AP Filed Dallas Co 082908 '" , , "'--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- HIGHLAND DRIVE o <( 0-- a:::~ a:= 0...:5 <(J2 t-~ CI) ..0 Z .2 Og 1-- Z W Cl N 33-28'26" W 65.64' / / / " I I / / I / " R=266S,00' L=668, 71 ' 0=14-22'37" C LEN=666.96' BRG=N 7S29'1S" W -- -- - - - - --- - - - - -- --- - --- i~' UiIL. ESMT. / CAF:--Y~ ClG. hfdF'(TIenton County) . lY// . Fil,,, #20D8004589C (DOll os COcJniy) IRF ----------------------- - ..- -- -. - - - --DEN rON -- cbufffY- ~-- - - ... - '-". - ... ... - -- - -. - -.. . DALLAS COUNTY ~ 'I...~ ~..... 'i .;) <:- 0'::> vO <::) c; c:, ~*" o~ ~e> o /, :'\: C> ~v ~'V 0<:- ~ ~, # ~~tO ~ b.. :,\rv o() A. :'\t rv 6" ~":> . (j' v q,~ q, ~, PJ~' ~ w' ~':l ~a l),<:5 w' ~o . N ~~~~ :,) <:- 0'::> vo c; <:> ~ or::, *- ~O ~ 00 (j<c;, 'lJ<:- ~ ~v~~ ~~tO rv'", '?- :'\ rv ()() 0'" ~'? . rv (,. v ~~ q, ~. 9~' ~ CV R>':l ~ rv<:5 ~ov 20' STREET & SIDWALK ESMT. 20')( 20' U Tll. ESMT. h.CAEf Y,-PC'--'187-(Dehnton-CaunTY)~1 \-C."'8-:-'1: PC:--f87-'(Elenion County) File #20080045890 (Dallas county)) \ File #20080045890 (Dallas County) I '\ 1 ~~lJ~_.~S_~'.h'_. . (75' ROW) N 84-38'19" E !CAB. y, PC. 187 (Denton County) I \ I File j,i20080045R90 (Dallas County) 68.56 71f8 0 ~. i \ ~--rr-- / !---~-~i'~~----~9-S2.:.....-._"p"____ 15' UTiLiTY ESMT. --..--___... loj~--j II l:-:tr 393.02 I \ , 1~~~-#-;b6~~~~~9~j(r;~;~~~t~~~~{y) l--~____h_"-- --'=:=-====-.~~ =.==E=~:J"-~IL-_- 1 - t---:: . u_~--=====-~=t=-\===-=== -_ ;-T;-;J)- - '~-=:::::'I- - -/-v , ~_-' ------- ,,/' __.'_.. /'j,,,;!'-""',-,,:,,, uu ' /t"<~ECTRI AL ESMTu U - uT ; 1i~~ r1'!/ (/ i J~>';;:-' "-::" . --- - - n - /-'>'~ ~~~N~: {~ - ~~~(iie~ i;';- - c~u~ty jPl-pp .. . .. - - . - - n - .. - : /;;/ t J '-.......,,~ / / I FILE #-1--------- (DOII.OS. C oun. ty) \ /1: ~ I . ~ ~ / / / / L_15' UTILlTY_~AS~~DH ___ __.__ ...... \ I I!I I ~ \ / / ' ~A~ YJ. SL.. 2.?1 (penton County'j \ . : :: i : . , / / ' ~/AB. r, SL.. 2 / 1 ~ Uenton Coun.lYt ) \. 24' r IRELA.':!l:~q. A~CESS ESJ..'l.:.... J--_I -I- I: III I ~ ~/ / t .J,,64 JOL. 2004238, I G. 241 (Dallas ountYCAlCY., PG. 18RDenton County), ' : 1:1 : / L63 _ - - lit) F'lle #200R004~8qO (Dallas Countt) 1 10' SmEET & ~!DUVA.l_K ESM1. _1: I: 1 I -r - - J~ I CA1T-y;-'PC-1-87:-DerltonCountyj- ~ :::: : . __ II t' -G-r _ - -"1 L67L66 I File #20080045890 (Dallas County) ! I II I ~- - L..... I 0 r--.. I I Ii I / .... I I II I )/ 1<"> N I I II I LOT 7 f'/') I I II ' / I I LO T 6 f'1: :::: 2.862 ACRES / ~I 112 l f I II I I ~.... ~ 6.855 ACRES I I II I .... I I I I, i () 1.Q~hJ)J-~JfJ'JIIQ~...lA.~U011JJ_.____.____.__t__. h_~'_ :: 20' SAN. SWRESMT. .. .. L: I CAB. W, SL. 271 (Denton Coun1~) . I :: . CAEJ~-Y,--PG~'187TD8nTorl-couri1yj--' : I CAL-J. F.. Sl.. 271 (Den.. ion Coun ly) If': I: File #20080045890 (Dallas County) I II I VOL.. 2004238, Pc. )41 (Dall(]s County) N I II I ...:: i: 1: I IOOi 1\ 6,1.... I N I I, I I 7 I /B I I, I I 'I / I I . -_II.. _'_W~~hI.LJJlD.J'..I.