RP Filed w/County 032408 STATE OF TEXAS DALLAS COUNTY STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS OWNERS CERTIFICATION Executed this ___~___ day of __~:~~~___, 2008. WHEREAS KTR COPPELL LLC is the owner of 0 tract or parcel of land situated in the S.A., and M.G. Railroad Survey Survey Abstract No. 1439, Dallas :=ounty, Texas, and being parts of Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, of the Minyard Addition, on additioll to the City of Coppell os recorded in Instrument No. 200600241509 and 20070196493, Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas (D.R.D.C.T.), and also being port of that tract of land described in Deed to Minyard Food Stores, Inc os recorded in Volume 80037, Page 2327, (D.R.D.C.T.), and port of that tract of land described in Deed to Minyard Properties, Inc os recorded in Volume 84146, Page 2788, ( 0 . R . D. C . T . ) ( now k now nos M i n y 0 r d r:- 0 0 d S tor e s , I n c ) ,J n d be i n g m 0 r e port i cui 0 r I y des c rib e d 0 s follows: By: KTR Coppell LLC By: A. Dona Chose Senior Vice President BEGINNING at 0 5/8-inch iron rod with cop stomped "Transystems Corporation" found for corner at the intersection of the south right-of-way lile of Bethel Rood (0 variable width right-oF-way) and the west right-of-way line of FreekJrt Parkway (0 variable width right-of-way); THENCE South 01 degree 24 minutes 00 seconds West. along sOld west right-of-way line of Freeport Parkway, 0 distance of 1,788.23 feet to 0 po nt for corner on the north line of 0 tract of land described in deed to Dallas Area Rapid Transit Property Acquisition Corporation os recorded in Volume 91008, Page 1341 (D.R.D.C.T.) From which 0 1/2-inch iron rod with cop stomped "Horizon Survey Co." bears South 31 degrees 13 minutes 23 seconds East, 0 distance of 0.29 feet; STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS Before me, the undersigned, 0 Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personolly appeared A. Donald Chose, known to me to be the person and officer whose nome is subscribed to the foregoing instrum,'nt that he executed the some for the purposes and considerotion therein expressed, and if the capocity therein stated. THENCE South 87 degrees 24 minutes 00 seconds We~t, deporting said west right-of-way line and along said north line, 0 distance of 1,838.73 feet to 0 1/2-inch iron rod found for southwest corner of said Minyard tract arld also being the southeast corner of 0 tract of land described in deed to United Stotes Post Office North Texas os recorded in Volume 87108, Page 3399 (D.R.D.C.T.); Given under my hand and seal of office, -~~;.':;;;;""" Th is _ n 13:!?-____ day of JJ "j ^ _"'- AA 7/ __, 2008 ./ZJ ~~~;;~1~:!;~1'i:if;, ~~.=L:.-Zr-- ,,,, March 27,2009 .>".....,..~~~ N~~~~i~~~d1iC~~~~ ---- ----------------.