RP filed w/County 030409 ::::~~~----------------------- ~hoirll1on. Plonning;6Pd Zoning Commission City of" Coppell. I T+ :~~~~------------------------------ City of Coppell, Tx The unders igned, the City Secretary of the City of Coppel!, Texas, hereby cert if ies that the forego ing reRlq~ of PET~~N ADDITION to the City of Coppel! was submitted to the City Council on the Ja":.-day of J_l'.L~____ I 2008, and the Council, by formal action. then and there accepted the dedication of streets, illeys. parks, easements, public places. and water and sewer lines, as shown and set forth in and upon said plat, and said Council further authorized the Mayor to note the acceptance thereof by sign ing h is name as here inabove subscr ibed . ~~T.~ _S_~~ H~jJ~=~O~_~~---' 200~ ~ I Y S creta , City of Coppell, Texas 7 NOTEI DRIVEWAY ACCESS FROM SANDY LAKE ROAD SHALL BE LIMITED TO ONE DRIVEWAY AND SHALL BE LOCATED IN THE PLATTED ACCESS EASEMENT. THE EASEMENT SHALL BE PAVED WITH 24 FEET OF CONCRETE TO FIRE LANE STANDARDS. A TREE RETRIBUTION PLAN MUST BE PREPARED AND SUBMITTED TO THE CITY FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE BY THE COUNTY, AND A TREE REMOVAL PERMIT SHALL BE REQUIRED PRIOR TO THE REMOVAL OF ANY PROTECTED TREES. THE HOA DRAINAGE EASEMENT AND ALL RELATED DRAINAGE FACILITIES WITHIN SAID EASEMENT ARE TO BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOME OWNER'S ASSOCIATION. THE ACCESS 8 FIRE LANE EASEMENT AND PAVING WITHIN SAID EASEMENT SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOME OWNER'S ASSOCIATION. A MINIMUM OF THREE OFFSTREET PARKING PLACES MUST BE PROVIDED BY EACH LOT. THESE PARKING SPACES MAY NOT BE LOCATED IN THE FIRE LANE/ACCESS EASEMENT BUT MUST BE ACCESSIBLE FROM THE EASEMENT. THE LOCATION OF THE PARKING SPACES SHALL BE ACCOMMODA TED FOR WITHIN A CIRCULAR DRIVE AND MUST BE SHOWN WHEN APPLYING FOR A BUILDING PERMIT. LOT IXR IS TO BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOA. PREVIOUS ACCESS 8 FIRE LANE EASEMENTS TO BE ABANDONED BY THIS PLAT. _LLl:R>L~ Date WHEREAS NANCY J. PETTERSON is the sole owner of Lots I through 4 and Lot IX I Block A of the PETTERSON ADDITION I an addition to the City of Coppell as recorded in Document # 20070090356, of the Map Records of Dallas County, Texas, sa id tract be ing more part icularly descr ibed by metes and bounds as follows I 53 PROJECT LOCATION UMMER PLACE DITION VOLUME 86115, P~GE 923 ZONED PD- 48 OWNER'S CERTIFICATE 54 55 56 j~*-~~$ Dote , I FOUND 1/2' C.I.R.F. I KMR RPLS 5668 I EAST 177 .4 ' :~ 11.92' ~ - - 94.91' I~ I r _ _ _ _ 2~ S~ 8 WL ESMT--.l by~is~ot.L U6-' I I 30 ,IFRONT rARO fTB~t'K en Lot 4 R -l I ~ I 3 23,6/4 sf I I I 0.54 "" I w I <-d I \ I I gl~ 8 I \ I U~LN 7 I 0.( l : I _oL8fOlI ~ 10' X 10' UTILITY ESMT. Vol. 99/38, Page 00010 P.R.D.C.T. BEGINNING at a 1/2 inch iron rod found in the North line of Sandy Lake Road. a 75' R.O. W. at this point, said point being in the East line COTTONWOOD ESTATES ADDITION. an Addition to the City of Coppell, Dallas County. Texas as recorded in Volume 78225. Page 23 of the Map Records of Dallas County . Texas, THENCE North 00 degrees 04 minutes 33 seconds East I along the East line of said COTTONWOOD EST A TES, a distance of 500.00 feet to a 1/2 inch capped iron rod found stamped ' KMR RPLS 5668' for the most northerly Southwest corner of SUMMER PLACE ADDITION I an Addit ion to the City of Coppell, Dallas County I Texas as recorded in Volume 86115, Page 923 of the Map Records of Dallas County . Texas, THENCE East. along the south line of said SUMMER PLACE