~~EM..I;.U_L____ I / ': ._~. r ICAB. w, SL. 271 (Denton County) : / '1/ II : i: : 0~~.' jboSl2j~:lp&De~1~?n(g~~nstY6ounty) I ~~ I I ' \ /1: I I II I / I II II I I / I :: 1__?j....i!.~_E_LI"--~E__~_r~l~~ES~iT-'_.iI:/: / ': II :}: \ [ ~~~'#io6~8~O~~~9c?(~~~~asC~U;l~~tY)! I: 1 II " I /1 I t r -i--1i~-F"- . C8n .l/}-~-~LlO~---_ It. .-:\: /"/- ~ ------ ./-r-/----r-.. f---- __ I II / / I I , -- - - __ _ _ .. I I I / I I - I I, I / -' I I I I I. / - '1 I I' , <. ~ ~ ~ , -.. I ::; I , 6' I----{" " I II : -.;:/ I \ _ _ ~ """ -.., . '" I II , J- _ ~ " I , !, R .~ \ " , : j: U/ 'L --- ' r" i Ii-- ii LOT 5 i riff ";; :: :; 1.188 ACRES ~I ~..... ~g i f' :;1 I I..... ~o 0 I I^-' I 15' ELEe. ESMT. C I I ", ': I , :; ~So I I I 20' SAN. SWR. ESMT. II BY THIS PLAT I Vl (J) 1 i--.-t-~CAF'Y-:--PG. ----rR7(O-er;ton County) I :1 w ,..... ro I......"""";! I fCile #2008()().d5S90 (00110<; County) I II I .~'f]. ~ \ i I Ij (>>1 f'~II~~ i i I :1 I ~ ~I...J ~ >--~ : : II ~--~i ~1~.FI~~~~i~T:7 -fo{ffo~J~SJ~\y~1 :II~ ; i ! :: : File #20080045890 (Dallos 'joun)y) ('J () lL. : : I !: I / I : I I /1 \ / / I I t I // I \ g. I -1' I \ j; " I :: " '..... '_ __ _ ____ __ ___ _j-_..... / '-J : : F \ \ L1 fr'-......... I .J.-.l----------~7 ' I I I ! C ", I --k : /~ -. . - --~(-.V.p2 ',-....., : I I \ I / ,... \ -' .... '-_. I I \ I : \: / .....~,,, ~~/ 1-..........-......................... ... ~ "'-.......z..... ..... I : : 3:1 I II. (' ()..'......---.............. .....'.....1, I I I' ~"....., -........ I .......... , t I I II I "- -.............. I A.....- o I I' I \ \ '.....,. ............... ,...... li7"......-_. It) I II I Cl -, ...............: ~ _ __ . I- J II I d-' \~ " __, .................... _ ' ........ ' '- __......_ ~ ~ I I' I lJ! I ....., - ' -l.. ::J ...-10 I II I l \ ',...........-_.... '_ bl r..::::: LOT 1 \ . .....,--- ",..... '- ~ r- ----. o ~::: : \;~-.-1-.--,-_....7--- ~~-' -'-_, _'_ z: ::: : 1.034 ACRES I I ; r-- '.....~ //.7-----.-----........ -.-(22------ Ii ii i ~I: LOT 2 I ---i<~-/---.----..- -.I------~........-~h2)- - -, I !I Ii:: I'" 1.110 ACRES 1 -- _ .' -- -_ _ __ ' I I 'I ..... ~ / _ __ I I . _ _ ., .... ;/0')( .30' UTlL .tS~"'l -, I I~' : I ' . _ .. I I . I - -____ j ",-' CAB Y, PG lh-; ,rknton County) ,\!:I I .1Q..2.~_t'!.~_?WR. E~Ml,___.__~--_ - r'''-I f! L 20' C;Ni SWR1ESMT \ r lie #2008004')890 (Dallas COc.nty) , '~I \ I CAB. Y, PC. 187 TDenton County} I t I ......... _n-_.--"'__-__-' --'-r-'.. '-"-C' .. 'I' " I \ File #20080045890 (Dallas County), I"" II CAB. y, PC. 1 7 \Denton ountYJ' 5/8 ~ /' I ) .... File #20080046890 (Dallas County)1 IRF ;-'\ \ " () I I I ' ':L \: \ ", j , I / 24' FIREL.:4J'!..E_~_AS:~E~~ ESrv''..T I I .....,,'t' " .' ...../ CAB. Y, PC. 187 ~Den1on County) I : .x/ i"'<>...... . ..... '_, 8 B! 1~' SI>._t'i.:....SEV.iER E5M2.. / () File #20080045890 (Dallas coun~ : ,/ ~-"'1' -..;-~> . '-.. 