------------ THENCE North 01 degree 44 minutes 17 seconds East, departing said north line and along said common line, 0 distance of 822.33 feet to 0 1 I~ -inch iron rod found for corner; THENCE North 88 degrees 23 Illinutes 16 seconds Wes" continuing along said common line, 0 distance of 14.08 feet to 0 point for corner from whic h 0 1/2-inch iron rod bears North 69 degrees 06 minutes 48 seconds East, 0 distance of 0.45 feet; THENCE North 01 degree 36 minutes 44 seconds East, continuing along said common line, 0 distance of 1,187.42 feet to 0 1/2 -inch iron rod with cop stomped "Halff Associates, Inc." found for' corner on the south right-of-way line of so d Bethel Rood; THENCE along said south light-of-way line of Bethel f'oad the following bearings and distances: Floodplain Development Permit Application N'I _____ has been filed with the City of Coppell floodplain administrator on _ _____________________, 2008. South 7 9 degrees 4 5 minutes 3 4 seconds East, 0 d i S tJ n c e of 4 36 . 2 6 feet to 0 1 12 - in c h rod with cop stomped "Halff Associates, Inc." found for corner; Iron Floodplain Administrator Dote South 88 degrees 40 minutes 08 seconds East, 0 disllllce of 1,147.30 feet to 0 5/8-inch iron rod with cop stomped "Tr-ansystems Corporation" f Jund for corner; SC!)th \')' 0t?~r-1?(~ Li!~ n';'-':~!~~'22' :?o Ssc:'.::;~.j~ '/.'c::, .::; c;=~,;cc '-'I 1 ~\.~)!~ f-cc~ rod with co p sta m ped "T ra nsystems Corporation" 1 omd for corn e r; 1,- .' rc; /0 ...~, '-...-I '-./ / U II I " I ro ~-I South 88 degrees 10 minutes 40 seconds East, 0 dist'JIlce of 245,95 feet to 0 5/8-inch Iron rod with cop stomped "Transystems Corporation" fe Jnd for corner; South 43 degrees 34 minutes 02 seconds East, 0 disl'Jnce of 20.99 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 3,464,229 squore feet, or /9.528 acres of land, more or less. Utility Company Receipt Acknowledgement: OWNERS DEDICATION STATEMENT 8JJ.'l'f-I BJk.____ ___ __u __ ____________ Energy_ ~'ji'___ Oncor NOW THEREFORE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That, KTR COPPELL LLC, being the owners 01 the Qbovf; described tract of land, does hereby adopt this replot os Minyards Addition, Lots 1 R, 2R, 3r-; & 4R, Block 1, to the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, and do hereby dedicate to the public use and benefit forever the streets and alleys shown thereon for 011 public purposes includng but not limited to 011 street purposes and the right of the City of Coppell and its 'Jssigns to lay, install, operate, repair, replace and remove and reconstruct any and 011 public utilities including but not limited to water lines, sanitary sewer lines, drairlage and storm s';wer lines and canals, gas lines, telephone poles and lines, electr'ic power lines and app Jrtenances. The right to establish grades on soid dedicated streets and alleys is hereby granted to the City of Coppell and 011 claims for damages which may arise by reason of changing tie present surface of said streets to conform to said grades ore hereby waived. The City of Coppell Wili Not be responsible for the Operation or Maintenance of the Private Detention Pone Easement. Operation and Maintenance ore the responsibility of the Lot Owners of This Additioi. Atmos Verizon ~ ------------ --------------------- ~~~------------------- Time Worner The easements shown on the plot, Save and Except thO? Private Detention Pond Easement, ore hereby granted and dedicated and