RP - Filed Dallas Co 021209 OWNER'S CERTlFICA TE 89.80' 1/2- irf ROY ONSTOTT '/OL 95073, PC. 57 \\ 89.97' II :l> s:: ~ o z o V1 """" ~ c-.. oj 0) ...., I ~ . '0 i--r-.. I 8 I I I I I I I I ~ I . \ >-J I I I I 2 5/8" irf I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I 2: Lu ~ Lu (JJ oq:- Wli"l (J) . (J)c.J wQ Q - c.J1'<) LLlI'-. o aLl) 201 <:{ --I VlO V1> Lu Q () ~ h ClRS 10 oj VICINITY MAP nts COPPER LN COZBY AVE () o lJ lJ I"'l r r BROOKS LN ;0 o ~ SITE g ~ HEARTH I"'l V1 r -I o V1 Z -I f'T1 BETHEL RD () o iJ iJ f'T1 r r ;0 o BLVD LOT 6 THENCE South 89.26'49" We~)t, along tfle south line of said lot 7, 0 distance of 20.00 feet to 0 i /2" iron rod with orange plastic cap stomped "P/BURN PAR TNERS" set for corner; CI TY OF COPPELL VOL 89127, PC. 4336 I~ I~ u Q N 0219'15" E JIB"irf I ~ 27.67"-. ~ .U1 N 89'52'lJ" E 1" ....~ S 20.00', J ~ ....~6" __ ~ 1/2"'rf ....7<. F - '~ , I "~<9 / 1 ~~~ / I ~-- West line of Lots 3,4,5 'i .. .... abandoned by this plot I / I I I I I I \ \ \ \ I \ \ F' : N 8911'04" W - 140.00' \ 'I <x> IRS - - -: J/B";' - - - - - - - "72Q.OO. - - - - -1- -I 0) . <01 : I I ~ I : I I I ~I ;: I I lAJl "': I~ I . ' LOT 4R ~ 1 C\lo18 :~; 11,200 sq, ft., 0.257 Qe, I ~81 .. i :~; I ~i ~O)I 5:: 361 HEARTHSTONE LN. I ~ I Pia , kJ ,... O I ~: OA VIO & FIONA BARLECCS I ::;. I ~ ~: VOL. 2003076, PC. 8813 I ~ ,.....: Z I 8 : , I _-::J I ~ , (JJ~ I I ~ I I I __.i.___N B9.'!.'~4~-_'!O.OO' -----+-__11 ~~ W . 120.00' -----t I . I. i i! : i~ ~ I ,0 : LOT JR ~ I I 0 I . <1 11,086 sq. ft., 0.254 ac, ~ I I(/) 1;; . I) 365 HEARTHSTONE LN. 8 ,;t COLIN & JAIME FAULKNER I ~ I I: INS No. 200600232777 0'\.00 Cl<tx~ I' I I . "\ 0"" rv I I : 0\(- \ ~ <<0;' I I :. ~:QQ~~O' I · --k: I 62.05' CIRsL7;tCIRS: ~o ({o I I S 89.2f;'49" W a.:~_ _____ 0 \o\._____4--_~ 1/2"lrf I 20.(JO' IN 89.,1'04" W - 120.00' I I I' pd'NT OF N 00.49'Q2" Eli I BEGIN'NING 5.91 <V I I I ~ I ! . 2,u. \ I ~ LOT 2 i . I I' ~ 369 HEARTHSTONE LN. :) ~I SCOTT & KELLI PARK VOL. 2004247, PC. 16094 I ~ \ I ~ Q I ~ STA TE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS LOT 7 354 HEARTHSTONE lN CHRISTOPHER & NANCY DOBBS VOL. 2003253, pc. 5798 WHEREAS, BRi TAMER, lP, CH ARlES VAUGHAN, OA VIO BARlEGGS, AND COUN FAULKNER, are the owners of a 0.791 acre tract of land situated in the JAMES W. ANDERSON SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 18, Dellas Coun ty, Texa~3 and being a portion of lot 1, Block 1 of VAUGHAN ADDI TlON, or addition to the City of Cop(::lell, according to the plat thereof recorded in Instrument No. i 200600049322, Deed Records, Oa/las County, Texas (OROCT), and being 011 of lots 3, 4, and 5, : Block 1 of OLD COPPElL ES TA TES, on addition to the City of Coppell, according to the plot + thereof recorded In Volume 96020, Page 2443, DRDCT; said 0.797 acre tract of land being more "==- -=---=--=-----= __--= particularly described os foil ows: BEGINNING at 1/2" Iron rod found for the southeast corner of Lot .3 of said OLD COPPELl " I _ _ _ _ _ __ _. E5TA TES addition, and lying on the west line of Hearthstone lone (50' width right of way); "=--==--==--==- --=-- - - - - - - . - THENCE North 89.11 '04" Wes t, departing soid west line and aiong the south line of said lot 3, Block 7, a distarce of 120.CJO feet to 0 1/2" iron rod found for the southwest corner of said Lot 3, and lying on the 'lies t line of said OLD COPPELl ESTA TES ADDI nON; -- ~ ~ / " N 89-S2'1J- E - 152.10' / ---...... ""- " ./" /' / / / I &=l54 ~8'fO" R=;50.00, l-';S 26 CS;=S 03.49'20" E THENCE North 00'49 '02" East, along the west line of said lot .3, 0 distance of 5.91 feet to a CH==5J..34' 1/2" iron rod with orange plastic cap stamped "PIBURN PARTNERS" set for the northmost )( (nd _ _ _ _ - - - - --- - - southeast corner of soid Lo t 1, Block 1, VAUGHAN ADDiTION; r------- James W. Anderson Survey, Abstract No. 18 , I I; . of') .'