11 7~JOL. 95009, PC. 1921 (DallaS Count,Jy) LOT 3 NI I :1<::>-.. --::::::::> '--, I J CAB. W, SL. 271 (Denton County) / ...JI: .....<:::::::>..., <....:::::::::::::__ ~/i .'1 ~~~.~20042~'8. PC. 2.41 (Dallos COlniY),." I 0.917 ACRES I ; ::'~-" -<:7-./:::::' - ! .,----, / ~ 15' UTILITY EASEMENT 1 L()T 4 : -- ':-'/ \CAB~-W'-'P'G-:-2-7'i--(D~~ton County) 0.861 ACRES : '" ~"<~~~(, :j!::::,<::>, ~--"- '. /./ - .Q,L16 \\VOL. 20042.38, PC. 241 (Ddlas Crunty) ..,7'..... .....- -- / I 15' SMI. SlWL8.LSMI.-------------i --.....:>-.. -,..- / h \ I \ ' C>\R--f~SI--271 (Denton County) I " ,.-.....:::::, --- --::::::::>I~:! '#.....-_ " 1 C' fJ W c_l 2;'1 (Ccnto~l County) " -,~ '....., "I.:~..., ct)1 -t.--.. ) I "h ,-' -" I '\ ~ CCJfIIS"-. -.. I \-:1- .-- __ VOl. 20D42j8, PG. 241 (Dallas CountYf---- -'-___ _____ __ ~ :.::::::::::::::/__ 'I ........_.__.:-~:;!~__ \ ______..____ ) ------ ...... 1-_ -_ /" 1"'-_'--_l---_ / I - -j- . ._-:C$~~:~ ~~~~.:.~~;-::--:c:<,::iL:_.- ~.~.'.~ . ~/ " / ~~f.#;~'6!~'~~~:~T(~)~~:~JSC~~~~(Y) -.)----___-1....."7 ----.:::--:..-::...~-.::--- 1.___ ----'::.~-.-.-~ r-- ~ "- ---------J .--~___==7--=::k-..--:'~_~"------,,-~,---_,_~--_; / POINT OF 1-- -. ------.- ......It ~:2- =--- --.... 1---1-:.7"">.~-~ BEGINNING I - -- '-- -- -. --t.------- -~-::--CJ~--~~~-;~:;~~~"-- { -. - ~ ~~ - - -- -:-- .---1. -- I -- ~- -=-::-- _. I 6, STREET_.k.. SIDE:VALK 12>~C'~-~-"""'" --.. _ I _________ ellB. Y, pc. 1877Uento~ COYilty!. 1! -____ ~.lILlTYJA?s.~.s~ rile #200800/r589'o (001105 COUill yJ I, / ~ - _ _ __ CAB. F, SL.. 271 (Denton count~ iRr' --______ CAB. W, SL. 271 (Denton County) ACe VOL. 20042,)/j, PC. 241 (Dallas County) ESS DtN~ E CC#9 S'A 4ROOOOOOr-- Tt HIQ --------_______ (variOble 'fj W A v --------- ~~~~121 ~ .- . <0 ~ o ..- . -ct o . o eX) '" ,,~ ~~ .;)<:- 0.::) ,p C; <::) o~ ~ClD.J r+- /. ~ C> 0'"" ~'V 'lJ<:- ~ ~v~<::) tS~tO ~. b.. :,\rv 00 ~ ",l rv c"~'? . c,. v ~c, ~ ~, PJ~' !:::) w' c" ~a f),,<:J w' ~a ,,~ ~....~ ------ .;)~rO'::> cP v *- <::) ~o<:- ~Clr::, oC; ,,<:' ~p ~ ~v~~ ~~fO \It'~~ ~l), 00 O~ t>..t? I'), (j' v ~'c,. ~ ~ ~,';:)~~. w' c" ~a rv<:5 w' ~o ,,~ t-~ ~~ 0'::> cP C; <::) 0<:- 'S::-Cl~ oc.,+,c,<c;, fi.~~C> <Qv~~ ~~tO ~.~'?- ~rv 0<) ~~t? .rv~. v q,c, q, ~. 9J\lt' ~ w' R>" ~o <:> I'); w' ~o LLJ ,,~ ~....~ .;)<:- OV cP C; *- <::) o~ ~oD.J oC; & 0~~~C> ~v ~~ ~~fO to, b.. ~ l), 0<:> .il. ~l rv c"~'? . (,. v q,~ q, ~, 9~' ~ ~. R>" ~a l),C$ w' ~C$ . CX) .- o 'oct CON <0.- Nb o rn LEGEND IRF Iron Rod Found IRS Iron Rod Set N ____ DENTON COUN ry LIMIT ::--"~~c::::...~:.--==--Dm:tJ\$-COUNTT L1MTI' ---~--- SH 72, ~~~___ -~--:::"""-=-.::::-:::.. 120' ---1 LOCAllON MAP HIGHLAND DRIVE EASEMENT LABEL INFORMATION CURVE TABLE No. Delta Radius Length CH. L CH. B -c6onl64~30~5-2: .-32:50~- 136~-59~ 34~69' -S33~4r16:E _C~~[~~~~~5~~ -107.50'-145.43' 45.09' I ~1'1.53'~~8_W- C62j 2412'50: .8~50:J~.8?