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MSPA Exhibits 030509
::,,, Cl , <t , O'~ O:::;:i w;6 z . :::J~O;: 2j~~ Q)~ w, STA1EO'TEXA$ )( COiJNT'< or [)AtLAS )( \~0~~ "0 S' Lou'5 en," Soulh"~51~m Rc;lcood 'od .e' lor corner ,n l~ c~rv;ng porl,on 01 tt.~ THENCE olo~g ~o,d ~urv;ng p~<boo 0' Selt L,n", Roo,", lh", red;vs po'~( 01 .oid curve be.ng s,tuoi~d N OT4~'2~" Vi 0 d;.to...ce 01 I.J12 ~a feel lh'oug" 0 c",c,',col <ln~l~ of 08'5.3'2S", c~ ore 'e~t, and 0 ChOr~ t>eor;"g 01 S 86'~2'2[ w. c THENCE. t< 88'51'00' W o'or,. ,o'd ~orth I;~e et Bel'. l,ne Rood, 0 d;s'o~~e ef '07.82 le~l 10 t~ POINT Or BEGI"NING ond co"b~'ng "4.402 ~Quore r~~ e' 10.202 ou~. e1 lend, mme oc lu~ ec~v" DALLASCOllNTY )( STATE or TEXAS )( BErORE I.<E, THE UNDERSIGNED AJTliQR;T'<, A NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND rOR THE SAlD COUNTY AND 5TA'"[ ON THIS QA.Y PERSONAllY AP"'EARED PETER ~. HENNESSEY. KNOWN TO l.lE TO BE THE PERSON WHOSE NAI.<[ IS SUBSCRIBED TO THE rOREGOiNG INSTRUl.lf,NT. AND WHO ACKNOWlfOCED TO I.<E THAT HE EXECUTED TrlE SAl.lE IN THE CAPACITY THEREIN STAlW Grv(N UNDER "'V .......No "NO SEAL OF OfT ICE THIS ISTH D"V OF~____ 2oo7nl 'I ..J ~";p.YP(;~ ~ ~ .' O:'---"'~<_" NOT"RV PUBLIC IN AND rOR TJIi STATE 01' TEXAS l~i * ~C'I\ ., co...,,"" ""'CO OL' OF 2W' t{~~~_..,:.~;~~~:J NO<::T>' cA"~ t<S "(55 CU, '" f'~~S; 8lOC" ;:, \I(' _ 81(l~~ ~., NOW, l"'lRfJORf, "NOW AU l.lEN E'Y ll1fSf PRESENTS WllLw.< G. 1HOl.lP50N mUSTff VOl 110112, PC JOM I......' we. Ro~'1 land l.l l(<ltM.n Ing'~_ do t>""el>y odcot t",s p'ol des;<I~olong 1~~ "ere;~ obove d~'cr;n~d p'o~rty 0' <;HAI<( &< SHINGLE ADDmON, ond Odd,t,on 10 It<e Cily 01 C<lpp~d le.o, ono:! do "~'~by d~d;e"te, 10 t~ pubk u,~ lo,eve' !ne eo,emenls ,ho.." \t>~'eo~. ln~ ~o'e""'enls sn<l..n It>~reon e'" ne<eby 'eserv~d fo, the purpose; 0' ;nd;cot.,,, The ut:I::y <Ind /i,e "'n~ ~e$O"'ent. ,n<ll. be ooen 10 In. publ;c, f"e. ond pol'ee un.l.. 90fbog~ and rubb;.~ ~ollec\'o~ oge~c;~s and 011 publ;c ond p'",ot. uhO;(o~, fo' ~oen pOr\;cule' uSe. Tn~ mo;ctenonce of pav;ng and dra;r)oge on \n~ ut,lily, dr<l'~og~, ond f;'e lo~e eos~m~n(, ;, t,,~ 'uponsib;I;ly of th~ ",rop~<1y o..-'er No b~;'d;r)q., '~"ce., ','us, .hrvb5 <" "t~, improvement' c' gro..lh~ .nOll be constructed. r~con~tr~cled. or plac~d "por,. O_~<, 0' oe,o.. tn~ ~o~~m~r)ts es .ho.." So;d M5em~~\s b~;"~ "er~t>y fes~rved for tt>~ mufuQI us~ oM o~eofnmooot;Qn 0' aH public utM;u u.'''