reserved for the mulual use and accommodation of the City of Coppell and 011 public utilities desiring to use or usil1g the some for public sewer lines, drainage and storm sewer canals and lines, gas lines, telephone poles and lines, electric power lines and appurtenances. All and any public utility and the City of Coppell sholl hove the right to remove and keep removed 011 or port of any reside lce, building, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements, growths or obstructions which may in any way endanger or interfere with the construction, maintenance, operation or efficiency c f the respective utility in, on or under said easement strips. The City of Coppell and 011 publi( utilities sholl at 011 times have the full right of ingress and egress to and from and upon said easement strips for the purpose of constructing, reconstruction, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining and adding to or removing 011 or port of the respective systems without the necessity at any time of procuring the permission of anyone c' ~~:\~:~ CONFORMED COpy 3:~~~~ OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS '>~,/ f74-- -f jtclf ~.t"" John F. W arren County Clerk Dallas County TEXAS March 24 20 , 08 03:01:40 PM FEE: $55.00 All lots in the subdivision sholl be sold subject to the building lines shown on this plot, and the m i n i mum bu ild i ng setbac k lines in 0 II City of Copp(~11 ord i na nces. JON E 5 & CAR T E R, INC. I' I I. " '1:"! ~ I r. I ' I r ' n r , I:.. \, 'l' I', I, II I I, I I I' 'i"i'P', f' . '-' I " ! Ii I :', I' i ,\ 1 '. 1..~., ," It, j :' r ; . 1\ ( " I SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS I, PHILIP E. ADAMS, Registered Profes:3ional Land Surveyor in the State of Texas, do hereby certify that I hove prepared this plot from on actual on the ground survey of the land, and the monuments shown thereon were 'ound andlor placed under my supervision in accordance wtih the plotting rules anj regulations of the City of Coppell, Texas. This ____~~___ day of ___~~_~_____, 2008. PHILIP E. ADAMS Registered Professional Land Surveyor NO. 5610 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS Before me, the undersigned, 0 Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared Philip E. Adams, known to me to be the person and officer whose nome is subscribed to the foregoing instrument that he executed the some for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and if the capacity therein stated. Given under my hand and seal of office, This ___Lg~:..___ day of d~___, 2008. N;i~i~~~-~~~~~~---.------------------------------ ~_ Iv. I 'l\"~~':!~III... I ,''.tAj'' ti:~:::) 1 "',::,;nF;\~""~ 111111\' JOANIE R, WEISENBACH Notary Public, State of Texas My Commission Expires Ml:1r~1'l a1. 2009 Recommended for Approval: _ -'1-~- r( JL:--_____________________ _____ Floodplain ~~~t,trator City of Coppell, Texas "z. \ I.V'g ~-------------- Dote R~t;iJiiva~_____ _______H___ Chairman, Planning and Zoning Comn;;ssion City of Coppell, Texas ~ ' VJ,?