~ 3~.61J~11"53'44_~V/ ~::p;~2;~ :~. 1;;;' -.t~:~:: ~::~~: r :;~:: ~:~. C65l221 1'48" 97.~;-F7. 77'37:5.4'~10:.3'13~V/ _~~_~_ 01~~2." __ _~o65.0_~~_~5.00' _1S~~0' _ ~6_~-o~'~~~ C67 I 221 l' 48" 82.50' I 31.96' 31.76' N10.53'13"E -----1----. ----1 C68 i 4110'118 62.50' 44.91' __~___.~_ __n__'_ .__+ ~__..__~_"_.._ _n___" _____ ..______...._... C69 24.24'42" 92.50. 39.41' C70 2412'50" C71 I 2412'50" _1._______. '-'.__'_'__ -C72 I 64.30'52" ' 43.95' N20.47'478W ._- -"._----_.--_._. -- ._.--_._-..~-- ,- 3~~~~_1 N11'59' ~~"E 4?' 90~1~~2~3' 44 "E 38.80' I N11"53'44"E 18.68' I N33"41'16"W 97.50' 92.50' 41.20' 39.09' 17.50' 19.70' LOT LABEL INFORMATION LINE TABLE No. I Bearing I Length ~~ l-t~l~~~~~1 ::'.::: L3- r 521 :S9'07"W . -4-2:65~' -+--------_._~----_.- -~~-+- ~~~:~ ~'~~"~ - ~ -~-~~??'. _LS_. __~01~'41..E__t_ 37._~~~ L6 S45'38'19"E I 65.64' --~---1-.._------_. _~?_._ __S_~: 2' 4_1~~____~~07~~~ ~~-t- SO"1 ~~41 :~_J _!_~~~82' _ L9L. ~~~?~~~~~--r !57.58' _ L10 N89.47'17"E I 25.00' ~-------- S012'41"E I 311.80' .._.._.___... ___.____._. +.._n_.. L12 S012'411lE I 43.04' -- --+----~-_i_-----_.~-~ .~13__ _~2~"4~'~3:~J~~~~~' L14 __ S1~:~'~_~~ 87.85' L15 N13'~~'49:~Ju~~'~~:__ ..~~~__ .~?6..~~~04~\V-+_~~.~0~ L17 N16"49'22"E I 3.66' .-------..-.--..--t-.---. --.- L18 N012'418W I 54.94' . .. _ __ ~_ I ---- t ... LJ_9_.lS~~' 4ti:3~"E. +148.86' ~;~I::~~~;~:t;::~;,~ L22-1 S74-=-~5;39~E- i -2.97;' _n____ __._________________ ________ __~______.____ L23 S78'05'13"E 137.23' L11 - - ----.. - - --- CURVE TABLE ~~to:::~~" ~:::i:;t ~:::. 27.~o~t~i7~:8~E_ - ~..~r-;:~~:;~~=~;~~~~~i .~;~~:5;; . ::~~~, ~;r~~:~~: ~.~-lu~~~~~~~- ! 266~.~8' 150.23' 1~~.2~:_~~~5'3?'5~:~ C5 I 1'12'02" 12646.95' 55.47' I 55.47' i S73"25'1111E c6i~;~23:h [26_63.09' .16.3.!~:1i~3. 73;~71 .03'48"[ C7 t:l"O~~5.1!66~.63' 139:71'~ 39. 70'IS6!~4tl:04.E h~~E;:.:~"t~::.:; -;~8i: t:~:::l;~;iE~: ~.~~ ~J~;,:;?".12:~~~0 .~~:;~+;i:;.'-I;:::~;:"~ C13 _1!.~1_~?_~ 1__376.~~ 111.7!_1-~~-1.:.37'__ Sa"18'20"W C14 11'02'03111 400.00' 118.92'~.48' N8'S'208E PURPOSE STATEMEN~ lHE PURPOSE OF ll-lIS AMENDING PLAT IS TO MODIFY EXISllNG LOT UNES AND ESTABUSH NEW EASEMENTS FOR DEVELOPMENT. AMENDING PLAT OF RIDGE RETAIL VI S T A AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF COPPELL, DENTON AND DALLAS COUNTIES, 14.825 ACRES OF LAND IN THE C.C. WOOLSEY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1402. DENTON COUNTY G.C. WOOLSEY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1792. DALLAS COUNTY CI TY OF COPPELL DEVELOPER: COPPELL CROSSING, L.P. 7001 PRESTON RD., STE. 500 DALLAS, TEXAS 75205 (214) 224-4600 (214) 219-2080 FAX JULY 23, 2008 ENGINEER: WINKELMANN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 6750 HILLCREST PLAZA DRIVE, SUITE 100 DALLAS, TEXAS 75230 (972) 490-7090 (972) 490-7099 FAX LINE TABLE Length No. Bearin g _~__--J.....--______~__ L60 I N421 l' 4511E 15.78' I .