FILED MINOR PLAT 111108 'i) :..1'"' \ '-- i _ \ I t --- \ l r t~ 1't [ ~---- J, n\ \-1 :~,',' ir U -1 ~, u )_ l: k ,'\ll_ ~S\ITE l., , ' .i , ;1 U 'i \ '_ l,;~!'~~~l: .~ \ ,- ,I,., I,', ~ t 1 ... \_ ,;.. ~ . ~ t, ~ f i,' V' t - ~~1 U 11 U Tl C E R T IF I C A IT THE f-'lA 1 CORRlCTL) REPRESUJ r~, fH[ REQUIRt:D EASEMENTS ~-ORTHE. lJEVELOPMErn LEGEND: -- I.R.F, - IRON ROD FOUND IP,F, - IRON PIPE FOUND I.R S - IRON ROD SET ROW - R/GHT-OF-WA Y CM-CONTROLMONUMENT POB - POINT OF BEGINNING ASC - ARTHUR SURVEYING COMPANY NUTES j '~ () r t I,r l(jr f- ,r! I ~)[ t_- ',- r~' r J t I, i i I:' ( t; : I)rl:. I-'Ii,j,.~,;) ,',I: I' r, ;; ~ \'J("1 I ;__ci,'} .. /: r t ri I Jf ',t i r i.j~c'rl(I',:2", -,n{._)~'o'rl I~..! U rl'/ [, ~"r ~! ()( IC)()j:--J~) <-t.; E; "",,111'11; ~ I ~ . Jr" I t .'.1 tr.f! ,IJI" r VICINITY MAP 1" 2000' DATE: 1~~~~<?i__ DATE: q-~ey-~f j It.. ' i . , I~, Sl\ \ I i ~ ,ii' '__~ i \ '.< ~, ',' It)' J I ' I ' '. I . ' \ ' , I : , I r I f r I, 'Ir:,,:(~r /.!~I'; : 11" J) ifi-;(J'''Jrl l2(f:' 1'''IUfJ, r r I ;\ I,i (~i J "'J r r ) {~:,' ~ 'i; ~ r~.' ~> (, r t. / OA TEj,~.. I 01 '.l .. DATE: -r . .;)e..o U' 11'.L:: rJr ,} :, I ",J :), ii,,; t t I), :lfll(:r,d,/ FUI,','; rJ:, .i;>,~(li ','11 : ,1.: ~UlJ ((';'1 '.\'itrIJ(1 ~'l",-"rl(.j '\ .:r I 'l_l'/ ,;1 il. r I '.'/ ,', I '. ' 1.,( , ' ...... I I U' I~}( , r / d :'_ t,:' r . ) r (', If;1 tl ',','itr'l 1-,' ;",')11_",'0 If d f~, ~ JI;, ,I r'.'f r; l_ I ~ r ! : ',-' (, :. I ) ,( I 'I .J r, " : L'y,-J:j ) t ~,l t I, J t ~ . , J','. , j I I oj t i ~.' ( J ~,'_' < 1 .11 ~I'", fllJi 'I I, fill' ('ftlcl:_;/ f-'l~'tJ/l\ r t ,\.jl,:, t r L'l;lkr; !.-,.)lJrlt/. (,.~\ lr;l"'.;'uni'~\C\~lkr:l ?,rJ~I-~';jri(i~;:I 1\IH'I; ,?~H'~I)li.."i\"J\::':I/:]t ,) r:d(lt"(/"'J '}/18.'c'Ullf. ,~.11 ).) H-1 l [11 'f [ , r f< I'!, j:Jit .~i, , , 'I c'( r; II l :..:. ) " I, II:J t i,l I : r' (r j , ' ~ ~:' ,it II, ( ;11 ! t", Q ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o o (J) \...;;-' c-, Q ':~ (..l) > J ('I' (t~- '- ----------i' .~E 7 c' U) BETHEL ROAD ; 'lrj "'t- ,,~ c:, ~~ , . Ix '\ c:, t~ ~~. L--) .J I , CD ~ r' ~ N ('J 0) W 1-') '" or-- or-- r") - or-- o z :.._J J, r') o CD L() t.J Ii." (( t/ ' (VARIABLE WIDTH R.O. W.) S 87-53'22" E 183.32' i. R. F. N 87"4 '58" W 61. 