/O Dote 031/0<6 Mayor City of Coppell, Texas Dote The undersigned, the City Secretary 0 the City of Coppell, Texas, hereby certifies that the foregoing final plot of the Minyard Adjition, Lots 1 R, 2R, 3R & 4r.,j3lock 1, on Addition to the C of Copp I was submitted to the City Council on the _Lf:'!!.b-_ day of --- ______, 200'&..1 and the Council, by formal action, then and there accepted! t e dedication of streets, alleys, parks, easements, public places and water and sewer lines, os shown and set forth i 1 and upon said plat, and said Council further authorized the Mayor to note the acc'?ptance thereof by signing his nome os hereinabove subscribed. Witness my hand this .2.1_:4:/;____ YYJ 0l /1 / , _ day of __.!_L-I~___~__________, A.D., 2008 REPLAT City Secretu 20080094576 MINY ARD ADDITION LOTS 1R, 2R, 3R, & 4R, BLOCK 1 BEING A REPLAT OF LOTS 1 & 2, BLOCK 1 OF THE MINYARD ADDITION BEING 79.528 ACRES OUT OF THE S.A & M.G. RR SURVEY, A-1439 CITY OF COPPELL DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS JANUARY 2008 DEVELOPER/OV,NER: KTR COPPEU. llC 300 BARR HARBOR DRIVE, STE 150 CONSHOHOCKEi I, PA 19428 PH: (484) 530-1800 FAX: (484) 53)-1888 SURVEYOR: ENGINEER: ( ~ COTTON roWEV'''' COMPANY 3030 L8J Freewey, Suite 910 Dallas, Texas 75234 Phone: (972) 488-0440 Fax: (972) 488-3882 J ~ JON E S & CAR T E R,INC. · ...... ENGINEERS. PLANNERS. SURVEYORS 3030 LBJ Freeway, Suite 910 Dallas, Texas 75234-7747 (972) 488-3880 PFA/DI7L SHEET 2 OF 2 ISSUED DATE: JANUARY 2008 JOB No. D224-002 DWC NO /252 LINE TABLE L1tjE BEARING DIS [ ANCE L IN15:1 4'26~-E 68.89' L2N-15:14'26' [: 9339' U ii' 2U~:~4: t~ 95596' L~_. N 01'36'44" E 11399' L5 ~lQ'.~t~Lt '}~~~~: L6 N 01'44'17" E 437.72' L2_ S 15:40'01" Vi 4742 L8 ~QI:EIL~- -61.14' L9 N 88'15'43" W 584.89' L I 0 5BB: 15'43" [: __ _ ~~?c2~ L115 01:44'17~ Vi 69128 L12 501:44'I?"W ,n 68979' L 13 S8B:23'16~ E__u~~~ZQ: L14 fJ8B-23'16' VI 29900' L!~, ~ Ql~~~:~4:~ 69874" LI6 2..Q!':'~~~~~~ vy... --BBI40' L17 N 88'2316" W~=j~~.QQ' LI8 ~~~lIl~~ 29899' L19 N 01'36'44" E -.--IS6.6B' L20 [j~[~Q'Q~: .Vi.~~~~.~Q' L~.!. _ ~ ~!l:4():()L~ 80069 L22 5 59'10 19" E ,- -67BS'- L23 ~ ~r.li[lL[ ~'-325:j' L24 N 01'24'00" E ---67i92' L25 IT 9IE9Q: e- 1480.4B' L26 .;!~~:~?QCl~ ~ 4305' L27 5 88'36'00" E --3938' L28 N 0,:24'00" E: --, -~~~~E L29Noi;24'06~ [: 68223' UO N BB-07'OO' E ----75.69' UI 501;24'60" Vi- 64475' U2 fJ 8B-36'00' 'ii- - 137.92' U3 Ez~~(jQr ~_' ~ BB42' U4 N 01'24'00" E 610.62' U5 B (jiEili2: ~ _-59490' U6 5 88' 3600" E . 24590' U7 N6B;03'2B'E: "-17442' U8 5 6B'o3'2B" Vi 170.98' U9 501;44'11" W 682.29' L40 50;:44'11" 'Vi --6B694' L41 58B-15'43"E: '':- _'2Q~.~r L42 5 B9:33'59" Vi 75.34' L43 ~.. ~~j~~9: ~ ---106.20' L44 S 15'4001" W ., '-47.42' L45 5 01:44'11"1'1 ---, 44B53' L46 510-5229" E:--7733' L47 58B:2.1'i6"nE: 32094' L48 5 BB-23'16" [: - 32222' L49 fj8B-.16'00~ 'ii' -- 3;553' L50 NOI:24'OO' E:-- 55299' L51 5 01;24'06" Vi ,-- 60S 09' L52 N BB-.16'OO'Vi '1413/' L53 501:49'20" Vi ,- 1463B' L54 ~ ~~j~]Q~T ., -100.14' L55 5 01'24'00" W ,- 9B9.1' L56 fj Bif36'OO~ Vi --- 77.21' L51 5BB-36'00" E: -'--2321' L58 B JJiEQQ: L 4493 L59 S 88'3500" E -17.49' L60 N 01:36'44" [: - --69B:74' L61 5 01'49'26" 0 149.30' L62 N 8B-2.1'iYVi _n_ 1000' L63 ii 21~~~'4LI ___~j12~' L64 N 01'36'43" E 6096' L65 ii ~[n~: W-n - 4419~ L66 5 52'2309' E- -- 4700' L67 N 55:27'31" 'ii -- --, 485' L68 5 ~i?:l~:~~: I -- ,-. 