---'--- ----..- L61 i S65"56' 421lE 127.42' ----+--~-~-------.. _.~_.- L62 I S1 "25'501lE 31.31' _.___~..__.j-.-..- _h___.hh._ ._.... _ ._..h'."__ ._..- L63 I N84'2S'05"E 113.09' 1.6ir~89'4r1 ~~E_ -1_2~;O~ L65 i S012'411lE I 15.00' L66.t-.S8.;47~19~;;. ---'~-1-.40~- ____._~_..-_.n--~-- ___......_ L67 I 584.25'OSIlW 18.98' L68 S012'41"E 94.64' .-~~~r~~i.i?:i9~~~ ~~_~~._i~~.. I L70 I S012'41-E 79.32' ---1-------- L ~~_~~24 "!.~~01"W ?~. ~~:.d L72 S014'51"E 3.56' L73 S41.22'528E 30.90' L74 S012'41"E -------- ~---- ._--_._~---_.-, -,------ L 75 S21'59'07"W !l3.43' -.---.-----,.----.---- 63.23' L76 N21'59'OrE 63.53' ___ ______~~___._~__ ---+--___".-0- L77 N012'4111W 93.43' ---~---J------... ~i~ =~;:::'~;f ~~~~~. :' -::~Fi~ti:~;;; ._.._____.__.... _~_.L. .__._.... __. L83 . NO'12'41"W ! 93.23' "---.----- ----- .-- ---------.-- L84 S84"25'05"W 83.33' L85 S89"47'19"W 11.35' ~:~r:~:::~:::-:~:::, L88 -IN65'56' 42"W 132.33' CONFORMED COPY ''I"' '1 (~)I ~, ...~., -<, OFF!CIAL PUBLIC RECORDS "::l*~} fh 4~' -'~ . John F. Warren County Clerk Dallas County TEXAS August 29, 2008 03:27:23 PM FEE: $55.00 x ... = (f) ... Ct: 0'"' . 0 g;g: U >- == uJ "" = > I I 00 0:: 00'" C'J l-4 ::> ..... V1 '" N e .. . "" fI1 00 '" ~ (/l ............-"0 '" '!" ..... w ~ w vi (II z ... ~ f-- " ...c <:> :5 U z <..> ~ w 0 C v> ...J ~ fI1 ;:; 0 = ~ oll t'IJ u z -< <:> ~ 'Z. .. Z - < - :> :s t- V> -' ~ :5 w w "" ~ 111 > ~ z tio~ 0 0", . u~~:g ~ :'3"~ l1. 1-. IIiVl~ w<ii; "'><>- u"'l1. ~ ~8 "'VI 0:'3 \I)~ ,,< ",0 NN 00) Vt'-.. .... ...... dd ~ ZZ X t- l- lJ.J o 0 I- < <...J~ ~ ~rjz VJ VJ t:t. :::J CD COo.. 0 <<OU R .0 >- >- ,^ ~ ~~ VI Ct: 0::: >- ~ ::> :::> I- < 00 00_0 >- >-0......... LULU Z 0000 ~ ...J.-oJ Z 88 LU 3:;t CI dd dd a::: o o .ri 0.. .J.ctC) _00 <.:)....N ~ ..~ VJC VJ<( . OO~ a::: a::: o .. =J~~ wt-:j o..U'l< o..LaJc 00::: 00.. .... o o t'-.. '+- <( -.-J o <{ I-~ r- <(u w O~ _...J -.-J CLcnW <-' C) "0 z'" - ol~ z~ <( W (f) I- ~ I- (j) <(0 - -l> IX) 0 ""'- ~ I"') N -- ""'- a It) f' N It) I- ~ a.. N 0 (I) ~ I() ~ ~ IX) IX) Q ~ ~ W en en ......, m m m ...... a co II (;; . . l>.. I: 1>\ J:D ...... 'd J:D 'd .. (I) CI) CI) I::l ~ ..!Id Cii .61 ~ g ~~st3 SlXJlerE1r 11 elF ci z ~ (.) . . CI) (I) ...... ~ J: 2 20080282895 OWNER'S CERTIFlCA TE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON, COUNTY OF DALLAS OWNER'S DEDICA 11 ON NOW THEREFORE. KNOW ALL MEN BY TI-fESE PRESENTS: SURV1::YOR DEDICA 11 ON >< .. == Vl "'- I 00 0<7> . I 0 <7>0> U >- 00 == UJ ........ = > I I 00 00 c. <7> ~ ~ :::> "" Vl "'''' a .. . ". .... lIJ ee. ~ Vl U cr: z ..... UJ JIIIIIC UJ vi eIJ I z I..J ~ (3 t- . .... ... u z g w ~ C V1 -' V1 "" lIJ ;> 0 == u ;.> .'oj CIJ :7 < <;) I..J Z .- Z ':: .. >= :J ::li (f1 -' ~ -' I.. i ::> ...; '" ~ Vl > ~ z a:: o~ I 0 '" '" - u ..."'''' N "'0 ~ :S....