FP filed w/County 102908 CURVE C1 C2 C3 C4 CS C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 Cll C12 C13 C14 C1S C16 C17 Cla C19 C20 C21 C22 DELTA 20"23' 29" 2r33' 49" 10"32' 38'" 2r33' 47" 18"20'58'" aO"43'OO" 75"01'35'" 90"00'00" 42"36'24" 1 3"01' 5 7'" 156"33'22'" 270"00'00. 300"00'00. 299"44'59. 17~O'39. 29"00' 34" 9"19'S8'" 9'22'00'" 1 "OS'OO. 1S0"00'OO. 31"40'21. 148i9'39. CURVE TABLE RADIUS TANGEN LENGTH 250.00' 44.96' 88.97' JOO.OO' 73.59' 144.32' 250.00' 23.07' 46.01' 375.00' 91.98' 180.40" 250.00' 40.38' SO.06' 45.00" 38.24' 63.39' 45.00' 34.55' 58.93' 45.00' 45.00' 70.69' 225.00" 87.74' 167.32' 250.00' 28.56' 56.87" 50.00" 240.98' 136.62" 50.00' 50.00' 235.62' 50.00' 28.S7' 261.80' 50.00' 29.01' 261.58' 189.00' 29.67' 58.86' 82.00" 21.21' 41.52' 290.00' 23.67' 47.24' 280.00' 22.94' 45.77' 620.00' 5.86' 11. 72" 6.50' INFINITE' 20.42' 50.00' 14.18' 27.64' 3.00' 10.58' 7.77' CHORD N80'22"32'"W 88.51' N13'12'39.E 142.94' S68i 6' 45"E 45.94" S13i 2' 40.W 178.67" S72i 0"55"E 79.72' N40"59'55'"W 58.28' N36'S2"22"E 54.80" S60"36'50uE 63.64" S05"41'22'"W 163.49' N20"28"3S.E 56.74' N42'02'55"W 97.91' N44"2S' 47"E 70.71' N16"26"57"E 50.00" N14'50'44.E 50.19' S19'31'OO.W 58.62' Nl3"56'02"E 41.08' N8S"S4'17.W 47.19' N8S'53'16.W 45.72' S81'44' ~.E 11.72' S89'2S' 45.W 13.00' N1SiS'S5.E 27.29' S74'44"05.E S.77' BETHEL ROAD LINE TABLE UNE BEARING LENGlH Tl N89'25' 44.E 154.52' T2 563"OO'26"E 35.00' T3 N7S33'03.W 227.74' T4 500"34"13.E 200.53' T5 S89"2S'47.W 25.00' T6 563"00'26"E 241.86' T7 NOO"38'25.W 277.72' T8 N74'23'10"E 51.64' T9 N15'36'50.W 34.00' TlO S26"S9'34.W 91.20' Tl1 513"57'36"W 23.S9' Tl2 N27i4'2S.W 14.74' Tl3 S6S24'39.W 13.29' Tl4 N21"48'34.E 78.38' Tl5 S08012'14.W 69.74' Tl6 Nl0"53'13.W 81.67' T17 N45"32'26.W 25.00' T18 S14i8'45.W 2S.00' T19 S71"S9'J4"W 14.14' T20 518"OO'26.E 14.14' T2l S71"S9'J4"W 14.14' T22 N1S"01' 39.W 14.15' T23 N53"46'13.W 25.00' T24 N52"29'23"E 25.00' T25 S73"33'03"E 1 03. 78' T26 N79"J6'53.W 92.52' T27 N89"21' 35.E 90.31' T28 N53"46'13.W 25.00' T29 N52'29'23.E 25.00' T30 545 "34"16.E 10.83' T31 N89"25' 44.E 203.56' T32 S44"2S'44.W 37.07' T33 500'34'15.E 103.79' T.~4 S44"2S'44.W 14.14' T35 N40"44'47.W 12.90' T36 500"34" SlOE 15.32' T37 S44"25'44.W 35.36' T38 N89"2S' 44.E 215.99' T39 545034'16.[ 30.32' T40 N4' "28'OO.W 37.80' T41 N8902S' 44.E 12.38' T42 N8rOO'38.W 45.93' T43 N87"OO'3S'"W 45.62' T44 N69025'44.E 12.69' T45 500034" SlOE 44.1 8' T46 SOO034'15"[ 19.50' T47 S89021'3SuW 66.44' 13.84' 12'x30'UE ----I I I I I "~ 1 .. I cki ~ g I -~I d I N \ S8902S"4S"W 130.00' 2 ;:1 I I : I I I ~ I I @ ;,.J ~ I 2 ~ I 81 1 I Zj -~ I IN I~ I:R I I I I 18 I~ I I r- ';q- r> a a (/)1 25.00' DETAIL SCALE: 1 u = 50' '\ '\ " "0.. " v~ " ....... ....... .......... ........... --- CHATEAUS DRIVE " @ '" ~ "$- '-.......... ~ -><:: - - 19 - DETAIL SCALE: 1 "=20' .L.E.WiQ. BL = BUILDING LINE DE = DR AI N AGE EASEM EN T UE = UTILITY EASEMENT WE = WATER LINE EASEMENT WME = WALL & WALL MAINTENANCE EASEMENT IRF = IRON ROD FOUND IPF = IRON PIPE FOUND DOC# = DOCUMENT NUMBER D.R.D.C.1. = DEED RECORDS, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS M.R.D.C.T. = MAP RECORDS, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS @ = 1/2" IRON ROD FOUND (UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE) . = 1/2- IRON ROD SET W/ YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED o = DENOTES STREET NAME CHANGE "DAA" MIRA MAR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION DOC. NO. 200600465947 D.R.D.C.. T. ROW DEDICA llON ~ BETHEL ROAD 1 LOT 1 R, BLOCK A REPLAT CREEK VIEW, OHASE II VOL. 2002167. PG. 64 M.R.D.C. T. ~OSON t.O~Q ~.R. ....