10.00' L69 N 01'44'16" E ----1000' L10 5-B8-IS'44" [ " 1000' L71 5 01:44'16"0 1001' L12 564"S9';5" [: 688' l73 5'01'.1645" Vi U8' L74 Ii 01:56'45'[ - ---137'9' l75 NJ ;'1 I'OB"'W ----, 525;' L16 fj 31'11 'OB' Vi un. -- 52SI' LII NO;:.16'43'E --'-6.B2' L18 N 01:36'45" [ --- '976' l79 5 8B:2.1'IY [ '----1060' L80 50;:36'43"W 1000' L81 50;'36'43" 0 1000' L82 5 8B-2.1'17" E --- 1000' L83 588:15'44" [ - - 10.60' L84 Noi;44'16' E----' 1000' L85 501:44'16"0 - - 1000' L86 5 88-IS'44'[ '--10.00' L81 fjlo-i2'16' E: 22061' L~!I. N 10: \ 223' E - 2 i 9 ; B' L89 ~,~[~6'00r.L --11.50' L90 N 88'36'00" W -==~Q22::' -L91 ~SOI'2400" W _~OO' 1.92 - N88-36'00"Vi 2060' L93- N 01'24'00" [ ____-]200' L94- 5 88-36'00' E u_20()(): 1.95 5 01:24'00"' Vi 2000' L96 -N 8B'3600~W ----2000' L97-: B 2n~'9X T _-='-''-'_~QQQ' L9B S 79'2926' E ___~()QQ 1.99 r~ 09: 20'1 5~~ ~()()Q: LIOO Nag: 19'1 6' E 30.00 L I 01 5 7g:50'26~ [:' - -no-2000' Ll02 S88-17'5i" E__ ~~.~~' I. 103 NPOI;42'09~ E 2000' L 1 QI B ~~J Z'~i: ~ =-=}Q:2Cj" ''L I 05 ~@~Q\LI'!. ]CJ"CJ2'- 1/2" SIR W/HALLFF CAP UN 11 E D STATES POST or r I C l NOR fH lEXAS MAIL PROCESSING CEN 1ER VOL. 88158, PG. 3639 D.R.DC. r. OWN E F\ JIIE UNllED S1A1ES POSTAL SERVICE VOL, 87108, PG. 3399 D.R.D.C. 1. 10' UTlUTY EASEMENT L62 fj I , 10' I~ <0 I 1<0 -..11 1-..1 I l ~ ".(~ L68 Ce ~6J ] 0' ~7~rn~k AL l70 L74 \ L 7 ('\ \ ('" , 0-\ ~ L79~'~ L77-i), L78 L8 H 80 L82 NTS 1/2" FIR BEARS N69'06' 48"E, 0.45' 1/2" SIR W/CAP -J/ / ~_~~~ 98 60' - ~ / B -- ~ ----n_,___ __.L. - -- _ _ -:J 9 ~ VOL. 97056, PG. 1150 ): PRIVATE DE1EN1ION POND (~, -1/1 E S M T 299,99 5 SF \ /-11 I (6.887 AC.) l~ 0" ~6"<:::~-- --, ~- -.--~- ..,'" / :1 I I I ----+----14' FIRE LANE ,c ACCESS ESMT. I ~;Y THIS PLAT I I I I 01 <0 -11 I I I I I I -11 OJ 0/ i. 10,xlO' ONCOR ELECTRIC / !)EUVERY ESMT " "0 BY THIS PLAT ~ \] <0 \<<:38 -- -- ~ ---..1J1L ~ \ \).------ ~ ~_ ~ L13 lIP V\ iJ & itct~~ g~ f. .. . \ BY THIS PLAT \~\ 1/21 Fl1 1 O'Xl 0' ONCOR ELECTRIC ~ ~ DELIVERY ESMT o 01 BY THIS PLAT I I I I I I I ~I I I w . ~ <0 I") . ..... o z CURVE TABLE ------- CURVE RADIUS ARc.lEN~lH__ cHoR:DLENG1H CHORD BEARING- DELTA ANGLE C I 30.00' 4540' 4 I .19'----- N44:45'30"E~- B6"45'0ci~----- C2 5-4'.4'2-" -- 47.26'-~ '-550-53'55"( -10.3"55'SI~'- lCJ"OQ_ - .. U 700.00' 130.08' 129.90' - S-82"47'.35" 'Vi 10-.38'51- C4 11.00' 1521' 1403'---' - S3T47'2Y fU- 79:1J'24~'~ C51100~ -17.20' I~~()'=--~ B,jE~'~2':_L~ Bg:.14'40"--- 4--7.-12"-- 42.4' S 46'24'00" W --90'00'00;'-' C6 ~.()Q: u_ ~ CI 30.00' 47.12' -4245,-'-----"- -5"45"24'OO"W" 90-00'00; ,-, C8 3000' 47.1 Y----. 4245'---" N--4.3"36'00" W.90"00'00~"'- C9 3600'-'- 47.12' - ---- ~~~~:=:.:..__-_~~n~:22=r=90-00'00"---- C 1 0 30.00' - 47; 2~--- _un 42.43' S 46'24'00" W 90'00'00"--- ~H _n ~~~~_~ ~nr~~~.~ lHr=:' tifHig;'F-~ ~6'~~~~" ---= Cu' ,13_ _,_ 30.00' 4052' .1751'--u. ~!!~[2~:~~~I-7T22'5s"-- (;1 ~__~~QOO'5B92'------ 5892' - , _~ ZZ:()~J~:~, -3:16'46"---- C15 65000' 264Bi'- ,- 2629B" S 79'43'44" W 2.3"20"32"'--- C16- j~~:_ 499i'-' 443s'~'_~[~~~lI~L~-9s-19'09"-~- CI7 100000 32046'- jl9Qg' N 7/'14'19" E lB-21'~-' ~ ~ :'i~~oW ~~%~r ~~-- - ~r6f~'''.'' _~ ~H~E[- IH~~F~: C20 3000' 4712' 42.43'- N 46'44'17" E 90.00'00.'