- .:"j ;)1 LOT 5R 12,184 sq. (t., 0.280 ac. 357 HEARTHSTONE LN. CHARLES & SHARON VAUGHAN VOL. 96210, PC. 81 __ THENCE North 00.49'02" East, departing said north line and along the west line of the herein described tract, a distance of 246.98 feet to 0 1/2" iron rod with orange plastic cop stomped "PIBURN PARTNERS" set for corner and lying on the north line of said lot 1, Block 1, and also being the south line of 0 tract described to the CITY OF COPPEll, os recorded in Volume 89727, Page 4336, oRDCT; I WI Zl <(I I -11 Wi Z!1 I Ol~ J-I ~ 'c (/)1 ~ ~I> ~ J-I 0:::1 <(I W: Ii \ \ x fnd THENCE North 89.52'13" Eas t, along the south line of said CITY or COPPELl tract, 0 distance of 20.00 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found for the northeast corner of soid VAUGHAN ADDITION, also being the westmost southea st corner of said CITY OF COPPEll tract, and lying on the west line of said Lot 5, Block 1 of sClid OLD COPPELl ESTA TES addition; LOT 4 THENCE North 02'19'75" Eas t, along said west line, common with the east line of said CITY OF COPPELL tract, a distance of 27.67 feet to 0 3/8" iron rod found for the northwest corner of said lot 5; Lot 1, Block 1 Vaughan Addition Doc. # 200600049322 (proposed lot 1R, by Separate 50,26tJ sq. ft., 1.154 ac. THENCE South 67"35'12" Eas t, along the northerly line of said Lot 5, 0 distance of 129.71 feet to a 7/2" iron rod found for corner, and lying on the curving westerly line of the aforementioned Hearthstone lone, and being at the beginning of 0 curve to the left having a radius of 50.00 feet and a chord which bears South 03"49'20" East 0 distance of 53.34 feet; .- THENCE along said westerly righ t of way line and along said curve through a cen tral angle of 64028'20" for on arc distance of 56.26 feet to on "X" cut in concrete found for corner; THENCE South 00.49'02" We:3t, continuing along said west right of way line, 0 distance of 167.15 feet to the POIN T OF BEGINi\JING; and con taining 34,470 square feet or 0 791 acres of land, more or less. LOT .3 00 Cl<'J \.. c.: 11 \.. 0 rt v<:}' oU\(- ~ '< c,' 0\ Q0 0' G oQ aV o 00 0\ ~. ~o SURVEYOI~'S CERTIFICA TE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 412 BETHEL RD. BR/TAMER LP VOL. 2005079, PG. 7991 THA T I, John R. Piburn, Jr., do hereby certify that I prepared this plat from on actual and accurate survey of the land, that the corner monuments shown thereon were properly placed under my personal supervis ion in accordance with the platting rules and regulations of the City of Coppell. 1-8OL T J n R. PiburTI, Jr., R.P.l.S. Regis tra tion No. .3689 LOT 2 ~ i STATE or TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS TCI CABU~VISION VOL. 2001007', PC. 2843 BEFORE me, the undersigne'd authority, 0 Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared John R. Piburn, Jr., known to me to be the person whose nome is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the some for the purposes and considera tions therein expressed and in the capacity herein stated. VI o o d 'I I\i o . 1/2.'irf ", , l<:n IY' o '0. ,:::) GiVEN under my hand and seal of office, on this the j_?~J)day of _~~~~~~_____, N;;-t-;;:-y-W-O~~~~~O~-Te-;;;-;------------ {~~1\ No~a~;T~~bl?C. ~t~~~So~~exas \"'':'';.. .<~~f My' Commission Expires "',,;,~,:,>" November 12, 2010 2008. 120.00' I~ I\-. I ~ as .., LOT 1 Q ~ LOT 1 , AD. 200\ <j The undersign ed, th e Cit y Sec,'etary 0 f th e City 0 f Coppell, T exos, h ereb y cert ifies th 0 t th e foregoin 9, .Fioola t 0 f the ~,. C.oPPElI, E~T1 TES ADDITION to the City of Coppel! was submitted to the City Council on the tl-~day of ~.-l~---, 2008, and the council, by formal action, then and there accepted the dedication of streets, alleys, parks, easements, public places, and water and sewer lines, as shown and set forth in and upon said plat, and said Council fur-ther authorized the Mayor to note the acceptance thereof by signing their name os hereinabove subscribed. 