ADDITION I a distance of 177 .42 feet to a saw cut ' X' in concrete found for the po int of curvature of a curve to the right hav ing a radius of 20.00 feet and a central angle of 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds, THENCE along said curve to the right an arc distance of 31.42 feet to a sawcut ' X' in concrete found for the point of tangency, said point being in the most Southerly West line of said SUMMER PLACE ADDITION, 28.11' N t , XI FOUND ,0. o ~ ... o o o Q 60 I MIN. FF = 485. ~ r - 1/2' C.I.R.F. , KMR RPLS 5668 I 1/2' C.I.R.F. , KMR RPLS 5668' 82.48' THENCE South, along the West line of said SUMMER PLACE ADDITION I an distance of 480.00 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for corner in the North line of said Sandy Lake Road, <J I r"l - -L-I<L! J \~ Lr 0 t 3R 62 THENCE West, along the North I ine of sa id Sandy Lake Road, 0 distance of 198.08 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 98 I 787 square feet or 2.268 acres of land. VICINITY MAP f- I z W I~' cj/ f-<t~ I ~~%, / w0 (/) I I a5~;E ~ ( ~~~ R- I E\ I > <t ,~ I - , I o f- I I \ I ~ _ :3' FRON U I g! I IDSEJIlA :2' I ~:E I , ,~~ I UJ l() I I I I (\J I I I I /2# ~I G: J.:- 0' fRo T I Q) Cf ~ I reA !C/)aa I I C/)C/)CI) 1f:j~tE I I I,~~~ I I j;' I~ -J I I I bGJ I ~ I;; ;:J 'I I-J EAST 197.89' 126.77 ' SCALE: III = 2000' f-- o _J 23, 7/8 sf 0.54oc NOW. THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS I N zr0 o~ - w g ~ 63 <ro...~ w _, UL.()o <r = 0... ~(.Q 0...0){} W O:::wz ~ ~ 8 64 2~ ~o (f)> 1M^'. ff =~~486.~g 'rBt;'~.~ A I THA T I NANCY J. PETTERSON does hereby adopt this final plot desigtlOting the herein above descr ibed property as Lots IR, 2R. 3R. 4R I and IXR I Block A, PETTERSON ADDITION, an addit ion to the City of Coppell. Dallas County I Texas and does hereby dedicate to the City of Coppell and pub I ic use forever the streets and easements shown hereon. The easements shown hereon being reserved for the purposes as indicated. o o 01 ~I 1/2' C.I.R.F. I KMR RPLS 56681 , /',. /' "I ,'/', I (, . ~,', ---j~~~:.:.L_~:.!.~__~_S.i4-!___C.'-_ - NANCY J. PETTERSON 3/41 I.R.F. (MIN. FF = 487 ~7t 66 NOTE: NO FRONT FACING GARAGE DOORS PERMITTED. ~ L- o f-- 1") o C'-J o <( LLJ C') , C'J UJCi~ ~ I <f -LL r--: LD (j) UJ C'~ wNo COw o r~ "7' o L.LJ C) 9 :; f'~ <~ Z :=::> 1/2' C.I.R.F. e) -l , KMR RPLS 5668' f--Q f-- .....> o (J /-14-',6 f Date 65 BEFORE Me, the unders igned author ity, a notary publ ic I on th is day personally appeared NANCY J. PETTERSON I known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the some in the capacity therein stated and for the purposes and considerations herein stated. ! ;' t1- ' ' GIVEN UNDER MY H~ND AND SEAL OF OFFICE. this the_______day of _~:_'_~~ :3.008: .;/ ~ _ I /::~._-:__u__-=-~--=--=---=-~ - -' "'--'AAJESH LAKHAN' j / ,,~~J_______y---"-' -'- 1 o;.1:.V ~~~ t ry PubliC - - - - - - ="'-c-." -:: -:::- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -'!'1f(f; s;;,~: OF T~::2S09 ~ My Comm. ExP. ",,~Of ~ _ _,..._ _,,--.,;-r o 10 20 40 60 . 8~. C. 100 ~..J ... ..:0.,. ~ SCALE IN FEE : 1 INCH ::: 40 FEET NOTE: PARKING WITHIN PRIVATE DRIVE (FIRE LANE) IS PROHIBITED. Lot 2R PROP. 10' X 30' UTILITY ESMT. BY THIS PLAT 23, 737 sf 0.55 oc LINE TABLE - BUILDING LINE LINE LN I LN 2 LN 3 LN 4 LN 5 LN LN LN8 BEARING N90000/00' N23 007 /27~ NI00/5/26' N05023/56' N90000/00' NOOoOO/OO' N90000/00' NOI 001/50' EX ,. 10' X 10' UTILITY ESMT. Vol. 99/38 P0ge 000/0 P.R.D,C.T. 67 ~, ~ [Q( ~ ~ ~ ~ DIS T ANCE 106. 43 20.17 58.79 21.21/ 3/.90 53.00 34./1/ 93. 