0' R. 0, W. DEDICA TlON (PER THIS PLA T) 0.096 acres 73.24' is ~ <1:')) uC() cs:.:t Uj.q- o.q- o >- r'- <f0 ~O I ('I LL , C":=> ,2 t- I(j I_'l,.:) 0::0 u", N 85.13'58" W ~ I. R \' \~I R=63~5.00' \\ L=28.82' \ DEL T A= 2.36 '00" ] CB=N86.31 '58"W CH=28.81 ' I.R.S. 12.24' i. R. S. - o o CD r-<) 5:: LOT 1 0.266 ACRES - /"---... ~ o U) B L o c K LOT 2 0.566 ACRES N 88.28'43" W 86. 0' I. t< .~ P.O.B. N 87-22'59" W 187.42' _L I -I _ LOT 1, BLOCK A THE VILLAGES OF OLD COPPELL DOC. NO. 20070444189 / I / I I ~tat1' of QJounty I, Douglas l Arthur, 0 Register d Pr,)feSSlonol londSurl/:;'yor, herdlY c(:! [iT)' that I ~IJve prepared this piot from on octual on-the-ground s~rvey of the land ond that the corner rno('lurnents shown (hereon were property placed under my pers f/;8i supervIsion In occorciance with the plot tin9 rules ond re9u/ations of the City 0 'oppe,II" TrX,aO'Y1~1 . l I I:. \J/' I //- ~ ,/C!llIJJlt;!____ ____~ Douglo-;-c-7Ar thur Re9istereVProfessionol I_and Sf 'w:yor No 4357 CIT1'xas of 1] 1'nton ~ ~ ~tatf of QJounty {TI1'xas of 1IJ 1'nton s s BEFORE ME, the underSigned 0 thority, (] notory put-I!c In Gnd 1,)1 the Stote uT Tc;~cj, un thiS doy personolly appeared Douglos l Arthur, kn wn to me to t'e the person whose nome is subscrrtecJ on the foregOing instrument and acknowledged t me thot he executed some, for the purpose ond cons:derotian therein expressed GIVEN under my hend and seal of office (illS /1#1 ------ f)iti;-~~----_.--, 2008 day ot ~ &jOt!- tJ,OI 'L. of T exos Ivly commission expires: 56.87 ' A ~ .-/ / / "x" Sf T CD CD r-<) C"-J iR.F, (eM. ) J UJ! l'''; 10' BLOC LINE _ _ , - -- DOC NU" '/U- 050 <5q . --- --~ ~ ~ 4487 o N 0> or-- N s C"-J r-<) LO ()) .. o N t'-. f'J o o (f) UN (UR.u.-/1 1") f" J APPRCuEU BY ~_L~"=' ~~~~(;V~~E~~Y _~<';! ii~---- .._ :lf~R~~tl~JE~'( ~ ~ ~... .......___ .._ ~~,~I~~~lD rn;~..~, ______m i. R. F. r!"~~' -.:;;;...~~~-..'.... -'~"_:. '.~"':, oJ." ';':'~..'''' ,"- ~~ <-"~~, I. ( . f · '<.-;.'" '. ...- . .;,.\. Z~,.~, ~ '.,:,; , ;' 1 \~.' . - '.. \,., t~.,,'~ :~;.~,!_:~:."..~:,:" ) 0.:.: ' .;,j". . ~_"4i-;';'.l~Al.-~1- Lor I, BLOCh. J HISTORIC COPPELL PROPERTIES ADDITION DOC' !\lO, 2(J050~S59448 7 24' FIR~ t. L ' & /-jivE DOc U 11L1 6. I:!U lUAI , NO ,tl--j'C' '- ~,~~ 2005011v1EN 1 '-lEss 59448/ OWNER / DEVELOPER CITY OF COPPELL 255 Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019 Phone: 972.304.3678 Fax: 972.304.7092 / I / / CONFORMED COpy \..