<; 0' d~s;"ng 10 u~~ I.... 50m~ All On~ any public u\,I;\y sholl "".e l"e ';gn' fo remo_. and ke"r '~mo_~d alt or pa"~ 01 ony bu"d,ngs, f~"c~" tr_~, s~rub5, or otne' ,m",r""~ments or 'l'ow'h. ..n,el( ;~ cny way m"y e~dQng~r c' int~rle," *.t~ '''e e<ln.t,,,,,tiM. ma;nl~""nce, Or ~l1;ciency of ;\$ r~~",~d;"e .yst~m On t"" e<l,~m~n" o~d 01' pub';, u\;!.tie. ..,,,,11 a( 011 I,r~., nove Ih~ full "gn\ 01 ;nqr~'~ or ~gr~~5 10 "" ''Ocr. an<! upon 50;d ~os~m~nl" 10' t"e pu'po5es e' conslruc'-,nq, '~eon.lrucr;ng_ or ,nsDO'cting pOlrOI!or"g. rre;nto.n.n~ ond oddinq 10 or r~mov.ng <lll 0' ",orh of 'l. syslems w;lhoul t"E MC~'S;ty 0' o~y l,m~ of P'O<'L'C;~g t.,~ p..rr;.~;on of onyone. (~ny pub!;c ut;lay Sh<lll nov~ l"e r.ghl of ,no;rus 0' egre.. to pr;vot. pro",..dy lor tfte pu'pos~ ot reod'''<l met~" 0"'" o~y mo,ntM<l~e~ or .~rv;," requ;red 0' ord;norily P<'rformed by t~c' .Jl";ly) Wot~r m(Jin ond 'O~,tcry se..e, ~o,~m~~.. shOI' <ll", ;"e'ude odd;t'oono' ore~ of wQrki,,'l "'o;nleno~c~ of lhe .ys',ems. Add,(;onol eO~Erne".1 or@o is 01;0 can"~yed '0' ;nS101Iot,on rna"~,oIES, c'eono~',", tore nyd<on'_s, ..ol~' se"',ce, c~d s...er ~@rv;ce5 from 1"~ rne;n Ie Ih~ d~sc"",f,ons cf ""Ch odd;licnol Ms~m~nt5 n~r~,n <Jro~\ed sholf t>e ~~!e'm;~~c by th~" ~b~rl~~W~ :,'~::~:t ::':~:: ::;:jet:e~~O:~~<J o:'~;~;:s~;les- regul<lloon< ond CE,Q'V';on 01 the C;ty of Coppell, T~.cs 7/7 .r~d;/}h'" rt~ ... I(ot;l'o. 'ng.~, Ow"", DALlAS COUNT'r )( SlATE OF lEXAS )( GNEN UND(R I.'v "AND AND SEAL or Of neE THIS~ OAY Of~_ ~_:.JuNE: r', "'rl1< ~ Z~T~~~,~~~~ '~x;I~~/o'nrf_ f_~2E~ TEXAS I~ -E.:;~ II THE OWNER S.....u. BE RfSPONSI6l( FOR T"'E PER"'ETUAl t,lAlNTENANCE or ALL STORl.l WAT(R DETENTION fACILITIES WITH'!. THE BOJNDARIES Cr THIS PRO"[RJV L_ l SOTEJ -------- ! ~ rl_R.w fOLJND IRON ROD SI.R_SETIRONROO UE ~ UT;uTY [ASEl.lENT DE - DRAINAG( EASEMENT At -BUllDINGlIN[ SW6T_ SOUTHWrSTERN BELL TELEPHONE ~~~~; {ti...~~~ER " UGHT ll.lANACER PLAT SERIJ[Il/()IiAw'NGS/198~/ J8~1l/ J8512.DWC App'o~~d "nd .lccepte<l lly TXU Ei~c(,;c neli"ery CO"'po~y ~;;'~)~J -..t"- L "'''1'-.., It.... ( AI",~, (~E'q~ (,~L)~ fZL ff.-y:::. ~~ (p;;~.6r?Ar$1!! '~'~-- (Pr'n! N<lfn~) ~1IMfl,~ I. -ii"~ 7 Dot. of ~pr<l~al ~~ & 1/\( 0 "=-- co,~;".o,-- ~O~~Ad~' ~',~~"~;O~'O~:;t~i:;;::~ll0i~e~:~.n~i,'~~~;'0~n~_~~ "0' beM I'led. ;~7l~e Recoz:.~ed tor Appro_~1 -1~ikrs ].flo7 Cno"mo~, """nn;"'l ond Zoning Com....i.s;on C.tyof Coppell. Te'<l' ~< l.l<lyO( City 0' Coppetl. Te<Q. /.~~ O~t@ DO;;- ",-noO? T~e _ ~nd."i~Md, tl(~ City S.ereto'y 10 fn~ C;ly ef Coppel!. TU<ls hE"'by ce<hI~~,~ ~:~t s~~"",:~~g~:~t.:ep~~:~ o~o~~~,~e o~ t~~~o~o~ ~~ 01 ~f~;~~l:~:0~~i;::~:j:?;:;i:~;t:::~~~:;;~~i:~;:i:;;:, lhereof by .;qn;ng ";./"er ""m~ 0' ~~,~i~ obo~~ subscribed W't~... my nond \h;S~dey Of~___, "'.0 r::r../.