- ~et\. '1\ cort;O ~ _...I U -...! 0 W -...! 3: -l o :::J ::r: co OAR1 BELT UNE BETHEL ROAD (VARIABLE WIDTH RIGHT-OF-WAY) ~POINT "x" FOUND I N CONCRETE lX N89~5' 44"E 438.05' 283.05' '8 1 O'U E -N N 00 N N ~ 2 @ @ ~ LOCA liON MAP NTS LOT 1 ,~ ~ LEXINGTON AVENUE 20' NITARY SEWER EASEMENT VOLUME 95 5, PAGE 3809 D. D.C.T. 3X @ 56 23 WE ---1. 5'~ ......... 0>- <(~ O~ a:::: 0 I .- 0...6 <(0:: I-:r: r- o z~ Ow r-~ .. z ~ ~wo:: ";0< o G N .- 28.58' 20 @ W I It) .- ':q- t') o ~ 17 7' ROW DEDICA TI N S'UE 16 @ 9 TRACT 2 CR EEK VI EWI PH ASE II VOL. 93231, PG. 3950 M.R.D.C. T. GRAPHIC SCALE 100 I 50 1 o L__ 100 300 ~~,~~ LOT 3R, B REPLAT CREEK VIEW, PHASE II VOL. 2001029, PG. 3536 M.R.D.C. T. ( IN F'EET ) 1 inch = 100 fL NOTES: 1. BASIS OF BEARINGS DERIVED FROM THE TEXAS STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NADB3, NORTH CENTRAL ZONE. LINE FOR DIRECTIONAL CONTROL ESTABLISHED THROUGH <eM1> AND <CM2> HAVING A BEARING AND DISTANCE OF NORTH 89-25'44" EAST AND 438.05 FEET. --- CHARLES W. ANDOLlINA AND WIFE, MARGARET C. ANDOLINA DOC. NO. 200510710979 D.R.D.C. T. 2. THE SUBJECT TRACT LIES WIl111N ZONE X (UNSHADED), DEFINED AS 2t AREAS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE 500- YEAR FLOOD PLAIN" AS IDENTIFIED BY THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (FEMA), FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) AS SHOWN ON COMMUNITY PANEL NO. 48113C0155 J, DATED AUGUST 23, 2001 FOR DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS AND INCORPORATED AREAS. 4X 20' OMMON AREA FO SCREENING & ANDSCAPING 3. ALL LOT CORNERS MONUMENTED WITH 1/2" IRON ROD WITH A YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED "DAAu. 4. "X" CUTS SET IN CONCRETE AT ALL INTERSECTIONS AND POINTS OF CURVATURE. 15 10 13 20' SIDEWA K & UTILITY EASE ENT (BY THI PLAT) 5. LOTS 1 X, 2X, 3X, 4X, 5X AND 6X, BLOCK A SHALL BE OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY THE HOA. 6. ON STREET PARKING ADJACENT TO LOTS 1X & 4X IS PROHIBITED. ON STREET PARKING ALONG CHATEAUS DRIVE ADJACENT TO LOTS 42, 43, 50 & 51 IS PROHIBITED. THE PLAT OF PROPERTY DEPICTED HEREIN IS ADJACENT TO A RAIL LINE OWNED BY DALLAS AREA RAPID TRANSIT AND MAY BE UTILIZED AS AN ACTIVE TRANSIT LINE. NO PARKING LOTS ON LOTS 42, 43, 50, 51, 1 X & 4X. BY THIS PLAT, RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION FOR BETHEL ROAD IS 9600 SQUARE FEET AND RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION FOR DENTON TAP ROAD IS 9141 SQUARE FEET. @ 10' UTILlT EASEMENT OLUME 702 1, PAGE 352 D.R. .C.T. 14 11 14 20' GRAD TO DR IN EASEMENT VOLUME 97023, PAGE 3644 D.R.D. .T. (A ANDON D BY 12 DOC. O. 200 024851215 D.R.D.C T.) 13 EDMONDSON DRIVE 16 Q 17 21 20 DICKEY'S ADDITIO LOT 1, BLOCK 1 VOL. 99177, PG. 5 M.R.D.C. T. PINKERTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ADDITION VOL. 91211, PG. 1011 M.R.D.C. T. 7. 8. 