CCPHACT Letter 021208
February 13, 2008
Mr. Alex Bennett, P .E.
Duke Realty
14241 N. Dallas Pkwy., Ste. 1000
Dallas, TX 75254
RE: PD-221 R4-HC, Duke Lesley Addition
This letter is to inform you that Case No. PD-221 R4-HC, Duke Lesley Addition, zoning
change request from PD-221-HC (Planned Development-221-Highway Commercial) to
PD-221 R4-HC (Planned Development-221 Revision 4- Highway Commercial) to allow
two oversized Monument Signs to be located in the medians of Dividend Drive and
Point West Boulevard (one at each location), was approved by the Coppell City
Council (6-0) on Tuesday, February 12,2008, subject to the following condition:
1. Obtain right-of-way use agreement through the Engineering Deportment.
In order to prepare an Ordinance, we need to assemble appropriate documentation.
When this has been completed and Council has approved the Ordinance, a copy will
be sent to you.
As a reminder, the zoning change sign can now be returned to the Planning
Department for your deposit reimbursement of $150.
If you have any questions, please contact the Planning Deportment at (972) 304-3678.
cc: Building Inspection
255 PARKWAY * P.O.BOX 9478 * COPPELL TX 75019 * TEL 972/462 0022 * FAX 972/304 3673