..- C21 _ ~:Q['_~ EI~:-___=~~~ 42.45'--- T43'1~'~3=L: 90;00'00' C22 30.00' 47.06 42.38~.- S 46'4031" W '89"52'27"- C23 3006'-'- 47.19'- ---, ~~~L----~ jIl~Yi'-.l'i,-=90-67'.35' C24 ~CJ(): S349~ ,_n 46.68 S 40'3208" W'!'Q.2':'CJ9~I~~..-=~ C25 ~()'<J.CJ:_ 4719'-- 42.47~ NU4YI9'29" W" 90'01'33" C26 ~~()Q:. B4.94" 7645' - Nd4.Y19'29'w" -90-07'33~-- C27 30.00' . i S.44-- 15.27' N73'55' 14'1'1- 29'29'49~---- C28 j~QQ: S497' 52~5'-- no_ N28'55'10'W- 60"34'19'-' c,:~~ _ ~~OO 2326'-- ,- 22. ;9'--" ' N28-53'10"'w- 60-54'19"- UO 3000 47:1 2,n--..- 4243'~'.' S43;25'16~ T- 96;00'oo~- UI I QI6-,-00'~ 39.07' -- - 39.61"s' 89'20'49'-[:- Z10'2S"--- ~~r-':'__~CJ.Q():-- 47.12'~ 42.43' n----N43'23'16~'Vi- 90-00'OO"~- (;~~_ ~Q"OQ"__ 47.12' ------ 4243' d_ N46"36'44" E -90-0000~ ---- c,:~~ __ 100.00 2319---u2373,u---m-S08-25'3S. W- .,5;37'42"--- C36 _ ~QQ()..u. 4712' --42.43' 54.3"25'1'6"" [:- 90;00'OO~'-- U7 ~QQCJ: 47 12' - . 42.45' 546'J6'44'-W- 90-00'00~- U8 30.00 47.IY - 42.43"5-43-23'16.[90'00'06'---' U9 - 12400" 2630'--. - 2625'-- sU(j.j:n'S2; [- 'lz09'15"-' C40 100.00' 2143' 2i39'- N04'24'06""Vi-- '2:16'46;-' C41_ ~CJOQ():, 2431' - 242S' N OB-42"09"C 1.3"55'43~- C42 12400 50.14' .3001' 508-42'09. Vi'-1555'.i4"--' C44 '!Q~()O' 2379'23.7.3' -S 08-25'35' Vi ,- 1537'42' --- C45 ~()Q():_ 2684' 2487' N 37:03'01' W"76-S4 '03~--' C46 2400' 5.14 5.15'-- N 04"24'06~W--1Z16'46~--' C47 12400' 50.14'- 560/'-' N 08'42"09'T-'1.Y55'45~-"- C48 100.00'- 243;" 2425'-- 508'42"09"W-'II~'45'':'::': C49 3000' 4712"'42.45'-- 5 4515'43" [--90'00'O0~ C50 3000' 4712' -..,- 42.43' ,- N46-36'44. T-- 90-00'00'--- C52 3000 41.;2'- 4243"- S46;24'0ci~'W'90-00'oo~--- C53 3000' 41.12" ,- 4245'--' 5 ~n~'()o:r::' ~CJ:Q2~_,_ C55 .1000" 3359'- - .3181' 527'0531" E 64'09'36" C51 _ .!.()0_0-'00.....17.94' 37.95' -- -- 5 B9"20'49"[:- ZIO'25"oo'" C58 5400' 848Y- . 7637' 54.1';5'4.1"E' 90'00'00; C59 3000' .1490' _ .12.97'----' 'N'34:43'44"[--66" 39.28.---- C60 3000' ,- 4 7 IT 4243' -' ,- -S. 4536'00" E- 9o;00'00~-" C51 30.00 47.12' 4243' N. 46:24'00~ ['-90-60'00"-'- C62 30.00' 47.12' ' 424T ---- ~- 5'4.Y36'0ci~ E- gcroo'06~ -... C63160(jO'n~?QQ~'~-- 26512' N 38'06'02" Vi- 78'4B'04~--- C64 ~3600. 21363 19233'- i,T43;36'00~W' 90:60'00' C65 30.00' 46.98 4232' S 46'28'18" W 89:43'08" 1/2" FIR (C.M.) r:\rR(1.JECTS,11224 KIP (:nr<lnl rodne", ,(102 M'''yn'rl Arlrl,l,o" Correll I") I") . r---. ~ . ..... o z a r 1147.30' " . L20 ~r<_ ~__~ _- c~ =~-~- .~... .....~~~l2L I =--:-~3~;;~ - . ~ ~-=~-~-..~ ==-1f=~~!zc:::.i<,) -- ~10'X15' UTILITY L ' --- /i I I ''-..< ~(1 EASEMENT 30 FIRE LANE 10'X30' UTILlTY"/ I I 1 ~ 5 & ACCSESS ESMT. ~ 1 VOL. 97056, PG. 11 0 BY THIS PLAT EASEMENT I I u> VOL. 97056, I PG. 1150 f , f f I 15 T.U. ELECT --.-., I ESMT. 1 VOL. 97056, PG. 1150 I f I I I I I I I " " I I I I I I f I I I I , I I , , I , I I I I I I I I I I , I , I , I I L J , VI I :'j 30' FIRE LANE -~-I & ACCSESS ESMT. I BY THIS PLAT I I I I I I 1 1 I I ~I I I I 1 I I I I /~I I II l/ I II I I I I I I I I I aJ I I :'j/ I I I I I I I ,I I I ~ J I I I I , I LOT 2, BLOCK 1 MINYARD PROPERTIES, INC. VOL 84146, PG. 2788 DR.D.CT. /i)~= -== -, I I I , I I I I I I I" I I~ I I~I I ,..,1<0 I~ :J1 I 1: : I I I I I I I I I I w 3 I I b I I ~ I , o I I ) l ~--------("~'? 