~ 0 t- t- I V"" Cl LJ 4; a. c:: x>. OWn. I.... 0 ~ _U I(f1 oj ",-' r-- <: ",<"I WHEREAS. COPPELL CROSSING. L.P. is the owner of a tract of land in the G.C. Woolsey Survey, Abstract No. 1402. Denton County and in the G.C. Woosley Survey, Abstract No. 1792, Dallas County, Texas and being all of Lot 1-7. Bloe!< A. Vista Ridge Retail, an addition to the City of Coppell according to the plat recorded as Dallas County Clerk #20080045890 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and as, recorded in Cabinet Y, Page 187 of the Plat Records of Denton County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: That COPPELL CROSSING, L.P, a Texas limited partnership does hereby adopt this plat, designating the herein described property as VISTA RIDGE RETAIL, LOTS 1-7, BLOCK A an addition to the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, and do hereby dedicate, in fee simple, to the public use forever Clny streets, alleys, and Roodway management areas shown thereon. The easements shown thereon are hereby reserved for the purposes indicated. That I, B.J. Elam. do hereby certify that I have prepared this plat and the field notes shown hereon from an on the ground survey of the land. and this plat is a true. correct and accurate representation of the physical evidence found at the time of survey; that the corner monuments shown hereon were found and/or placed under my personal supervision. This plat was prepared in accordance with the platting rules and regulations of the City of Coppell, Texas. BEGINNING at a 1/2 inch iron rod found in the northerly right of way line of State Highway 121 (variable width ROW) and being the southwesterly corner of Lot 1 SR. Block D. said Vista Ridge. said iron rod being the beginning of 0 curve to the right with 0 radius of 2665.00 feet, 0 chord bearing of North 73 deg 29 min 15 sec West, and a chord length of 666.96 feet; The utility and fire lane easements sholl be open to the public, fire and police units, garbage and rubbish collection agencies, and all public and private utilities for each particular use. The maintenance of paving on the utility and fire lone easements is the responsibility of the property owner. No buildings, fences, trees shrubs or other improvements or growths shall be constructed. reconstructed or ploced upon, over or across the easements as shown. Said easements being hereby reserved for the mutual use and accommodation of all public utilities using or desiring to use some. All, and any public utility sholl have the right to remove and keep removed all or parts of any building, fences, trees, shrubs or any other improvements or growths which in Clny way may endanger or interfere with the construction, maintenance, or efficiency of its respective system on the easements, and 011 public utilities shall at all times hove the full right of ingress and egress to or from the said easements for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, patrolllng, maintaining