<~ ()r- . '~fa:).":-~:.J"(.... ,~ '. . ~ _. " ',.J' ~.... '- " .. ~ '^' ,if ~/,'<~~~' I,,~ ~.....' ::: ('f ' OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS tfZ"4- John F. Warren County Clerk Dallas County TEXAS November 11, 2008 12:22:03 FEE: $33.00 e HOMEYER ENGINEERING, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERING+CoNSULTING SITE & LAND PLANNING P.O. Box 294527 LEWISVILLE, TEXAS 75029 PHONE: 972-906-9985 FAX: 972-906-9987 DRAWN BY: J.e, g,tat1' {TIfxns of s s s unh IDfhirntiol1 , @wnrr s Q1rrtifirnt1' QJounty of mullos WHEREAS, RUBY NELL WilSON, I~, tilt; l)wn/:;,( ur c.;Il tl'lt '~c.:'r t',JilI lut, tru,_t ,jf !--',;Icc'i ur lel'I':! (tJuk,! I:' tilt' Jary)es 5ln,mons ':~urve/, At,,:,.truc.:t l\ium[J':J 1190. City ,',T CUiJpell, D'Jllu~) L<...'l,nty,/exus, un,j t"clfl:! r<Jrt '.Jr (tlut certClJn troet of land \.It:'xribed III deed to W H W,I'.un uno Vllre, f<uL'1 N Vir/sun. recurded )() 'kdUI1I'': )8';~), Page l<jj of the Dt:ed F:ecord'C. cf Dol/os County. Tc:-...os, und beir;9 rl<'rl:: [jortr,:l1/orly descriLr':l.J u':- f,)lk,\',,~ BEGINNING ot (J I i(,.h !rUrl i'll'.: fllUriJ In tI,t-_- t::ost:nl- .d ':":;Ut/i 1..1..'!{,t:11 /:,',>..1,j (cJ tJU T;l"t Ilqll' ,--,T- un,.! being the northeost ,:c,:ner uf u 15 toot right- ut-'1,u/ jedi...-uti"ln It:CUrCJc:l lHI,jer [J\.)(urnent !\JUlllt'e! 2007U444189 of tht: OffiCiOI f-ublic f<ecords uf [JuIlCJ~, \.'uunt,!, Te,'iL. THENCE N(x th U 1 des! C:(:~I o 1 Inch Iron re,a fl)und e,f :~'174(. feet tc- a I ,,) Ir,I;:(I(,:,::> Ul Se<..dllJ'" lu::.,(, \',rUI [rw nJ~,t Ilfl'. ,d ~"ji,J S'.lUtll '~('I-'I."_''; "..,ud, 1"' IJ ) t (] ,j 1St (] n (. e c: t i i 1 (j t, Te' t: t \.JIl ,j ( ....Il t If i LJ I ( '\}\', I t iJ ~ U Ide (J u r S e r [: ( U t (, (,; I J I e, t ' J I I, 'c' the south line Oi lkt!Jc,j r<~/ud (u/,)ri:JCleiill'jUI litJh{' \.)f- I,ll ,UIII(:'r, THENCE _,Old)) d7 ut.'91t::L-c~ ~I"; Il'flrlUteS 12 secuIllh f:u~)t. mtli (/Ie ~),,~Jt(l )jli~' ,.f :u/;J r:.;:(lII.'; ":;).1'1, u ,j,s t...;i I ,--' t' cd 13'552 teet to a Ie ':;et t\.,r corlier, THENCE South UU dt:<Jrcc''=' 'l/ IIllnutt'S 20 :;/:;,((;110::; '1'/,0;:;(. i,(}':.:,I!ll) '.J )/('~~ IIlch Ileill rou t,,'UlI,.!. :>'.:111(: [)llr" 1",'11;:) the northeast ,-'ryner cf 1,'[ I. Block 1 ,)f Historic Coppell Proper ties -'\.jJItIC,Ii, on oddit:c'n t,., rrw e,t Coppell, Dallas C...)urlty, ie...os, ~Kcor,jing to the plot (i',erc..;,f leuirded ur:der [j,Kurnent f'h;:llt.'e.:r / of the Official F'ub/le r<ec,-,rds of Dallas County, T/:;'\u::., or',:] Ci,i{)t/nuin(J nlci;)(:1 SUI::J course !