0J'o"--- ~ ~ ~ ~ L48 - ~J" v~ ~2J'16" W_J96.80' --- J ~-... S' v L47 ~ ~ I ( 24' FIRE LANE & ACCESS ESMT, I BY THIS PLAT I I I I , I 1 I I J NI [I :J1 1----1- 30' FIRE LANE I / & ACCESS ESMT. BY THIS PLAT I I I I I I , I I I I , I I ~--- ~L18c~ ~c-_c-_=-__:'~ J L17 ~ 24' FIRE LANE - - - --- ~ ~ ----.....0r & ACCESS ESM T. BY THIS PLAT I I I '" 30' FIRE LANE & ACCESS ESMT. BY THIS PLAT LOT 2R, BLOCK 1 1,122,117.70 SF (25.760 AC.) 1'" UTILITY ESMT. B' THIS PLAT I I I , I I I I 20' EXPLORER PIPELINE ESMT. VOL. 88012, PG. f. 10'XlO' ONCOR ELECTRIC DELIVERY ESMT BY THIS PLAT l.BJ LB5f ~4 I I N 89"33'59. E j.J 29.69' I 1/10' UTILITY ESMT. \ BY THIS PLAT C) 0 I I '2?'----~ I -L-- 31 ~ --j 1----- [~~'S~dEN~LE~TRIC / / VOL. 95195, PG 4017 I I 0840 Val. 95176, PG 4268.J1 ~ L43 r30' FIRE LANE & ACCESS ESMT. . Ll_o. . BY THIS PLAT. ~9 L41 ---C5T-' ~_. ,.----- _ C.31.1 1 Q :B.c. ------..... ~6' ------..... 0~ \j BETHEL ROAD (VARIABLE WIDTH R.O. W.) LOT 1 R, BLOCK 1 1,768,215.80 SF (40.593 AC.) I I I I I I I I l 0,9 ....... _l,.2 LOT 1, BLJCK 1 MI~~YAf~D r)f'~OF'ERTIES, INC. VOL. 80037, PG. 2327 D.RDC T. ....._L27 v''--- ( ) I I I I / I I / I I I I I I I I / I ~I / --+0.50' ---r-- 24' FIRELANE I & ACCESS ESMT. BY THIS PLAT I I I I I o 011 v 1'1 ~ -1/ I I I / I I I I I ~ ~I w . " ... ~ ... o z s 01"44'1t W 49,99 L-148.74' R-354.26' 6-24'03'22. C LEN-147.6~' BRG-S 4214 00. W , ~ ~ -,---1:.,'\ ? 6''------ ~ c,~/J, 7 ~_____/ vtf? 30' FIRElANE-t---! & ACCESS ESMT. I BY THIS PLAT t /(J .--- Jc:' FIRE LANE & ACCESS E9.o1T. B'r THIS PLA T \..-1.J?J.../.... ............ \,~1............ ............ ............ 91 <01 ~I -11 I I / I 1------24' FIRE LANE I & ACCESS ESMT. / BY THIS PLAT I I I ~)g E! aJ -1 J ",9"- - -- 0~ <9 ~__ -1 cri .................... .---...... ,.............. ............. ............ ............. ............... ~ ............ -------- ---C" ............. ~ ....-/ C,B 15' T.U. ELECTRIC EASEMENT VOL. 97056, PG, 1150 N-:: at-: ' ~ _1 S 81'24 00 W DALLAS AREA R,\PID TRANSIT PROfJERTY ACQUIS\ TION CORP. VOl. 91008, PG. 1341 D.R,D.C.T. (10D FOOl R.O.W.) I , ----~~'--+-'I-~-- - -- VARIABLE WIDTH: : [~I!! I I DRAINAGE ESM T I - -- ,---- VOL. 97056, PG'. ,1150 ~ ~ I ~I 60 B.L. I ... ... ~ , 0,.., J z ~---t---24' FIRE LANE ~t. 17 I & ACCESS J ESM T. I I L BY THIS PLAT ~ ,_L '=-~ ~ r ,I ----..1-54 .-c.; 0" ~IQI~ ~ , (: -.......... ~ ~ G ~" ~~ I I: ~ ~ : I I: \: I,', 1_ : I 24' FIRE LANE~l I I II & ACCESS ESMT. ,I I BY THIS PLAT I I I I " I LOT 3R, BLOCK 1 :g ~ I I: 273,761.60 SF -11 06' L5 (, (6.285 AC.) fL,-~6 ~~1 1--j--L-24' FIRE LANE I .-- '-, \! & ACCESS 0-' ,ESMT. I ~ o( I BY THIS PLAT ~ I I ~I : , g : I I: I: I _(II. I I~~ II ~ - 15' T.U. ELECTRIC ESMT. I ~~::J I 'VOL. 97056, PG. 1150 ~ 0.. , I I I w ~VJ I I -1~~ I (~ I ~~~: I I: I > : I I I N 01.24'~. , I S 88'36'00. E 258.30' 65. 