and adding to or removing all or ports of it's respective systems without the necessity at any time of procuring the permission of anyone. (Any public utility sholl hove the right of ingress and egress to private property for the purpose of reading meters and any maintenance or services required or ordinarily performed with that utility). B.J. Elam Registere ofessional Land Surveyor Texas R tration #4581 Winkelm n & Associates, Inc. 6750 Hillcrest Plaza Drive, Suite 100 Dallas. Texas 75230 972-490- 7090 NN 00> ~,..... .- .- TIiENCE. along the northerly line of said State Highway 121. continuing along said curve to the right through 0 central angle of 14 deg 22 min 37 see and on arc length of 668.71 feet to a Aluminum Monument found for comer; STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS dd ~ zz X t- t- I.IJ UU t- <<...J~ ~ g:G1 z en V> a.. :::> al ala.. 0 <( <0 U . .0 ~~ en ~~~ 0::: o::~ ~ ::> ::> t- < en 00_.0 ~~O.......... ww z 0000 0 ...J...J t- OO Z o 0 IJ.J ~~ 0 dd cici 0::: o o ...J ciu... .J.c1O .00 C>.-N Z 10 - .,..... eno en < . OOx o:::o:::t- o . ...J5~ G:tt-...J a.. 00 < a..lJ.Jo 00::: o a.. o o ,..... THENCE, deporting said State Highway 121, North 33 deg 28 min 26 see West, 0 distance of 65.64 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found for corner in the easterly line of Denton Tap Rood (variable width ROW); lliENCE. along the easterly line of said Denton Top Rood, North 00 deg 14 min 50 sec East, a distance of 732.78 feet to 0 1/2 inch iron rod set with 0 red plastic cap stomped WAI for corner; BEFORE me. the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared B.J. Elam, known to me to be the person whose name Is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same In the capacity herein stated. THENCE, deporting the easterly line of said Denton Tap Road. North 42 min 11 deg 45 sec EClst. a distance of 89.02 feet to 0 point for corner in the southerly right of way line of Highland Drive (75' ROW); This plot approved subject to 011 pl(]tting ordinances, rules, regulations, and resolutions of the City of Coppell. WITNESS OUR HAND AT OA //tl~ I TEXAS, TIiIS 1U DAY OF {if }t?/M( 2008. "/ GIVEN uRder my.hand and seal of office. this the /~ day of ().,.<I'flJif 2008. 3-cf of >"""""""""""""'~ , \\,\11111." , ~. ~"\...'^Y Pu"",- ~ ~ ~~'\l"''''''~A JAN~ flWlllNDLEY ~ , - -*:- - PSt I ' , : . '; ~:. = Nolarw uOIt( tale 0 elas " ....:;. I ..: ' ~ \:f;;","\';~i My CommiSSion E_plres 03.04409 i ~ ~~~ ~ , , ~""""""""""""""~ THENCE, along the southerly right of way line of said Highland Drive as follows: My Commission expires: CONTAINING within these metes and bounds is 14.825 acres or 645,794 square feet of land. 8./+ 08 Date "f- <( .