15' Building Setback Block 2. Lot Cl N 87; 7'25" W - 86.10' .:IRF "B&C" L ., l!" 8 ~ . I J 15' Setback Line Witness my hand thi.s ~~ day CIRS i ~ 70. 00' Qt;.fL Secre 0 y Fioodplain Development Permit Application No.k11~ has been filed with the City of Coppel! floodplain administrator on __________, 2008. 8 ~ Lot C-l N 89'40'00. W - 120.00' (BASIS OF BEARINGS) 7$l.~ " R. O. W. Dedication 950 Square Feet, 0.02 Acres Doc. # 200600049322 I~OAD BE-rH EL (Variable wi,jth right-of-way) ___1< ~_^ ...,~_~___ FlooJp;Adm in istrator \ · 1 q .a _____-=1-________ Date ~~1&_ Planning & Zoning Chairperson \..,. 'A]JrOliyd and ,) 1 - 0 yort/t f _~LL3_Q~---- Date 111R~L~_--_- cf(;t~ J Verizon ~~ K j. /klf2= ~JJ t.~/ ... Oncor ~ Atmos Energy J Time Warner ENGINEER ORACLE ENGINEERING 7012 LINDSLEY AVE. DALLAS, TEXAS 75223 (214) 321-1436 CONTACT: MA TT ,t.(OSTlAL OWNERS: BRITAMER lP P. C. BOX 1609 COPPEll, TX 75019 469-549-9991 CONTACT: SHARON VAUCHAN COLIN & JAiME F"AULKNER 365 HEARTHSTONE IN. COPPELl, TX 75019 o I"'l Z -I o Z NOTES: cirs = 1/2" iron rod with orcnge plastic cap statTDed "P/BURN PARTNERS" set for corner -I :l> iJ ~ o BASIS OF BEARINGS: Bearings shown hereon are ba sed upon the northe-Iy right-of-way .Iine of BETHEL ROAD os defined in a deed to Britomer, L P., os recorded In Volume 2005079, Page 07991 of the Deed Records of 001 as County, Texas. o ~~ 30 60 feet I :JA VIO & FIONA BARLECCS 361 HEARTHSTONE LAI\jE COPPEll, TX 75019 CHARLES & SHARON VAUGHAN 357 HEARTHSTONE IN. COPPEll, TX 75019 SURVEYOR PIBURN & PARTNERS, llC 9535 FOREST lANE, SUI TE 229 DALLAS, TX 75243 (214) 328-3500 CONTAC~ DUSTIN DA~SON No portion of the subject pro(Jerty lies within any oreo of 100- year fiood according to FEMA's Flood Insuronce Rote Mop No 48113C0135 J, doted August 23, 2001. Property is in zone X. SCALE: 1" - 30 NOW THiREFORE, KNOW All MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That, BFITAMER, lP, CHARLES VAUGHAN, DA VIO BARlEGGS, AND COLIN FAULKNER, do hereby adopt this plot designating the herein above described property as LOTS JR, 4R, 5R, BLOCK 1, OLD COPPELL ESTATES ADDITION, on addition to the City of Coppell, Texas and do hereby dedicate, in fee s imr Ie, to the public use forever the streets and alleys shown thereon. The easements shown thereon ore hereby reserved for the purposes indicated. The utility and fire lane easements sl1al/ be open to the public, fire and police units, garbage and rubbish collection agencies and 011 p'Jb/ic and priv::te utilities for each particular use. The maintenance of paving on the utility and fire lane easen1er t is the responsibility of the property owner. No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or orher impro vel lents or growths sholl be constructed, reconstructed or placed upon, over or across the easer,1er ts shown. Said easemen ts being hereby reserved for the mu tual use and accommoda tion of 0/1 pl" bl ic u t il it ies usin 9 or desirin g to use th e same. All, and an y publ ic u til ity sholl hove th e righ t to remove and keep removed 011 or ports of any building, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvenents or growths which in any way endanger or interfere with the construction, maintenance or efrici.~ncy of !.ts respective system on the easements, and 011 public utilities shall at 011 tim es have thl full right of ingress and egress to or from and upon the said easements for the pur-pose of consr~ucting, reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining and adding to or removing 011 or ports o( its respective systems without the necessity at any time of procuring the permission of anyone. (Any public utility sholl hove the right of ingress and egress to private property for rhe purpc1se of reading meters and any maintenance or service required or ordinarily performed by that uti lit y) . Water n: 'Jin and wastewater easemen ts sholl 0/50 include additional orea of working space for const r Lie .ion and maintenance of the systems. Additional easement area is also conveyed for installot".