AGN Request & Staff Rept AGENDA REQUEST FORM THII!:.CITY.OF DEPT: PLANNING March 11, 2008 COPPELL . ,. DATE: ITEM #: 9 o WORK SESSION D CONSENT o REGULAR ITEM TYPE: PUBLIC HEARING ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Arbor Manors. Replat. a replat to revise the previously approved subdivision to eliminate a 4,800-square-foot common area lot and to incorporate this area into an enlarged and reconfigured five lots, allowing the development of 73 single-family homes and 10 common area open spaces on approximately 25.15 acres of property located south of Sandy Lake Road andwest of Denton Tap Road. / GOAL(S): EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: 'fhe'following P&Z conditionremdins outstcmding: ~etfe.€r58~t"froftt'yord"setback"ontots-; l-,5:;"Slock'E;o.:'. . r .1" I 1 Ii ' '. 1~';;^1 'il ('j .. - i4~ FINANCIAL COMMENTS: RECOMMENDED ACTION: On February 21,2008, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of this replat (7-0), subject to the above-stated condition. Commissioners Frnka, Shute, Haas, Fox. Sangerhausen, Shipley and Kittrell voted in favor, none opposed. ACTION TAKEN BY COUNCIL: APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON ABOVE DATE Motion to close Public Hearing & Approve subject to condition 1 above and add a 15 ft. setback to Lot 24, Block A Staff recommends APPROVAL. M - York S - Brancheau Vote - 5-0 Tunnell & Franklin absent I@Ol Arbor Manors RP l-AR . U Libby Ball 2008.03.14 16:56:05 -05'00' CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT Arbor Manors, ReR!g! P&Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: February 21 , 2008 March 11, 2008 STAFF REP.: Gary L. Sieb, Director of Planning LOCATION: South of Sandy Lake Road and west of Denton Tap Road SIZE OF AREA: 25.15 acres of property CURRENT ZONING: PD-214R2-SF-9 (Planned Development-214 Revised 2 Single-Family-9) REQUEST: A replat to revise the previously approved subdivision to eliminate a 4,800-square-foot common area lot and to incorporate this area into an enlarged and reconfigured five lots, allowing the development of 73 single-family homes and 10 common area open spaces. APPLICANT: Owner: Priority Development D.Hale/ J. Barrett 1111 N. Post Oak Road Houston, TX. 77055 (71 3) 31 6-31 20 Fax: (713) 621-4053 Engineer: Dowdy, Anderson M. Alexander, P .E. 5225 Village Creek Suite 200 Piano, IX. 75093 (972) 931-0694 Fax: (972) 931-9538 Page 1 of 3 ITEM # 4 HISTORY: In 2006, a Planned Development request for 155 townhouses--Iater reduced to 122 units--was denied by the Planning Commission on this property and not appealed to Council. In April of 2007, a revised PO plan was submitted on the same parcel which included 73 single-family lots on 24 acres and commercial/retail uses on 5 acres. That request was approved by both the Planning Commission and City Council in mid 2007. A replat of the property to allow construction of the 73 homes was approved by Planning Commission in August of 2007 and by Council on September 11 . In undergoing detailed platting analysis after Council approval, the applicant's engineer found that by eliminating one common area and a one-way street. at least 25 trees labeled for removal could be saved. Caliper inch wise, the saved trees would total over 250 inches. The reason for this replat is to modify the earlier approved subdivision by removing one common area shown on the approved plat and slightly realigning one street, thereby preserving trees that would have been removed based upon the earlier plat approval. TRANSPORTATION: Denton Tap Road is a P6D, improved concrete, six-lane divided thoroughfare contained within a 110 foot right-of- way. Sandy Lake Road is an existing asphalt two-lane road eventually to be improved to a C4D, four-lane divided thoroughfare contained within a 110 foot right -of-way. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North-strip center, Exxon gas station; PD-214R2-C; "R", Retail South-single-family residences; PD-115 (SF-7); "C" Commercial East-commercial uses; "C" Commercial and PD-214R2-C West-commercial and single-family uses; "R" Retail, SF-12 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Coppell Comprehensive Plan of 1996, as amended, shows the property as suitable for single- family uses. Page 2 of 3 ITEM # 4 DISCUSSION: This is a request to replat an earlier approved subdivision development that allowed 73 single family residences on 25 acres of land located behind the southwest corner of Sandy Lake and Denton Tap Roads. This replot retains the 73 lots, but by eliminating a one way pair of streets, and slightly realigning one side of that one way pair to be two- way, a number of trees initially shown to be removed can be retained. Based upon the exhibits presented with this application, it appears that 25 trees totaling 285 caliper inches of diameter will be saved if this replat is approved. Because the density remains unchanged, the single-family use has not been altered, the circulation plan is only slightly modified, and tree preservation is substantially increased, we can support this request. To insure the developer follows through with preserving these trees, we also recommend a 58 foot front yard setback be shown on all exhibits for Lots 1-5, Block E to encourage their preservation. The 58 foot dimension was determined by reviewing the applicant's initial submittal for review in which the 58 foot dimension was first offered. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff recommends APPROVAL of this replat request with the following conditions: 1) Provide a tree inventory sheet stating number of caliper inches being saved by the application, the number of trees being removed with re-alignment of street (in caliper inches) 2) Delineate a 58 foot front yard setback on lots 1-5, Block E ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Recommend modification of the request ATTACHMENTS: 1) Replat document Page 3 of 3 ITEM # 4 I~DOWDEY' ANDERSON . & ASSOCIATES, rNc. CIVIL ENGINEERS i2)J Village Cree~ Drive, Suite 200 Plana, Texas 75093 Pnone 972-931.0694 fax 9n931.9i3B Date: 2/28/2008 MEMO To: City Council of Coppel! c/o Gary Sieb - Planning Director CC: file; Weekley Homes; Priority Development From: Matthew Alexander Re: Arbor Manors - Building Line Revision Request Recently, after we had physically located the proposed streets in relationship to existing trees and we determined that the trees which could be preserved by the proposed median and the trees being lost due to the additional roadway to create the proposed median were not equal in quality or size. Furthermore, we deduced that if we eliminated the divided roadway we could preserve more than 170 caliper inches of existing trees. Thus we revised our final plat and plans to eliminate the proposed median and additional roadway in order to preserve several large trees in the front yard of future lots. Since then, we have had additional conversations with David Weekley Homes and they have expressed their desire to increase the rear yard depth from 20 to approximately 30- feet. In order to accomplish this goal we need a 40' front yard set-back instead of a 58- foot yard set-back; a 58-foot front yard set-back was the result of an original 25-foot front-yard set-back plus an additional 33-feet of set-back gained when the median/divided roadway was eliminated. At the planning director's request, we assessed the impacts to the existing trees that can/could be preserved by grading, walls or tree wells, from a caliper inch perspective. In all we concluded that the existing trees lost between a 40-foot and 58-foot set-back totaled approximately 130 inches. We also determine that increasing the rear yard depth from a 20-foot to a 30-foot set-back would help preserve approximately 130-inches. Thus, we have concluded the following: 1) this request has essentially has no ill effect on the preservation of trees; 2)this request fulfills the builder desire for a larger rear yard; and 3) we can/could save approximately 170 additional inches of trees by eliminating the divided roadway/median. Therefore, we on behalf of our client respectfully request that the front set-back be reduced on the Final Plat from 58-feet to 40-feet and the rear-yard set-back be increased from 20-feet to 30-feet for Lots1-5, block E; these lots will face West Braewood Drive. Thank you. R\Data\2005'D5088VJ50888'OOICorrespondencelMemo's'll5IJ88B-Memo- Tree Preservabon-2008-{J2-28 doc "::JNI"S31VOO<;S\ '? NOS~fJaN\ "A~aMOa ii ... w 5 < ~ ~<C ~~ "'co <" i!jN ~9 U ~ u .. !.! I :I: ~ " ~ ~ g ~ ~1J 0 lS<::l~ ill Z w Ill-<'~t ~E~::E~ a i~~15~~U u CD ~o~ "'~ ~5 q UI < . ~ ~ ~ ;:! ~ ~ i! ~1 ~... . a- @ " I~ i I! I; Ii ~' .e~ *~ Ie"." ~~... ~I' ~~ ~ ..!~~~ 91~1~ ~ II ~~~ ~i. I\I~ i~ ~ ~~ I " ~ . U ~ ~ !~~ H D ~ . 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