52 / I Floodpla in Development Perm it Appl icat ion No. has been filed with the City of Coppel! Floodpla in f I II I I~ Jl ~ '1 I~N \ 25.0' '\ I S. \ ~I\ r~ \ i\~o: ~()1\10 S:. \ I -- ~I \ I \ I ~I f I ~ Ti Warner Cable rKR~ Atmos Energy ^to II do 13.18' 1/2' C.I.R.F. , KMR RPLS 5668' Administrator on I 2008. <t I "'T , H' 1\ .e.v... I.. 1'''(- (Floodplain Administrat r ) 2-5'Q Date 68 ~- () -l \\\ '\, '" ~ Lot 1R 24, 747 sf 0.57oc , o o .nl ~I CUR VE TABLE - BUILDING LINE LMJN. FF = 190~11 LINE TABLE - ACCESS ESMT LINE CV I CV 2 CV 3 LINE LI L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 LIO LII LI2 LI3 LI4 DEL T A 18 055 /35 ' 33022/53' 15039 /22' BEARING NOoo04/33' 523007/27' E N10015/26'E N05 023/56' NOloOI/50' N88 058 '10' NO/oOI/50' N90000/00' NOOoOO/OO' N90000/00' N05 023/56' NlooI5/26'E 523007/27' E 500004'33' BEFORE Me, the unders igned author ity. a notary publ ic I on th is day personally appeared Michael B. H. Davis I known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the some in the capacity therein stated and for the purposes and cons iderat ions here in stated. Ct tk GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE. this theJ_!..~__day of -1ljlJI.!~.t--. 2008. c~s. H,tI ,.' , "" ------ (" ------~-----------------------,- '~ " ~,;;;:=-1 · · ~~~Gku ~ -:::::=:J q-s-- D-f Date RADIUS 142. 00 58.00 542.00 TANGENT 23.67/ 17. 39 / 74.52 LENGTH 46.9/ 33. 79 / 148. 10 CHORD BEARING N13039'40' N06026/01' N02 025 '45' CHORD 46.69 33. 32 / 147.64 LN I 15.01 SIDE YARD EAST 198.06' 69 POINT OF BEGINNING -l ~ 1.5.00' ~ ... IQ 1/2' I.R.F. DIS T ANCE 26.80 12.86 58.79 4.05 48.77 24 . 00 48.77 21.29/ 28.00 17. 75 / 3.63/ 58.79 27.48 12 . 15 / , O'J rt') C\J It) SANDY /LAKE t -t t--- ~ ROAlD O'l O'l '-----..---,~, t -_... It -It t REPLAT OF LOTS 1-4, LOT 'I X BLOCK A PETTERSON ADDITION 2 .27 ACRES 4 RESIDENTIAL LOTS, I HOA LOT LOCATED IN GEORGE W. JACK SURVEY, A-694 CITY OF COPPELL, DALLAS COUNTY, TfJ<AS CONFORMED COpy _,\ " 't :', Common Area 2 :r~,~~i O~;L PUBLIC RECORDS . tH.' . \ John F, Warren County Clerk Dallas County TEXAS March 04, 2009 01:45:21 PM FEE: $33,00 200900063608 CUR VE TABLE - ACCESS ESMT SF-7 LINE DEL T A TANGENT RADIUS LENGTH CHORD BEARING CHORD MIDDLE ORDINA TE DEGREE OF CURVE CI 23012/00' 17.761 86.50 ' 35.03/ Nlr' 31/27' W 34. 79 ' 1.77/ 66014 //6' C2 33022/53' 33.58/ 112. 00 ' 65.25 / S06026/01'E 64 . 33 / 4.72 ' 5/009/25' C3 15039/22' 67. 09 ' 488.00 133.35/ S02025 /45' W 132 . 93 / 4.55 ' 1/044 /27' C4 5023/56' 40.64 862.00 81.23/ S02041/58'E 8 I . 20 1 0.96' 6038 /49 ' C5 1001'50' 7.75/ 862.00 /5.51/ S00030 /55' W 15.51/ 0.03 ' 6038/49' C6 0012/41' 1.55/ 838.00 3.09/ NOo055/30'E 3.09/ 0.00 6050/14' C7 90049/10' 30.43/ 30.00 47. 55 1 S44 035 /25' E 42. 73 ' 8.94 ' 190059 /09' C8 95023/56' 32. 97 / 30.00' 49. 95 ' N42018/02'E 44.38 ' 9.81 I 190059 '09' C9 15039/22' 70.39 ' 512. 00 ' 139.90 ' N02025/45'E 139.471 4.77' 1/ 0 /I /26 ' CIO 33022/53' 26. 39 I 88.00 51.27/ N06026 /01' ~ 50.55/ 3.71/ 65006/32' CII 23012/00' 23.30/ 1/3.50 / 45. 96 1 S1I031/27'E 45.64 2.321 50028/51' CI2 90000/00' 20.00' 20.00 31.42 / S45000/00'E 28.28 / 5.86' 286028/44 ' Forest Cove Phuse 2 Vol. 980.32 Page 'j 0 DRDCT SURVEYED B~. ALPHA LAND SURVEYING, 969 Elkin Lane Roanoke, Texas 76262-4941 Tel. 817-614-8017 Fax: 817-337-9712 OWNED & DEVELOPED B~. NANCY J. PEITERSON 440 LEISURE LANE Coppell, Texas 75019 TEL: (214) 288-2295 FAX: (972) 853-9060 PREPARED BY: 200 Rufe Snow Drive North Suite 120 Keller I TX 76248 Tel. 817.379.1225 K ELL I E Fax. 817.379.1244 INC. JULY 2008 ENGINEERING.. INC.