-m and maintenance of manholes, ciec.Jnouts, fire hydrants, water services and wastewater services form the main to the curb or pavemen t line, and descrip tion of such additional easernen ts here;n granted sholl be determined by their location as installed This pia approved subject to all plotting ordinances, rules, regulations and resolutions of the City of Copp -,II, Texas. WITNE~;S, my J1an9 on this the ~~_ d Y of ~-<.,~~______, 2008. f IT.>MEf ~ll ~ k~----------- WITNESS, my hand on this the ~ day of'1)e~____.__, 2008. C S STA TE Oi TEXAS () COUN T'YW DAllAS () () BEFOR E . :le, the undersigned au thority, 0 Notary Public in and fe r said Coun ty and State. on this day person 011 . appeared Sharon Vaughan, known to me to be the' p :?rSOfl whose nome is subscribed to the foregol;n9 instrumen t ard acknowledged to me that he execut ed the some in the capacity herein stated and os the (' - ton d de e d 0 f so i d com pan y. BEFORE me, the undersigned out hority, 0 Notary ,Dub/ic in and for said Coun ty and State, on this day personally appeared Colin Faulkner, known to me to be the person whose nome is subsc ribed to the foregoinq instrumen t and acknowledged to me that he execlJ ted the same in the capacity herein stated and as the oct and deed of said company. GIVE~ unjer my hand and seal of office, this the ~__ d ;/ o~~ 2008. GIVEN under my hand and seal of office, this the _~~day o~~ 200(3. "'!~%;'~'~~;'" a n SH~NNdJ1~. sMre t e e,*-'? ',W COMMISSiON DPIPES c':~~;.,,,,,,X,: July 22. 2010 ~"" r(;,o.;l' \' ,', Texas WITNESS. my hand on this the ~~ do' of ~~f-----, 2008. ~~s ------- ------ ----- 2008. OA VIO ['\RlEGGS S TA 7I (- TEXAS () COU;~~ T' .',..,..- UP~~ ..:.::: :') S"-'; ~~ CJr TEX:~? c; C-".! /1'1 TV (If: OAl I AS i ; BEFOF?E me, the undersigned au thority, a Notary Public in and l)r said County and State, on this day persona;y appeared David Bar/eggs, known to me to be the plS'r<;: .In whose nome is subscribed to the foregoing instru mt Ii t and acknowledged to me that he execu ted the s<]rr,e in the capacity herein stated and os the oct and o'eei of said company. BEFORE me, the undersigned au thority, 0 Notary Publtc in and for said County and Stat e, on this day personally appeared Sharon Vauqhan, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknovvledged to me that he execu ted the some in the capacity herein stated and os the oct and deed of said company. GIVE~i.1Y 'der my hand and seal of office this the d~~ ' ____. coy o~2008. GI VEt:l-..under ~ 0c:nd and seal of office, this the _:l~~\.; day of ~~~~<2008. Not a r y ,1') ubi i c I n and for the S tat e 0 f T e x as Notary Public in and for the Stote of Texas ~'~~f.'~: 'f.~~:,,_ --~~~.,.- . . .-, ;*; :*~ ~..;;'.. ."~.f ~~~ .....~~" "'~S\~ll;\\\" SHANNON M BLEAU ~..1Y COMMISSIO~J EXPIr:<ES July 22, 2010 -- CONFORMED COPY b.. '';: '..*'.~.~.' r< .:}. .,~(~.:.'- OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS '// f/:I--.-- John F. Warrtn County Clerk Dallas County TEXAS February 12, 2009 09:50:18 AM FEE: $33.00 200900040806 REPLAT OLD COPPEll ESTATES ADDI'TION Lots 3R, SR, BlOCK 1, Old Coppell Estates Addition 4R , 0,791 ACRES SITUATED IN THE JAMES ANDERSON SURVEY, ABSTRACl- No. 12) 13 · .. eln 9 a replot of Lots 3, 4, & 5, Block 1 of Old Co~)pell Recorded in Vol. 96020 Pg. 2443, and An addition to the City of Coppell. Dallas County, Texas Q) Estates, lD rv; C() c-) '-.J z L....... SEP TEMBER 30, 2008 SHEET 1 OF 1