9. LOT 1 R ADVANTAGE SELF STORAGE ADDITION VOL. 96151, PG. 1472 M.R.D.C. T. 56 RESIDENTIAL LOTS rv 19,967 ACRES FINAL PLAT THE CHATEAUS OF COPPELL CITY OF COPPELL Jo Ao SIMMONS SURVEY ('J ABSTRACT NO 1296 DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS AUGUST 2007 SCALE: 1"=100. OWNER/DEVELOPER CTMGT - COPPELL, LLC 3901 AIRPORT FREEWAY. SUITE 200 817-391-2500 BEDFORD, TX 76021 EN GI N EER /SU R VEYOR ili:iiiiij~ DOWDEY, ANDERSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. ;!I[!li~;:~~;~li~ 5225 Village Creek Drive, Suite 200 PIano, Texas 75093 972-931-0694 1 OF 2 07028 u z c.r) LLJ I- <( U o rJ) rJ) <( o(:S Z o rJ) ~ LJ.J o Z <( >-... UJ o ~ o o -l -l UJ 0- 0- o U u. o rJ) ::> <( UJ I- <( I U u.J I I- OWNER'S CERTIFICATE AND DEDICATION STATE OF TEXAS ~ COUNTY OF DALLAS ~ WHEREAS CTMGT - COPPELL, LLC, a Texas limited liability company, is the owner of a tract of land located in the J. A. SIMMONS SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1296, City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas and being all of a tract of land described in Deed to First Baptist Church of Coppell, recorded in Volume 95167, Page 5885, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an ''X" found in concrete at the intersection of the South right-of-way line of Bethel Road, a variable width right-of-way, with the West right-ot-way line of Denton Tap Road, a variable width right-of-way, said point being at the Northeast corner of said First Baptist Church tract; NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: u z THAT, CTMGT - COPPELL, LLC, a Texas limited liability company, does hereby adopt this plat designating the herein described property as THE CHATEAUS OF COPPELL, an addition to the City ot Coppell, Dallas County, Texas and does hereby dedicate to the public use forever, the streets, alleys and easements shown hereon. The easements shown hereon are hereby reserved for the purpose as indicated. No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths shall be constructed or placed upon, over or across the "utility easements" as shown, said "utility easements" being hereby reserved for the mutual use and accommodation of all public utilities desiring to use or using same. All and any public utility shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or parts of any buildings, fences, shrubs or other improvements or growths which may in any way endanger or interfere with the construction, maintenance or efficiency of its respective system on the "utility easements" and 011 public utilities shall at all times have the full right of ingress and egress to or from and upon the said "utility easements" for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining and adding to or removing from all or part of its respective system without the necessity at any time of procuring the permission of anyone. ~ ficr"f \," :.. ::' . '~'~./; :. t. -r ,It'.r -(' \ - >!..- ,-... (I. '1 ':', .;~ ~ ~));p~()4l., - . 'Z<.": -. ~. ,: v) LLJ I- < U o rJ) rJ) <( c(S Z o rJ) e::: LLJ o Z <( >-' u..J o ~ o o THAT I, Sean Patton, a Registered Professional Land Surveyor, do hereby certify that I have prepared this plat from an actual . ~n t~e ground surve~ at the lan~; and the monuments shown hereon were found and/or placed under my personal superVIsion In accordance with the platting rules and regulations of the planning and zoning commission of the City of Coppell, Texas. THENCE South 00 degrees 34 minutes 15 seconds East, along said West right-at-way line, a distance of 1,203.50 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped JOAA" set in the North right-of-way line of the St. Louis & Southwestern Railroad, a 100 