AGNREQ Nine Month EXT 031108 AGENDA REQUEST FORM THf:.CITY.OF DEPT: PLANNING March 11/ 2007 corrELL DATE: ITEM #: 8/E o WORK SESSION o CONSENT D REGULAR ITEM TYPE: PRESENTATION ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of a nine-month extension to the expiration date (December 12, 2008) of the Alexander Court, Lots 1-29, Block A Preliminary Plat, to allow the subdivision of 29 single-family lots and two common area lots on 18.5 acres of property located at the northwest corner of Bethel and Denton Tap Roads. GOAL(S): EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On May 17,2007, the Planning Commission unanimously approved the Alexander Court, Lots 1-29, Block A Preliminary Plat. (5-0) On June 12, 2007, Council unanimously approved the preliminary plat and granted the Planning Commission Final Plat Authority. (6-0) On January 17,2008, the Planning Commission unanimously denied the Alexander Court, Lots 1-29, Block A Final Plat. (7-0) Please see the attached letter from Walter W. Leonard dated February 25,2008, requesting a nine-month extension in order to await the finalization of this plat and its approval. The Planning Commission does not have the authority to grant extensions. If Council were to approve this request, this preliminary plat would expire December 12, 2008. FINANCIAL COMMENTS: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends approval. ACTION TAKEN BY COUNCIL: APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON ABOVE DATE Motion to Approve M - Peters S - Faught Vote - 5-0 Tunnell & Franklin absent . Libby Ball ~. . 2008.03.14 16;33;47 -05'00' @AlexCT, Ll-29X, BA, PP l-AR (con) r c. D - L I - ..:: '" '" t;j 1 1 ;;J;J H 1'1 W H LIt:. k W. L t:. 0 N A R D 81 733509~.2 P.02 WALTER W. LEONARD A TTORNEY AT LAW ONE SUMMIT AVENUE SUITE 1010 FORT WORTH. TEXAS 76102 1317.336.6538 FAX 1317.336.0932 EMAIL wwlfwlawOluno.com February 27, 2008 Ms. Marcie Diamond City of Coppel! Planning Department 255 Parkway Boulevard Coppell. TX 7.5019 VIA FAX #: 972/304-7092 RE: Preliminary Plat Extension/Alexander Court Dear Ms. Diamond: I have spoken thismoming with your attorney, Mr. David Ritter. and he has asked me to send you this letter by way of confmnation of our request for an extension of the viability of the previously approved preliminary plat for the Alexander Court !lubdi vision and to request that the extension oftime be in an amount of nine (9) months. It is my understanding that nine (9) months is the maximum extension possible and we would like to do this in order to allow a variety of pending issues to all be resolved although I do hope that the time for getting the preliminary plat superceded by the finaJ plat will certainly not take that long. It is my understanding that this specific request is sufficient for the purposes of the Planning Department and the City and J am also including a copy which we sent several days ago requesting the extension of time on the preliminary plat, in general, and hope that these two (2) together will be sufficient to ensure that this matter is processed by the City. Obviously, if there are any problems or anything further is needed, please do not hesitate to contact us or to contact Mr. Ritter and have him relay such infoonation. Very truly yours, '1 I I " I ~ 'A 'i ~../ / '~"/ti..;., ......., .,".',.' " .; .- ',"'- (.:~ ,"L,. ,.'i":"~:~,,(r' i-' " 1---....4' WALTER W. LEONARD WWL:cd cc: John Hawkins David Ritter RECEIVED :FH t ;., )'100 --. ' ! L IJ [l PLANNING DEPARTMENT encl.