(;( t':it(j! cJistOlid:' l.,f :: 1 9 :: 0 it: e t too 1 /2 - in chi r c, n Iud t 0 u n din the IV e:::- t I J n (': (J f sui d L.. [ 1, t-i Ie) c: ~ 1, sum e [.J 011 d b t: i Ill) tile northeC1~;t ((,(ner ()f [,(-:..t 1, [iJ,),k A of The VillClges (A Old CCI{.'f:.iell, ur, llcJ,Jdi()fI to the: City (Jf (~,:liJi--'CII, C'(]iJ.j~, County, fexos, occorcJinl) tu the plut thereof recordeo under {j,)CUlllt':rd I\!urnl,u l007044,~.tjc:'j ()f the \.)fi/(/'JI PubliC Records of C'ullu:) CCJlHlty Te~o~:; THENCE North 0/ ,.-JeOlet.:::o __ :lili'il1('c'J '::;9 "'t:I..,..,(;,J:c, We,t, ,',j(11 ({,t, 'I,-'I[r, III," r ',,]/,.1 rut 1, i)I'J~ t,.J \.J1',eJII..'-' of 18742 to the POINT OF BEGINNING, und (IX){Olnlil<..J O':Jld ..JeleS e,t I,_we.!, 1;)eJt.' C)I II:;::"S NQ>>lM, iqrr1'forf, know all 11lrn h!J tllrse pres1'nts: THAT, RUBY NELL WilSON. (j,x,:~ Ilerd)y udopt trll., i.)/(11 d<:::o"jnJtlrlq tll ~1,'rt:II, lIi,c") ~.'r,'r"::'lt; Wilson-Kirkland-Minyard Addition, Lot 1 & lot 2, Block A. I~rj ...JciJitll'! till (',t I' IT (:'~}Idl. l,:'U~" ,)lrc!L, hereby Jedicate, In fee :-)lfn;:'I,:.', t tne public use tOre'ler H,,: :;trl~t::t:., ',!i(./,:: tll''::I<.::C'11 JIi:::: t'U-.,l"rflt;:'lir:; '.:..rII~,','.rJ thereon ore ht:I/:;'L'/ reS~~I../eC1 (,:11 tht: purposes 111<..11COtc:O lilt: utility ,;i;] fll; I(JrI, eU:'Jenl(cr;t':o ::.,r,,--:II r,(: ',l!'(-I, kl the p~Jblic, file and pel/iCe liIiI/::", 'Jc!boge une! rut)tJlsh ct...llecti,)1I (jlj';rcClt'c;, wI;!:!I! r-,ut:lu, '.II~(i [_'fIV,)ft' IJt;il(:,.~, for t:ach porticulo! U',': ii,,,: f):~JiriterJu()ce of p()':ln~l c."1i the utility ,Jllj f!r'" I,~rir' ~:(J:.;,'r;'C.::,ts i. tr(' 1t-~'I,)n"lt',Jid/ of ttle property (jmid f'Jc, CiuiI,JI(;i..}5, fence,::, tlees,-,I:rub'J. UI oU,t'r ;r:lpr'.i,'(:rlkrd:, q"",'d~", :~II(l:i r,:-c conc:tructecl, recdl'JtlLht(;e! ,:'1 ;..>Io.:ed upon, (I/r:-'! (jr nerCe,'=' tnt::- eOSt.:'nellt:, '~r,()'.'ir' ')lli,1 e~J:>;:rlr:-llt'-, t't~I!I'i ;1"( reserved for U',~ !rlutu...';/ (hI; \.;r;u oc::ornrnoeJoticrl clf 'JII puLli,= utilitir::", I) I,) r OC'C,'IU:'J t, iJ ':\1 ,Jny pul:/le utility sl:(ill r:Ch':'; tr'l: right to ren,(ive ,,:nej ~,,':er' rl::I'(I()Vl,d ')11 l' '_" .":1/ luIiJ:r"i.. it::, trc"" srlrubs, ur oth/:;'r Iinr,rC!"t."r(I(~r,r~, ur (]r'JI,,cns ../(II(r, in (;(JI I'/()y (:(JJurl<.jcr "I Illt,,':;~;(" :,I[iI ["~'c' ,,( [I., r'.)II, rrlJintenurlce or ,:,tticieri'/ \~.j It':.) re'::'~-)(:>C(Jvt: rtS}:~'lt 1;)i,Jft~:.