25 "-.y I I I 15' T.U, ELECTRIC ~--- ~ ~ EASEMENT <0 I ~ I VOL. 97056, PG. 1150 , I N 88'36'00. W 411.00' , 1 -- L49 ------ L32 "~ /1 / I \ \ ACCESS ESMT. I / \ \ BY THIS PLAT ...J _ ~ / I. \ I L9~ / I I I I I 20' x 20' I I I / \ I UTlL. ESMT, I I I I I I BY THIS PLAT I I / I I J I I I I \ 24' FIRE LANE- ,- I & ACCESS ESMT. I \ BY THIS PLAT I I ~ 1 I I \ I I I I I I 0 I I I \ I ,~ I \ I IN I I \ I I I I :- \ I 10 I I IL0T 4R, BLOCK 1 I I Ul I I \~00,133.90 SF I, : I (6.890 AC.) I L102 I ~I ~I II II v '" ~ J, lEg 03! L1 05 ~I \ \ 20' x 40' ~ I L 10 " I I \ UTIL. ESMT. fD I I BY THIS PLA T ~, : I I I 24' FIRE LANE- /- I I I & ACCESS ESMT. I I I I BY THIS PLAT ~I 1-30' FIRE LANE I I I' ,I & ACCESS I , ESMT. \ \ BY THIS PLAT \ \ I I : I I I I I I i I I ,1-: I I I L92J I I 20' x 20' ) 19 ~-JI ~ UTIL. ESMT. .':j ~ BY THIS PLAT ~ ~ 88'36'00. E 41..!~' v' 0S~ 891 ~C'" 0~ ~~' -- oJ . ... .... ~: ~ . 8 ~ ~ ... o tn ~I " ~ " ~ . 8 ~ ~ ... o tnl I -------- L36 I I , I , I I ~ VARIABLE WIDTH FIRE LANE & ACCESS ESMT. BY THIS PLAT -1 cri I , I I ==J ' I I , - - - -' -' - - - ..=--..=-'..1 - - - -=-- ~- ~ ~- ~ ~ ~ -- =--=-=- - - - - - o <0 15' TEXAS U TlLl TIES ELECTRIC CO. ESMT. VOL. 95176, PG. 04274 VOL. 95195, PG. 04023 5' UTILITY ESMT. VOL. 79128, PG. 3210 JON E S & CAR T E R, INC. GATEWA Y BUSINESS PARK VOL. 2001083, PG. 19 D. R.D.C. T. ROW DEfJICA TION 200422~, PG. 12339 5/8" FIR /W/TRANSYSTEMS CAP (C.M.) E --I ~ I :~!P.O. 5/8" W/ :: TRAN YSTEMS (eM.) I I , I , I , r. J L r CAP o 20 60 100 ~ 200 \- 100' 300 ~'1 UTlLlTY ESMT. VOL. 97056, PG. 1150 WA TERLlNE ESM T. VOL.94248, PG. 5081 24' FIRE LAN & ACC:::SS ESMT. BY THIS PLAT >- <( 3 ,....., ~ ~ 0:::: d <( a:: CL. F!: 0 ~ ~ I~ 0:.. ..oJ , CD C -<( ~ 0.. -<( ~ > '-' W 0:::: LL SCALE: l' -------------- ~.~ IIy 63 _________. ~ ,5 -------- ~ ~ _.--------~.~-~~' ~ '---......,., .~ ---......-. , ''-. ..'-.... >- 3 ~ 0.. r- cr:: o 0.. W W cr:: LL j/ .5' L1TY ESMT. VOL. 97056, PG. 1150 10'X1 ' UTILITY ESMT. VOL. 97056, PG. 1150 7. 'X16' WATER ESMT. V . 94248, PG. 5076 LOCA TION MAP NOT TO SCALE LEGEND FIR SIR 1 /2 " SIR W/CAP FOUND IRON ROD SET IRON ROD 1/2-INCH SET IRON ROD WITH A YELLOW PLASTIC "HALFF ASSOC, INC," CAP NOTES: EXISTING STORM WATER DETENTION EASEMENT, SHOWN ON RECORDED PI AT (VOL 97056 PG 1150) IS NOT DIMENSIONED AND NOT LOCA T ABLE AND IS ' to BE ABANDONED BY THIS PLAT. PRIVA TE DETENTION POND EASEMENT SHALL BE OPERA TED AND MAIN T AINED BY PROPERTY OWNERS REPLAT MINYARD ADDITION LOTS 1R, 2R, 3R, & 4R, BLOCK 1 BEING A REPLAT OF LOTS 1 & 2, BLOCK 1 OF THE MINYARD ADDITION BEING 79.528 ACRES OUT OF THE S.A & M.G. RR SURVEY, A-1439 CITY OF COPPELL DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS MARCH 2008 DEVELOPER/OWNER: KTR COPPELL LLC 300 BARR HARBOR DRIVE. S TE CONSHOHOCKEN, PA 19428 PH: (484) 530-1800 FAX: (484) 530- 1 888 1/t' FI W/HORIZON SURVEY CO. CAP BEARS 31 13'23"E, 0,29' 150 ENGINEER: SURVEYOR: It ~ COTT~ SUR~YI~ COMPANY 3030 L8J Freewey, Suite 910 Delie~, T exes 75234 Phone: (872) 488-0440 Fex: (872) 488-3882 J ~ JON E S & CAR T E R, III C. .. ...... ENGINEERS. PLANNERS' SURVEYORS 3030 LBJ Freeway, Suite 910 Dalias, Texas 75234-7747 (972) 488,3880 ISSUED DATE: MARCH 2008 SHEET 1 OF 2