-J o <( I-~J- <(U W --.J 0 fr:: -1 0.... m W C) C) "'0 Zr"- -10:::: Or- Z <( W (f) I- ~ I- (f) <(0 - -l> North 84 deg 38 min 19 sec East. 0 distance of 68.56 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found for corner; BY: UCD COPPELL GP, L.P. 0 Texas limited partnership By: UNITED~~MERCIAL DEVELOPMENT CORP., a TEXAS corporation, general p,m-tnef r BY.~ V. ,~./- Robert V. Dora n VJ~~.g.~~~~! "__"'-.. Il";:;:~L~:>"-c , . AM8r-Rl~OSISO~j--i1 i=- ,-..:~;. - ~ ")', r d' I', (.' "'0;, )" 0( STA TE OF TEXAS 1\:;.6.,~~/ ',1., "~:,- ..'! COUNTY OF DALLAS L~~~~~~~l.~,~.:~.~;~=-I' BEFORE me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared ROBERT V. DORAZIL, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in the capacity herein stated. The Director of Planning has executed this Amending Plot pursuant to Section 212.016(9) of the Local Development Code; South 84 deg 38 mln 19 sec Eost, 0 distance of 546.92 feet to a 1/2 iron rod found for the northwesterly corner said Lot 1BR. Block 0; lliENCE. along the westerly line of said Lot 1 BR. Block 0, South 00 deg 45 min 09 see West, 0 distance of 1046.12 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; The undersigned. the City Secretary of the City of Coppell. Texas. hereby certifies that the foregoing Amending Plat of VISTA RIDGE RETAIL, LOTS 1-7, SLOG!<",A of the City of C I was submitted to the City of the ~ day of 2008, and approved for filing os an Amending Plot b t e Di ctor of Planning for the City of Coppell. Texas, os authorize y Section X.S of the City of Coppell Ordinance No. 94643 and Section 212.016(9) of the Local Government Code of the State of Texas. IX> o .......... I') N .......... I' ~ 010 c-.i Il) ...... ......... 0.. N o f15 I() IX> IX> wO>O> ..., 0> 0> CD GIVEN unt/&JJ?Ond and sea~o'!j8.office, this the 1St day of Nota Dallas County, Texas My Commission expires: 1/2."1/11 J1~ day of CI) ~ CIS Q ~ ~ b to II ~.. ~ :I l>\ ..- -g III -g .. ~ ~ JJ .; ~ t g ~ ~ a a o Z with the City of Coppell Floodplain Administrator on . 2008." FRANCHISE UTILITY SIGNATURES ll-fIS PLAT CORRECTLY PRESENTS ll-fE REQUIRED EASEMENTS FOR ll-fIS DEVELOPMENT: .~ TNMP f.r.LEC) ..e~ . _.~ DA TE: 'l1-"8 - oy"'---~ D AlMOS ~GAS) BY:, 6<- 4:, t-k:~ DA TE: [. L1- 0 fY --n-- VERIZ<j (fEL) ay:, ~ ~ DATE: r P 0 'b /J ....-. TIME WA~ER (C~LE) BY:, /~~ DATE:_~f"~1 ~ E !4/0~ Do e "Floodplain Development Permit Application No. 'v\ I C1 has been filed 1~~ ~ .2 I . Y Floodplain Administrator, ~ () .. CI) CI) .0' ~ c.t Dote AMENDING PLAT OF VISTA RIDGE RETAIL S!HI!E[ET ~ OlF ~ AN ADDlllON TO THE CITY OF COPPELL, DENTON AND DALLAS COUNTIES. 14.825 ACRES OF LAND IN THE G.C. WOOLSEY SURVEY. ABSTRACT NO. 14{)2. DENTON COUNTY G.C. WOOLSEY SURVEY. ABSTRACT NO. 1792. DALLAS COUNTY CI TY OF COPPELL JULY 23. 2008 DEVELOPER: COPPELL CROSSING, L.P. 7001 PRESTON RD., STE. 500 DALLAS. TEXAS 75205 (214) 224-4600 (214) 219-2080 FAX ENGI NEER: WINKELMANN & ASSOOA TES, INC. 6750 HILLCREST PLAZA DRIVE, SUITE 100 DALLAS, TEXAS 75230 (972) 490-7090 (972) 490-7099 FAX