coppell and public utility entities shall at all times have the full right Of ingress and egress to or from their respective easements for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining, reading meters, and adding to or removing all or parts of their respective systems without the necessity at any time of procuring permission from anyone. That the undersigned do hereby covenant and agree that they shall construct upon the Fire Lane easements, as dedicated and shown hereon, a hard surface and that they shall maintain the same in a state OT good repair at all times and keep the same free and clear of any structures, fences. trees, shrubs, or other improvements or obstruction, including but not limited to the parking of motor vehicles. trailers, boats or other impediments to the access of fire apparatus. The maintenance of paving on the Fire Lane easements is the responsibility of the owner, and the owner shall post and maintain appropriate signs in conspicuous places along such fire lanes, stating "Fire Lone, No Parking". The police or his duly authorized representative is hereby authorized to cause such Fire Lanes and Utility Easements to be rraintained free and unobstructed at 011 times for fire department and emergency use. The undersigned do covenant and Jgree that public Access Easements may be utilized by any person or the General Public for ingress and egress to other real property, and for the purpose of General Public vehicular and pedestrian use and access, and for Fire Department and emergency use in, along, upon and across said premises, with the right and privilege at all times of the City of Coppell. its agents. employees, workmen and representatives having ingress. egress and regress in, along, upon and across said premises. This plat approved subject to all platting ordi1ances, rules, regulations, and resolutions of the City of Coppell, Texas. WITNESS OUR HANDS, this the __.:8:3_n_ day of J?~lL.L~ 20_;( Catellus Operating Limited Partrership, a Delaware limited partnership By: Palmtree Acquisition Corporation, a Delaware corpor~t~ion. . If its: General Partner / By X ____ '_ ____________.__ Name: John R. rVZzo Its: Man7.Di~ector - lobal Construction BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED, A NOT~RY IN AND;, FOR SllO ~OUNTY AND STATE ON THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED, _n_I-<.L~bn-L<--_L<:L0______u, KNOWN TO ME TO BE THE PERSON WHOSE NAME IS SUBSCRIBED TO THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT HE EXECuTED THE SAME ~-OR THE PURPOSE IN CONSIDERATION THEREIN EXPRESSED, AND IN THE CAPACITY THEREIN STATED GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE THE u~_22u__ DAY O~~~~-#-=-, 20t;f$ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JiL_l~'~~ ( NOT ARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR .bLOl!~ COUNTY, COLORADO un~?~~~_!l_' I _ _p_ 12225 SCALE N o 25 50 75 100 150 I SCALE: 1"=50' ~:.,-OLJI':, t. SOU~HWE.STERN Rt.JlROAD . _ ___= sou~_~~~.~_~_D~~~_~_ IHJOIll1r1Hl LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE LEGEND: S.I.R. W/CAP I/Z' SET IRON ROD W/YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED 'HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC' I/Z' FOUND IRON ROD W/YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED 'HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC' F.I.R. W/CAP FND.I.R. 112' FOUND IRON ROD P.R.C. POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE SET 'X' 'X' CUT SET IN PAVEMENT C.M. CONTROL MOMUMENT NO. 1 2 3 4 5 CURVE TABLE DEL T A RADUIS TANGENT LENGTH 6.= 35'27'05' R=25.00' T=7.99' L=15.47' CHORD BEARING S19'19'76'W CHORD DISTANCE 15.22' 15.22' 5.76' 18.51' 55.81' IF 35.27'05' R=25.00' T~7.99' L ='5.47' ~16'07'15'W IF 13.13'31' R=25.00' T=2.90' L=5.77' SOS'13'04'W 6.= 55'08' 14' R=20.00' T=10.44' L = 19.25' N25'5 7' 49'W 6.= 55'25'59' R=50.00' T=31.52' L=58.05' N40'18'37'E CONFORMED COPY -.\. "'.... ~ .':11 ',' _ "';:, <1 OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS 'C 'J~ ~> ~~~if:;. ~~ ;~~~~. 7~ '1 I>f--(lf ~,'~ John F. Warren County Clerk Dallas County TEXAS April 14, 2008 02:12:11 PM FEE: $33.00 20080120800 SURVEYOR: ATTN:ANDREW J.SHAFER HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. 3801 PARK WOOD BLVD, SUITE 500 FRISCO. TEXAS 75034-8650 (214) 618-4570 FAX: (214) 518-4574 OWNER: CA TELLUS OPERATING LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 4545 AIRPORT WAY DENVER,COLORADO 80239 (303) 567-5000 FAX: (303) 567-5605 LOT 3C-Rp BLOCK 2 A RE-PLAT OF LOT 3C, BLOCK GA TEW A Y BUSINESS 2 PARK AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF COPPELL IN THE S.A, & M.G. RAILROAD SURVEY, ABST. No. 1439 DALLAS COUNTY , TEXAS FOR LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 4545 AIRPORT WAY, DENVER, COLORADO 80239 BY HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC, GREENVILLE A VENUE, SUITE 200, DALLAS, TEXAS 75243 1"=50' (214) 572-2272 AVO 25322 DECEMBER,2007 8 1 " ,p - ::' '",I. C!J rl, REI L' 3":- r 0" [) U,. d (] n. S V - L L GAL = 2 ~ 3 22 . CJ!J 1 1. ':, V P L A T - 25322. d CJ n