CCPHAGNREQ 081208 AGENDA REQUEST FORM THE.CiTY.OF DEPT: PLANNING corrELL '~* DATE: August 12, 2008 ITEM #: 1 3 o WORK SESSION D CONSENT l.f I REGULAR ITEM TYPE: PRESENTATION ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Wagon Wheel Park Site Plan Amendment, (Storage Building). to allow a 4,000-square-foot maintenance and storage facility, located on the north end of Wagon Wheel Park, adjacent to the irrigation pond (345 Freeport Parkway). IIII m GOAL(S): EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: There are no outstanding P&Z conditions. FINANCIAL COMMENTS: On July 17, 2008, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of this site plan (5-0). Commissioners Frnka, Shute, Kittrell, Sangerhausen, and Shipley voted in favor, none opposed. ACTION TAKEN BY COUNCIL: APPROVli.:O BY Cl'rY COUNCIL AHOVg DATg RECOMMENDED ACTION: staff recommended APPROVAL. . Libby Ball ,U. 2008.08.14 12:11 :30 -05'00' I@02 Wagon Wheel Park, SPA, l-AR CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT 5T AFF REPORT Waaon Wheel Park Site Plan Amendment (Maintenance/Storaae Facilityl P&Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: July 17,2008 August 12, 2008 STAFF REP.: Matt Steer, City Planner LOCATION: 345 Freeport Parkway (north end of Wagon Wheel Park, adjacent to the irrigation pond) SIZE OF AREA: 153 acres of property CURRENT ZONING: LI (Light-Industrial) REQUEST: A site plan amendment to allow a 4,OOO-square-foot maintenance and storage facility. APPLICANT: Owner: City of Coppell Parks Dept. John Elias 500 Southwestern Blvd Coppell, TX 75019 Phone: 972-462-5100 Fax: 972-462-5149 Contractor: Jamail Construction Randy Jones 1430 Regal Row #320 Dallas, TX 75247 Phone: 214-284-3658 Fax: 214-879-1998 HISTORY: Phase One of Wagon Wheel Park was constructed in 1999. It consisted of two baseball fields, two soccer fields and a parking lot. Since that time, three soccer fields (currently six smaller fields) with spectator shelters, multiple soccer practice fields, four baseball fields, a batting cage, a concession stand/restroom facility, a tennis center (eight courts with a club house), various parking areas, and miscellaneous maintenance facilities have been built. TRANSPORTATION: Freeport Parkway is currently designated on the Thoroughfare Plan as a four-lane divided thoroughfare, and is partially built to standard within a variable width right-of-way. ITEM # 5 Page 1 of 2 SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North - Wagon Wheel Park Irrigation Pond; LI (Light Industrial) South - Wagon Wheel Park Baseball Fields; LI (Light Industrial) East - Alford Media Office, Residential; LI (Light Industrial) West - Wagon Wheel Park Baseball Field #6; LI (Light Industrial) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Coppell Comprehensive Moster Pion shows this property as suitable for park/open space. DISCUSSION: This request is for a 4,000-square-foot maintenance and storage facility to be located on the north end of Wagon Wheel Park, adjacent to the irrigation pond. Five different storage areas (each approximately 200 square feet) are proposed to be used by various sports organizations for storage of their respective equipment. Approximately 1 AOO square feet located on the northeast side is proposed for open air storage for fertilizer and other field maintenance materials and approximately 1 AOO square feet on the west side is proposed for a maintenance bay with a restroom for the Parks Department's maintenance crew. The south building elevation facing the proposed drive depicts a stone building with five small overhead doors and one large overhead door. The structure will match the surrounding structures in the area with a stone veneer and standing seam roof. Additional Eastern Red Cedars spaced every 20' will be added on the south side of the existing drive to screen the facility from the baseball fields. Also, a wind screen will be added along the park fencing to obstruct the view from the fields and concession area. There is only one minor drafting issue remaining; therefore, staff is recommending approval. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff is recommending APPROVAL of this request, subject to the following conditions: 1) Change numbers adjacent to the Eastern Red Cedars from #5 to #4 as indicated under "Site Plan Notes". ALTERNATIVES: 1. Recommend approval of the request 2. Recommend disapproval of the request 3. Recommend modification of the request 4. Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date ATTACHMENTS: 1. Site Plan/Landscape Plan 2. Elevations/Floor Plan ITEM # 5 Page 2 of 2 ~ ~ ~ (.:) ...I. ~; ~z ~) ,* ~ G ~ ~ (.9 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ G / / I I I I I \ I I I ; I , ~ \ \ ., . 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