~ all -_ C,tySec'el C:\y ,,1 ~1I. Te.os ~OL ~- 50 25 0 50 SCAl.EINrEfT 1"~~O' -- UNf TABlE BlARif'lC LE"'C~H _N~17'OO"( 19~,78 " NOI-17'OO"[ U NBl'l.4J'OO~ 4202' " N811'~3'00'W ~2 02' S88'O'00"~_ ~ '" S88'4]'00-E ~6 02' e< SOI-17'OO'W t8578 N88'43'OO-"" N8B'~3'00'W ~69 78 ~SO 76 NOI"17'OO"E ~12 ~6 SB8'~3'00"E ~1 Ell;' N88.~3'OO"w S01'17'OO"W 7J426' 1~~ 10' -.- '" ~--. 'W'" '''''' .- ."~ DElTA RAO'US TANGENT LENGTH CHOR08RC CHORD " 90'1)()'00" 5400' 5~_OO' 8482' N~S42'&O"W 76.}7' " 90'00'00" JO.OO' ",o<r "7_1]' N~S4j'~J'W 42_43' u 5,Y07'48" \5_00' 2782' N62'09'06'W 2683' " 5S07'~6. 15,00' 27,82' ::::~~::~ ~ u 161 ~'Jl" .000' 5.71' 1135' 11.31' " ~3'O7'48" JOOO' 1~_OO 27.82' S2rs.o'54"W 26_8J " 9{T00-00" 30,00' JO.OO' 47.12' S~S~3'0~:n ~2 ~J " 9IHXl'OO' 30.00 3000' ~7_12' N46'ltOO"( ~2_43 " '10"00'00" 30,00' 30_00' 47_12' ~~6'17'OO"E "'2.3' ,'0 89'59'56" 5~,OO' 5~_~~ 84,82' ''4016'~8"E 76_37' CO, 106-02'08 ~O.OO' ~J, 12' 740..} N88-36'\6"W 6J_91 ~ ~~'20" 30,00' H,9]' 27,70 S6~'~9'50"W m~ 70'20'50- 54.00 J80~' 6630' S56"OS'31"W 62_21 CO< ~~;:: 30_00' 19.44' 3~,51' S58'19'5~ "W 32_6J ----c15 JO.OO 1507 27,9'" N62'02'2~"W 26,9~ COO 1029'03" ~O_OO' 5.79 11.51' N~S36'lrW 11_~ ~ ~~" JO.OO' 1~.00 2782' ~:~~~:%~ !~ '" 9{T00'00" "'.00 '17_12 m 89.59....7" ".00' 30_00 ~ 7_12 S~J'~2'~3"E 3~27 '" JO_OO' 47.12' N~S~J'OO"W ~2~J' '" JO_OO' .713 ~~~..::',~:~ ~ m 09"OO'~0" 494_00' 38_9~' 77,72 m Or06'27" .70_00' 29,19' 5830' N071~'16"( 5827 '" 85'29'30" "'''' 2773' ....76. "~8'..}2'1~"E .0,72 m 8g'~9'.5" 3000' JO,OO' .7_12' S~S~2'~J"E ~~-.~3.: m 09'01'19" ~70_00' 37_08 7.,01' N05'~7'~O"( ~ en 01'15'.32" "'94_00' 5,4J 10.85' SO"5~'46"W m 89'57'18" 30.01' 3007' ...712' S~S"'J'OO"( ~2,"'3 C," 89'5~j'H" 5~OO' 54CIO 85_82' S.)'42'55"E' :~~ '''' 06'56'10" ~2977' 2605 5203' SO...~'05"W 52.00 LOT 1 R, BLOCK A OF THE SHAKE AND SHINGLE ADDITION BEING A REPLAT OF TRACT 1 OF THE SHAKE AND SHINGLE ADDITION OWNER: KATHY AND ROBERT INGLE 200 E. BELTlINE ROAD COPPEll, TX 75019 PH, (972) 393-0227 FAX: (972) 462-9518 AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF COPPELL, MCKINNEY AND WILLIAMS SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1054, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS PREPARED BY: HENNESSEY ENGINEERING, INC. 1417 W. MAIN STREET, 1100 CARROLLTON. TX 75006 PH, (972) 245-9478 FAX: (972) 245-7087 PDI 218 1I 'I ~ .J I' .l ,~ it- .', J, ~I.J.>::.. ,:,I<.-'J:i,-" . , .. - ~ -'