foot right-ot-way, at the Southeast corner of said First Baptist Church tract; THENCE South 74 degrees 23 minutes 10 seconds West, leaving said West right-of-way line and along said North right-at-way line, a distance at 741.68 feet to a 1/2 inch Iron rod with a yellow pl?stic cap stamped 'VAA". set for corner at the beginning of a curve to the right having a central angle of. 01 degrees 49 minutes 52 seconds, a radius of 3,712.06 feet and a chord bearing and distance of South 75 degrees 18 minutes 05 seconds West, 118.62 feet; THENCE Westerly, continuing along said North right-of-way line and along said curve to the right, an arc distance of 118.63 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped 'VAAl! set for corner in the East line of SUMMIT AT THE SPRINGS, an Addition to City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas according to the Plat thereof recorded in Volume 98162, Page 27, Map Records, Dallas County, Texas; THENCE Northerly, along the common line of said First Baptist Church tract and said Addition, the following three (3) courses and distances: This final plat approved subject to all platting ordinances, rules and regulations of the City of Coppell. Texas. WITNESS MY HAND, this the _L_ day of ~, 2008. <- \ / -~~~~~--~~-=~-:=S~~-~--:~==-~G-..:: / G ~_ Sean Patton Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 5660 - -~.j~l;~-~?~:~::' ():~:' CTMGT - COPPELL. LLC, a Texas limited liability company STATE OF TEXAS 9 COUNTY OF DALLAS ~ By. Cen tam tar T arras, LLC, a Texas limited liability company its managing member By: ~~;~__ BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas on this day personally appeared Sean Patton, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purpose and consideration therein expressed, 'J1d in the capacity therein stated. GIVE UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this the _1--9 ~_ day of _(JL~T7J ~ ___, 2008. North 00 degrees 34 minutes 13 seconds West, a distance of 444.25 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped JJDAA" set for corner; North 26 degrees 59 minutes 34 seconds East, a distance of 748.39 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped JJDAA" set for corner; North 00 degrees 34 minutes 15 seconds West, a distance of 320.00 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found in said South right-at-way line at the Northeast corner ot Lot 1, Block B of said Addition; THENCE North 89 degrees 25 minutes 44 seconds East, leaving said common line and along said South right-of-way line, a distance of 438.05 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped "DAA/! set for corner at the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the right having a central angle of 02 degrees 27 minutes 30 seconds, a radius of 1,095.92 feet and a chord bearing and distance ot South 87 degrees 12 minutes 48 seconds East, 47.02 feet; THENCE Easterly, continuing along said South right-of-way line and along said curve to the right. an arc distance of 47.02 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 19.967 acres of land, more or less. STATE OF TEXAS ~ COUNTY OF DALLAS ~ -~~-~~----------------- Notary Public in andoor the State of Texas ",\I~I'~"" ,,-,p~'!,!,,', '<;~;'-" ~ ..;-- -.C" =*:'" -:.: - - .. . . - ~*~~'.?:f:.:~~~": CAROL SELF MY COMMISSION EXPIRES October 22,2010 BEFORE