-,S \';r t".J]r I,,' f!,_,rr, url lJ~.I, irl~~ --,\J ,'J '_"_, r "rl TOr the i.'~rposc.: or i l~r,:,tll;.:-il,i(J, rt:(I:-(;S!rU(tll<!, 'r'~-,~:e,rin,:!, (,cJUed/ir;,). rlll,II,1 J,il:I, ,jl"j ,:,),)I:I,! I., 1,.lil .ill" 011 ,.H' p,') r t s ,) f i (~~ r 1.:-:-';. t: ( t , /', ten; s 1\ I UJ Co' U t U, t: I; (' i l~' > I t:l c t 'J" Y t 1:1 " ' . r ,i.,! -' (. :;r if , . i ; I , '_' , . I '. ' ( on/c;ne (:;n/ {.->UCiIL Idr/ily ',;1,;/,' I,~~,/(: th,.: rl'j/It (,'J I;)idrl'~"~' ,:;( (:::'Jlc-~,~, t !:::' 1,lr,;~"'1 t,' {I,: :!~. r(:'oJII'C) :nettJ~, end ,]11/ Ir;OI~I('~'flljn,~,.: (,'1 SI.'rVI~,: rc'(;ullt,..j ur ."r:ill/Ut II! i'el r .lrr'I'.;,J :J/ ttle ,;:illt;'1 /v'Utt:1 rnal~1 ,]'-"J,'I'J::'(,_, .\,JlC! l'~Jc.t,;IIIU)t~.; ~J;lJli el!:.u ;I,UI"Jr., u'.!,Jdll'!I,.JI 1)1 ',d.. k.rl.j Ii>,' 1/' If,;' I1I1 one! rn(Jl(ilenon:~t' ()r (n:.: ~-,y:';t II~) Addltil.Jnul 1'::'.)::.,t:;((::::I,( ur,":) I::' (j!~",-, ,j r". III'_,L)li'Jtl~'11 .;II'.! :1.( ,1,:111:,'" of nicnh".>/es, cle(:;1 tile rlf(1I'JI1t~" v'"'Jtf;r .'ICr:-:C ,j(j \,,\.J:,[-:' .VO(el ',t" il',ill tilt:' l'I..1:rl: tt" ((111' 'Ii ~lOVen)ent line, Glid rJr:::,\.llr'tlc'll ')( ~,U(-tt GdcJlt:~,r;.11 eUC,t.;lr',C'I:t herc-Ifl '-,r(J!lt';..J :/1'.11/ t.lt: (ktcllr'l"':':: :; t111.:,1 I (I C (j t I (, n (] sin s I (]: led 7 hi':.. pia top pro 'j':: U S u [. t t '.' Texu:-:. WITNESS my hanG ti,,~. __/2 'JII plc.)(tln,:! ,:!I(JI~il.]I"'C'" It,k" (C'ljU/l_; t I(_'{;~, ~ ;, J i J [~_: ~) Ci i L.. ~ ItJ r I (, r t" i Ll ( J t ,1 t ,_ l.: t. i . ~__I ; , ,](] / u j I~~-- _1L,~~__________ __ ~,Jl.#J~~._#-~,----. f\u'b~~'1r v'tson Owner' g,tatf of <aounty BEFORE ME, tile Uil::k'rSI~jl1t?d ULJtil~'ri!y, () notu/ >' pur 1,\ ,II iil'; t(lf tr,r' ',(Uk ',r it-ql'J, ('on :tll~, ,,J,Jj' i,,:,,rJur,,!iI; appearc--J RUBY NEll Wilson, ~rlo\','n to me L) re tll:::' I,C:I I \',hUSe 11,~Ir;,c' h sul'~,Ctlt.)6J c.'r: tire.: (,,( inst/urncrJ! and Clci<nuv,'kdgeo to Ine thut r,e (-Xt'ClJTeiJ '<Hlit', for tilt: I'ur)),,:;!::, ,:;ne! u.Jrl:)/(Jeruti;)(, t;'r:':::'!11 ffipxns of malluz s s exptesst:d (~~ ,.1 c: I' c.'; t)~_,_ .