Staff Report P&Z HEARING DATE: STAFF REP.: LOCATION: SIZE OF AREA: CURRENT ZONING: REQUEST: APPLICANT: HISTORY: CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT Alexander Court, Lots 1-29, Block A Final Plat April 1 7, 2008 Marcie Diamond, Assistant Director of Planning The northwest corner of Bethel and Denton Tap Roads 18.5 acres of property PD-220R-SF-12 (Planned Development-223-Revised-Single Family-12)) A Final Plat to allow the subdivision of 29 single-family lots and two common area lots. Owner: Mr. John Hawkins Mira Mar Dev. Corp. 6003 Sunderland Drive Colleyville, TX 76034 (817) 996-6698 FAX: (817) 329-1792 Surveyor: Sempco Surveying, Inc. 3208 South Main Street Fort Worth, TX 76110 (817) 926-7876 FAX: (817) 926-7878 In 2003 staff initiated several rezonings and Comprehensive Land Use Plan amendments to provide consistency between the built environment, the Land Use Plan and the Zoning Map. With this tract in particular, staff initiated a Land Use Plan Amendment from Neighborhood Retail to Low Density Single Family and a rezoning from Commercial to Single Family-12 on approximately 14 acres, leaving the remaining four acres of frontage along Denton Tap Road for non- residential uses. At that time the property owners opposed ITEM # 6 Page 1 of 4 the rezoning, but did accept the amendment to the Land Use Plan. On February 13, 2007, Council approved a Planned Development district and a Preliminary Plat to allow for 26 single-family lots to be developed on this tract of land. Due to the number of outstanding conditions, an Ordinance was not brought forward for adoption. On June 12, 2007, Council approved an amendment to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan designating the eastern portion Residential, Low Density, and a revised Planned Development district and a Preliminary Plat to allowing 29 single-family lots to be developed on this tract of land. The increase in number of lots was due to the potential relocation of the flood plain line to the north. Council also granted the Planning and Zoning Commission the authority to approve the final plat on this property. On January 17, 2008 Planning and Zoning Commission denied a final plat on this property due to the following issues which were outstanding: location of the 100 yearflood plain line; correction of the sewer easement note and graphically indicating the location of this abandoned easement; and the resolution of the boundary dispute. TRANSPORTATION: Denton Tap Road is a P6D divided major arterial built to standard in a 120' right-of-way. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North - SF-12 (Single Family-12) South -PD-1 08R-SF-9 (Planned Development-1 08 Revised- Single Family-9), and PD-1 089-SF-9 (Planned Development-108 Revision 9-Single Family-9). PD-1 08- H (Planned Development-1 08-Grapevine Springs Park) East - R (Retail- hair salon) West - SF-12 (Single Family-12) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Coppell Comprehensive Plan, as revised in June 2007, indicates the property as suitable for Residential, Low Density. ITEM # 6 Page 2 of 4 DISCUSSION: As discussed in the History Section of this report, a Final Plat for this property was denied by the Planning and Zoning Commission in January of this year due to three issues that were outstanding at that time; the location of the flood plain, a the inclusion of a sanitary sewer easement and a boundary dispute. FLOOD PLAIN On March 27, 2008 staff received the official revision to the floodplain map (LOMR) from FEMA. This document was dated March 24, 2008 and has an effective date of April 24, 2008. The location of the 100 year flood plain line generally conforms to what staff and the applicant's consultants anticipated. The only change to the plat necessitated by the FEMA revision is the minimum finish floor elevation for Lot 11 needed to be revised from 493.7 to 494.4. This revision is now reflected on the final Plat. SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT As discussed at length at the previous Planning and Zoning meeting, there is a 40 year old, 12-inch clay pipe approximately 8-10 feet below the surface. which will continue to exist under the building pad area of 14 lots. The use of this sewer line was discontinued in 1993/94, so the easement may be abandoned by council action, which is tentatively scheduled for consideration at their April 22nd meeting. Typically, abandoned easements are graphically shown on the plat to give proper notice to a potential buyer that something does, or did exist underground. Ideally, staff would prefer that this existing clay pipe be graphically indicated on the face of the plat. But, due to the pending litigation, we have been advised that the inset graphically indicating the location of this line on the second page of this plat would be acceptable. BOUNDARY LINE DISPUTE This dispute has been resolved between the property owners the revised boundary line is appropriately reflected on the final plat. As stated in the history section of this report, City Council has authorized the Planning Commission to be the final authority on this plat. ITEM # 6 Page 3 of 4 RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff is recommending APPROVAL of the Final Plat for Alexander Court, subject to the plat not being filed with Dallas County, until the sanitary sewer easement is abandoned by the Council (4/22/08) the after the effective date of the LOMR which is April 24, 2008. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Approval of the request 2) Denial of the request ATTACHMENTS: 1) Final Plat ( 2 sheets) ITEM #6 Page 4 of 4 I 1 I...J, 'W, I:::::~- ~I 'Ill' I , . r- I m:lVA31f10B I en I :JNOH.LSI"lHV W' ,~: I 1 ~, ~ I I~ ~ I~ :r: I ~~~ z :; ~ > li';: mi !Ii .o~ t '5; ~~! ~~ ~~~ i~~:~ i~~ ~i>- __~ il~ g iiHi m--- i 8 ~ i . " ~~ ~ 0 . ~ 5 'u ~z~~. "''i''',3 - -.~~~~ ~ ... g: ~ I;;; ;~~~ cri~ G H.LnOS ;~g~ !'"~ o~,-_ dVl N01N~r-__:,;o ~! "-_I - - .-;;;;-.. .....h." ; ~ 3 .ZO,ir.OO S'" ~ ."1-;01 o , . !i ~: tf) g. N. ~ ; ~I ~. " ~ - 1 . I I; .Oijl,oo; , ~\ N I /', ; 1:1', ~~ ' ..r ~. ~~,: ~" ,~ 0"'0 ~~~ .;;1; CJ) ~ > <r ~ -. / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m / / o ~;~ ~~;; 'me ~g/ /'" /'" 't;\ 7"",' "1:- ?'(, / ~ .~~ ~~ ~ ';; ~/: S' i I I I~ I I~ i J~ I'r 1":,!I'81' I ,H i.~ I~ I 1 ~i -1.i! I ~ ; l ~ ~ a I ! . '", ~ I ! i ! co ~ ~ t , . ~ ! , . 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