ME. the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Mehrdad Moayedi, Manager of Centamtar Terras, LLC, a Texas limited liability company, Manager of CTMGT - COPPELL, LLC. a Texas limited liability company, known to me to be the person and officer whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, as the act and deed of CTMGT - COPPELL, LLC, and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this __l__day of _ ~ .:._, 2008. --~--------- Notary Public in and for the St R~r/PPROVAL: -----------~~---------------- Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission City of Coppell, Texas It) ,f b, ~ -------------------- Date LAURA WAYLAND My Commission Expires July 14, 2012 ouglas N. Stover appell, Texas __J OJ lf~~ _________ Date RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL Final SUb~n Plat approved by formal a~tion of the. P,lanning and Zoning Commission on this tlD +4'\ day of ~ . ,2008 thereby acceptmg the dedication of streets, alleys, parks, easements, public places and water and sewer lines as shown and set forth in and upon said plat and authorizing its Chairman to note the acceptance thereof by signing her name as hereinbelow subscribed. The undersigned the City Secretary of the City of Coppell I Texas, hereby certifies that the foregoing Preliminary Plat of THE <(~fl,EAUS OF CO ELL subdivision or addi~on to the City ~f Coppell was. submitted to the City Council on the, !--t - day of , 200,\ tai ,j the CounCIl by formal action then and there approved the Prelrmln~ry Plat and by se rate mo~jon desjg~~t~d the Planning and Zoning Commission to be the Municipal Authority responsible for the approval of the Final SubdIVISIon Plat of such land and the Final Subdivision Plat of such land need not b~ b.rought bac~ for final ap~r~~al of the. City Council unless through inaction on the part of the Planning and Zoning CommiSSion such Fmal Plat SubdiVISion Plat IS deemed approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission for failure to act within the 3D-day perio~ required by law.f'),_ Witness my hand this f..3~day of ~ A.D.. 2008. ATTEST:~(} ~ Se etary, Planning and Zoning Commission City of Coppel! , Texas 1011408 Date RECEIPT ACKNOWLEDGMENT ONCOR _~_~_____________________________ A TMOS ENERGY _~.f _~________________ TIME-WARNER __ ~ ~_________________ VERIZON ~___ ----------------------- CONFORMED COP~ OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS ?"~~\ q~ r. 1.~'C;/l1;;' 7~ ~y Clerk "~:,\- F Warren coun" 17';:;-(-.. 'V John . ~ .J / TEXAS Dallas County 29 2008 02:49:16 PM 200a034663\ october . I FEE: $55.00 ''Floodplain Development Permit Application No. --~.L------------- has been filed with the City of Coppell Floodplain Administrator on ________________________1 200__." -----~~-~---------------. Floodplain Administrator. _-'O~14.~________ Date 56 RESIDENTIAL LOTS rv 19.967 ACRES FINAL PLAT THE CHATEAUS OF COPPELL CITY OF COPPELL J. A. SIMMONS SURVEY ~ ABSTRACT NO 1296 DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS AUGUST 2007 SCALE: 1 "=100' OWNER/DEVELOPER CTMGT - COPPELL, LLC 3901 AIRPORT FREEWAY, SUITE 200 817-391-2500 BEDFORD, TX 76021 --l --l u..J 0... 0... o U u... o tf) :;) <( LLJ I- <( I U u..J I I- ENGINEER ?ij:j;jij~ DOWDEY, ANDERSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. ji[i;;:'.;;~',i::,::~ 5225 Village Creek Drive, Suite 200 PIano, Texas 75093 972-931-0694 2 OF 2 07028