--=~.' ~()1}6.' ..."' . .<.. o. . ':t~"_.- ~ ..~.,... . ,- GIVEN under my rlon'.! lllld seol of office this ()J(J/if4:-(}~_____ _ . NZU: Public in ono fL.); the Stote of Texas ;: ;- ...-:~~"; :: ~~ t" :., ; . .-.;...-.,. . , '.. -......., . r :, ~;:"'; ".: '~'~;~~~~~;,.~.. B-i'~.-;:~ I~~':~ ~~; ;:~,~~: x p'jr:~~ r~ ...--r_~,.~.."~-.;..r... $"&;", ......,~lo,o................,:,.". -~,!.~~...................~.,.;,- Flo0Jplcin Oe'/t:lopn leiJ ( administ:atclr on _,!\l~,,____ I,ll:, L,c:t:'rl TilenNdrl Iht: (,rt/ ,r'_"r-'fiL.i/ tl'i'.id;,I,)UI ,Ue/lIll! A~pil\.:otjon No :::008 .....__..-J{~ .d~ ., .... Fluc'uplolli Adm In is tro t ()/ tO~ w..~ g [1,.1 ,C l~'-J~- - Of> [)IJ k fY1 Z 'l.1'K2 __ _ _ "_ ~ _ __7'::' J.) 1/,,) t.Co Ti,e undersigned, Ule l,ltj.Jt::',.rdory ()( the Cd}' LJf Wilson-Ki~k/and~M;nyord ~ditJo,n, lot 1 & lot the City GounCII on the ~~ ___.___ d,]y ot OC tlOI1, then onJ there occepted the torU) In on Ivloyor to note the ucceptunu- (hereuf by ;:;igrllnq WITNESS MY HAND, (i,lS the --i5~~-----~ ,___ ,;r (:rl'e'" tfj'Jt (I,I: ~".I t J.il f'!'j[ the C It I (~} r (. (; .[.J r~1 t_,' J! ..., (J ',) '~.I_i' [)' (II{ t C'I,) ( l_ Ui,l,j, IJrl1l (;)(- Cue)(1 Ii :,' f,:';r;I':il so i d pia t . .,:;r I ,j :, (i I tJ C. I' U ! j "I t u rt Ii t;/ ,it d ! I" ii,' (:" d the <.J S h t" I t.' If) ,.1 (, ; -' 'I c- ,; u t, :.;" ( It.' e d dvy ,:JT ,. .-OCta.~VV- lUl;;:; ) .~ ~dL---,-- ---- ----.---- r,~r(tS'/uB .. (--- - ---............~.- --....------ ---. * --- - '- '-----...--.' a ~-inor (PCat of Wi Ison-Ki rkland-M i nya rd Addition Lot 1 & Lot 2, Block A ----+-.. , ---.--.___...._e___' .----~---"- '_+_--- 5ln )\.ddition to the City of CO~LL, <TCEXJlS ..' ______...._eo__- 20080358598 BEING D. 9~~E) ACF(F:~~ OUT OF THE: JAMES SIMMONS SUHVEY, :\BST NO. 12~)G CITY OF COPPELL, DALLA~~ COUNTY, TEXAS -.---- .--...-____4...__"--., _____ * ,_ -. ---- .....-- ~ "rthur Surveying Co., Inc. ProFessional Land Surveyors 972-221-9439 ~ /c""i.lX 972-221-4675 220 Elm Street, Suite 20() - P.O. Box 54 Lcwisville, Texas 75067 DATE: 07/17/08 SCALE 1 "=20' CHECKED BY: WTM ASC NO.. 2807116-1 c:;.") ~>'" ~ (g t::::=:::J P t::::=:::J g g ~ g (Qb ~ t.. C'~ c:;. "J @; t::::=:::J ~ o g ~ ~ d ~ (Qb t::::=:::J ~v) ~ o ~ g (!jj~ d c::..--=:J r'. G~ 20 c--dJ d ~ ~ lQs g ~j) (1JS g ~"'::J ? P ~ ~